Allure Report - Environment not displaying - allure

Trying to set up the environment table in the Allure report, tried to create and the environment.xml, but its not generating the environment field. I see in the environment.json file, its empty.
Any idea?
<phase>validate </phase>

Why don't create the from the code during the test?


Is there a way to call React app in a Sring Boot (JSP file) and package them together

I have tried multiple combinations with frontend-maven-plugin but getting
GET http://localhost:8081/demo/static/js/2.8d94841d.chunk.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 this type of error on a View (JSP) where react page is included. I'm assuming it's due to an installation or page linking error while packaging.
my POM file snippet
<id>install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<id>npm run build</id>
<arguments>run build</arguments>
<copy todir="target/Studio/resources/react">
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}/react/demo/build"/>
path to my react app - {frontend-src-dir}
JSP snippet with react app react app-
<jsp:include page="HeaderPage.jsp">
<jsp:param name="title" value="" />
<%#include file="/resources/react/index.html"%>
<jsp:include page="FooterPage.jsp">
<jsp:param name="title" value="" />
Project structure
Project structure image

Wildfly-Swarm enable debug

I've managed to convert my "war" application to a hollow jar.
My biggest issue is that even after following the documentation, still cannot enable debug mode (my desired port is 8784)
I am pretty sure that I am missing something but ... what?
The swarm.sebug.port property is only relevant when starting the application via the Swarm Maven plugin, or when using the Swarm Arquillian adapter. When starting the application using java -jar myapp-swarm.jar, you need to use the standard Java way of enabling remote debugging, i.e. something like java -Xdebug -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8784,server=y,suspend=n -jar myapp-swarm.jar.
You may want to look into:
The first link is the relevant one. I am including the second one just for further information if you are using IntelliJ for IDE.
Briefly, here is my pom configuration:
After starting the application with the mvn swarm plugin, I am connecting with a remote debugger.
Good luck!
Edit (2019.05.31):
My current setup for debugging in the pom.xml is the following:

How can I create multiple shared libraries with maven nar plugin?

How can I create multiple shared libraries with maven nar plugin? Here is a snippet from my pom.xml:
I can create a shared library with this pom. But I want to build two libraries. From pack of source files. How can I do this?

Pass command line Params in mvn exec:exec

I am amazed that what should have been a very easy job is turning into a very annoying task for me. All i need is to pass few command line parameters to my maven exec:exec plugin. unfortunately hours of googling has not helped at all.
Here is my plugin
<classpath />
Now from the command prompt i am typing in:
mvn exec:exec
I also tried:
mvn exec:exec
And many other things. However nothing seems to be working. I know that exec:exec runs in a separate VM but as per the documentation -Dexec.args should work for me. Can someone please suggest where i am going wrong?
Two ways to pass command line arguments into mvn:exec:
Method 1, on the command line:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.myPackage.myClass" -Dexec.args="command line arguments"
Method 2, in the maven POM file:
<commandlineArgs>command line arguments</commandlineArgs>
Then on the command line all you have to do is run:
mvn exec:java
Good luck.
I was able to get JVM args working for exec:exec using the following after reading this article:
<classpath />
why not use system property?
If you want to pass command line arguments to Java VM use <commandlineArgs> tag instead of <arguments>. Maven Exec Plugin
I use the following command line setting to pass arguements to my Main-Class with the exceution plugin.
mvn clean install -Dexec.arguments="arg0"
I don't think the selected answer solves the problem. Here is my somewhat hacky solution that works:
<classpath />
<argument>${myProperty1}</argument> <!-- variable args here!!! -->
<id>myExecution</id> <!-- defined an id here! -->
Now you can simply execute passing the arguments.
mvn exec:exec#myExecution -DmyProperty1=XXX -DmyProperty2=YYY
The problem is that you use -Dexec.args on the command line and it overrides the <arguments> given in pom.xml. You can use either of them, not both.

liquibase using maven with two databases

i have the following structure to run one database from maven:
now i want to run another database in the same server with the name charm2. i tried this:
and it does not work. does anyone know how to solve this?
Perhaps you could try giving an <id> to each <execution>. Something like
If this does not work, you could update your question with the full stacktrace specifying the exact line that maven fails to validate the pom.
