How long must EDI files be archived for before purging them - archive

I am looking to understand the rules behind purging EDI data from trading partners. I am lead to believe there is rules for the amount of time data must be archived for dependent on the country.
Is there set rules for how long a company must archive EDI files for before purging the files?

Yes, It is based on the rules defined by your country. We had a customer where they had to keep the data for 7 years. We use


Should I store uploaded filename in database?

I have a database table with an autoincrement ID as primary key.
For each record of this table, I can have up to 3 files, which can be publicly available so random filename generation is not mandatory, and these files are optional.
I think I have 2 possible solutions:
Store a random generated filename in 3 nullable varchar column and store all the files in the same place:
columns: a | b | c
Don't store the filenames, but place them in specific folders and name them the same than the primary key value:
With this last solution, I know that uploads/a/1.jpg belongs to record with ID 1, and is a file of type a. But I have to check if the file exists because the files are optional.
Do you think there is a good practice in all that? Or maybe there is a better approach?
If the files you are talking about are intended to be displayed or downloaded by users (whether for visitors or for authenticated users, filtered by roles (ACL) or not), it is important to ensure (IMHO) that the user will not be able to guess other information other than the content of the concerned resource which has been sent to him. There is no perfect solution that can be applied to all cases without exception, so let's take an example to give you more explanations.
In order to enhance the security and total opacity of sensitive data, for example for the specific case of uploads/users/7/invoices/3.pdf, I think it would be wise to ensure that absolutely no one can guess the number of files that are potentially associated with the user or any other entity (because otherwise, in this example, we could imagine that there potentially are other accessible files - 1.pdf and 2.pdf). By design, we generally want to give access to files in a well defined and specific cases and context. However, this may not be the case for an image file which is intended to be seen by everyone (a profile photo, for example). That's why the context matters in some way.
If you choose to keep the auto-incremented identifiers as names to refer to your files, this can also give information about the size of the data stored in your database (/uploads/invoices/128.pdf informs that you may already have 127 invoices on your server) and potentially motivate unscrupulous people to try to reach resources that should never be fetched out of the defined context. This case may be less obvious if you choose to use some kind of unique generated identifiers (GUID).
I recommend that you read this article concerning the generation of (G)/(U)UIDs (a 128-bit hexadecimal numbers) to be stored in your database for each uploaded or created file. If you use MySQL in its latest version it is even possible to host this identifier in a binary (16) type which offers an automatic conversion to UUID, I let you read this interesting topic associated with what I refer about. It will probably output this as /uploads/invoices/b0016303-8e4f-487a-8c30-5dddf1ebf7e9.pdf which is a lot better as long as you ensure that the generated identifier is unique hash.
It does not seem useful to me here to talk about performance issues because today there are many methods for caching files or path and urls, which avoid having to make requests each time in a lot of cases where a resource is called (often ordered by their popularity rank in bigdata cases).
Last, but not least, many web and mobile platform applications (I think of Slack, Discord, Facebook, Twitter...) which store a lot of media files every day which are often associated with accounts users, both public and confidential files and information, generate a unique hash for each of them.
Twitter is using its own unique identifier string (64-bits BIGINT) generator called Twitter Snowflake which you might be interesting to read too. It is based on the UNIX epoch value which is, by definition, unique at each millisecond tick.
There isn't a global and perfect solution which can be applied for everything but I hope that this will help you as you may want to take a deeper look in this and find the "best solution" for each context and entity you'll store and link files.

How do I structure multiple Identity Data in a database

Am designing a database for a credit bureau and am seeking some guidance.
The data they receive from Banks, MFIs, Saccos, Utility companies etc comes with various types of IDs. E.g. It is perfectly legal to open a bank account with a National ID and also a Passport. Scenario One that has my head banging is that Customer1 will take a credit facility (call it loan for now) in bank1 with the passport and then go to bank2 and take another loan with their NationalID and Bank3 with their MilitaryID. Eventually when this data comes from the banks to the bureau, it would be seen as 3 different people while we know that its actually 1 person. At this point, there is nothing we can do as a bureau.
However, one way out (for now) is using the Govt registry which provides a repository which holds both passports and IDS. So once we query for this information and get a response, how do I show in the DB that Passport_X is related to NationalID_Y and MilitaryNumber_Z?
Again, a person's name could be captured in various orders states. Bank1 could do FName, LName, OName while Bank3 can do LName, FName only. How do I store this names?
Even against one ID type e.g. NationalID, you will often find misspellt names or missing names. So one NationalID in our database could end up with about 6 different names because the person's name was captured different by the various banks where he has transacted.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. We have issues with addresses, telephone numbers, etc etc.
Could you have any insight as to how I'd structure my database to ensure we capture all data from all banks and provide the most accurate information possible regarding an individual? Better yet, do you have experience with this type of setup?
how do I show in the DB that Passport_X is related to NationalID_Y and MilitaryNumber_Z?
You ahve an identity table, that has an AlternateId field if the Identity is linked to another one. Use the first IDentity you created as master. Any alternative will have AlternateId pointing to it.
You need to separate the identity from the data in it, so you can have alterante versions of it, possibly with an origin and timestampt. You need oto likely fully support versioning and tying different identities to each other as alternative, including generating a "master identity" possibly by algorithm with the "official" version of your data (i.e. consolidated).
The details are complex - mostly you ahve to make a LOT of compromises without killing performance, so at the end HIRE A SPECIALIST. There is a reason there are people out as sensior database designers or architects that have 20+ years experience finding the optimal solution given the constrints you may not even be aware of (application wise).
Better yet, do you have experience with this type of setup?
Yes. Try financial information. Stock symbols / feeds / definitions are not necessariyl compatible and vary by whom you get it. Any non-trivial setup has different data feeds that may show the same item slightly different, sometimes in error. DIfferent name, sometimes different price (example: ES, CME group, is 50 USD per point, but on TT Fix it is 5 - to make up, the price is multiplied by 10, so instad of 1000.25 you get 10002.5). THis is the same line of consolidation, and it STINKS.
Tons of code, tons of proper database design, redoing it half a dozen time to get the proper performance. THis is tricky, sadly.

Designing a database with periodic sensor data

I'm designing a PostgreSQL database that takes in readings from many sensor sources. I've done a lot of research into the design and I'm looking for some fresh input to help get me out of a rut here.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
The basic structure of the data coming in is as follows:
For each data logging device, there are several channels.
For each channel, the logger reads data and attaches it to a record with a timestamp
Different channels may have different data types, but generally a float4 will suffice.
Users should (through database functions) be able to add different value types, but this concern is secondary.
Loggers and channels will also be added through functions.
The distinguishing characteristic of this data layout is that I've got many channels associating data points to a single record with a timestamp and index number.
Now, to describe the data volume and common access patterns:
Data will be coming in for about 5 loggers, each with 48 channels, for every minute.
The total data volume in this case will be 345,600 readings per day, 126 million per year, and this data needs to be continually read for the next 10 years at least.
More loggers & channels will be added in the future, possibly from physically different types of devices but hopefully with similar storage representation.
Common access will include querying similar channel types across all loggers and joining across logger timestamps. For example, get channel1 from logger1, channel4 from logger2, and do a full outer join on logger1.time = logger2.time.
I should also mention that each logger timestamp is something that is subject to change due to time adjustment, and will be described in a different table showing the server's time reading, the logger's time reading, transmission latency, clock adjustment, and resulting adjusted clock value. This will happen for a set of logger records/timestamps depending on retrieval. This is my motivation for RecordTable below but otherwise isn't of much concern for now as long as I can reference a (logger, time, record) row from somewhere that will change the timestamps for associated data.
I have considered quite a few schema options, the most simple resembling a hybrid EAV approach where the table itself describes the attribute, since most attributes will just be a real value called "value". Here's a basic layout:
RecordTable DataValueTable
---------- --------------
[PK] id <-- [FK] record_id
[FK] logger_id [FK] channel_id
record_number value
Considering that logger_id, record_number, and logger_time are unique, I suppose I am making use of surrogate keys here but hopefully my justification of saving space is meaningful here. I have also considered adding a PK id to DataValueTable (rather than the PK being record_id and channel_id) in order to reference data values from other tables, but I am trying to resist the urge to make this model "too flexible" for now. I do, however, want to start getting data flowing soon and not have to change this part when extra features or differently-structured-data need to be added later.
At first, I was creating record tables for each logger and then value tables for each channel and describing them elsewhere (in one place), with views to connect them all, but that just felt "wrong" because I was repeating the same thing so many times. I guess I'm trying to find a happy medium between too many tables and too many rows, but partitioning the bigger data (DataValueTable) seems strange because I'd most likely be partitioning on channel_id, so each partition would have the same value for every row. Also, partitioning in that regard would require a bit of work in re-defining the check conditions in the main table every time a channel is added. Partitioning by date is only applicable to the RecordTable, which isn't really necessary considering how relatively small it will be (7200 rows per day with the 5 loggers).
I also considered using the above with partial indexes on channel_id since DataValueTable will grow very large but the set of channel ids will remain small-ish, but I am really not certain that this will scale well after many years. I have done some basic testing with mock data and the performance is only so-so, and I want it to remain exceptional as data volume grows. Also, some express concern with vacuuming and analyzing a large table, and dealing with a large number of indexes (up to 250 in this case).
On a very small side note, I will also be tracking changes to this data and allowing for annotations (e.g. a bird crapped on the sensor, so these values were adjusted/marked etc), so keep that in the back of your mind when considering the design here but it is a separate concern for now.
Some background on my experience/technical level, if it helps to see where I'm coming from: I am a CS PhD student, and I work with data/databases on a regular basis as part of my research. However, my practical experience in designing a robust database for clients (this is part of a business) that has exceptional longevity and flexible data representation is somewhat limited. I think my main problem now is I am considering all the angles of approach to this problem instead of focusing on getting it done, and I don't see a "right" solution in front of me at all.
So In conclusion, I guess these are my primary queries for you: if you've done something like this, what has worked for you? What are the benefits/drawbacks I'm not seeing of the various designs I've proposed here? How might you design something like this, given these parameters and access patterns?
I'll be happy to provide clarification/details where needed, and thanks in advance for being awesome.
It is no problem at all to provide all this in a Relational database. PostgreSQL is not enterprise class, but it is certainly one of the better freeware SQLs.
To be clear, I am not looking for help describing the sources of data or any related metadata. I am specifically trying to figure out how to best store data values (eventually of various types).
That is your biggest obstacle. Contrary to program design, which allows decomposition and isolated analysis/design of components, databases need to be designed as a single unit. Normalisation and other design techniques need to consider both the whole, and the component in context. The data, the descriptions, the metadata have to be evaluated together, not as separate parts.
Second, when you start off with surrogate keys, implying that you know the data, and how it relates to other data, it prevents you from genuine modelling of the data.
I have answered a very similar set of questions, coincidentally re very similar data. If you could read those answers first, it would save us both a lot of typing time on your question/answer.
Answer One/ID Obstacle
Answer Two/Main
Answer Three/Historical
I did something like this with seismic data for a petroleum exploration company.
My suggestion would be to store the meta-data in a database, and keep the sensor data in flat files, whatever that means for your computer's operating system.
You would have to write your own access routines if you want to modify the sensor data. Actually, you should never modify the sensor data. You should make a copy of the sensor data with the modifications so that you can show later what changes were made to the sensor data.

SQL Server: EDI to XML Data Conversion

I need to do the data conversion from EDI format to XML.
is there any step by step tutorial, links about what are the processes on data conversion?
How to convert from EDI to XML, step by step guide?
I highly appreciate your help.
That's a very complicated question.
First, the short answer: Use a commercial product (an EDI translator/mapper).
For a longer answer, there are several different EDI standards:
Several others (see the EDI link above).
There's also the question of whether the EDI is in binary or XML format. Since you're trying to convert it to XML, I'll assume the former. (If it's already in XML format, schemas are available for X12 at least.)
Parsing binary EDI is non-trivial. Dealing with other interchange requirements (such as Functional Acknowledgments), combined with the necessity of having a three-inch-thick standards book on your desk to look up all the segments and elements for one version of one standard implies favoring "buy" over "build."
EDI translators/mappers are not cheap, and there's a learning curve. When your trading partner changes versions or standards, adds documents and segments, and/or requests new documents in return, the cost pays for itself.
I'm not up to date on the current crop of software; search on "EDI translator" for some of them. I believe BizTalk has some support for this as well. Perhaps other posters can recommend one.
Like TrueWill said, it's a complicated question. Perhaps you can provide a little more detail about what you need to do. If you have a one-time conversion with just a few documents, you might be able to code your own converter. If you're in for more than that, I have to agree that you'll want to buy something. What you buy depends on your needs.
Are you processing these things real-time? There are some products that have runtime converters you can expose to the web (Mercator, StylusStuido, BizTalk, Webmethods? Not sure about that one)).
If you're dealing with EDI from multiple sources, you'll have to deal with different line lenghts, encodings, separators, versions of the standard, ways they use the standard document, acknowledgement requirements, and mistakes that the people sending you data will make that they claim they're not making.
Some of the best tutorials I've found are done by Stylus Stuido. They're specific to their product, but they do a good job of explaining things that you can apply to other products if you're using them. Their forums are pretty good too.

Database design for text revisions

This question contains some excellent coverage of how to design a database history/revision scheme for data like numbers or multiple choice fields.
However, there is not much discussion of large text fields, as often found in blog/Q&A/wiki/document type systems.
So, what would be considered good practice for storing the history of a text field in a database based editing system? Is storing it in the database even a good idea?
I develop a wiki engine and page/article revisions are stored in a database table. Each revision has a sequential revision number, while the "current" revision is marked with -1 (just to avoid NULL).
Revision text is stored as-is, not diffed or something like that.
I think that performance is not a problem because you are not likely to access older revisions very frequently.
Given the current state of HDD art, it just does not worth the effort trying to optimize text storage mechanisms: Document (ID, Name) and DocumentRevision (ID, DocumentID, Contents) tables will do the job. the ID in DocumentRevision may also serve as a "repository"-wide revision number. If this is not the behavior you want, assign a separate VersionID to each Document Revision.
Often the most sensible way of tracking the versions of a document is to keep track of the changes made to it. Then, if a particular version is requested it can be rebuilt from the current document and the partial set of changes.
So if you have a good method of describing the types of changes to a document (this will depend largely on what the document is and how it used) then by all means use a database to track the changes and therefore the versions.
