how to build an android browser that only show webpage and without menus or any buttons - mobile

I have build an responsive website with mobile menu .
So, I want to creat build an android browser that show my website in phones without app menu or any thing like buttons or bars that comes with apps, just my Web page in full screen and it's has a menu and all .
So, I want a way to build it with my zero experience of android development.
I know that is many websites that offer building a free app for your website but it still has a menus like ( about as ,setting, etc... ) .
Thanks for help

I'm not sure to actually understand you question but have you taken a look at Cordova?
It allow to build an apk from a single page website.
There are plenty of tutorials online.


Why does Google Dev Tools mobile viewer show something different than actual mobile?

I built a React site and made a full screen navigation. On Google Chrome Dev Tools mobile viewer, it shows the correct spacing but when I push to prod and look at it on my phone, the spacing disappears. Any idea what would cause this?
I honestly think maybe you can try to add more spaces. Or, add a separate pc site and a separate mobile one.

Why is my website's mobile version not working properly?

I have created a webpage using Dreamweaver and the mobile view is not showing properly on my website after uploading using Cpanel. This webpage is a practice site that my boss asked me to work on.
I have set the mobile view to trigger from 0 to 720px width. When I do live preview on my smartphone using the live preview of Dreamweaver all looks ok but when I upload the files on Cpanel and visit the actual site from my phone the mobile view does not trigger at all.
enter image description here
Here is how it looks in the actual website:
Please help. I am very new to website development and only know basic stuff.

Migrate link from mobile web browser to mobile app

I want that my online website link that is opened in my mobile browser checks whether my mobile app is installed or not and then opens it in my mobile app.
I want my functionality as I have shown in this
I am using AngularJS,Express,NodeJS in my application.I tried node deeplink
but it does not work for me.Please provide me with the appropriate solution.
This functionality is known as Mobile Deep Linking. The easiest way to get started is with a deep linking service like (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team), Yozio, or Firebase Dynamic Links. They all do exactly what you're describing.
this could Help you perhaps:
Check this

Rendering mobile simulated view inside image of mobile phone on desktop browser

I am relatively new to SO, and this is my first question so I hope I get the format & question information correct. I am looking for a plugin or tool that can assist me with a specific display issue.
I have a mobile application that is deployed to both Android and iOS devices. I also have a mobile web application that renders very much like the actual mobile application in the mobile device web browser when the user browses certain parts of the server back end cloud service website on their mobile device. So far so good.
However, when the user browses these parts of the cloud service website on a desktop/laptop, they get the web application view - some of it stretched and not ideally optimised as this is really for viewing on mobile devices. The client would like that a user, on desktop/laptop browser can see a mobile 'simulated' view of the web application.
It has to happen when the user navigates to the page, not through installing chrome plugins etc
I see the ideal solution being something like an image of a generic mobile for when browsing on desktop, centred on the desktop screen, inside of which the web app view is rendered. Is there is plugin/tool that someone out there for this, I have done quite a bit of research and can only find information on emulators for testing etc. In a way all I am looking for is an image that dynamically resizes inside of which a view can be rendered, that looks well across many desktop screen sizes/resolutions etc. Rather than go about this myself (it would be a bit of a CSS learning curve for me) it would be great if something like this already existed.
An implementation like the above would free up real estate on the screen for other items like links and form buttons the client wants
Any direction on this would be greatly appreciated.

Applying Google Analytics (GA) with Sencha Touch 2.x.x Mobile Application

I am working with sencha touch 2.2.1. i wish to implement GA in my app. But, when i tried to create an account in GA, there were 2 options Website or Mobile App . First i choosed the Mobile app. section there were only options for Android and iOS. ( they were telling to download the SDK ). So i realized that its not what i want. so i choosed the website section. But there they are asking the website name and URL. What should i do..!??? I am really trapped !!!
So kindly anyone plz help me to move on the right path.
Any useful info regarding the topic will be so much helpful !!
Thank you,
If you would like to use ga.js from an installed mobile app use this GitHub project
