Making a graph from a file with values in WPF - wpf

Is there a way you can plot a graph/chart with WPF, I have a file with values, so I want the output to look like this:
This XAML code:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Lines}" Margin="44,102,40,205" Grid.RowSpan="2">
<Canvas Background="White"/>
<Line X1="{Binding From.X}" Y1="{Binding From.Y}"
X2="{Binding To.X}" Y2="{Binding To.Y}"
Stroke="DarkGray" StrokeThickness="3"/>
My ViewModel that should have all of the implementation drawing a graph:
My idea was to have a collection of lines, but I then froze, and couldn't implement a good solution.
I would read values from a txt file, but I do not know how should I pass them so they can be drawn on the graph.
public ObservableCollection<Line> Lines { get; private set; }
Lines = new ObservableCollection<Line>
// I would add new lines here
I have no experience when it comes to plotting graphs, so every advice would be a huge help to me

I don't think this is possible with just a simple use of the built-in controls in WPF, as you are trying to do. You need a custom control to actually render a usable chart. And take it from someone who has actually written a WPF line chart control from scratch: it's a real project. There are a lot of moving parts and things to consider.
Unless you really needed a super custom or proprietary implementation, you'd be far better off going with one of the libraries that have already been written. A quick google search for "WPF chart library" gives you a number of results. A free option that I've personally used is LiveCharts
That being said, if you really need to make your own, here are some points I had to cover in creating mine:
A function to return a "scale" (what numeric values are represented by the top and bottom of the graph), given the input of all the values that need to be displayed.
A function that, given the scale, returns a physical Y coordinate for a given chart value (e.g. "20" should be displayed 95 pixels above the bottom of the graph)
A Grid or other Panel to lay out separate areas for the title, legend, x axis, y axis (or axes, because you could potentially support more than one) and of course the plot area.
A function that determines the actual physical size of the plot area so you can physically scale (not the same as the scale mentioned earlier) the plot to fit inside the control. Don't forget that the size of the axes and other surrounding elements will have to be considered- even though they might not be drawn yet.
A method (or separate methods, which is how I did it) to draw each of axes and the lines. I used a Canvas, TextBlocks, PolyLines and Polygons (for markers).
(If you want to be professional) a method for calculating the overlap between marker labels and moving them apart so they're readable.


WPF item panel that keeps aspect ratio

I have an ItemsControl which may contain an arbitrary number of items (unknown at design time). Each of these items is basically represented as an infinitely-scalable image with a fixed aspect ratio (ie. the image will draw itself in whatever space is given to it -- it does not dictate its own size except that the aspect ratio must be preserved). The aspect ratio for each item might differ but is usually the same.
I want to:
Draw a border around each image, ideally of uniform thickness regardless of image scaling.
Draw each image as large as possible within the window, while maintaining its order, aspect ratio, and margins external to the border.
At least two of the four sides of an image must always touch the invisible boundaries of the cell it is within. The other two sides should be centred if not touching. (Assuming that some sort of uniform cell layout is used.)
Not overlap or clip any images.
Automatically re-layout as the containing window is resized.
Waste the minimum amount of non-image space.
Cope as well as possible if the aspect ratios of the items differ. (But it's ok if this increases the wasted space of other items, as long as they rescale to fit the result.)
The general consensus that I've found seems to be to wrap each image in a Stretch.Uniform Viewbox, and then put those into a UniformGrid. I've tried that approach but it doesn't appeal to me because:
Given two items, the UniformGrid always wants to create a 2x2 grid layout even when the window shape would make a 2x1 or 1x2 grid more suitable, which results in over-scaling and wasted space.
If I put the Border within the Viewbox then it scales the border thickness. If I put it outside then it distorts the aspect ratio.
Is there a better way to do this? (Note that the "image" is actually my own custom-draw FrameworkElement, so I can put custom measure/arrange code in here or in a custom container panel if it will help.)
<Rectangle Fill="Red" Margin="4" Width="500" Height="281.25" />
<Rectangle Fill="Blue" Margin="4" Width="500" Height="281.25" />
Here's a simple example. Put this into a window, then try resizing the window. The rectangles change size to fit the window (good), but they also change shape/aspect (bad), and they stop resizing once the window is sufficiently large (bad). Also it leaves space for an entire 2x2 grid even when the window itself is sized such that 1x2 or 2x1 would work better.
<Viewbox Stretch="Uniform" Margin="4"><Rectangle Fill="Red" Width="500" Height="281.25" /></Viewbox>
<Viewbox Stretch="Uniform" Margin="4"><Rectangle Fill="Blue" Width="500" Height="281.25" /></Viewbox>
This works marginally better in that the rectangles continue to stretch when the window gets large, and they no longer distort their shape, but there's still the needless second row when the window is wide or second column when the window is narrow. And I would prefer that the elements line up from the top left (like a WrapPanel) rather than centering, but that's a minor detail.
(And now try adding a Border, both inside and outside of the Viewbox, and see what I mean there.)
Actually a WrapPanel almost does what I want, except that it auto-sizes the items too large when the window gets smaller.

How do I create a vertical text block without using an ItemsControl?

Alright, trying this again. All I want is to rotate a text block, nothing tricky. And I don't want to do it using an ItemsControl because it will require using a control for each and every letter, which is way too expensive for my needs.
Despite the controversy if it's a duplicate or not, there may be a way to achieve vertical text on a very low level, involving a GlyphRun. I haven't tested that in detail, but what i know is, you would have to
create a GlyphRun with the IsSideways property set to true, meaning
all character will be rotated 90° counter-clockwise,
get a DrawingContext and push (via PushTransform) a 90° clockwise RotateTransform onto it,
draw the GlyphRun to the DrawingContext.
A simple way to get an appropriate DrawingContext would be to override UIElement.OnRender.
Note: GlyphRun's constructor has 13 arguments, but the last 6 may be null :-)
<TextBlock Width="7" HorizontalAlignment="Left">

Strategy for implementing a complex curve editor with XAML/WPF

I want to implement a rather complex CurveEditor that has to support the usual requirements like:
freely scalable and moveable axis
different interpolation types per curve point (Linear, Cubic, Spline)
Tangents (joined and broken)
Selecting one or several points to edit (move, scale, delete) via Fence or Click
Only show handles and highlights for selected curve points
I don't want to manipulate actual WPF curves but an existing model with key/value/tangents sets and sample the precise shape of the curve from our implementation.
I already gathered some experience on implementing custom UserControls and Templates. But I want to make sure, I don't miss any apparent solution. I planned to have this general XAML-tree:
CurveEditor - Window holding all content
MainThumb : Enable dragging and scaling the editor range
XAxis : UserControl rending some scale on the left side
YAxis : UserControl rending some scale on the bottom
Curves : Canvas holding the curves
Curve : UserControl for a single curve
CurveName - Label of the curve
CurveLine - DrawingVisual that will render the actual curve by sampling the internal implementation of the spline function.
CurveEditPoints - Canvas that holds all edit points
CurveEditPoint - UserControl for a single edit point
LeftTangent - UserControl for the left tangent handle
LeftTangentThumb - For modifying the handle
RightTangent - UserControl for the right tangent handle
RightTangentThumb - For modifying the handle
CurvePointCenter - Visualisation of the actual point, select state and interpolation type.
CurvePointThumb - Thumb to select and drag point around
I know, this is quite a complex question and I am not asking for an actual implementation. I am interested in the following questions:
Can you recommend any tutorials or books that might help me (I already got Illustrated WPF, WPF Control Development Unleashed, and a couple of other)
Should minor elements like the Tangents be individual UserControls?
What container is best suited for hosting the individual "Curves", "EditPoints" and "Tangents". Right now, I use Canvas and Canvas.SetLeft/SetTop to position the children, but that feels "strange".
Should I use "Shapes" like Path or DrawingVisual-Classes to implement actual representation. Path is straight forward, but I am concerned about performance with hundreds of CurvePoints.
Should I use Transforms to rotate the tangents or is just fine to do some triangulation math in the code behind files?
Does the structure roughly make sense, or do you suggest a completely different approach?
you seem to have the right tools at hand, WPF Unleashed is excellent, but I guess you have that one already.
make individual UserControls in one of these cases:
you are using the same xaml all over the place (DRY)
you xaml file gets too big (get some components out)
you need to inherit from some class
this depends on how much codebehind you want.
you can, as you suggested in your comment, use an ItemsControl as a container for wherever you need selection between multiple items. so this could also be done on the level of Curves, not just on the level of points on the curve. Depending on how you want to handle drawing of the actual lines and curves you can even have an ItemsControl for those. (on a side note: you will not have virtualization out of the box though, as your items won't have a constant height)
Path is OK with hundreds of CurvePoints. If you have 10.000, I'd say you could get problems.
can't imagine how a transform should be used here, maybe inside an Adorner.
your structure looks good. you will be able to implement all of this. I will suggest though how I would do it:
first of all use MVVM.
Canvas(Background=Transparent) <= I'm not sure if standard is white, but you don't want to overlap other Curves...
Thumb(Template = Ellipse) (Name=CenterHandle) (with some Visualstates for Selection and hiding of Tangents)
Thumb(Template = Ellipse) (Name=LeftHandle)
Thumb(Template = Ellipse) (Name=RightHandle)
Line (Binding X/Y to Centerpoint and LeftHandlePoint)
Line (Binding X/Y to Centerpoint and RightHandlePoint)
I have stated to set ItemTemplate for the ListBox. You can however style the listbox however you want (I think the standard style includes a border, you might want to remove that or set bordersize=0) and set instead of ItemTemplate the ItemContainerStyle and bind to IsSelected so you have control over IsSelected from your ViewModel (look here for what I mean).
So the viewmodel looks like this:
- CurveEditorViewModel
- ObservableCollection<CurveViewModel> Curves
- CurveViewModel
- string Label
- (Point LabelPlacement)
- bool IsSelected
- ObservableCollection<CurvePointViewModel> CurvePoints
- ObservableCollection<CurvePartViewModel> CurveParts
- CurvePointViewModel
- Point Position
- bool IsSelected
- Point LeftHandle
- Point RightHandle
- CurvePartViewModel
- CurvePointViewModel StartPoint
- CurvePointViewModel EndPoint
- Path CurvePath
in here you can subscribe to CurvePointViewModel's PropertyChanged and recalculate the Path you're exposing.
I'd probably improve on it as I go but that'd be my first guess.
There are some details you might want to watch out for. eg: the style for the thumbs might be a visible circle in the middle and an invisible bigger one around that with background=transparent. that way you can have your visible circle small, but have the user use the tumb in an area around the small circle.
here is an Example for the Thumb:
<Thumb Width="8" Height="8" Cursor="Hand" Margin="-4">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Thumb">
<Ellipse Fill="Transparent" Margin="-6"/>
<Ellipse Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="2"/>
as you want to position this at a specific point on a canvas setting the Margin to minus half the width and height will place the center of the circle on that point. Furthermore, having that inner ellipse with a transparent fill and Margin of -6 you will get a 6px bigger radius around the inner (smaller) circle where you can drag the thumb.

Tiling rectangles seamlessly in WPF

I want to seamlessly tile a bunch of different-colored Rectangles in WPF. That is, I want to put a bunch of rectangles edge-to-edge, and not have gaps between them.
If everything is aligned to pixels, this works fine. But I also want to support arbitrary zoom, and ideally, I don't want to use SnapsToDevicePixels (because it would compromise quality when the image is zoomed way out). But that means my Rectangles sometimes render with gaps. For example:
<Page xmlns=""
<Canvas SnapsToDevicePixels="False">
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5"/>
<Rectangle Canvas.Left="25" Width="100" Height="100" Fill="#CFC"/>
<Rectangle Canvas.Left="125" Width="100" Height="100" Fill="#CCF"/>
If the ScaleTransform's ScaleX is 1, then the Rectangles fit together seamlessly. When it's 0.5, there's a dark gray streak between them. I understand why -- the combined semi-transparent edge pixels don't combine to be 100% opaque. But I would like a way to fix it.
I could always just make the Rectangles overlap, but I won't always know in advance what patterns they'll be in (this is for a game that will eventually support a map editor). Besides, this would cause artifacts around the overlap area when things were zoomed way in (unless I did bevel-cut angles on the underlapping portion, which is an awful lot of work, and still causes problems at corners).
Is there some way I can combine these Rectangles into a single combined "shape" that does render without internal gaps? I've played around with GeometryDrawing, which does exactly that, but then I don't see a way to paint each RectangleGeometry with a different-colored brush.
Are there any other ways to get shapes to tile seamlessly under an arbitrary transform, without resorting to SnapsToDevicePixels?
You might consider using guidelines (see GuidelineSet on MSDN) and overriding the Rectangles' OnRender methods so that their boundaries line up with the pixel boundaries of the device. WPF uses guidelines to determine whether and where to snap drawings.
Internally, it's exactly what SnapsToDevicePixels is using to ensure that objects line up with the device's pixels, but by placing guidelines manually you'll be able to control when the snapping behaviour is applied and when it is not (so when your image is zoomed all of the way out, you can avoid drawing guidelines, or only draw guidelines where your shapes lie next to other shapes, and rely on WPF's anti-aliasing to take care of the rest). You might be able to do it with an attached property so that you can apply it to any element, though if it's only one type of element (e.g. Rectangle) that you need this behaviour on, it's probably not worth the extra effort.
It seems like Microsoft is aware of this problem, too - WPF 4.0 is expected to feature Layout Rounding, which, like the version in Silverlight, rounds off non-integer values at the Render pass when layout rounding has been enabled.
I guess the gaps are not actual gaps but the stroke that is painted. When you scale it down than you just make the stroke smaller to a point where it is not visible anymore. I tried to paint the stroke in the color of the rectangle wich works just fine on any scale.
&ltPage xmlns=""
&ltCanvas SnapsToDevicePixels="False"&gt
&ltScaleTransform ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5"/&gt
&ltRectangle Canvas.Left="25" Width="100" Height="100" Fill="#CFC" Stroke="#CFC"/&gt
&ltRectangle Canvas.Left="125" Width="100" Height="100" Fill="#CCF" Stroke="#CCF"/&gt

How do you do relative positioning in WPF?

How can you relatively position elements in WPF?
The standard model is to use layout managers for everything, but what if you want to position elements (on a Canvas, for example) simply based on the position of other elements?
For example, you may want one element (say a button) to be attached the side of another (perhaps a panel) independent of the position or layout of that panel.
Anyone that's worked with engineering tools (SolidWorks, AutoCad, etc.) is familiar with this sort of relative positioning.
Forcing everything into layout managers (the different WPF Panels) does not make much sense for certain scenarios, where you don't care that elements are maintained by some parent container and you do not want the other children to be affected by a change in the layout/appearance of each other. Does WPF support this relative positioning model in any way?
Instead of putting (as in your example) a button directly on the canvas, you could put a stackpanel on the canvas, horizontally aligned, and put the two buttons in there.
Like so:
<StackPanel Canvas.Left="100" Canvas.Top="100" Orientation="Horizontal">
<Button>Button 1</Button><Button>Button 2</Button>
I think that it's quite flexible when you use more than 1 layout in a form, and you can create pretty much any configuration you want.
Good question. As far as I know, we need to have a different custom panel to get this feature. Since WPF is based on Visual Hierarchy there is no way to have this sort of Flat structure for the elements in the platform.
But Here is a trick to do this.
Place your elements in the same position and give relative displacement by using RenderTransform.TranslateTransform. This way your TranslateTransfrom's X and Y will always be relatuve to the other element.
