How to push docker images to AWS ECR using fabric8 maven plugin while pulling base images from default registry? - aws-ecr

When configurating the fabric8 maven plugin to push docker images to AWS ECR, we get an error that the "alpine:latest" image cannot be pulled.
Here the relevant part from the maven pom:
Is it possible to configure the maven fabric8 plugin to push docker images to AWS ECR while pulling from default registry?

The respective documentation can be found in the fabric8 'Registry handling' chapter of the fabric8 documentation. For all options regarding setting (push- and pull-)registries, please refer to this manual. This answer will focus on the pushing registry setup.
Instead of defining one registry for pushing and pulling (as done in the question), there are multiple push-only options:
The first option is to use the fabric8 "pushRegistry" configuration parameter to specify the AWS ECR registry:
Of course you need to replace "your_aws_id" with your account id.
Or as second option you can set the docker.push.registry system property accordingly.
A third option is to add the registry as part of the image name.
For authentication you may want to check the AWS ECR credential helper or this stackoverflow question.


Apache Karaf feature offline issue

In karaf org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file
I have added
featuresBoot = cxf-jaxws
The cxf feature could fetch and be installed when karaf started with the connection.
But it will fail without connection, how can I pre-install cxf feature?
This is likely far from most optimal solution for this (would love to hear about the better ones) but you could create offline-repository project using karaf-feature-archetype and configure karaf-maven-plugin use something like following configuration:
<!-- Feature repository paths -->
<!-- features and their artifacts + dependencies to add to offline repository-->
When packaging the project i.e with command maven clean install (in environment with online access) it'll generate offline-repository under target folder which you can copy to your offline environment and tell karaf to use it by adding it to org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.defaultRepositories in file org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg i.e file:${user.home}/offline-repository#snapshots#id=local if its located in home directory.
features.xml itself can be empty this is just to use karaf-maven-plugin not to create an actual feature repository.
Just be careful if you need to create a new version of the offline-repository to replace the old one. If the new version is missing any of the artifacts that are currently installed to karaf it can cause issues when trying to remove/uninstall them.

queue.yaml not deployed when i use mvn appengine:deploy

I updated my pom.xml to use the new mvn appengine plugin
Now when I run mvn appengine:deploy it converts my queue.xml to queue.yaml in the staging directory. However this queue configuration is not deployed.
I have tried so many ways to deploy it to google cloud but nothing worked. This setup is for my cloud endpoints project setup. The documentations do not cover this.
This is the maven plugin code i added after trying your suggestion out .
I opened a similar issue on the project board
By default, only the app.yaml file is deployed (which represents the application).
If you want (in addition, or only) the queue.yaml, or even the cron or index, you need to specify those files inside the plugin configuration.
Please remember that if you specificy certain files, the app.yaml files should be added as well. It is deployed by default only if the deployabels parameter is missing.
Playing with this parameter you can choose which files to deploy

How to set version when deploying gae java?

Since Intellij Idea IDE gae deployment plugin does not work, I have to use mvn appengine:update. It always deploy to version 1, ignoring version in appengine-web.xml.
How to set version with mvn appengine:update deployment?
Another way is, don't add anything on the app engine plugin as it is hard to changes each time the pom.xml better pass the version information from the command line, like this
mvn clean package appengine:deploy -Dapp.deploy.version=your-version-here
reference document here
You can set it via a Maven property:
PS: I'm also setting the applicationId here, you don't necessarily need that.
Add the following into the plugins section in the project pom.xml file:
Set the version in plugin property

change default port 8080 maven gae goal appengine:devserver

I'm having a problem, probably is quite simple but I did not find the solution yet.
I'm trying to launch my local GAE server (through Run-configurations of Eclipse) on a specific port (8888 in my case) but it starts only at default port 8080 and after trying with different options ... I'm not lucky
Any ideas?
Run this from the cmd line: mvn help:describe -Dcmd=appengine:devserver -Ddetail - you'll see all the available options for appengine:devserver goal.
The one that you want is:
mvn appengine:devserver -Dappengine.port=8888
The Google Plugin for eclipse (GPE) allows you to specify the port number on the second tab ('Server') in a run configuration.
If you're not using that (which you probably should be) you can configure the port in your pom directly like this:
What have you tried?
Have you tried adding the --port 8888 option to your run configuration?
If you are following the tutorial:
It seems that the documentation has changed:
Use <host> instead of <address>
Here is how you bind the host address for Docker:

Flyway Unable to instantiate jdbc driver

Just starting out with Flyway and Spring 3.0. So far, all I did was add the Flyway dependency and plugin to my pom.xml. Next, I tried running mvn flyway:status in the command line. However, it complains that it is unable to instantiate the jdbc driver (I'm using postgres).
Does anybody know what might be causing this? I'm using Springsource Tool Suite to develop my app. The postgres driver is located under WEB-INF/lib/postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
For the Maven plugin to work you must:
Add this dependency to your project (or just the plugin):
and configure the plugin like this:
You also have to provide the Postgresql jdbc drivers as a maven dependency:
