How to Update an array without downloading all data from firebase ReactJs - reactjs

Actually am new in react and am trying to create an event app in which a user can join an event
here is code for joining an event
export const JoinEvent = (id) => {
return async dispatch => {
let data = await firebase.firestore().collection('Events').doc(id).get()
let tmpArray =
let currentUser = firebase.auth().currentUser
let newArray = tmpArray.PeopleAttending
await firebase.firestore().collection('Events').doc(id).update({
PeopleAttending : {...newArray, [currentUser.uid]: {displayName : currentUser.displayName}}
actually i have created an action bascailly in JoinEvent an id is passed of the particular event which is clicked.
here is my firestore structure look like this..
so basically i have to download the whole data and store in local array and then add new user and then finally update
So here am basically download the whole data is there any way to just simply add new Object without downloading whole data??

You are doing it wrong. Firestore document size limit is Maximum size for a document 1 MiB (1,048,576 bytes), so sooner or later you're going to reach that limit if you keep adding data like this. It may seems that you're not going to reach that limit, but it's very unsafe to store data that way. You can check Firestore query using an object element as parameter how to query objects in firestore documents, but I suggest you don't do it that way.
The proper way to do it, is to create a subcollection PeopleAttending on each document inside the Events collection and then use that collection to store the data.
Also you can try document set with merge or mergeFields like documented here and here


How to store data in this very simple React Native app?

I'm developing an app using React Native that allows you to create your own checklists and add items to them.
For example you'd have "Create Checklist", and inside that you'll have the option to "Add Item", "Delete Item" "Edit Item", basic CRUD methods etc.
It's going to be completely offline but I'm wondering what the best approach to storing this data locally would be.
Should I be using a DB such as firebase? I have read that it is overkill and to use something like Redux but I'm not sure if the latter will accomplish everything I need. As long as it's storing data which can be edited, and will save on the user's device (with minimal effort) it sounds good to me.
Would appreciate some input on this, thanks!
You could use AsyncStorage for persisting data locally on the user's phone. It is a simple persistent key-value-storage.
Each checklist is most likely an array of JS objects. The documentation provides an example on how to store objects.
const storeData = async (value) => {
try {
const jsonValue = JSON.stringify(value)
await AsyncStorage.setItem('#storage_Key', jsonValue)
} catch (e) {
// saving error
The value parameter is any JS object. We use JSON.stringify to create a JSON string. We use AsyncStorage.setItem in order to persist the data. The string #storage_Key is the key for the object. This could be any string.
We retrieve a persisted object as follows.
const getData = async () => {
try {
const jsonValue = await AsyncStorage.getItem('#storage_Key')
return jsonValue != null ? JSON.parse(jsonValue) : null;
} catch(e) {
// error reading value
Both examples are taken from the official documentation.
Keep in mind that this functionality should be used for persistence only. If the application is running, you should load the complete list, or parts of the list if it is very large, in some sort of application cache. The implementation for this functionality now heavily depends on how your current code looks like. If you have a plain view, then you could access the local storage in an effect and just store it in a local state.
function MySuperList() {
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
// retrieve data using the above functionality and set the state
}, [])
// render list
return (...)
I would implement some sort of save button for this list. If it is pressed, then we persist the data in the local storage of the phone.

How to access collections in Firebase Firestore

Ok my question is pretty basic, in my app I have a post system, and in that post you can like the post. So when the user clicks the like button, I want the database to update the likes. Only problem is... I don't know how to capture the collections data
This is what the data looks like, its a randomly generated collections id, I tried to set the collections id to the id of the user but that would mean I can't make multiple posts. Can anyone help on this?
You can store previous value of likes inside a variable using the get function present in Firestore. Then you can update a field in the Firestore document inside a collection using updateDoc method using the value as shown below
import {
} from 'firebase/firestore';
async function updateData() {
const docRef=doc(db,’collection’,’document’);
const docData=await getDoc(docRef);
var value=docData.get('likes');
Or you can use the increment function present in Firestore. It will increment your field directly and you won’t have to create a variable separately to store the previous value as shown in Add data
import {
getFirestore,doc,getDoc,updateDoc, increment
} from 'firebase/firestore';
async function updateData() {
const docRef=doc(db,’collection’,’document’);
await updateDoc(docRef,{likes:increment(1)});
You can learn more about the update() in Update a document.

How to force ngrx-data to clear cashed entities and reload data from db

I have a typical ngrx-data arrangement of 'User' entities linked to db.
I implement the standard service to handle the data:
#Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
export class UserService extends EntityCollectionServiceBase<UserEntity> {
constructor(serviceElementsFactory: EntityCollectionServiceElementsFactory) {
super('User', serviceElementsFactory);
I read the data using:$ = this.userService.getAll();$.subscribe(d => { = d; ... }
Data arrives fine. Now, I have a GUI / HTML form where user can make changes and update them. It also works fine. Any changes user makes in the form are updated via:[fieldName] = newValue;
This updates the data and ngrx-data automatically updates the entity cache.
I want to implement an option, where user can decide to cancel all changes before they are written to the db, and get the initial data before he made any adjustments. However, I am somehow unable to overwrite the cached changes.
I tried:
also tried to re-call:$ = this.userService.getAll();
but I am constantly getting the data from the cache that has been changed by the user, not the data from the db. In the db I see the data not modified. No steps were taken to write the data to db.
I am not able to find the approach to discard my entity cache and reload the original db data to replace the cached values.
Any input is appreciated.
You will need to subscribe to the reassigned observable when you change$, but it will be a bit messy.
First you bind$ via$ = this.userService.entities$, then no matter you use load() or getAll(), as long as the entities$ changed, it fire to$.subscribe(). You can even skip the load and getAll if you already did that in other process.
You can then use the clearCache() then load() to reset the cache.
But I strongly recommand you to keep the entity data pure. If the user exit in the middle without save or reset, the data is changed everywhere you use this entity.
My recommand alternatives:
(1) Use angular FormGroup to set the form data with entity data value, then use this setting function to reset the form.
(2) Make a function to copy the data, then use this copy function as reset.
For example using _.cloneDeep.
(2.1) Using rxjs BehaviourSubject:
resetTrigger$ = new BehaviourSubject<boolean>(false);
ngOnInit(){$ = combineLastest([
]).subscribe([trigger, data])=>{ = _.cloneDeep(data)
// can skip if already loaded before
When you want to reset the data, set a new value to the trigger
(2.2) Using native function (need to store the original):$ = this.userService.entities$.pipe(
this.originData = d;
resetForm:()=>{ = _.cloneDeep(this.originData);

Is there a way to batch read firebase documents

I am making a mobile app using flutter with firebase as my backend.
I have a collection of user document that stores user information. one of the fields is an array of references (reference documents in another collection) which I want to use in an operation like batch that in that would then allow be to read all the documents.
I know batch only allows writes to the database, My second option would be Transaction, which requires writes after reads which I am trying to avoid.
Is there a way to read multiple documents in one operation without having to use Transaction?
Firestore doesn't offer a formal batch read API. As Frank mentions in his comment, there is a way to use IN to fetch multiple documents from a single collection using their IDs. However, all of the documents must be in the same collection, and you can't exceed 10 documents per query. You might as well just get() for each document individually, as the IN query has limitations, and isn't guaranteed to execute any faster than the individual gets. Neither solution is guaranteed to be "consistent", so any one of the documents fetched could be "more fresh" than the others at any given moment in time.
If you know the document IDs and the collection paths of the documents needed to be fetched, you could always use the getAll() method which is exposed in the firebase Admin SDK (at least for Node.js environments).
Then, for example, you could write an HTTPS Callable Function that would accept a list of absolute document paths and perform a "batch get" operation on them using the getAll() method.
// Import firebase functionality
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Configure firebase app
// HTTPS callable function
exports.getDocs = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
const docPathList = data.list; // e.g. ["users/Jkd94kdmdks", "users/8nkdjsld", etc...]
const firestore = admin.firestore();
var docList = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= docPathList.length - 1; i++) {
const docPath = docPathList[i];
const doc = firestore.doc(docPath);
// Get all
return firestore.getAll(...docList)
.then(results => {
return { data : => };
.catch(err => {
return { error : err };
Not sure what the limit (if any) is for the number of documents you can fetch using getAll(), but I do know my application is able to fetch at least 50 documents per call successfully using this method.
Firestore has a REST API that allows you to do batch GETs with document paths that may be what you need.

React native fetch... Explain it like I'm 5

export default class App extends Component {
state = {
data: []
fetchData = async () => {
const response = await fetch(""); // Replace this with the API call to the JSON results of what you need for your app.
const json = await response.json();
this.setState({ data: json.results }); // for the randomuser json result, the format says the data is inside results section of the json.
So, I have this code in my App.js file for React Native. The is a website that just gives you random users. Using it as a test URL right now. I don't really understand what the code is doing enough to be able to use it for other parts of my project. I was able to successfully display the 5 user results but now I want to access them again and iterate through the data attribute of the state.
tldr; Can I just access the data I got from the fetch in a for loop using data[i]? Please advise. I want to see if user input matches any of the items in the response that is stored in data attribute of state.
Ok the thign that you just did, that is fetch. You retrieve data from the internet.
"" is an API, there is lot of different API's, and each one has it´s own way to retrieve data from. if you put "" in your browser, you are gonna see a JSON, some API's store data in JSON, others in an array format.
In this case, the JSON, has just one child, 'results', thats why you store "json.results".
That´s fetch. The thing that you want to do is just javascript.
Store json.results in a variable
then iterate over it
var Results = json.results //store it in a variable
for(var i = 0;i<Object.keys(Results).length;i++){ //iterate
var CurrentUser = Results[Object.keys(Results)[i]] // i use this because some JSOn have random keys
if(CurrentUser.gender==='male'){//if you meet a condition
//do whatever you want
you can also use ".map" if it´s an array
