WPF: Design time support for dependency properties with default values - wpf

I have written a custom control based on a ListBox. It contains a default ItemTemplate which shows an image given to the ListBox by a custom dependency property. The control also contains a default image, which is used when the user doesn't give an image to the dependency property.
This works so far, but now I've found a little problem and I don't know how to fix that.
When I use my custom control in the XAML designer, it first shows the default image. When I set the image's dependency property to an other image, the new image is immediately shown in the XAML designer.
But when I remove the XAML attribute for the new image again, the XAML designer only shows a white rectangle instead of the default image.
I assume it's because with setting the image's dependency property to some value and then removing it I nulled the value. But even when I check for null in the CoerceCallback and give back the default image when the coerced value is null, doesn't work.
What's the best way to support fallback values for dependency properties?
Public Class TestControl
Inherits ListBox
Private Shared _defaultResources As ResourceDictionary
Shared Sub New()
_defaultResources = New ResourceDictionary
_defaultResources.Source = New Uri("...")
End Sub
Public Shared ReadOnly TestProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(NameOf(TestControl.Test),
New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Nothing,
AddressOf TestControl.OnTestChanged,
AddressOf TestControl.OnTestCoerce))
Public Property Test As ImageSource
Return DirectCast(MyBase.GetValue(TestControl.TestProperty), ImageSource)
End Get
Set(value As ImageSource)
MyBase.SetValue(TestControl.TestProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
Private Shared Sub OnTestChanged(d As DependencyObject, e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
End Sub
Private Shared Function OnTestCoerce(d As DependencyObject, value As Object) As Object
If (value Is Nothing) Then
Return TryCast(_defaultResources.Item("TestImage"), ImageSource)
End If
Return value
End Function
Public Sub New()
Me.Test = TryCast(_defaultResources.Item("TestImage"), ImageSource)
End Sub
End Class
When I use that control like this
<local:TestControl ItemsSource="{Binding Items}" />
every item shows the default image at design time. When I change the XAML to
<local:TestControl ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
Test="{StaticResource NewImage}" />
every item shows the new item at design time. But when I remove the Test="{StaticResource NewImage}" again, it doesn't go back to the default image.

Ok, after some testing (using this technique) I have discovered the source of your issue.
First of all, you are not using PropertyMetadata to set your default value, but instead the constructor. I assume you have a good reason to do so, but this essentially means that now you are relying on the coercion callback to set the default value.
However, it is not called (the framework assumes that your "true" default value - Nothing - doesn't need to be validated) after you remove the
Test="{StaticResource TestString}" line. Only the OnTestChanged
is called. This means we can use it to restore the default value:
void OnTestChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewValue is null)
((TestControl)d).Test = yourDefaultImage;
//Actual "OnChanged" code
A clumsy solution indeed, but it works. Depending on your exact situation, you might also want to take a look at Binding's FallbackValue and TargetNullValue properties:
Test="{Binding Source={ }, FallbackValue={ }, TargetNullValue={ }}"


How do I change the style of FindTextBox of FlowDocumentReader to match the theme of my app?

I have a WPF app with a FlowDocumentReader control and when I click the search button to search the text, the text box doesn't match the theme of the app. The text does, but the background of the text box doesn't. So if I am using a dark theme, the text I type into the text box is white (which is correct), but the text box background is also white (incorrect, making text not legible).
Does anyone know how to fix this? I tried applying a style but I don't know which component to target.
Wow, Microsoft really does not make this easy.
My Process
I tried the easy trick of adding a Style TargeType="TextBox" to FlowDocumentReader.Resources, but that doesn't work.
I tried doing things the "right" way and overriding FlowDocumentReader's ControlTemplate, but the TextBox in question isn't even part of the ControlTemaplte! Instead, there's a Border named PART_FindToolBarHost. The TextBox we want is added as a child to PART_FindToolBarHost in code- but only after the user has clicked the "find" button (the one with the magnifying glass icon). You can see this for yourself by looking at the control's source code.
With no more XAML-only ideas, I had to resort to using code. We need to somehow get a reference to the TextBox being created, and I can't think of any better way than to manually search the visual tree for it. This is complicated by the fact that the TextBox only exists once the find command has been executed.
Specifically, the find button in FlowDocumentReader binds to ApplicationCommands.Find. I tried adding a CommandBinding for that command to FlowDocumentReader so I could use it as a trigger to retrieve the TextBox. Unfortunately, adding such a CommandBinding somehow breaks the built-in functionality and prevents the TextBox from being generated at all. This breaks even if you set e.Handled = False.
Luckily, though, FlowDocumentReader exposes an OnFindCommand- except, of course, it's a Protected method. So I finally gave in and decided to inherit FlowDocumentReader. OnFindCommand works as a reliable trigger, but it turns out the TextBox isn't created until after the sub finishes. I was forced to use Dispatcher.BeginInvoke in order to schedule a method to run after the TextBox was actually added.
Using OnFindCommand as a trigger, I was finally able to reliably get a reference to the "find" TextBox, which is actually named FindTextBox.
Now that I can get a reference, we can apply our own Style. Except: FindTextBox already has a Style, so unless we want to override it, we're going to have to merge the two Styles. There's no publicly-accessible method for this (even though WPF does this internally in places), but luckily I already had some code for this.
The Working Code
First, a Module with the helper methods I used:
FindVisualChild is used to loop through the visual tree and get a reference to FindTextBox.
MergeStyles is used to combine the existing Style with the Style we supply, once we have that reference.
Module OtherMethods
Public Function FindVisualChild(obj As DependencyObject, Name As String) As FrameworkElement
For i As Integer = 0 To VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(obj) - 1
Dim ChildObj As DependencyObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(obj, i)
If TypeOf ChildObj Is FrameworkElement AndAlso DirectCast(ChildObj, FrameworkElement).Name = Name Then Return ChildObj
ChildObj = FindVisualChild(ChildObj, Name)
If ChildObj IsNot Nothing Then Return ChildObj
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Function MergeStyles(ByVal style1 As Style, ByVal style2 As Style) As Style
Dim R As New Style
If style1 Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("style1")
If style2 Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("style2")
If style2.BasedOn IsNot Nothing Then style1 = MergeStyles(style1, style2.BasedOn)
For Each currentSetter As SetterBase In style1.Setters
For Each currentTrigger As TriggerBase In style1.Triggers
For Each key As Object In style1.Resources.Keys
R.Resources(key) = style1.Resources(key)
For Each currentSetter As SetterBase In style2.Setters
For Each currentTrigger As TriggerBase In style2.Triggers
For Each key As Object In style2.Resources.Keys
R.Resources(key) = style2.Resources(key)
Return R
End Function
End Module
Then, there's StyleableFlowDocumentReader, which is what I named my extended control that inherits FlowDocumentReader:
Public Class StyleableFlowDocumentReader
Inherits FlowDocumentReader
Protected Overrides Sub OnFindCommand()
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(Sub() GetFindTextBox(), DispatcherPriority.Render)
End Sub
Private Sub GetFindTextBox()
findTextBox = Me.FindVisualChild("FindTextBox")
End Sub
Private Sub ApplyFindTextBoxStyle()
If findTextBox IsNot Nothing Then
If findTextBox.Style IsNot Nothing AndAlso FindTextBoxStyle IsNot Nothing Then
findTextBox.Style = MergeStyles(findTextBox.Style, FindTextBoxStyle)
findTextBox.Style = If(FindTextBoxStyle, findTextBox.Style)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private findTextBox As TextBox
Public Property FindTextBoxStyle As Style
Return GetValue(FindTextBoxStyleProperty)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Style)
SetValue(FindTextBoxStyleProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly FindTextBoxStyleProperty As DependencyProperty =
GetType(Style), GetType(StyleableFlowDocumentReader),
New PropertyMetadata(Nothing, Sub(d, e) DirectCast(d, StyleableFlowDocumentReader).ApplyFindTextBoxStyle()))
End Class
And then, finally, a usage example:
<local:StyleableFlowDocumentReader x:Name="Reader">
<Style TargetType="TextBox">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Blue"/>

Converting normal property to dependency property

I have a control that I am using for my new application. This control has a regular property as such.
Public Property Value() As String
If AutoCompleteTextBox.SearchText Is Nothing Then
Return String.Empty
Return AutoCompleteTextBox.SearchText.ToString.Trim
End If
End Get
Set(value As String)
AutoCompleteTextBox.SearchText = value
End Set
End Property
So, after multiple tries, I am finally at this stage.
Public Shared ValueProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value", GetType(String), GetType(AutoCompleteBox))
Public Property Value() As String
Return Me.GetValue(ValueProperty).ToString
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me.SetValue(ValueProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler _
Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
This is the dependency property. This property is still not binding. No errors are shown in output window for binding.
Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Value, Mode=TwoWay}"
This is my binding method. I have no idea what else I can do. At least if there was an error, I could have figured out something. Without any error, I am just a headless chicken here.
Please refer to the following url for all the dependency fundamentals
Basically, you can get a property changed event of dependency property by providing a FrameworkPropertyMetadata.
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( [Default Value],
And you can get back the target control (DependencyObject) at the event handler and implement your logic over there
private static void OnCurrentTimePropertyChanged(DependencyObject source,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
AutoCompleteTextBox control = source as AutoCompleteTextBox;
string time = (string)e.NewValue;
// Put some update logic here...
Declaring a dependency property in a control is a good thing.
You could make some binding in the xaml (sorry I don't have your XAML - I imagine).
Something like :
<TextBox x:Name="AutoCompleteTextBox"
Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource=Self},Path=Value}"/>
TextBox has a property called Text. When you access Text property it will give you text entered in TextBox. Same is your case. Now why you want to convert it into a DP ? A DP would be useful if you want o bind this DP to some other control.
Extend this control itself. Make a new control and introduce this new DP.
While a DP is used where you want to bind this property to some control. This property then gets updated from control or control gets updated from this DP depending upon binding mode set.
How to do binding :
<TextBox x:Name="UserInput" />
<uc:MyAutoCompleteTextBox ValueDP="{Binding Text, ElementName=UserInput, Mode=OneWay}" />
MyAutoCompleteTextBox is new control which extends(inherits) from your old AutoComplete control.
If you want to apply some filtering logic or anything else, you can apply it in your DP itself like this :
someVariable = TryCast(Me.GetValue(ValueProperty), String)
' apply somg logic to someVariable
' use your old Value property from here
Return someVariable
End Get
There are many WPF Binding tutorials on net.
I recommend :
Just change your code with following code and you should be good
your code
Public Shared ReadOnly ValueProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value", GetType(String), GetType(AutoCompleteBox))
Public Property Value() As String
Return TryCast(Me.GetValue(ValueProperty), String)
End Get
Set(value As String)
Me.SetValue(ValueProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
New code
Public Shared ReadOnly ValueProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value", GetType(String), GetType(AutoCompleteBox))
Public Property Value() As String
If AutoCompleteTextBox.SearchText Is Nothing Then
Return String.Empty
Return AutoCompleteTextBox.SearchText.ToString.Trim
End If
End Get
Set(value As String)
AutoCompleteTextBox.SearchText = value
End Set
End Property
This DP will do what your Older property was doing. But just think about your requirement there can be a better way of writing the things.

How to make the command property of a wpf button a dependency property of a user control

I am trying to teach myself the basics of creating user controls in wpf. To that end I have been experimenting with building a data navigation control to allow navigation through the records being retrieved by various view models. My long term plan is for a completely self contained custom control, but I'd like to master the smaller points first so to that end I'd like to know how I can make the Command, and Command Parameter properties ( as well as the Is Enabled property) of buttons that form part of my user control dependency properties of the user control itself.
I have succeeded to make the various image and image height and width properties of the various buttons dependency properties of the overall user control but thus far have not had any success with the Command, Command Parameter and is Enabled properties.
I'd welcome any suggestions anyone could proffer.
I have the following already (I set for each button in my user control):
#Region "Next Button"
Public Property ImageNext() As ImageSource
Return DirectCast(GetValue(ImageNextProperty), ImageSource)
End Get
Set(value As ImageSource)
SetValue(ImageNextProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly ImageNextProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ImageNext", GetType(ImageSource), GetType(DataNavigator), New UIPropertyMetadata(Nothing))
Public Property ImageNextWidth() As Double
Return CDbl(GetValue(ImageNextWidthProperty))
End Get
Set(value As Double)
SetValue(ImageNextWidthProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly ImageNextWidthProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ImageNextWidth", GetType(Double), GetType(DataNavigator), New UIPropertyMetadata(16.0))
Public Property ImageNextHeight() As Double
Return CDbl(GetValue(ImageNextHeightProperty))
End Get
Set(value As Double)
SetValue(ImageNextHeightProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly ImageNextHeightProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ImageNextHeight", GetType(Double), GetType(DataNavigator), New UIPropertyMetadata(16.0))
This however has been adding properties to standard wpf buttons, now what I want to do is access properties of those buttons that already exist and bind to them (via my user control) from my viewmodels
It is the same as any other dependency property.
You declare the DP like this:
Public Shared ReadOnly ThisCommandProperty As DependencyProperty = _
DependencyProperty.Register("ThisCommand", GetType(ICommand), _
GetType(thiscontrol), Nothing)
Public Property ThisCommand As ICommand
Return CType(GetValue(ThisCommandProperty), ICommand)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ICommand)
SetValue(ThisCommandProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
and in the XAML of your user control:
<UserControl ...>
<Button Command={Binding ThisCommand} ... />
You set the parameter in the same way, but with type object, and you have to cast it so the correct type in your command handler.
When you use the UserControl, it is like this:
<local:thisControl ThisCommand={Binding whateverCommandYouWantToBindTo},
ThisCommandParameter={Binding whateverParameterYouWant)>
It is really just the same as any other DP, except for the type. Of course, whateverCommandYouWantToBindTo has to be set up as an ICommand too.
People might also tell you that defining usercontrols is bad and to use templates instead, and it's probably a better approach in most cases. But if you want to learn about DPs, I say learn.
Here is an example that I have working in front of me:
Public Shared ReadOnly EditButtonCommandProperty As DependencyProperty = _
DependencyProperty.Register("EditButtonCommand", _
GetType(ICommand), GetType(PersonListControl), Nothing)
Public Property EditButtonCommand As ICommand
Return CType(GetValue(EditButtonCommandProperty), ICommand)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As ICommand)
SetValue(EditButtonCommandProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
Public Shared ReadOnly EditButtonCommandParameterProperty As DependencyProperty = _
DependencyProperty.Register("EditButtonCommandParameter", GetType(Object), _
GetType(PersonListControl), Nothing);
Public Property EditButtonCommandParameter As Object
Return CType(GetValue(EditButtonCommandParameterProperty), Object)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Object)
SetValue(EditButtonCommandParameterProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
And in the UserControl XAML:
<ListBox ... />
Command="{Binding EditButtonCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding EditButtonCommandParameter}"/>
And I use this UserControl like this:
EditButtonCommand="{Binding PersonListEditCommand}"
EditButtonCommandParameter="{Binding Parents}"/>

Binding from multiple sources

My scenario:
I've got a Silverlight Application with a View, where i want to bind the textboxes to an object (two-way) and all labels to a dictionary holding the label translations.
My approach was to set the datacontext of the page to a dictionary with two items, one of them is the object and the other is the translation-dictionary.
In xaml the code looks like the following:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding [dict].[name],FallbackValue='Fallback'}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding [obj].name,Mode=TwoWay}" />
This works initially, if I however change the object on the datacontext, the xaml is not notified about any changes and doesn't update.
I've had a working solution using a Converter for the translations, however due to the limitations on one converterparameter I didn't like the solution. In addition it wasn't possible to place a fallback-value in the textblock, which resulted in "invisible" textblocks while designing the page.
Any suggestions on how to solve this issue? It doesn't have to be using my dictionary, it would be also okay if i could set the datacontext to the object (which works) and bind the labels somehow different.
I know this will get a lot of traditional answers, but I would also like to put forward something completely original we tried (and succeeded) doing ourselves for more efficient localisation of Silverlight using Attached Properties instead of binding:
Localisation of Silverlight projects after completion
What would be the most flexible is rather than setting the DataContext for the view to a dictionary, you would be better off having the DataContext be something like a ViewModel. That is, a simple class that holds multiple properties: one for your "object" and one for your translation dictionary.
Then have the class that acts as your ViewModel implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
Create a method in your class called OnPropertyChanged that takes in a string representing your property name. In that method raise the PropertyChanged event passing in the instance of the ViewModel class and a new PropertyChangedEventArgs passing in the property name.
Back in the properties you created (object and dictionary) in the Set, after setting the value, call OnPropertyChanged passing in the string name of that property. This will notify the UI that the value of this property has changed and will essentially rebind the control to that property.
Finally, bind the Text properties of your controls on your View to the new properties you just created in your ViewModel. That should ensure that the controls on the view stay up to date.
I found a solution, but wasn't able to answer my own question (8h limit..)
I think this is just the approach Hydroslide suggested.
Create a class which holds all data and implements INotifyPropertyChanged
Public Class MyDatacontext
Implements ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
Private _obj As Object
Private _dict As Dictionary(Of String, String)
Public Event PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs) Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Public Property Obj As Object
Return _obj
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Object)
_obj = value
'Notify the xaml about the changed Object
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs("Obj"))
End Set
End Property
Public Property Dict As Dictionary(Of String, String)
Return _dict
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Dictionary(Of String, String))
_dict = value
'Notify the xaml about the changed translation
RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs("Dict"))
End Set
End Property
End Class
Define a private var in your page code
Private mycontext As New MyDatacontext
In the constructor of your page, fill your "mycontext" with the desired data
mycontext.Dict = LoadDictionary()
mycontext.Obj = LoadObject()
Me.DataContext = mycontext
Change your xaml to the following
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Dict.[name],FallbackValue=MyFallback}" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Obj.name,Mode=TwoWay}" />
Update your object/dictionary as you like using
mycontext.Obj = LoadNextObject()

Basic WPF question: How to add a custom property trigger?

I am using Expresion Blend 3 and created a new user control in my project. I want a storyboard to run if a custom property of that user control is triggered like with the ones shown here in the list..
I learnt you need a dependency property, but my understanding there is limited. Here's the basic code I set up with property "IsAwesome" as an example..
Partial Public Class simpleControl
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared ReadOnly IsAwesomeProperty As DependencyProperty = _
DependencyProperty.Register("IsAwesome", GetType(Boolean), GetType(simpleControl))
Public Property IsAwesome() As Boolean
Return DirectCast(Me.GetValue(IsAwesomeProperty), Boolean)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
Me.SetValue(IsAwesomeProperty, value)
End Set
End Property
End Class
However, my property doesn't show in that list. What am I missing? Or is my entire approach wrong?
Any help or advice would be appreciated!
I created a new Wpf project. Added a new UserControl (UserControl1) with a custom dependency property called Foo.
Then I opened Blend and added an instance of UserControl1 to Window1. I right clicked on UserControl1 and said EditTemplate | Edit a Copy.
This created a copy of my user control template in the Window.Resources. From within this new template I went up to the Triggers panel and clicked the button to add a new property trigger.
Right away Blend defaulted to selecting my property in the "Activated When" section.
alt text http://blog.BradCunningham.net/Images/ForumImages/CustomDPInBlend.png
You can grab my little sample app from here: http://blog.BradCunningham.net/SourceCode/ForumSamples/CustomDPInBlend.zip
