Sharing web app (spring + react) in local network - reactjs

I'd like to run in my local network ubuntu server. I have installed ubuntu on my old computer which is connected to router via ethernet cable.
The goal is to share gitlab repository where my code (java-spring, react) should be build automatically after making changes in git repo (maybe by Jenkins?) and deployed on this server. These apps I'd like to test on other computer/share this apps with my homemates.

Not much to go on in your question but here's a starting point:
In your router, set up a static IP address for your ubuntu box. If you wanted it to be accessible outside your LAN, this is where you'd configure port forwarding.
You don't actually need gitlab for this, you could do it all by installing git directly on to your server. You can never have enough practice with git.
You'll need a web server on your Ubuntu box, probably Apache or Nginx (or similar).
Here's good instructions for Nginx (my personal preference):
You'll use that to serve the directory where Jenkins or (or whatever tool) puts your built code after the git hook triggers the build.


React on remote server

I am working on a React app and trying to find a way to have it served from a local network server while I work on it, instead of localhost:3000.
The app files would be in a shared directory on the server so I could work on them from my machine. But when I npm start, the app would be accessible from the LAN and from the outside via the server.
The goal is to avoid having to build/deploy every time someone else needs to have a look at the app (which is often).
Is that even possible ?
I suggest using After you install it, npm start your react app and in another terminal type ngrok http 3000, it will then provide you with external public facing urls anyone can access.
If you're using VS Code you can use the Remote Development Extension Pack to SSH into the local network server and mount the workspace accordingly. You just need to setup the remote host (or subsequent ssh-exposed container) as an SSH server.

How to Host Laravel-Mix applciation in BigRock?

I am building one application with Laravel as back-end and React.js as front-end. How to host the application in BigRock or GoDaddy? I searched for 2 days, and found nothing related. Please HELP!!
Laravel application hosting don't need something special... just take care of these things.
php version as per the desired laravel version.
composer should be installed on server.
Some pre-dependancies check here...
Your domain should point to <application_root>/public folder.
If you are using mix make sure node should be installed.
After that..
Just clone / upload the code on server and run the desired commands like..
composer install & npm install to install the laravel dependancies & node dependancies.
As per your case you are going to host two application here. So you can follow the following approach.
Host laravel application as sub-domain like and react application on main domain.
I hope you are already fimilar with what's required for hosting react application.
For the shared hosting, you can request to enabled the shell access from hosting provider support team. Once they enabled, you'll able to run the linux command and do install by yourself.
Sometimes they could install required software for you.
All the best!

what is the best way to deploy react app in lan only

what is the best way to deploy a react web app (ex. employee database) on the local area network only? i'm using create-react-app and i'm almost done with the code but after that, i don't know what to do. it was easier to do this in php/mysql with the help of xammp. but i would like to do this using react this time. thank you
The react is already working in your local lan IP
for example your local lan ip is you and your react running port is
other PC's mobile devices laptop could already access the server in your PC via
just make sure you enable it to be allowed in your firewall usually the antivirus does not permit is so try to set enable in the firewall settings in your antivirus and windows firewall
If your app is totally static you can serve it with a web server after building. When you are done with your app first build it with:
yarn build
After this you will have all your static files in your build directory inside your project. build/static/js and build/static/css contains bundled js and css files. Those files are being attached to your index.html file. So, when you serve this directory with a web server like a regular html site, you can use your app.
By default
type npm run build
after a build is successful then,
type serve -s build
it will give you URL
use that with IP to other devices connected in the same network.

Loopback 3 & Angular 2 generation of /reset-password endpoint unrealiable

We are building an application that so far has a simple user management implementation. This question relates to the built-in password resetting functionality of Loopback v3. User management is being worked on a model derived from the built-in User, and it is called MyCustomUser
Each time code changes are pushed into a GitHub repo, we have Jenkins build a Docker container, and inside of it run npm install then lb-sdk (with suitable parameters) then ng build --env=prod and finally node .. After this happens, the application runs normally, BUT:
When performing the same deployment commands locally (on my own linux laptop), the API endpoints /MyCustomUsers/reset and /MyCustomUsers/reset-password are created (i.e. they are visible and manipulable via the Strongloop Explorer)
When the deployment is run by Jenkins in the Docker container, only one of the two API endpoints is created, /MyCustomUsers/reset. God only knows where the other endpoint, /MyCustomUsers/reset-password, ends up.
Obviously, all deployments are run against the same codebase (i.e. the same commit ID of the GitHub repo). It is bewildering how the service behaves perfectly on localhost but not on the cloud-based docker container.
Sounds like you are running two different versions of the Loopback-Angular2-SDK. From what I've understood the SDK for Angular2 is still in heavy beta and not yet ready for production. However this doesn't excuse the difference, but it really sounds like two different versions.
We are using the same build-flow as you, are your package.json identical when it comes to #mean-expert/loopback-sdk-builder?
The guys working with the SDK-generator are really good at responding in their issue-section, would recommend asking there otherwise.
It turns out that the remote docker was running node 6.9.2 and npm 3.10.9, whereas I was running node 6.10.3 and npm 3.10.10. After making the docker instance run the same versions as I had locally and deploying the package.json along with its npm-shrinkwrap.json, the endpoint was correctly generated.

How to set up my Ubuntu nodeJS server, and upload my angularJS WebSites

Does somebody know how to set up propertly websites based on angular (auto generated with yeoman) on ubuntu server?
Here is the thing, I have a project developed in angular, I generated it with yeoman (the basic example, on yeoman codelab). I can run it and see it working on my computer with "grunt serve", but I have no idea how to upload it to my server for access it from the internet.
On my ubuntu, I have installed apache2, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, and Node (i guess I do not need apache2 for all this, but I have it anyway).
I connect with putty and the command node works fine, npm works fine too.
I am searching info, but I only found how to run a service on the node (example:node test.js) but this is not the case.
But what I want to do is to upload a website (angular) for access it from the internet...
I uploaded the "app" folder (that has the index.html, styles, controllers, views, etc) of my angular website (generated with yeoman), i uploaded it on my www directory in ubuntu, but when I access angular, or styles doesn´t work.
So, the question is: Does NODE have a "www" directory (like in apache2) where I have to upload my websites (angular websites) for access it from the internet? or I have to run it with some kind of "grunt" or "node" command?
Because i can´t run it with "node index.html", and if i access it from the internet it doesn´t work either, so... what am I doing wrong?
If you have a runnable app on local then follow these steps:
Set it up on git and host on github, bitbucket or any other git hosting and connect your server via ssh and choose/make whatever directory. (Doesnt matter which direcory, I personally prefer /var/www )
Pull that repo in that directory.
Run the app using forever or some process management tool like pm2
PS: grunt is more of a developer tool than production tool. so start your app directly using node wahtever_your_server_file_is.js in forever
Also make sure whatever port you are using to run the app is open on your server.
