Is it possible to use Entity Framework and a Database project together? - sql-server

At a conference yesterday, I learned about the importance of putting your database in source control. They showed us how to make a new Database project and import the database.
What I was wondering about is how I would change an existing project running on Entity Framework to utilize the database project's power?
Schema updates have always been done by using Entity Framework Migrations. I get that the Database project will be able to deploy database updates for me and save those update scripts to source control, but I would like to keep Entity Framework for querying my data (if that makes any sense at all).
Is it possible (or even: recommended) to use Entity Framework to access the database but manage the database using a Database project in Visual Studio ? How do you go about this?
I've tried searching for similar questions and using Google to find if anyone else is having the same problem, but no dice so far.
I should also state that I am considering using this in databases that also have stored procedures in them. These are not controlled through Entity Framework at all, and therefore are not in source control yet.
Thank you for your time.

What I was wondering about is how I would change an existing project
running on Entity Framework to utilize the database project's power?
Answer: I suggest you to see this course from Plural Sight :
Is it possible (or even: recommended) to use Entity Framework to access the database but manage the database using a Database project
in Visual Studio ? How do you go about this?
Answer: Yes, it's possible and recommended. Your data project becomes the source of truth about the structure of your database. This is very powerful to keep control of all the changes and state of your database in one place (Visual Studio). The course from the first answer will teach you how.
I should also state that I am considering using this in databases that
also have stored procedures in them. These are not controlled through
Entity Framework at all, and therefore are not in source control yet.
Answer: I don't see any problem using stored procedures. The tool from the Plural Sight course will create the procedure in your source control and the reverse engineering will create a class/method for easy use of the proc.

I just came across the below alternative, which I didn't test though:
Generate Entity Framework Core classes from a SQL Server database project - .dacpac file
I believe this should be something to be considered

I developed an application like that, having 2 projects: application itself and the SSDT project for the database. The database changes were deployed via change scripts, and EF migrations were disabled in the application.
Everything worked fine, although it did bring a bit of an overhead. For example, it was a bit of a hassle to introduce major database updates / refactorings into the EF layer. For some reason, I was unable to reverse engineer database changes directly into the app, so I had to do it half-manually: creating new project, generate EF context for the entire database, and then copying new / changed files into the main application.
(Then again, it was almost 5 years ago. With luck, EF scaffolding has improved since then.)


Eclipse link jpa cache issue

I am using eclipse link jpa 2.0. I am using hana database. So I created views and generated java entity files using eclipse. The problem is, after starting Java Web application in Tomcat server 7, if any table data is modified, then view is not returning updated values. Even if I am running view with native query it is giving old values only.. please let me know what changes need to do in configuration level or entity creating level. ( I even added #Cacheable(false) also).
Assuming that when you say view you mean database views, perhaps the following existing answered question might help (though the link talks about Oracle instead):
Materialized View - Oracle / Data is not updating
You might be using some sort of materialized view made in the database that can be configured to refresh during certain events. In this case, the problem does not lie in Eclipselink's caching mechanisms, but in your database instead (as you mentioned that even native queries returned stale data).

Multiple-domain security with SSDT .sqlproj projects?

I'm doing a small pilot project trying to implement Sql Server Data Tools sqlproj projects in order to better bring our databases under source control. In my organization, we have separate no-trust domains for test environments of various purposes, so these domains of course have their own isolated active directory accounts.
The documentation is still somewhat sparse and I don't really know where to go for more information on this toolset, especially considering the extraordinary amount of churn in Visual Studio's history of database assets.
So far, the only idea I've really had would be to make separate sqlproj projects specifically for the security objects each separate domain, separate from the other schema objects. My hope is that somehow I can tie my actual database schema to those at deploy time and also to somehow switch which security project I'm using in the build. I have no idea if that's feasible though.
Has anyone that uses Visual Studio sqlproj projects had to deal with this? Is there a best practice for this kind of thing?
If you have different settings for each environment then the easiest is to either leave them out and not delete them when you deploy or to have a post deploy script that sets them up manually.
Normally for handling different configurations I would suggest using sql cmd variables (on the properties of the project there is a page for setting these up) but when you create a login you cannot use a variable to create it so that falls over!
There is an example on how to setup a post deploy wrapper for just this case:
Good luck with ssdt, there are some strange quirks but it enables so much!

Auto-deploy Zend Framework 2 application + Database schema + Actual data

I am using GitHub to store a ZF2 application.
The database schema + the actual data stored inside the schema are not being stored inside a version control. At the moment I am in development mode, so I have some database dump scripts that I load into the database when I need to. I also tweak entries in the database via phpMyAdmin when I need ongoing granular control for immediate testing purposes. I am also looking into using Doctrire ORM, so my schema will be part of my code via Annotations, and that will be checked into GitHub. Doctrine ORM will generate the actual schema for me, although it is still a separate step in the deployment process. The actual data however, will still be outside of the application and outside of the repository and currently has to be dealt with separately and is not automated.
I want to be able to deploy ZF2 application and the database schema, and the data onto Zend Server and have it "just work" in the most automated, least manual way possible.
What is a recommended, best practice way to deploy every aspect of ZF2 application in the most automated, least manual way possible and have it "just work"? Let's focus on the Development and Testing mode here, as in Production it may be good to have separate deployment steps to protect against accidental live data overwrites.
You can try Phing ( for deploying your PHP application, adjusting directory permissions, running database migrations, running unit tests, etc. I used Phing in couple of my projects with great success.

Committing Stored Procedures to SVN Repository

My current development environment for C# projects is Visual Studio, with a SQL Server database and using VisualSVN to connect to my SVN repository. To manage revisions of my Stored Proceduress, Views, etc I save the ALTER script to a folder watched by my SVN client so these get included in the repository.
I have checked out some (now older) posts like this one (How to keep Stored Procedures and other scripts in SVN/Other repository? and Is there a SVN plugin for SQL Server Management Studio 2005 or 2008?) and have seen a recommendation for these tools: and .
As I infrequently work with projects doing much DB-side programming, this has never been a major bother (a dozen scripts in a folder with some naming scheme is not much to manage manually), but I have just inherited a project with a few hundred views and 1000+ Stored Procedures which have never been included in version control.
My question is:
What process do others follow for managing the versioning of their SQL Server code - is there a an accepted, clever or otherwise obvious approach I am missing here? I am leaning currently towards the purchase of one of the aforementioned tools - but am looking for advice from the community before I do this.
I realize this may result in a tool recommendation rather than a code solution but posted to SO as I think this is the appropriate crowd to ask this of.
I would recommend you go with something like the redgate tool, and treat any SQL database in the same way you'd treat your C# source code; manually keeping track of the ALTER statements will trip you up sonner or later as the number of modifications grow..can't speak for the zeus edit tool but having used the redgate one, it "just works" - and another benefit of using a tool like this is that it can manage your migration scripts so you can make a bunch of changes on your development version, then generate a single update script to update your testing database, etc,including data changes which is imho the biggest PITA to manually manage.
The other thing to consider, even if the number of changes are infrequent and you get away with manually tracking the ALTER statements, what if someone else ends up working on the same project; now you have another potential for mismanaged change scripts....
Anyway, do let us know how you get on and best of luck with it!
I’ve been maintaining a database with around 800+ db objects in it. We've always just scripted the database objects to a svn-watched folder as you describe. We have had some issues with this method, mostly with people forgetting to script new or modified objects. At the end of the day it hasn't been a huge problem for our project, but yours may be different.
We’ve looked into a couple tools, but they always assume you are starting from scratch, and we have almost 10 years of history we’d like to preserve. In the end we just end up settling back into our text-based manual solution. It's cheap and easy.
Another option you might want to look into is setting up a Visual Studio Database Project. It will script all your objects and provide some deployment options as well. My opinion was that it tired to be a little too tightly integrated for our tastes - we have a few named references to linked databases that it just wouldn't give up on.

Incremental development with subsonic

I'm in the process of starting up a web site project. My plan is to roll out the site in a somewhat rudimentary form first and then add to the site functionality along the way.
I'm using Subsonic 3 for my DAL, and I'm expecting the database will go through multiple versions as the sites evolve. This means I'll need some kind of versioning and migration tools. I understand that Subsonic has built in migration possibilities, but I'm having difficulties grasping how to use these tools, in my scenario.
First there's the SimpleRepository model, where the Subsonic "automagically" handles the migrations as i develop my site. I can see how this works on my dev-machine, but I'm not sure how to handle deployments with this.
Would Subsonic run the necessary migrations on my live site as the appropriate methods are called?
Is there some way I can force all necessary migrations on a site while taking the site offline, when using the Simplerepository model? (Else I would expect random users to experience severe performance cuts, as the migration routines kick in)
Would I be better off using the ActiveRecord model, and then handling migrations with the Subsonic.Schema.Migrator? (I suspect so)
Do you know of any good resources explaining how to handle this situation with the migrator? (I read the doc, but I can't piece together how I would use this in practice)
Thanks for listening/replying.
Jesper Hauge
I would advise against ever running migrations against a live site. SubSonic's migrations are really there to make development simpler and should never be used against a live environment. To be honest even using SubSonic.Schema.Migrator you're still going to bump into the fact that refactoring databases is an incredibly hard problem. For example renaming a column in a table using management studio is trivial, but what happens in the background involves creating an entirely new table and migrating all the constraints, data etc. before renaming the new table.
The most effective way I've found for dealing with this is:
Script all database changes as you make them in your development environment (SQL Server Management Studio will do this for you) and add these scripts to your source control.
As part of deployment (obviously backup first) run the migration scripts and then deploy the updated application on success.
Whether you use ActiveRecord or SimpleRepository is then down to whether you want the extra features/complexity of ActiveRecord.
Hope this helps
i would use activerecord easy to use and any changes you just run the TT files, you would then just build or publish your slution and done ???? SVN will keep your multiple versions of the build stage so if you make a tit of it you just drop back a revision.
