How to disable variables multi-coloring in KDevelop? - kdevelop

Is there any way to force KDevelop to use only a single color for all variables?

Open Settings -> Configure KDevelop..., select Language Support tab, move Local colorization intensity slider to the left.


How to set cursor hotspot with TailwindCSS

I want to use a custom image for my cursor with tailwind, however I need to set the hotspot to the center of the image, and I can't figure out how to properly add coordinates to specify where the hotspot should go.
Is this possible?
Note: I don't want to do this in the theme as I will change the cursor based on user input, and will also need to change the hotspot.
This can be done by using an arbitrary css value.
Make sure that the coordinates are separated with underscores instead of whitespace otherwise it won't work.
Arbitrary Properties

How to turn off or close debugging mode in VS-Code

I turned on debugging mode in my VS Code and now want to turn it off, but can't work out how.
I have this floating menu:
And my bottom toolbar is still orange:
How do I revert to my old set up? (I've seen on other posts that people want to hide the floating menu, but I think I want to just switch debugging back off if possible?)
For turn of debug on vs code .
On the floating menu click on end(Red color rectangular block).
Not the solution I expected or wanted, but I disabled the debugger via my extension panel:
And then disabled the extension and had to reload VS Code for the change to take effect:
I has done the trick but seems like a faffy way of achieving switching it back off again.
"Disable Source Mapped Stepping" might be what you are trying to achieve. Less resources are used, when disabled.

How to change the border color in DB-Visualizer?

I am using DB-Visualizer 9.2.10 and I want to change the border color of the editor but I don't see any border option to change. Below image shows the options colors and borders but in my pro version I don't see this option. Is there any other way to accomplish the same.
You should be able to change the border by going to Tools -> Properties.
You can either select one of the predefined styles or specify a small image file to use for the border.
You should also be able to change it by going to Database -> Connections

How do I change the size of the text in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2017? [duplicate]

In SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer - How to increase Font Size?
From the tool --> Options --> Fonts & Colors we can change fonts for many windows. There is a drop down 'Show Settings For' where we can changes font for text in many area's but I'm not sure how to change the font for the Object Explorer. I thought it would be the tools window drop down selection but that didn't effect the Object Explorer. Any help is appreciated.
You can't change the font of the Object Explorer on it's own but you can change it.
Go to "Tools/Options/Fonts and Colors"
Under the "Show settings for:" dropdown choose "Environment font"
Set the font/fontsize to whatever you want (I use 12 pt Segoe UI)
Click "OK"
Restart SSMS
Using SSMS 2016, it will set use the font and size settings under "Environment Font" in object explorer (and in all menus etc) on restart of SSMS. Screen shot showing setting panel and result
Sometimes I like larger fonts, they help me see clearly and avoid mistakes when reading all the tons of text and data.
My alternatives for not being able to change the font in Object Explorer:
Windows 7 has a Magnifier.
Add a Filter when finding a specific table among the many tables in a database. Right click on Tables --> Filter.
In SSMS-17, Once you have navigated to Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors, Select Environment Font from the Show settings for. Then the Font will need to be set to a different Font before the Size of the text can be changed. The Automatic default Font setting prevents the Size from being changed.
Snip: SSMS-17 Before changes are made
Snip: SSMS-17 After changes are made
This is a known issue, and will not be fixed at this time.
currently there is no option but you can vote for this to be added into future versions here:
change grid result font
Go to "Tools/Options/Fonts and Colors"
Under the "Show settings for:" dropdown choose "grid results"
Set the font/fontsize to whatever you want (I use 12 pt Segoe UI)
Click "OK"
I had a similar issue where the sql connection box was really tiny. I tried using all the different font sizes for environment but nothing would fix the connection box size. What did fix it was a computer restart. All fonts went back to normal.
To increase the output of the print or select function, go to Options > Fonts and colors > Show settings for:, select Grid Results and change the field Size to a default of 7.

Is there a way to center file on cursor like Emacs Ctrl-L, but in IntelliJ?

Is there a way to center file on cursor like Emacs Ctrl+L, but in IntelliJ? I'd like to better scroll through a file with IntelliJ. When I reach the bottom of the viewable screen I'd like to hotkey Ctrl+L to center the file with the cursor in the middle of the screen.
Use Ctrl+M to scroll to center. M = middle.
You can set it as you like just go to File ->Settings ->IDE settings ->keymap -> then set your shortcut.
To move to the beginning/end of a file, use ctrl+home/ctrl+end on Windows/Unix
or command-home and command-end on the Mac
On my windows in set the shortcuts to
crtl+m -> to scroll to middle of the file
crtl+up -> to scroll to up
crtl+down -> to scroll to down
As of 1st of March 2019
In IntelliJ idea | Android Studio
Go to setting File -> Settings ->IDE settings -> keymap
Search for "center" and set shortcut
here is the screenshot
