pgr_dijkstra resulting dashline road - postgis

I am trying to use pgr_dijkstra on postgis pgrouting by following code as below
SELECT seq, node, edge, cost_len as cost, agg_cost, geom
FROM pgr_dijkstra( 'SELECT gid as id, source, target, st_length(geom, true) as cost FROM road',
ARRAY[16106,8189,4887,23235],10576, directed:=false) as pt
JOIN road rd ON pt.edge = rd.gid;
The query running successfully, but when I open the data on qgis the road segment is broken up (dash line) as shown on the image. The previous step of create_topology also running successfully. What possibly wrong with the query? or is it my road data need to be fix


How to link DOCUVALUE table to related business metadata

I am trying to pull a report of all the documents referenced in AX, and I'm having a heck of a time figuring out the AX database structure. Ideally I want to pull a list of documents and the Journal / Batch # each is associated with.
In our AX environment, all documents are stored on a share (i.e. they're not actually stored as BLOBs in the AX database).
It looks like the DOCUVALUE table is the principal table that references the documents, having the ORIGINALFILENAME and other columns that seem to "point" to the files on the AX share. But DOCUVALUE doesn't contain any useful business metadata.
After a bit of exploring, it looks like like the DOCUREF table relates to DOCUVALUE (DOCUVALUE.RECID = DOCUREF.VALUERECID) which helps a little - gives you the Company #, but that's about it.
After a bit more exploring, it looked like it would be possible to join across to LEDGERJOURNALTABLE as shown below:
select ljt.journalnum, filename + '.' + filetype filename, journal_name,
dr.refcompanyid, convert(varchar(10), ljt.posteddatetime,111) posted_date,
ljt.createdby, convert(numeric, ljt.journaltotalcredit) journalamount
where dv.RECID = dr.VALUERECID and dr.refrecid = ljt.recid
order by 1,2
This looked promising, so I pulled out a data listing and asked one of our key business users to review the results. She indicated that it was accurate to some extent, but there were other areas where the document referenced just didn't have any relation to the JournalNum in the listing.
So - I'm at a bit of a dead end - I've spent further time generating SQL statements to harvest data using specific RECID values, trying other joins, but each time I just disappear down a rabbit hole.
Any ideas? Any help gratefully received!!
The AX document management framework is designed so that a document can be attached to any data row in any table. What you're trying to do is far easier in AX, but we'll stick with SQL for the question.
The problem you're having is you don't know the reference objects because you're ignoring REFTABLEID.
The key fields that connect a denormalized "document" to the associated business data are REFTABLEID, REFCOMPANYID, and REFRECID (you already have the last one).
So start with this query below:
AND sd.FIELDID = 0 -- Indicates it is a table and not a table field
AND sd.NAME = 'LEDGERJOURNALTABLE' -- Instead of hardcoding, join & query
You'll have to get creative depending on your use with SQL, You'll want to remove the hardcoded 'LEDGERJOURNALTABLE' and then use sd.SQLNAME to join to the actual SQL table. Then if that SQL table has DataAreaId, you'd likely want to join it to dr.REFCOMPANYID.
Or you can hardcode the tables or whatever you want to do. You should be aware you can attach documents to journal headers OR lines...or many other rows for that matter.
Just start exploring the data and you should be able to figure out what you want with that query above.
So for your sample query, you can see I added 2 lines. Your query will only work when joined for LedgerJournalTable. You'll have to do some dynamic SQL or use a cursor or something if you want to report on every attachment.
SELECT ljt.journalnum
,filename + '.' + filetype filename
, journal_name
,convert(VARCHAR(10), ljt.posteddatetime, 111) posted_date
,convert(NUMERIC, ljt.journaltotalcredit) journalamount
AND dr.REFTABLEID = 211 -- ADDED TableId for LedgerJournalTable

Event processing by using Flink SQL API

My Use case-
Collect events for a particular duration and then group them based on the key
After processing, user can save data of particular duration based on the key
How i am planning to do
1)Receive events from Kafka
2)Create data stream of events
3)associate a table with it and collect data for a particular duration by running a SQL query
4)associate a new table with step-2 output and group collected data according to the key
5)save the data in DB
Solution i tried-
I am able to-
1)receive events from Kafka,
2)setup a data stream(lets say sensorDataStream)-
DataStream<SensorEvent> sensorDataStream
= source.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, SensorEvent>() {
public void flatMap(String catalog, Collector<SensorEvent> out) {
// create SensorEvent(id, sensor notification value, notification time) creation
3)associate a table(lets say table1) with data stream and after running SQL query like-
SELECT id, sensorNotif, notifTime FROM SENSORTABLE WHERE notifTime > t1_Timestamp AND notifTime < t2_Timestamp.
Here t1_Timestamp and t2_Timestamp is predefined epoch time and will change based on some predefined conditions
4)I am able to print this sql query result by using following query on the console-
tableEnv.toAppendStream(table1, Row.class).print();
5)Created a new table(lets say table2) by using table1 and following type of sql query-
Table table2 = tableEnv.sqlQuery("SELECT id AS SensorID, COUNT(sensorNotif) AS SensorNotificationCount FROM table1 GROUP BY id);
6)Collecting and print data by using -
tableEnv.toRetractStream(table2 , Row.class).print();
1)I am not able to see output of step 6 on the console.
I did some experiment and found that If i skip table1 setup step(that means no sensor data clubbing for a duration) and directly associate my senserDataStream with table2 then i can see the output of step-6 but as this is RetractStream so i can see data in the form of and if new event is coming then this retract stream will invalidate data and print newly calculated data.
Suggestion i would like to have
1)How can i merge step 5 and step 6(means table1 and table2). I already merged these tables but as data is not visible on console so i have doubt? Am i doing something wrong? Or data is merged but not visible?
2)My plan is to --
2.a)filter data in 2 pass, in first pass filter data for a particular interval and in second pass group this data
2.b)Save 2.a output in DB
Will this approach work(i have doubt because i am using data stream and table1 out put is append stream but table2 output is retract stream)?

How to find rows in ms-sql with another rows' value followingly?

I have created an Sql table to trace objects' operation history. I have two columns; first one is the self tracing code and second tracing code is the tracing code for the code coming from source object to target. I created this to be able to look up the route of operations through the objects. You can see the tracing sample table below:
I need to create an sql code to query to show all the route in one table. When I first select the self code, it will be the incoming code for previous rows. There may be more than one incoming code to self and I want to be able to trace all. And I want to reach end until my search is null.
I tried select query like below but I am so new sql and need your help.
SELECT [TracingCode.Self],
FROM [MKP_PROCESS_PRODUCT_REPORTS].[dbo].[ProductionTracing.Main]
WHERE [TracingCode.Self] = (SELECT [TracingCode.Incoming]
FROM [MKP_PROCESS_PRODUCT_REPORTS].[dbo].[ProductionTracing.Main]
WHERE [TracingCode.Self] = (SELECT [TracingCode.Incoming]
FROM [MKP_PROCESS_PRODUCT_REPORTS].[dbo].[ProductionTracing.Main]
WHERE [TracingCode.Self] = (SELECT [TracingCode.Incoming]
FROM [MKP_PROCESS_PRODUCT_REPORTS].[dbo].[ProductionTracing.Main]
WHERE [TracingCode.Self] = '')));
To do this kind of parent/child thing to any level without explicitly coding all levels you need to use a recursive CTE.
More details here
Here is some test data and a solution I came up with. Note that three records actually match
If this doesn't do what you need please explain further with sample data.
EquipmentNo INT NOT NULL
INSERT INTO #Sample (TC_Self, TC_In, EquipmentNo)
WITH CTE (RecordType, TC_Self, TC_In, EquipmentNo)
-- This is the 'root'
SELECT 'Root' RecordType, TC_Self, TC_In, EquipmentNo FROM #Sample
WHERE TC_Self = ''
SELECT 'Leaf' RecordType, S.TC_Self, S.TC_In, S.EquipmentNo FROM #Sample S
ON S.TC_Self = CTE.TC_In
Also please note that most of the time to generate this answer was taken in generating the sample data to use.
In future when asking questions, people are far more likely to help if you post this sample data generation yourself

How to find replication lag in SQL Server?

In MYSQL server by looking into the value for "second behind master" it can be known by how much a slave server is lagging behind to its master. So, is there something similar to it in MSSQL so that it can be known how a slave server is lagging behind by its master?
There is some controversy on this subject, but I like to use regularly posted tracer tokens. That is, you call the sp_posttracertoken procedure on the publisher and it will send a, well, token all the way through to the subscriber. You can see the history of all tokens in the distributor database. I wrote the following view to make the data a little easier to grok:
create view [dbo].[tokens] as
select as [publisher],
p.publication, as [subscriber],
datediff(second, t.publisher_commit, t.distributor_commit) as [pub to dist (s)],
datediff(second, t.distributor_commit ,h.subscriber_commit) as [dist to sub (s)],
datediff(second, t.publisher_commit, h.subscriber_commit) as [total latency (s)]
from mstracer_tokens t
inner join MStracer_history h
on t.tracer_id = h.parent_tracer_id
inner join mspublications p
on p.publication_id = t.publication_id
inner join sys.servers ps
on p.publisher_id = ps.server_id
inner join msdistribution_agents da
on h.agent_id =
inner join sys.servers ss
on da.subscriber_id = ss.server_id
Another approach is to use what's commonly called a canary table. The idea is that you have a table specifically to monitor replication that typically only has one row with a datetime field. You update the column at the publisher and then you monitor how far behind the subscriber is by seeing what the value of that column is at the subscriber.
Lastly, there are some perfmon counters that you can look at. In my experience, they're not that great; the number of outstanding commands is an accurate number, but the measurement of latency as a duration is typically very inaccurate.

SQL Server 2008 Geometry not working?

I'm having an issue with SQL Server 2008 and the geometry functions. I'm trying to create non-overlapping shapes using the STDifference function... but it does not seem to be working 100% of the time.
Here is all the sample code to demonstrate the issue. Anybody have any idea to make these non-overlapping polygons? (except "don't make your polygons so complex")
-- create our Geometry polygons.
DECLARE #Geo1 Geometry, #Geo2 Geometry;
SET #Geo1 = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((-79725887.5234375 42951274.765625, -79699548.921875 42991827.84375, -79695546.375697568 42997990.498925969, -79695559.967852488 42998690.733179785, -79696152.0625 43029192.375, -79715247.75 43051708.75, -79802181.8984375 43020797.71875, -79806253.6640625 43018621.6953125, -79810436.03125 43014767.046875, -79825837.5 43000572.375, -79830640.625 42973672.03125, -79832936.7265625 42960812.4296875, -79725887.5234375 42951274.765625))',0);
SET #Geo2 = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((-79863430.6875 42937209.4375, -79850399.0625 42940068.75, -79850394.9375 42940069.625, -79845320.6875 42946082.625, -79843216.25 42948576.375, -79832949.125 42960743, -79814909.939453125 43061773.556640625, -79817218.30078125 43060262.947265625, -79823496.6875 43056154.3125, -79867800.5 43027161.5625, -79871834.50390625 43024521.70703125, -79875660.228515625 43022018.123046875, -79875666.8125 43022013.8125, -79875674.536313191 43022008.760254942, -79875676.408203125 43022007.53515625, -79875677.236328125 43022006.994140625, -79875718.458984375 43021980.017578125, -79875728.506891936 43021973.442301653, -79881723.017578125 43018050.58984375, -79882437.0625 43017583.3125, -79882585.375 43017486.25, -79884466.9375 43016254.9375, -79884550.875 43016200, -79886514.3125 43014915.125, -79887785.5 43014083.25, -79887790.4375 43014080, -79887793.125 43014078.26953125, -79887807.171875 43014069.076171875, -79887825.568359375 43014057.03515625, -79887831.322335 43014053.269705132, -79888029.5 43013923.5625, -79890094.5625 43012572.1875, -79934236.875 42983685.125, -79863430.6875 42937209.4375))',0);
-- A quick test so you can see them
SELECT #Geo1, 'Geo1' as MyName UNION ALL SELECT #Geo2, 'Geo2' as MyName;
-- how do they compare initially?
#Geo1.STTouches(#Geo2) as 'Touches'
,#Geo1.STOverlaps(#Geo2) as 'Overlaps'
,#Geo1.STIntersects(#Geo2) as 'Intersects'
-- try to make them NOT overlap or intersect
SET #Geo1 = #Geo1.STDifference(#Geo2);
SET #Geo2 = #Geo2.STDifference(#Geo1);
-- Now, how do they compare?
#Geo1.STTouches(#Geo2) as 'Touches'
,#Geo1.STOverlaps(#Geo2) as 'Overlaps'
,#Geo1.STIntersects(#Geo2) as 'Intersects'
-- what does the intersection look like?
SELECT #Geo1.STIntersection(#Geo2).STAsText();
This is the final select result:
MULTIPOLYGON (((-79831832.015625 42966999.5078125, -79830502.34765625 42974446.45703125, -79830181.430394545 42976243.79133676, -79830220.96484375 42976022.375, -79831832.015625 42966999.5078125)), ((-79832481.0538819 42963364.484146826, -79832328.75390625 42964217.45703125, -79831832.015625 42966999.5078125, -79832481.0538819 42963364.484146826)))
Not an answer, just an observation... I get different results if I introduce two new variables for the two differences.
-- create our Geometry polygons.
DECLARE #Geo1 Geometry, #Geo2 Geometry, #Geo3 Geometry, #Geo4 Geometry;
SET #Geo1 = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((-79725887.5234375 42951274.765625, -79699548.921875 42991827.84375, -79695546.375697568 42997990.498925969, -79695559.967852488 42998690.733179785, -79696152.0625 43029192.375, -79715247.75 43051708.75, -79802181.8984375 43020797.71875, -79806253.6640625 43018621.6953125, -79810436.03125 43014767.046875, -79825837.5 43000572.375, -79830640.625 42973672.03125, -79832936.7265625 42960812.4296875, -79725887.5234375 42951274.765625))',0);
SET #Geo2 = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((-79863430.6875 42937209.4375, -79850399.0625 42940068.75, -79850394.9375 42940069.625, -79845320.6875 42946082.625, -79843216.25 42948576.375, -79832949.125 42960743, -79814909.939453125 43061773.556640625, -79817218.30078125 43060262.947265625, -79823496.6875 43056154.3125, -79867800.5 43027161.5625, -79871834.50390625 43024521.70703125, -79875660.228515625 43022018.123046875, -79875666.8125 43022013.8125, -79875674.536313191 43022008.760254942, -79875676.408203125 43022007.53515625, -79875677.236328125 43022006.994140625, -79875718.458984375 43021980.017578125, -79875728.506891936 43021973.442301653, -79881723.017578125 43018050.58984375, -79882437.0625 43017583.3125, -79882585.375 43017486.25, -79884466.9375 43016254.9375, -79884550.875 43016200, -79886514.3125 43014915.125, -79887785.5 43014083.25, -79887790.4375 43014080, -79887793.125 43014078.26953125, -79887807.171875 43014069.076171875, -79887825.568359375 43014057.03515625, -79887831.322335 43014053.269705132, -79888029.5 43013923.5625, -79890094.5625 43012572.1875, -79934236.875 42983685.125, -79863430.6875 42937209.4375))',0);
-- A quick test so you can see them
SELECT #Geo1, 'Geo1' as MyName UNION ALL SELECT #Geo2, 'Geo2' as MyName;
-- how do they compare initially?
#Geo1.STTouches(#Geo2) as 'Touches'
,#Geo1.STOverlaps(#Geo2) as 'Overlaps'
,#Geo1.STIntersects(#Geo2) as 'Intersects'
-- try to make them NOT overlap or intersect
SET #Geo3 = #Geo1.STDifference(#Geo2);
SET #Geo4 = #Geo2.STDifference(#Geo1);
-- Now, how do they compare?
#Geo3.STTouches(#Geo4) as 'Touches'
,#Geo3.STOverlaps(#Geo4) as 'Overlaps'
,#Geo3.STIntersects(#Geo4) as 'Intersects'
-- what does the intersection look like?
SELECT #Geo3.STIntersection(#Geo4).STAsText();
Touches Overlaps Intersects
1 0 1
Final Select:
MULTIPOINT ((-79830220.96484375 42976022.375), (-79831832.015625 42966999.5078125))
I suspect this is due to the method/precision with which SQL Server performs spatial calculations. For operations like STIntersection() etc, SQL Server rounds the supplied float coordinate values to a 27 bit integer grid. This can introduce slight distortions to the coordinates returned as the result of spatial operations.
In your case, your coordinate values are large, which means that the fixed size integer grid must be made quite coarse to accommodate the full range of data. The relative difference between the intersecting coordinates that you're trying to remove, however, is very small. When snapped to this coarse grid, SQL Server is unable to correctly identify the area of intersection.
See here for a explanation, and also a suggestion that this situation has been improved in SQL Server Denali:
As pointed out by Joe Stefanelli, your polygons don't technically overlap but they do intersect. The reason is that if you cut a hole out of one polygon using a smaller polygon, the smaller polygon will not overlap the new polygon but it will intersect it along the edge of the cut. It isn't like a table saw that removes some material along the edge of the cut. I could not include the code because SO is having a problem with certain SQL statements and blocks the post.
If you would like it not to overlap OR intersect, you can create your own sawblade effect. Apply a very small buffer around the smaller of the geometries when using it in the STDifference() function.
I know this post is old but it does seem pertinent still for those of us who will still be on 2008 for a while.
