Is there any trial period limitation in firebase because i've recieved this message from google
Dear Developer,
Your Google Cloud project sky-prints was shut down on 2019-12-22T10:36:53+00:00.
Shut-down projects and the data stored in them may be recovered for a limited time before the projects are permanently deleted. If you’d like to recover your project, you must cancel the project’s permanent deletion before 2020-01-21T10:36:53+00:00.
To recover your shut-down project:
Visit the Resources pending deletion page.
Select the project you want to recover, and click Restore.
In the confirmation dialog, click Restore.
If you take no action by 2020-01-21T10:36:53+00:00, you will be unable to recover your project.
If you have any questions, please visit Google Cloud Platform Resource Manager Documentation or contact Google Cloud Platform Support.
I cant understand this
Firebase has different pricing plans, which define the range of the products you can use and their limits.
The email you received, however, is related to the project deletion - once your project is shut down, you have 30 days to restore it.
As stated in the email, in case of that particular project, you can cancel its permanent deletion before 2020-01-21T10:36:53+00:00.
There is no such trial period limitation you are using the Firebase Spark plan. You can add up to 5 projects, but if you are using further Firebase product then that depends.
However, this email is related to project you have deleted recently. You can add a new project or recover the existing with 30 days if you wish to.
About 2 weeks ago, I found that my GCP project (using YouTube API) is being suspended for violating Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy by circumventing quota restrictions via multiple projects acting as one.
I've deleted all other projects and submitted an appeal for 12 days ago, but the main project is still locked and no response from Google support.
I just keep receiving 2 emails from Google system when I submit an appeal again:
Thank you for your follow up. A member of our team will review the appeal for your Google Cloud Project and get back to you within two business days.
We have recently detected your Google Cloud / APIs Projects have been circumventing our quota restrictions via multiple projects acting as one and appears to be violating YouTube API Terms of Service (III.D.1.c).
You can fix the problem by taking the following steps:
Consolidate your projects behind one single project ID and delete the remaining projects
Once you've completed step 1, sign in to your remaining active project and submit an appeal
How can I solve the problem?
Thank you.
You have to wait and check constantly your email for any requested information from the Google side. Try to be as detailed as you can and try to provide as much evidence as possible. This process sometimes can take some time to be reviewed. If you have submitted an appeal, you just can wait and keep monitoring your mail. On the other hand, you can create a new Project.
I am using a Custom Domain for a Google Application project. I have multiple projects and I use the same domain for each, although only one mapping is active at any time. Historically this has been as simple as Verifying the domain on the latest project and then Adding the domain. The domain has then automatically switched to the new project.
I have not used this approach for some months and when I tried it recently I got the messages is already mapped to a project. is already mapped to a project.
Research on StackOverflow suggests the use of the following command
gcloud beta app domain-mappings create
This does look the right thing to do, unfortunately the response to the command is:
ERROR: ( App [aaaaaa] is the subject of a conflict: Domain '' is already mapped to another application. You must delete the existing domain mapping before you can re-map the domain, or you may specify 'DomainOverrideStrategy.OVERRIDE' on the request to force overwrite the existing mapping. Domain '' is currently mapped to an application on which you do not have permissions.
I do not want to use the delete approach since there will be a gap in service before the re-map. I would like to use the OVERRIDE option but I cannot work out how to add it to the gcloud command and I cannot locate any documentation.
Update 6Nov17.
In the absence of an answer I have used the delete approach and it worked as expected. The re-map was possible immediately after the mapping was deleted for the current app. Unfortunately for some users access to the web page was not possible, or error messages were returned, for a while. After about 10-15 minutes normal service was resumed. For my web site a gap of 10-15 minutes is manageable. This will not be true for many sites and I anticipate that Google Cloud will tidy up this procedure before it exits Beta.
If for some reason it is not possible to access the current app to delete the mapping then I guess deleting the app's subdomain information at the domain registrar will have the same effect, although it may be difficult to predict when the delete of the associated mapping will happen.
On the plus site the new automatic SSL provision worked flawlessly.
Short of paying $150/month so I can actually submit a ticket, what can I do to get Google's attention? I've seen other people get help for what appears to be the exact same issue.
I uploaded a new (small) app to Google App Engine (GAE), and the Applications Settings page shows an error under Cloud Integration ("An error occurred when creating the project. Please retry").
I've retried over a period of days, but it tries for a while, then reports another failure. I've asked questions of StackOverflow, and in the GAE issues forum, to no response.
Try to get hold of the people from Google Developer relations here, in the relevant Google+ communities or on Google groups.
If it can bring you any comfort: paying the $150 does not help you much - we have the subscription.
If you have a second Google Apps domain, replicate the issue by switching domains and recreating the project from scratch. Then if the error occurs again, post that it occurs in 2 or more accounts with separate domains. This should help show this is not a one off error and requires investigation.
If it does not occur in the second domain, save your data, delete your project and recreate with a different project name and number.
I'd like to disable user access to my app so that I can perform a schema migration. I've looked into a few possibilities and found possible shortcomings:
Disable datastore writes - I'd rather just bring my whole application down so that people do not see any errors, etc. Also, I assume disabling writes will prevent me from performing the migration.
Disable the application - It's not clear to me that this would disable it only for my users, leaving me unable to perform the migration. I am also unsure of the disable/enable turnaround time.
Redirect my domain name to a temporary page - my app would still be accessible on
Upload a new version of my app that doesn't respond to requests other than to direct to a "temporarily down" page.
Any suggestions?
Suggestion number 4 seems like probably the best way to do this. Some frameworks have a "maintenance mode" in which all incoming requests would be redirected to a page indicating the site is down due to maintenance. If your framework doesn't support such a mode, you can just upload a new version of your app (maybe call the version maintenance) and switch to that as your new default version. This version could be an empty app in which all incoming requests are turned to a "maintenance page" indicating the site is down for maintenance. Then manually go to the version of your app with the migration code and execute it (http://<version>.<appname> Switch your apps default version to the new version with the new schema when you're done with the migration.
Explanation of your other ideas
Disabling writes would prevent even you from making writes on the application. I believe this was more meant for migrating from one app to another or other applications of "freezing" the datastore.
Disable the application would bring the app down entirely
Redirecting your domain would inflict a DNS lag on your migration, something that can take 48 hours to fully propagate each way (switching to the temporary page, then switching back to the new version)
As aforementioned, IMHO this would be the best way to do it.
Is it not possible to use both schema's, and use a new version of your app to migrate, which only uses the new schema. In this way you can always fall back to your old version.
By the way. Because the datastore is schema-less, It was always possible for me to change the "schema", without bringing the app down.
Go to GCP > App engine > Settings > Disable application.
You can sure enable your application ay any time.
If you disable this app, a few things will happen:
The app will stop serving
All data and state will be saved
Billing charges will still incur when applicable
Your task queues will continue to run. They can be paused in the Cloud Tasks UI
Is it possible to delete an GAE application after it has been created?
I made a mistake while typing the name and now have a dummy application that I haven't been able to remove.
With the new Google Cloud console, you can still disable GAE applications as before (App Engine --> Settings --> Disable). They cannot currently be deleted. However you can delete the entire project by going to IAM --> Settings --> Shut Down. This button is in the header and a bit tricky to spot. It looks like this:
As of AppEngine SDK 1.2.6 it's possible to delete apps completely. But beware, the app-id won't be usable again.
As most of the answers are outdated or contradictive and this is an important question I decided to clarify current possible solutions when intending to delete an application in Google App Engine or having related issues.
Currently, there is no way to delete an existing app in GAE. Once created it cannot be removed, nor its initial settings can be changed (like the region where it was deployed). The only possible workaround is starting a new project and deploying a new application. There were feature requests in Google Issue Tracker regarding these issues: deleting an app and changing zone/region. You can still delete the whole project as described in Steve Armstrong's answer, but bear in mind that this will remove everything you created there (like GCE, GKE etc.), not only GAE.
However, it all depends on why you would like to delete your app. If you would simply like to stop it from serving requests or you don't want it to incur further costs, you can disable the app as described in the GCP docs here.
This feature is already logged, please star it:
To disable /delete your application:
In the Administration Console, click your application to make it the active application.
Click Application Settings on the left side under Administration.
Click Disable Application.
Click Disable Application Now.
If you want to delete your app:
If billing is enabled for your app, disable billing. You aren't allowed to delete before you do this.
Click Request Permanent Deletion. The application will be deleted in approximately 72 hours.
To re-enable your disabled application, click Re-Enable Application.
There currently isn't a way to delete a GAE application.
Beyond disabling the App Engine application you can:
Disable it's API permission under APIs & Services
Remove the App Engine related files from Storage
Delete App Engine permissions under IAM & Admin
Delete the App Engine Service account
This will freeze all App Engine related billing charges for the undeletable disabled App engine application. At least it worked for me :)
I was evaluating if we could use AppEngine and ran the standard tutorial which created a test app for me under my the default project. When I tried to delete the App I was shocked that it can't be done ! The only way is to delete the project which would delete all other GKE and any other services under that account.
After a bunch of research and calling product support of Google this what they suggested: To upgrade to Silver Support for 150$/month and send them an email to delete the app.
Here is the chat session with Google Support. If you were considering using Google AppEngine I would think again.
This issue has been fixed; see the docs here:
Carlos, you're right that the issue has been fixed, and I up-voted you for that. However, your link is a little outdated and an updated link is listed below.
open ,select the project(or application) to be deleted,then click delete
I wanted to delete some legacy Google App Engine applications I made years ago, but when I tried to delete them from the new Google Cloud Platform (like this: I kept getting "You do not have permission" errors. The solution I found was to sign up for a free trial of Google Cloud Platform, then I was able to delete them.
I couldn't find to delete the default app-engine, however if you navigate to App Engine > Settings , there is a button to Disable it and it stop serving. when you click on the button type the project name in the prompt.