pmd maven plugin does not respect - maven-plugin

I have maven project with multiple modules, the structure is like this:
-- module1
-- module2
in my parent pom.xml i added pmd plugin:
and in i include all files that i want to exclude from cpd-check as comma separated strings.
but as I run mvn clean compile, it still scan those excluded files and complained about duplication. seems that excludeFromFailureFile doesn't work at all, I eventually had to use excludes to exclude files from pmd check and cpd check but that's not ideal. anyone knows how to get excludeFromFailureFile working?
working pom.xml:

I think you are misunderstanding the flags.
The excludeFromFailureFile is literally that: do not fail the build if violations are reported on these files. The files are still analyzed, but if only those files and no other have violations, the build still passes (if other files have violations the build still fails). This is not even a PMD feature, but something the Maven plugin bakes in.
It's not an "exclude from analysis", to do that you have the excludes configuration as you use on your second example.

The other good idea is using #SuppressWarnings("CPD-START") and #SuppressWarnings("CPD-END") to ignore all java code within these two annotations by CPD, e.g.:
//enable suppression (start)
public Object shouldBeIgnoredFromHere(String any) throws Exception {
// any code here will be ignored for the duplication detection
//disable suppression (end)
public void shouldBeIgnoredToHere() {
Read suppression chapter:


Maven cxf plugin logging

I'm using the Apache cxf maven plugin (v3.3.0) to successfully to generate java wrappers.
However, the output from the maven build contains thousands of DEBUG logging lines from the wsdl2java which I am unable to remove. Is there an extraarg or other way to silence the process so I get just a success (or possibly failure) message?
<!--Some Web Service -->
It appears that under Java 9+ the plugin forces code generation in a forked JVM regardless of the default being documented as false and regardless of any explicit configuration of this option. The plugin execution doesn't see any logging configuration from the project. CXF is logging using java.util.logging and any log down to FINER severity gets printed to the console.
I solved this by providing an explicit path to a logging configuration file to the forked JVM using the plugin's additionalJvmArgs configuration option:
The system property for Logback (as in my case) is logback.configurationFile. For Log4j that would be log4j.configurationFile.
In the logging configuration file the following loggers can be added (Logback):
<!-- entries below silence excessive logging from cxf-codegen-plugin -->
<logger name="org.apache.cxf" level="info"/>
<logger name="org.apache.velocity" level="info"/>
This way the plugin execution will still print to the console all warnings and errors, but all the repetitive debug information goes away. The drawback is that you need to have such a logging configuration file visible in each of your projects. But then, you probably should have one anyway. The same one as for (unit) tests can often be used.
Sorry for not getting into the root solutions, but adding this in my dependencies help:
or put following in plugin execution helps too except for velocity logs
Hope this would give a hints for someone to come out with a much proper solution.
Using maven-3.8.4 and cxf-codegen-plugin:3.5.1:wsdl2java, I've reduced log level with:
More details here: Apache CXF

How to use real jar names in manifest classpath using maven-jar-plugin/maven-war-plugin

For some reason my client needs my artifacts without version in their names (MyArtifact.jar instead of MyArtifact-1.23.345.jar)
Therefor I added this configuration to my parent pom:
This works as expected, meaning that I get jars of the child projects without versions generated in target folder.
One of my jars is an executable jar which depends on the others. Currently I have the maven-jar-plugin configured for that subproject:
The problem is that this generated classpath contains absolute paths to the artifacts on my PC.
Therefore I added the <prefix> tag to the configuration:
But then the generated classpath includes the version numbers of the jars.
How can I omit the version numbers and the absolute paths in the classpath?
Problem is: I only want to remove Version numbers from my own artifacts, not from third party libs.
To remove the version from copied dependencies, you can use the stripVersion option of the maven-dependency-plugin.
In the aggregator pom use the dependency:copy-dependencies to copy your jars to some intermediate location.
For you internal dependencies use <stripVersion>true</stripVersion>.
For you 3rd party libraries use <stripVersion>false</stripVersion>.
You may in-/exclude artifacts based on the group id.
For more detail you may look here.
This is to explain how the finalname works.
finalName: This is the name of the bundled project when it is finally built
(sans the file extension, for example: my-project-1.0.jar). It defaults to
${artifactId}-${version}. The term "finalName" is kind of a misnomer,
however, as plugins that build the bundled project have every right to
ignore/modify this name (but they usually do NOT). For example, if the
maven-jar-plugin is configured to give a jar a classifier of test, then the
actual jar defined above will be built as my-project-1.0-test.jar.
Basically it includes almost always the version in your .jar.
In the version (2.6 >), in the <configuration> it allows you to specify the <fileNameMapping>no-version</fileNameMapping>.
The jar plugin alone is able to compute and write the manifest classpath.
This produces a working jar with the desired name

Maven default compile not picking up custom plugin goal

I have written a custom plugin, then I installed it. Then I modified the pom.xml of the project from which I want to use the custom plugin. When I invoke my plugin goal directly the plugin goal is executed successfully, but when I try to mvn compile my custom plugin goal is not executed. What might be the reason?
My plugin's pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Datanucleus-enhance Maven Plugin</name>
My project using custom plugin I added following:
<!-- enhance JDO classes -->
I followed section Attaching the Mojo to the Build Lifecycle from maven guide site:
The following command successfully calls my plugin goal:
The following command does NOT successfully call my plugin goal:
mvn compile
Thanks for any inputs!
I came across this link:
How do I link a plugin execution to a phase in maven without forcing me to specify plugin on command line
So I removed <pluginManagement> tags so <plugins> appear directly under '<build>'. Then I tried 'mvn compile' from command line and it successfully called my custom plugin goal!
But when I checked pom.xml in Eclipse I saw another error referenced here How to solve “Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration” .
Since the command line is working correctly, I think this is m2e Eclipse plugin error and so I have disabled the marked by going to 'Eclipse' -> 'Window' -> 'Show View' -> 'Markers' -> right click that marker -> 'Delete'. Now Eclipse is not showing any error and command line is also working as expected. Hope this helps someone else.

Maven Cobertura plugin not generating coverage.xml

I am trying to generate a coverage.xml so that I can reference it in Cobertura plugin of Hudson, but the file is not being created.
I've added the following to my POM
After running mvn cobertura:cobertura, the HTML site is generated as expected at **\target\site\cobertura, but coverage.xml is nowhere to be found. What am I missing/misunderstanding?
I am running Maven 3.0.3
Add below lines to your application Goals:(configure section of the application in jenkins)
pom.xml changes:
I put the plugin in the build section and it works:
The reporting section and its differences to the plugin section are described here. I don't know if this is a maven [3.0.4] or cobertura-plugin issue.
I'm still quite a novice with the connections between Maven Plugins and Hudson and it's plugins - so this isn't an intelligent answer by any means, but help on Google is very few and far between for this issue - so hopefully it helps someone in the future.
After spending a few more hours of tinkering with settings, I've found that the coverage.xml simply doesn't seem to be built locally.
This is the combination that got it working:
I had changed my version to 2.2 in my POM (I was getting resource
not found errors from Apache with 2.5.1)
Added cobertura:cobertura in my Hudson goal
Set the Cobertura coverage pattern to the
recommended **/target/site/cobertura/coverage.xml
My objective was to get Cobertura to run duing mvn test with no additional command line parameters. Here's the magic XML that did the trick for me, with both the HTML and XML being generated in /target/site/cobertura.
I had the same issue but it's resolved right now:
Just add after your maven command. It should work
I have the same issue using 2.6 of the plugin.
I found that when I specify both types, I only got html.
But when I specify only xml, I get an xml report.
This is probably a bug in the plugin.
Another user suggested creating two executions. I tried that with no success (meaning I got html, but not xml).
Update your POM file as
This worked out for me: Probable reason it contanis the latest version of cobertura-maven-plugin (2.7)
The are two ways to integrate Cobertura into Maven.
Put Cobertura into the build section of the pom file, then you have to execute mvn clean cobertura:cobertura to generate the reports. If you have XML and HTML configured, then you get both reports.
Put Cobertura into the reporting section of the pom file, then you have to execute mvn clean site to generate the reports. If you have XML and HTML configured, then you get both reports. Additionally you get a generated site (open target/site/index.html) with all reports integrated e.g. Coberture, Checkstyle, ...

maven-pmd-plugin uses only the bundled rulesets

I am using the maven-pmd-plugin on my project and this is how I have configured it
Here are the properties used in the above configuration
The problem is when I run mvn pmd:check, it gives me 8 violations -- only from the basic, unusedcode and imports. It simply doesn't use all the rules that I have listed in the custom ruleset file. I have even tried using the logging-java.xml and strings.xml directly in the ruleset without using the custom ruleset file and it still doesn't work.
When i run mvn pmd:pmd, i get a BUILD SUCCESS but the errors still show up in my target folder. Why do I get a build success here?
I solved this by simply adding the plugins in the build section along with the ones in the reporting section.
Somehow it needed to be in the as well to be able to run all the rulesets. Earlier I was under the impression that we put plugins in the build only if we want to run them during the build and deploy phase.
