Empty array setState using push method in React - arrays

I try to push a specific string called mendatory1 and mendatory2 in the empty array in the state.
class SignUp extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.states = {
box1: false,
box2: false,
box3: false,
box4: false,
agreeBox: []
- Code in image here:
When the onClick event occurs SingleClicked function activates and it changes the input checked value from false to true which means the checkbox type of input is ticked.
At this time, I want to update the state of an empty array by using setState!
SingleClicked = e => {
if (e.target.className === "serviceTerm") {
box1: !this.state.box1,
agreeBox: !this.state.box1
? this.state.agreeBox.push("mendatory1")
: this.state.agreeBox
if (e.target.className === "InfoSecurity") {
if (e.target.className === "PromotionSms") {
if (e.target.className === "PromotionMail") {
- Code in image here:
If I click the other checkbox, the onClick event function 'SingleClicked' will call 'SecondClicked' function which will change the value of the input checked from false to true.
Here, I gave the same logic code, but it makes the error when the onClick event occurs:

Your error stems from the first time you set your state. The main issue is with:
The .push() does two things, it adds "mendatory1" to your agreeBox array, and then returns the length of the array with the added string. You then proceed to set your agreeBox property equal to this number.
So, when you try and push into agreeBox again, it is actually a number, not an array. To fix this, you can use .concat() instead of .push(). This won't modify agreeBox in-place like .push() does, but instead, it returns a new array which you can set in setState():

You are trying to mutate array state directly and it's cosing the error.
You can update the state easily using the spread operator. This can be in your SingleClicked function:
const agreeBox = !this.state.box1 ?
[...this.state.agreeBox, 'mendatory2'] : [...this.state.agreeBox];
box1: !this.state.box1,


Modal popping up at the wrong time due to state

So I have two modals that I am using one of them was already implemented and behaves as expected however when I've added the other modal depending on the condition of if there is any true value when mapping over the array the way it works right now both modals show when there is a true value. I think this is because there are multiple false values returned from my .includes() function before the true appears. I think a good solution for this would be to make an array of all the values returned when I run .includes() on the entries then I can check that array for any true values but I cant seem to get the values into an array. When I try and push them into an array they just all push into their own separate arrays. This may be the wrong approach if it is can you explain what a better approach would be:
const checkPending = () => {
entries.map(descriptions => {
const desc = descriptions.description
//check if there are any pending tests
const check = desc.includes("pending")
//if the check returns true show the pending modal if it doesnt set the other modal to true
if(check === true){
onClick={() => checkPending()}
className={`${styles.headerButton} mr-2`}
Add File
<Plus />
setShowModal & setShowPendingM are both passed from a parent component as props. They are both initialized as false. The most straightforward question I can pose is is there any way to say if there are any true values returned from .includes then do something even if there are false values present
I think this is how your checkingPending method should look like.
const checkPending = () => {
let pending = false;
entries.forEach((descriptions) => {
const desc = descriptions.description
pending = true;
if(pending) {
} else {
Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Conditional dropdowns with react-select in react-final-form initialized from the state

I'm using react-select and react-final-form for conditional dropdowns, where options for the second select are provided by a <PickOptions/> component based on the value of the first select (thanks to this SO answer).
Here is the component:
/** Changes options and clears field B when field A changes */
const PickOptions = ({ a, b, optionsMap, children }) => {
const aField = useField(a, { subscription: { value: 1 } });
const bField = useField(b, { subscription: {} });
const aValue = aField.input.value.value;
const changeB = bField.input.onChange;
const [options, setOptions] = React.useState(optionsMap[aValue]);
React.useEffect(() => {
changeB(undefined); // clear B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
return children(options || []);
It clears the second select when the value of the first one changes by changeB(undefined). I've also set the second select to the first option in an array by passing initialValue. As I need to initialize the values from the state, I ended up with the following code:
this.state.data.options[index] &&
? this.state.data.options[index]
: options.filter(
option => option.type === "option"
But it doesn't work. Initial values from the state are not being passed to the fields rendered by <PickOptions/>. If I delete changeB(undefined) from the component, the values are passed but then the input value of the second select is not updated, when the value of the first select changes (even though the options have been updated). Here is the link to my codesandbox.
How can I fix it?
I was able to get this to work by taking everything that is mapped by the fields.map() section and wrapping it in it's own component to ensure that each of them have separate states. Then I just put the changeB(undefined) function in the return call of the useEffect hook to clear the secondary selects after the user selects a different option for the first select like so:
React.useEffect(() => {
return function cleanup() {
changeB(undefined) // clear B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
You can see how it works in this sandbox: React Final Form - Clear Secondary Selects.
To change the secondary select fields, you will need to pass an extra prop to PickOptions for the type of option the array corresponds to. I also subscribe and keep track of the previous bValue to check if it exists in the current bValueSet array. If it exists, we leave it alone, otherwise we update it with the first value in its corresponding optionType array.
// subscibe to keep track of previous bValue
const bFieldSubscription = useField(b, { subscription: { value: 1 } })
const bValue = bFieldSubscription.input.value.value
React.useEffect(() => {
if (optionsMap[aValue]) {
// set of bValues defined in array
const bValueSet = optionsMap[aValue].filter(x => x.type === optionType);
// if the previous bValue does not exist in the current bValueSet then changeB
if (!bValueSet.some(x => x.value === bValue)) {
changeB(bValueSet[0]); // change B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
Here is the sandbox for that method: React Final Form - Update Secondary Selects.
I also changed your class component into a functional because it was easier for me to see and test what was going on but it this method should also work with your class component.
Based on the previous answer I ended up with the following code in my component:
// subscibe to keep track of aField has been changed
const aFieldSubscription = useField(a, { subscription: { dirty: 1 } });
React.useEffect(() => {
if (optionsMap[aValue]) {
// set of bValues defined in array
const bValueSet = optionsMap[aValue].filter(x => x.type === optionType);
if (aFieldSubscription.meta.dirty) {
changeB(bValueSet[0]); // change B
}, [aValue, changeB, optionsMap]);
This way it checks whether the aField has been changed by the user, and if it's true it sets the value of the bField to the first option in an array.

Mapping over function that sets state in react

I use the function changeCheck to check and uncheck specific components.
When I use the function, it works correctly.
this.props.team is a list of all of the teams.
The goal of changeAllTeams is to be able to check and uncheck all of the teams that have a specific league.
In this example I want to change all of the teams that have a league acronym of NFL:
this.state = {
checked: [],
checkedTeams: [],
teamObject: [],
queryString: [],
accordionStatus: [true, true, true]
changeAllTeams = (leagueType) => {
(v, i) => {
if(v.league.acronym === 'NFL'){
this.changeCheck(i, v.team_name, v)
console.log('checked', this.state.checked)
console.log('team object', this.state.teamObject)
console.log('props team object', this.props.teamObject)
this.props.changeLeagues(this.props.league, this.props.checkedLeagues, this.state.checkedTeams, this.state.queryString, this.state.teamObject, this.state.checked)
changeCheck = (index, name, teamObject) => {
//updates checked team state
this.state.checkedTeams[this.state.checkedTeams.length] = name
this.setState({ checkedTeams: [...this.state.checkedTeams] })
//sets team object with new team object
this.state.teamObject[this.state.teamObject.length] = teamObject
this.setState({ teamObject: this.state.teamObject })
} else {
newChecked = this.state.checkedTeams.filter(v => { return v !== name})
this.setState({ checkedTeams: newChecked })
//removes team object and sets new state
newObjectChecked = this.state.teamObject.filter(v => { return v.team_name !== teamObject.team_name})
this.setState({ teamObject: newObjectChecked })
//updates checkbox for specific space
this.state.checked[index] = !this.state.checked[index]
this.setState({ checked: this.state.checked })
When I map over the array in changeAllTeams, only the last object in the array takes effect.
The state for checked updates for everything, but the state for checkedTeams and teamObject does not.
This video may help to understand further:
This is the structure of the objects in this.props.team:
I don't have your code but I'm pretty sure that the problem is that you didn't provide a unique id for each item (remember that it's most of the time a bad idea to use map index for your items). The thing that you should do is to give each item a unique key and call the function based on that id.
There are a few places where you mutate the contents of this.state. That could cause React to be unable to detect changes in the state because the new and old state are referencing the same object. I would recommend that you don't mutate any state and instead create clones of the data object before passing the new data to setState()

Update nth item in array in state in parent from child in React?

In my top level component I have a function to update state. I pass this down to different child elements so that they can update my main state.
In my top level component:
updateValue(item, value) {
this.setState({[item]: parseInt(value)});
This has worked so far however now I need to update the nth item in an array.
My top level state is like this:
this.state = {
chosenExercises: [
'Bench press',
'Pull up'
And in my child component Im trying to do something like:
this.props.updateValue('chosenExercises'[1], 'New exercise');
So that my state would then be:
this.state = {
chosenExercises: [
'Bench press',
'New exercise',
'Pull up'
Am I going about this the correct way? Or should my state be key value pairs?
this.state = {
chosenExercises: {
0: 'Bench press',
1: 'New exercise',
2: 'Pull up'
This would potentially solve some of my problems of making the exercises easier to target but Im not sure which is best practice.
Since the chosenExercises can be multiple it makes sense to make it as an array, however you need to update your state differently. Instead of passing the index of the array element to update, you should actually make a copy of the array, update it in the child element and then send the updated array to the parent.
You could do something like:
In Child:
updateValue = (item, index, value) => {
let newValue = [...this.props[item].slice(0, index), value, ...this.props[item].slice(index + 1)];
this.props.updateValue(item, newValue);
The thing with this is that your state has to remain immutable so you have to provide a new Array to update in your state. So you'll end up with something like:
this.updateValue('chosenExercises', 1, 'New exercise');
updateValue(item, index, value) {
const newArray = this.state[item].slice();
newArray[index] = value;
this.setState({ [item]: newArray });
The array.slice() function creates a new Array, in which you update the value by its index. Afterwards you update your component state with the new array.
If you happen to do this more often, React created an immutability helper for these things. You can read more about it here. This would let you do something like:
import update from 'react-addons-update';
[item]: update(this.state[item], {[index]: {$set: value } })
It can be done with this in the top level component:
updateValue(item, value, options) {
if (options.isChosenExercises === true) {
this.setState((prevState) => {
let newchosenExercises = prevState.chosenExercises.slice();
newchosenExercises[item] = value;
return {chosenExercises: newchosenExercises};
} else {
this.setState({[item]: parseInt(value)});
For normal uses pass an empty object as the last parameter:
this.props.updateValue('setLength', e.target.value, {})}
But when you want to update the exercise array pass an object with isExercises set to true.
chooseThisExercise() {
this.props.updateValue(numberInTheArrayToChange, newExercise, {isChosenExercises: true});

setState not updating when set to boolean

I have the following method in a react component:
handleCheckBoxClick() {
var checkbox = document.getElementById("boldCheckbox").checked;
this.setState({ischecked : checkbox});
if(this.state.ischecked) {
} else {
but if I change the if statement to:
if(checkbox) {
} else {
it works fine but I can't figure out why the first way doesn't work.
The method setState() is asynchronous, and updates are often batched together. In your case, ischecked is updated together with the weight, so when you set the weight you still refer to the old value.
One solution is to use setState()'s callback that will be called after the state is updated.
Note: to get the checkbox checked state, use the event object e passed to the handler instead of querying the DOM.
var checked = e.target.checked;
this.setState({ischecked : checked}, function() {
A better solution is to update both properties because you know if the checkbox is checked:
var checked = e.target.checked;
ischecked : checked,
weight: checked ? 'bold' : 'normal'
Thats cause this.setState({ isChecked : checkbox }); has not finished before you ask it in the if statement.
