Multiple Select not working, only giving last clicked value - reactjs

I implemented a multiple select dropdown from react-bootstrap documentation.
It does not let me do multiple select and only gets the last clicked option. I have state variable set to array. What else am I missing? App is created with create-react-app.
I have state set to array inside the class constructor. Binding of event handler also done in the constructor.
Next, I'm showing my event handler followed by form group with onChange and value set to state. (note I have a drop-down above this which is working fine.)
I then pass this value to a few classes before it's parsed to JSON. The last pastes are those classes. I have removed other parameters so easier to read, any ideas, feel free to ask for more info.
this.state = {
codeCoverage: [],
this.handleCodeCoverageChange = this.handleCodeCoverageChange.bind(this);
//Event handlers below
<Form.Label>Please choose your desired code coverage software(s)</Form.Label>
<Form.Control as="select" value={this.state.codeCoverage} onChange={this.handleCodeCoverageChange} multiple>
<option value="">--Please choose an option--</option>
<option value="cobertura">Cobertura</option>
<option value="sonarcube">Sonarcube</option>
var configurator = new Configurator(this.state.codeCoverage)
class Configurator
this.pipeline = new Pipeline(code_coverage)
class Pipeline
this.analysisAndSecurity = new AnalysisAndSecurity(code_coverage)
class AnalysisAndSecurity{
this.code_coverage = code_coverage

In your handleChange function you assign state.codeCoverage the value of the selected element instead of adding it to the array of selected element. This is why when you select another element it deletes the old value. I would recommend logging and this.state.codeCoverage to better understand. As for the solution:
Since you are using multiple select it expects an array as value instead of a single value. So you need to change two things in your handleChange method.
First you need to add your element to existing values and not replace them.
You need to handle when a selected element is clicked again and needs to become unselected.
You can do both these tasks as shown below:
handleChange = e => {
const { codeCoverage } = this.state;
// Find the value selected the codeCoverage array
const index = codeCoverage.indexOf(;
// If the value is not found then add it to the array
if (index === -1) codeCoverage.push(;
// If value found then remove the value to unselect
else codeCoverage.splice(index, 1);
// Set the state so that the component reloads with the new value
this.setState({ codeCoverage: [...codeCoverage] });


Checkmark group of checkboxes based on array values

Forgive me there are a lot of questions asking this same thing but from over 10+ years ago.
Is there any way to checkmark a group of checkboxes based on an array in React? I have an array saved within state (stepThree) that I need to pulldown when a user returns to this screen within a multistep form. I'm looking for a way that the values within that array become/stay checked upon return to that screen so it shows the user their previous selections.
Current set-up explained below
State is opened with empty checkedBox array and stepThree initialized to pull responses later. checkedBox is eventually cloned into stepThree.
this.state = {
checkedBox: [],
stepThree: this.props.getStore().stepThree,
Boxes that are checked by the user are added to checkedBox array or removed if unchecked.
handleCheckboxChange = (event) =>{
const isChecked =; //Grab the value of the clicked checkbox
if (this.state.checkedBox.includes(isChecked)) {
// If the checked value already exists in the array remove it
} else {
// If it does not exist, add it
Validate and store the completed array on clicking next
if (Object.keys(validateNewInput).every((k) => { return validateNewInput[k] === true })) {
if (this.props.getStore().stepThreeObjects != this.state.checkedBox) { // only update store of something changed
// Store the values of checkedBox inside stepThree and run updateStore to save the responses
} else {
// Return an error
Sample checkbox
<label className="choice-contain">
<span>Checkbox Sample</span>
value="Checkbox Sample"
name="Question 3"
I've tried to create a persistCheckmark function that pulls the values of the array from stepThree and then does a comparison returning true/false like I do in the handler but since this is not an event I can't figure out how to trigger that function on return to the step.
Currently when returning to the step nothing is checked again and I believe that has to do with checkedBox being initiated as empty.
persistCheckmark(event) {
const isChecked =; //Grab the value of the clicked checkbox
if (this.state.stepThree.includes(isChecked)) {
return true;
} else {
return false
Figured it out thanks to an old post here: How do I set a group of checkboxes using values?
Just updated the filter for when the component mounts
componentDidMount() {
if (this.state.stepThree != undefined) {
var isChecked = this.state.stepThree
$('input[type="checkbox"]').filter(function() {
return $.inArray(this.value, isChecked) != -1;
}).prop('checked', true);
} else { return }
and then added a ternary in the state initiation to check the storage and copy it over so it doesn't initialize as empty every time.
checkedBox: this.props.getStore().stepThree != undefined ? this.props.getStore().stepThree : [],

React array state update

I am getting a book list from database and is stored in a state variable Book list also has book price field
const [books, setBooks]=useState([])
Each books object in the array has properties like BookName, Author , Price, Discount
I have rendered a html table like follows
return ( <div>
{,i) => ( <tr>
<td><MyCustomTextInput onChange={e => handleChange(e,} value={}></MyCustomTextInput></td>
the sample code for MyCustomTextInput is as follows
function MyCustomTextInput(props)
{ return (<div><TextInput></TextInput> </div>)
} exports default MyCustomTextInput
The code where I update the price for corresponding object in "books" array is as follows
function handleChange(x,id){
var obj = books[id];
obj.price = obj.price -; //I am correctly getting discount in
Every thing works properly except the price after discount is not reflecting on the UI. though its getting updated properly in the array but not reflecting on the UI.
any help....
Experts -
This is setting a value:
function handleChange(x, id){
var obj = books[id];
obj.price = obj.price -;
But it's not updating state. The main rule to follow here is to never mutate state directly. The result of bending that rule here is that this update never tells React to re-render the component. And any re-render triggered anywhere else is going to clobber the value you updated here since state was never updated.
You need to call setBooks to update the state. For example:
function handleChange(x, id){
setBooks( => === id ? { ...b, price: b.price - parseFloat( } : b
What's essentially happening here is that you take the existing array in state and use .map() to project it to a new array. In that projection you look for the record with the matching id and create the new version of that record, all other records are projected as-is. This new array (the result of .map()) is then set as the new updated state.
There are of course other ways to construct the new array. You could grab the array element and update it the way you already are and then combine it with a spread of the result of a .filter to build the new array. Any construction which makes sense to you would work fine. The main point is that you need to construct a new array and set that as the new state value.
This will trigger React to re-render the component and the newly updated state will be reflected in the render.
You need to setBooks to update state books.
function handleChange(x, id) {
setBooks( => === id ? { ...item, price: item.price - parseFloat( } : item,
To achieve that, you need to call setBooks after changing the price within handleChange method to re-render the component with the newly updated state.
It's simply like the following:
function handleChange(x,id){
var obj = books[id];
obj.price = obj.price -; //I am correctly getting discount in

setState with array from onChange of <select> avoid the change of the <select> label

TL;DR: calling this.setState to update an array avoid the change of a < select > label with the selected < option >
I am building an array of options like that (dd is for drop down):
let ddUsers = ( => <option key={uuid.v4()} value={user.key}>{}</option>))
Then here is my select:
<select onChange={this.handleFilter}>{ddUsers}</select>
This works perfectly: it appears first with the first option and is able to display the others.
Here is my onChange function: handleFilter
handleFilter = (event) => {
let selectedUsers;
console.log(, this.state.DEFAULT_KEY)
if ( === this.state.DEFAULT_KEY) {
selectedUsers = [...this.state.users];
} else {
selectedUsers = (this.state.users.filter(user => user.key ===;
// this.setState({selected: selectedUsers}); <-- The problem comes from this line (looks like atleast)
Now with the commented last line, the label of the select correctly update to the selected options. But when I uncomment this line, the function is called, this.state.selected is updated BUT the select is blocked on the 1st option.
Is that clear? What am I missing?
In fact: just calling setState in the function avoid the correct change
This is because you are setting the key of option to dynamic value which gets updated every time. Try to use a know and unique one as the key. Code such as below
<option key={user.key} value={user.key}>
This ensures, you have unique key and also is predictable.

How to check dynamically rendered checkboxes

I'm rendering some checkboxes dynamically, but currently I'm only able to check the first box, and all other boxes operate the first one. How do I get the boxes to work independently of each other?
This is typescript in React. I've tried changing the interface I'm referencing in the function, thinking I was referencing the wrong thing, but none of those worked.
This is the function:
handleCheckboxClick = (entitlement: IApiEntitlements, checked: boolean): void => {
if (checked === true) {
} else {
const index: number = this.selectedEntitlementIDs.indexOf(;
this.selectedEntitlementIDs.splice(index, 1);
let entitlementChecked: IEntitlementChecked = this.state.entitlementChecked;
entitlementChecked[] = checked;
let selectAll: boolean = false;
if (this.selectedEntitlementIDs.length === this.state.responses.apiResponses.apiClients.length) {
selectAll = true;
entitlementChecked: entitlementChecked,
selectAll: selectAll
console.log(this.selectedEntitlementIDs, 'hi');
console.log(entitlementChecked, 'hello');
And this is where it's being called:
return (
I expect each checkbox to be able to be checked, but currently on the first one works, and all others check or uncheck that first one.
You shouldn't keep an array as a property on the class that keeps track of selected items, this isn't tied to the React lifecycle and could potentially not update the view when you want to. Instead you should just use your map (entitlementChecked) you already have to determine if something is checked or not.
handleCheckboxClick(id) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
entitlementChecked: {
[id]: !prevState.entitlementChecked[id]
When calling the handler method, you can just pass the id through that you need specifically.
Here's a rudimentary example for more detail :)

How to update dynamic changing fields of json objects using React setState?

I have an object that its fields change dynamically, e.g.,
var Obj = {f1:"", f2:""} or var Obj = {f1:"", f2:"", f3:"" } etc
An input field appears dynamically on screen for every field of the object.
I want to set the state of the object with the values that users enter in each field. How can I do this? I have tried the following code but it doesn't always works correctly.
for (var key in this.state.Obj) {
if (this.state.Obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Obj: update(this.state.Obj, {[key]: {$set: window.$('[name='+key+']')[0].value}}),
As mentioned, you should use an onChange on whatever input fields you need. You could do something like:
onChange={(e) => {
// Make sure you keep values from other fields
var object = this.state.Obj;
// Modify the value on the object
object.f1 =;
// Update the state
this.setState({ Obj: object });
