JSON list shows as [ ] even if it contains objects? - arrays

I'm trying to get a list of quantities (identified as cantidad) chosen of each product (as id) to my flask controller. Since wtform didn't adapted well to my needs I had to use json and jQuery, but no matter what I do, the list of objects is seen as empty in the controller, even if in the frontend it does has something inside.
This is the JavaScript:
This function posts the order which should be a list of quantities with id assigned:
<script type="text/JavaScript">
function setPedido(order){
url: "{{url_for('main.pedido')}}",
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(order),
contentType: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
success: function(response) {
if (response.redirect) {
window.location.href = response.redirect;
When "pedido" (order) button is clicked, gets all assigned quantities and their respective product IDs:
var order = []
$(function() {
var lines = $(".btnAgregar.active")
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
'id': $(lines[i]).closest("tr").find('.btnPedido').val(),
'cantidad' : $(lines[i]).closest("tr").find('.inpCantidad').val()
This marks each quantity input as ready to order:
if($(this).val() == 0){
$(this).toggleClass('btn-info btn-success active');
This shows in the console:
And this in flask controller (notice data):

The problem was at this function, paying better attention i declared a function inside another function, wich is executed at a different scope than setPedido(order), at wich point it stills empty.
To make it worse, the console.log inside the inner function where misleading.
var order = []
$(function() {
var lines = $(".btnAgregar.active")
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
'id': $(lines[i]).closest("tr").find('.btnPedido').val(),
'cantidad' : $(lines[i]).closest("tr").find('.inpCantidad').val()
The correct way to do it is:
var order = []
var lines = $(".btnAgregar.active")
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
'id': $(lines[i]).closest("tr").find('.btnPedido').val(),
'cantidad' : $(lines[i]).closest("tr").find('.inpCantidad').val()


knockout push item to non-existing observableArray

From within a viewmodel I'm trying to dynamically push items to an observableArray. The ajax returns the data correctly.
html :
<li class="liTagulTagsChild" data-bind="click:$root.GetEmissions">/li>
var TagDetail = function (di_titre, di_diffusion) {
this.di_titre = ko.observable(di_titre);
this.di_diffusion = ko.observable(di_diffusion);
var testA = [];
this.test = ko.observableArray(testA);
this.GetEmissions = function (c, event) {
var element = event.target;
var tag_id = element.getAttribute('tag_id');
url: 'Emission/GetDetailsByTagID/',
data: {
tag_id: tag_id
success: function (result) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var tD = new TagDetail(result[i].DI_TITRE, result[i].DI_DIFFUSION);
Problem: From within the GetEmissions function I cannot push items to this.test because this.test is null (not defined).
In other words,
fails. (null reference or not defined)
A solution anyone ?
In Javascript "this" doesn't mean what you think it means. Check out How to access the correct `this` context inside a callback?

Angular nested Promise shows an error

I have 2 API calls.
The second API call depends on the Property ID returned to make the second API call to check if each of these properties has parking.
If it does, then I add details of that property to an object and push the object into an Array.
The second API call is nested inside the first. After I've looped through all the properties, I check if the Array length is more than 0, if it is then I can display the returned properties in page, else it shows an error.
The problem is even when there are properties returned with parking, the else statement or error function executes, as well as displaying properties on the page.
Is there a way to complete the nested Promise before checking if my Array is more than 0?
Here's my code:
$scope.viewPropertyList = function(latlong) {
$scope.locationError = false;
var latlongArray = latlog.split('::');
var searchLat_scope = latlongArray[0];
var searchLon_scope = latlongArray[1];
if (searchLat_scope && searchLon_scope) {
var data = Property.getAllProperties({
dest: 'property',
apikey: API_KEY,
lat: encodeURIComponent(searchLat_scope),
limit: 10,
lon: encodeURIComponent(searchLon_scope)
}).$promise.then(function(success) {
var propertyMarkers = [];
$scope.dbMarkers = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = success.property.length; i < l; i++) {
(function(i) {
dest: 'property',
propertyId: success.property[i].name,
apikey: API_KEY
}).$promise.then(function(propertyData) {
for (var j = 0, k = propertyData.services.length; j < k; j++) {
if (propertyData.services[j].name === "parking") {
var obj = {
"propertyName": success.property[i].propertyName,
"telephone": success.property[i].telephone,
"postcode": success.property[i].address.postcode,
"city": success.property[i].address.city,
"county": success.property[i].address.county,
"addressLine1": success.property[i].address.addressLine1
if (propertyMarkers.length != 0) {
$scope.dbMarkers = propertyMarkers;
$scope.selectedLat = searchLat_scope;
$scope.selectedlog = searchLon_scope;
} else {
$scope.locationErr = true;
$scope.errorMsg = "No properties found";
}, function(error) {
$scope.locationErr = true;
$scope.errorMsg = "Something went wrong, please try again";
Two main things :
there's no attempt to aggregate multiple promises generated in a loop.
the if (propertyMarkers.length > 0) {...} else {...} is too deeply nested.
Minor :
the inner iteration can break as soon as 'parking' is found. If it continued and further 'parking' was found, then duplicate markers would be created.
$scope.viewPropertyList = function(latlong) {
$scope.locationError = false;
var latlongArray = latlog.split('::');
var searchLat_scope = latlongArray[0];
var searchLon_scope = latlongArray[1];
if (searchLat_scope && searchLon_scope) {
dest: 'property',
apikey: API_KEY,
limit: 10,
lat: encodeURIComponent(searchLat_scope),
lon: encodeURIComponent(searchLon_scope)
}).$promise.then(function(success) {
var propertyMarkers = [];
$scope.dbMarkers = 0;
// create an array of promises by mapping the array `success.property`.
var promises = success.property.map(function(prop) {
return Property.getProperty({
dest: 'property',
propertyId: prop.name,
apikey: API_KEY
}).$promise.then(function(propertyData) {
for (var j=0, k=propertyData.services.length; j<k; j++) {
if (propertyData.services[j].name === 'parking') {
'propertyName': prop.propertyName,
'telephone': prop.telephone,
'postcode': prop.address.postcode,
'city': prop.address.city,
'county': prop.address.county,
'addressLine1': prop.address.addressLine1
break; // 'parking' is found - no point iterating further
/* ******** */
// Aggregate `promises`
$q.all(promises).then(function() {
// This block is now un-nested from its original position,
// and will execute when all `promises` have resolved.
if (propertyMarkers.length > 0) {
$scope.dbMarkers = propertyMarkers;
$scope.selectedLat = searchLat_scope;
$scope.selectedlog = searchLon_scope;
} else {
$scope.locationErr = true;
$scope.errorMsg = 'No parking found';
/* ******** */
}).catch(function(error) {
$scope.locationErr = true;
$scope.errorMsg = 'Something went wrong, please try again';
} else {
$scope.locationErr = true;
$scope.errorMsg = 'Problem with lat/lng data';
Notes :
that the outer iteration is now coded as success.property.map(), which returns promises and avoids the need for an IIFE.
Extra error handling added
If I got your problem right, you want all Property.getProperty promises of success.property are resolved before going to the success function to check propertyMarkers length.
In that case, you need $q.all to resolve all the Property.getProperty promises for you.
In your for (var i = 0, l = success.property.length; i < l; i++) { appends all the promises into an array
dest: 'property',
propertyId: success.property[i].name,
apikey: API_KEY
then use $q.all(arrPromises).then(function(propertyData) { to do the following check.
One more thing worth to mention, promise chaining can be easily achieved by $promise.then(successFn, failFn).then(successFn, failFn).then.... Every time you call then() will create another promise which allows you to chain to next promise and pass value to the next.

How to merge REST call results in Angular app more efficiently

I have an Angular SPA running on a SharePoint 2013 page. In the code, I'm using $q to pull data from 10 different SharePoint lists using REST and then merging them into one JSON object for use in a grid. The code runs and outputs the intended merged data but it's leaky and crashes the browser after a while.
Here's the code in the service:
factory.getGridInfo = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var list_1a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListA", "column1,column2,column3");
var list_1b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListB", "column1,column2,column3");
var list_2a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListC", "column4");
var list_2b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListD", "column4");
var list_3a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListE", "column5");
var list_3b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListF", "column5");
var list_4a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListG", "column6");
var list_4b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListH", "column6");
var list_5a = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListI", "column7");
var list_5b = CRUDFactory.getListItems("ListJ", "column7");
$q.all([list_1a, list_1b, list_2a, list_2b, list_3a, list_3b, list_4a, list_4b, list_5a, list_5b])
var results_1a = results[0].data.d.results;
var results_1b = results[1].data.d.results;
var results_2a = results[2].data.d.results;
var results_2b = results[3].data.d.results;
var results_3a = results[4].data.d.results;
var results_3b = results[5].data.d.results;
var results_4a = results[6].data.d.results;
var results_4b = results[7].data.d.results;
var results_5a = results[8].data.d.results;
var results_5b = results[9].data.d.results;
var combined_1 = results_1a.concat(results_1b);
var combined_2 = results_2a.concat(results_2b);
var combined_3 = results_3a.concat(results_3b);
var combined_4 = results_4a.concat(results_4b);
var combined_5 = results_5a.concat(results_5b);
for(var i = 0; i < combined_1.length; i++){
var currObj = combined_1[i];
currObj["column4"] = combined_2[i].column4;
currObj["column5"] = combined_3[i].column5;
currObj["column6"] = combined_4[i].column6;
currObj["column7"] = combined_5[i].column7;
factory.newObjectArray[i] = currObj;
function (error) {
return deferred.promise;
Here's the REST call in CRUDFactory:
factory.getListItems = function (listName, columns){
var webUrl = _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('"+listName+"')/items?$select="+columns+"&$top=5000";
var options = {
headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
method: 'GET',
url: webUrl
return $http(options);
And then here's the controller bit:
$scope.refreshGridData = function(){
$scope.hideLoadingGif = false;
$scope.GridData = "";
$scope.GridData = GlobalFactory.newObjectArray;
$scope.hideLoadingGif = true;
UPDATE 1: Per request, Here's the HTML (just a simple div that we're using angular-ui-grid on)
<div ui-grid="GridOptions" class="grid" ui-grid-selection ui-grid-exporter ui-grid-save-state></div>
This code starts by declaring some get calls and then uses $q.all to iterate over the calls and get the data. It then stores the results and merges them down to 5 total arrays. Then, because my list structure is proper and static, I'm able to iterate over one of the merged arrays and pull data from the other arrays into one master array that I'm assigning to factory.newObjectArray, which I'm declaring as a global in my service and using as my grid data source.
The code runs and doesn't kick any errors up but the issue is with (I believe) the "getGridInfo" function. If I don't comment out any of the REST calls, the browser uses 45 MB of data that doesn't get picked up by GC which is then compounded for each click until the session is ended or crashes. If I comment out all the calls but one, my page only uses 18.4 MB of memory, which is high but I can live with it.
So what's the deal? Do I need to destroy something somewhere? If so, what and how? Or does this relate back to the REST function I'm using?
UPDATE 2: The return result that the grid is using (the factory.newObjectArray) contains a total of 5,450 items and each item has about 80 properties after the merge. The code above is simplified and shows the pulling of a couple columns per list, but in actuality, I'm pulling 5-10 columns per list.
At the end of the day you are dealing with a lot of data, so memory problems are potentially always going to be an issue and you should probably consider whether you need to have all the data in memory.
The main goal you should probably be trying to achieve is limiting duplication of arrays, and trying to keep the memory footprint as low as possible, and freeing memory as fast as possible when you're done processing.
Please consider the following. You mention the actual number of columns being returned are more than your example so I have taken that into account.
factory.getGridInfo = function () {
var deferred = $q.defer(),
// list definitions
lists = [
{ name: 'ListA', columns: ['column1', 'column2', 'column3'] },
{ name: 'ListB', columns: ['column1', 'column2', 'column3'], combineWith: 'ListA' },
{ name: 'ListC', columns: ['column4'] },
{ name: 'ListD', columns: ['column4'], combineWith: 'ListC' },
{ name: 'ListE', columns: ['column5'] },
{ name: 'ListF', columns: ['column5'], combineWith: 'ListE' },
{ name: 'ListG', columns: ['column6'] },
{ name: 'ListH', columns: ['column6'], combineWith: 'ListG' },
{ name: 'ListI', columns: ['column7'] },
{ name: 'ListJ', columns: ['column7'], combineWith: 'ListI' },
// Combines two arrays without creating a new array, mindful of lenth limitations
combineArrays = function (a, b) {
var len = b.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i = i + 5000) {
a.unshift.apply(a, b.slice(i, i + 5000));
$q.all(lists.map(function (list) { return CRUDFactory.getListItems(list.name, list.columns.join()); }))
.then(function (results) {
var listResultMap = {}, var baseList = 'ListA';
// map our results to our list names
for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
listResultMap[lists[i].name] = results[i].data.d.results;
// loop around our lists
for(var i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
var listName = lists[i].name, combineWith = lists[i].combineWith;
if(combineWith) {
combineArrays(listResultMap[combineWith], listResultMap[listName]);
delete listResultMap[listName];
// build result
factory.newObjectArray = listResultMap[baseList].map(function(item) {
for(var i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
if(list.name !== baseList) {
for(var c = 0; c < lists[i].columns.length; c++) {
var columnName = lists[i].columns[c];
item[columnName] = listResultMap[list.name][columnName];
return item;
// clean up our remaining results
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
delete results[i].data.d.results;
delete results[i];
function (error) {
return deferred.promise;
I would suggest to add some sort of paging option... It's perhaps not a great idea to add all results to one big list.
Next i would suggest against ng-repeat or add a "track by" to the repeat function.
Check out: http://www.alexkras.com/11-tips-to-improve-angularjs-performance/
Fiddler your queries, the issue is probably rendering all the elements in the dom... Which could be kinda slow ( investigate)

$http promise not able to read data from callback

I'm trying to call a factory with $http. In a browser I check the network tab and I see that the call has come trough and that the data is there but for some reason this code:
$scope.naloziPodatke = function () {
if (typeof $scope.Obdobje_do === 'undefined' || typeof $scope.Obdobje_do === 'undefined') {
alert("Napaka. Obdobje ni nastavljeno.");
} else {
getData.gData($scope.Obdobje_od.toLocaleDateString("en-US"), $scope.Obdobje_do.toLocaleDateString("en-US")).success(function (d) {
console.log(d); $scope.data = d;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.data.d.length; i++) {
var virTasks = [];
for (var j = 0; j < $scope.data.d.SeznamVirov.length; j++) {
virTasks.push({ id: $scope.data.d[i].SeznamVirov[j].Id, subject: "", from: $scope.data.d[i].SeznamVirov[j].ObdobjeOd, to: $scope.data.d[i].SeznamVirov[j].ObdobjeDo, color: $scope.barve[colorCount], data: { id: $scope.data.d[i].SeznamVirov[j].Vir } });
id: $scope.data.d[i].Id, name: $scope.data.d[i].Naziv, tasks: virTasks
if (colorCount + 1 === barve.length) {
colorCount = 0;
} else {
Returns an error: Cannot read property 'd' of undefined.
d should be an array that .net serializer makes. It's there, browser sees it but angular does not.
You will notice that i have a console.log(d); before the for loop starts and this is the screenshot (dont get how console.log gets the data but the for loop doesnt (it's the same if i try to loop trough d or if i'm saving it's reference into $scope.data):
The service is very simple:
hermesGantt.factory('getData', ['$http', function ($http) {
return {
gData: function (obdOd, obdDo) {
return $http({ method: 'POST', url: 'index.aspx/Filtercasvir', data: { 'odObd': obdOd, 'doObd': obdDo } });
Any ideas?
You have a bug in second inner loop. Correct is:
for (var j = 0; j < $scope.data.d[i].SeznamVirov.length; j++) ...
it's not possible what you have write, data.d.something. maybe it's data[index].d[index] etc.. etc.. to let you know it, do the console.log(data) so you can see the entire response fields
seeing your image it's clear what i have said before, d is a field that has as a value an array. To access at any value you need to put the index of the elements value in the d field. take a look at the documentation for the json array, it is really use full in angularjs.

passing data to a collection in backbone

So I am trying storing product types from a json file before trying to add them to a collection but am getting some strange results (as in I dont fully understand)
on my router page i setup a variable for cached products as well as product types
cachedProductTypes: null,
productType : {},
products : {},
if (this.cachedProductTypes !== null) {
return callback(cachedProductTypes);
var self = this;
self.cachedProductTypes = data;
parseResponse : function(data) {
result = { prodTypes: [], products: [] };
var type;
var types = data.data.productTypeList;
var product;
var i = types.length;
while (type = types[--i]) {
id: type.id,
name: type.name,
longName: type.longName
// etc.
while (product = type.productList.pop()) {
product.productTypeId = type.id,
this.productType = result.prodTypes;
console.log( "dan");
this.products = result.products;
var self = this;
var productTypesArray = self.productType;
var productList=new ProductsType(productTypesArray);
var productListView=new ProductListView({collection:productList});
when a user goes to the show product types page it runs the showProductsType function
So I am passing the products type array to my collection
on the collection page
var ProductsType=Backbone.Collection.extend({
var self=this;
var tmpItem;
//fetch the data using ajax
$.each(this.productTypesArray, function(i,prodType){
tmpItem=new ProductType({id:prodType.id, name:prodType.name, longName:prodType.longName});
return ProductsType;
now this doesnt work as it this.productTypesArray is undefined if i console.log it.
(how am I supposed to get this?)
I would have thought I need to go through and add each new ProductType.
the strange bit - if I just have the code
var ProductsType=Backbone.Collection.extend({
var self=this;
var tmpItem;
//fetch the data using ajax
return ProductsType;
it actually adds the products to the collection? I guess this means I can just pass an array to the collection and do not have to add each productType?
I guess this means I can just pass an array to the collection and do not have to add each productType?
Yes, you can pass an array to the collection's constructor, and it will create the models for you.
As far as your caching code, it looks like the problem is here:
if (this.cachedProductTypes !== null) {
return callback(cachedProductTypes);
The callback statement's argument is missing this - should be return callback(this.cachedProductTypes).
