Is there a way to display orientdb interactive graph in a react webpage? - reactjs

I have an orientdb instance running and can access everything in Studio without any problem. My goal is to have a react webpage that has just the interactive graph embedded in it. Basically, I want to be able to look at the graph just like I would in Studio, but on my webpage. I know I could do this by doing a query and then creating an interactive graph through something like plotly, but I would rather just get the graph directly from the orientdb server. Is there support for this? I've been combing through the orientdb docs and have not found anything like this functionality, but I feel like it would be an obvious thing to have.
Thanks in advance!

AFAIK there's nothing like that. OrientDB provides the REST api, then it's up to you build your interactive user interface embedded in your own application.
There is also ArcadeAnalytics
It is a data visualization tool that works with OrientDB and other graph databases.
The frontend uses to render the graph.
So, at least, you can take inspiration or extract the parts you need.
I think that building a springboot application that uses the Orientdb connector ( should be easy.


Mutate (or Edit) Neo4j Data/Relationships from UI

While there are a number of tools and technologies to visualize Neo4j data, I couldn't find one that permits mutating attributes, or something as simple as renaming a node (queue or topic, it's relationship connector) and the likes.
I have exposed the Neo4j graph data, via the Spring Data Neo4j project. I'm considering to leverage the visualization via d3.js on a React (or any JavaScript framework/library) app. This excellent tutorial provides a good (similar) reference to what I've been building on a custom graph-db data.
Are there any libraries (or frameworks, projects) that exist which enable customizing, editing or mutating Neo4j data from a web-based UI?
PS. I have explored Graphileon, it's supposed to work as a stand-alone app, and it's not free :)
Your statement that Graphileon is not "supposed to work as a stand-alone app" is not correct. Graphileon is also available as a server product. The desktop version is the free Personal Edition. It is available as native MacOS, Windows or Linux app , and you can run the UI also in your browser from localhost:3000

How do I streamline/automate data-entry?

I'm looking to create a website around a tool that plugs info from different sites into a form on mine. I'd like to eliminate/streamline data-entry. Anyone know a good way to accomplish this?
There are plenty of web scraper scripts available on github that can do data capture from web.
You will still need programming skills to change and plug those scripts as per your requirement. Here is one such parser but you must know basic DOM and programming to access information of your need from a website.
Apart from this you can also use excel sheet to access web data and then you can fill your form with that data.
You should try to learn web scraping using python. Threre are plenty of web based tutorials for it. Youtube may also be helpful.

Integrate JasperReports Viewer Like Component inside an AngularJs Component

I have been researching this problem for some time and have seen few references (like this).
I know the Viewer is a Swing component, but I would like to achieve something like integrating/having a container in which to preview reports.
I have not seen any such component default provided by Angular. Has anyone attempted something similar or is it better to create own web components (Polymer-wise perhaps).
Thanks in advance.
Probably this is not really possible, due to reasons above.
Just now saw a related idea/approach: just exporting a report as html and providing to an html rendering container, like angular's ng-bind-html (something like this answer).
For now, just another "two cents" in, though.
I can't say about viewer but yeah it's possibility of visualize.js for your requirement.
With Visualize.js, anyone building a Web application can more easily include powerful analytics as an integrated experience. Developers can embed highly interactive visualizations and reports with more control and power than previously available using iFrames, charting libraries, or using other BI vendor solutions. Visualize.js leverages the REST APIs of the Jaspersoft analytic server for built-in services such as data connectivity, repository access, in-memory analytics, and visualization design. Visualize.js offers on-premises or cloud deployment options and low-cost subscription or utility pricing.

Building Simple Web Analytics Tool

I would like to create a simple Web Analytics tool to be used by a small number of people running different websites as part of a project i'm doing. The reason why I am not using Google Analytics or any other free analytics tool is because I would like to learn how to build one myself. The tool just uses bars, pies and charts to display page views, clicks , referring site, traffic etc.
I've been asking around and people point me to Javascript, Python and MongoDB, the first two I know a little of. Can anyone suggest a framework for me to get started on?
I would definitely look into if you need a place to store analytics event data and want to build your own reporting interface. They have a strong infrastructure and query tool to call up your data quickly inside a custom reporting interface.
You could also use's collection libraries. Through you can still send data to for your own custom use and route the same data to something like Google Analytics or Mixpanel so you have it in a pre-built system if you need it.

Anyone know of a simple WPF/Silverlight data access framework?

Does anyone know of a simple WPF or Silverlight framework which enables you to e.g. define some database tables in e.g. SQL Server compact database and then the framework automatically creates the Window classes etc. which allows a user to login and edit that data?
I'm not looking for a complicated MVVM pattern example, it can be hard coded, it should just save the developer the time of creating all the CRUD code and forms and authorization necessary for users to edit the data. The developer could define 10 database tables, run the code generation, and then be pretty much 80% finished with any simple database application he wanted to make.
All of that would be generic code so I would think some framework like this would exist or someone would be working on some open source project like this already.
Does anyone know of a framework or tool like this?
It's not Silverlight, but ASP.NET Dynamic Data sounds like it would do what you're asking. It provides a web-based front end for editing database tables.
I've used it for a small project and you can literally have it up and running with CRUD functionality within an hour.
maybe you should take a look at the Sculpture project. There might be something you are looking for.
Since you cannot have direct connection to a database server with Silverlight, you should look at a .NET data access framework using the regular .NET Framework thru a Web Service.
