How to set version when deploying gae java? - google-app-engine

Since Intellij Idea IDE gae deployment plugin does not work, I have to use mvn appengine:update. It always deploy to version 1, ignoring version in appengine-web.xml.
How to set version with mvn appengine:update deployment?

Another way is, don't add anything on the app engine plugin as it is hard to changes each time the pom.xml better pass the version information from the command line, like this
mvn clean package appengine:deploy -Dapp.deploy.version=your-version-here
reference document here

You can set it via a Maven property:
PS: I'm also setting the applicationId here, you don't necessarily need that.

Add the following into the plugins section in the project pom.xml file:

Set the version in plugin property


queue.yaml not deployed when i use mvn appengine:deploy

I updated my pom.xml to use the new mvn appengine plugin
Now when I run mvn appengine:deploy it converts my queue.xml to queue.yaml in the staging directory. However this queue configuration is not deployed.
I have tried so many ways to deploy it to google cloud but nothing worked. This setup is for my cloud endpoints project setup. The documentations do not cover this.
This is the maven plugin code i added after trying your suggestion out .
I opened a similar issue on the project board
By default, only the app.yaml file is deployed (which represents the application).
If you want (in addition, or only) the queue.yaml, or even the cron or index, you need to specify those files inside the plugin configuration.
Please remember that if you specificy certain files, the app.yaml files should be added as well. It is deployed by default only if the deployabels parameter is missing.
Playing with this parameter you can choose which files to deploy

How to convert xml to html using allure report framework

Im using allure reporting with maven and testng
after test running I have xml.file with report result, can anyone explain me flow to convert it to html?
Add below in case you do not have this in your pom.xml.
Then, re-run your test and run this command,
mvn site -Dallure.results_pattern=allure-results
This will create a site folder under which you should get allure-maven-plugin.html. This is what you want i think.

change default port 8080 maven gae goal appengine:devserver

I'm having a problem, probably is quite simple but I did not find the solution yet.
I'm trying to launch my local GAE server (through Run-configurations of Eclipse) on a specific port (8888 in my case) but it starts only at default port 8080 and after trying with different options ... I'm not lucky
Any ideas?
Run this from the cmd line: mvn help:describe -Dcmd=appengine:devserver -Ddetail - you'll see all the available options for appengine:devserver goal.
The one that you want is:
mvn appengine:devserver -Dappengine.port=8888
The Google Plugin for eclipse (GPE) allows you to specify the port number on the second tab ('Server') in a run configuration.
If you're not using that (which you probably should be) you can configure the port in your pom directly like this:
What have you tried?
Have you tried adding the --port 8888 option to your run configuration?
If you are following the tutorial:
It seems that the documentation has changed:
Use <host> instead of <address>
Here is how you bind the host address for Docker:

Maven default compile not picking up custom plugin goal

I have written a custom plugin, then I installed it. Then I modified the pom.xml of the project from which I want to use the custom plugin. When I invoke my plugin goal directly the plugin goal is executed successfully, but when I try to mvn compile my custom plugin goal is not executed. What might be the reason?
My plugin's pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Datanucleus-enhance Maven Plugin</name>
My project using custom plugin I added following:
<!-- enhance JDO classes -->
I followed section Attaching the Mojo to the Build Lifecycle from maven guide site:
The following command successfully calls my plugin goal:
The following command does NOT successfully call my plugin goal:
mvn compile
Thanks for any inputs!
I came across this link:
How do I link a plugin execution to a phase in maven without forcing me to specify plugin on command line
So I removed <pluginManagement> tags so <plugins> appear directly under '<build>'. Then I tried 'mvn compile' from command line and it successfully called my custom plugin goal!
But when I checked pom.xml in Eclipse I saw another error referenced here How to solve “Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration” .
Since the command line is working correctly, I think this is m2e Eclipse plugin error and so I have disabled the marked by going to 'Eclipse' -> 'Window' -> 'Show View' -> 'Markers' -> right click that marker -> 'Delete'. Now Eclipse is not showing any error and command line is also working as expected. Hope this helps someone else.

maven-pmd-plugin uses only the bundled rulesets

I am using the maven-pmd-plugin on my project and this is how I have configured it
Here are the properties used in the above configuration
The problem is when I run mvn pmd:check, it gives me 8 violations -- only from the basic, unusedcode and imports. It simply doesn't use all the rules that I have listed in the custom ruleset file. I have even tried using the logging-java.xml and strings.xml directly in the ruleset without using the custom ruleset file and it still doesn't work.
When i run mvn pmd:pmd, i get a BUILD SUCCESS but the errors still show up in my target folder. Why do I get a build success here?
I solved this by simply adding the plugins in the build section along with the ones in the reporting section.
Somehow it needed to be in the as well to be able to run all the rulesets. Earlier I was under the impression that we put plugins in the build only if we want to run them during the build and deploy phase.
