How can I create multiple shared libraries with maven nar plugin? Here is a snippet from my pom.xml:
I can create a shared library with this pom. But I want to build two libraries. From pack of source files. How can I do this?
I have tried multiple combinations with frontend-maven-plugin but getting
GET http://localhost:8081/demo/static/js/2.8d94841d.chunk.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 this type of error on a View (JSP) where react page is included. I'm assuming it's due to an installation or page linking error while packaging.
my POM file snippet
<id>install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<id>npm run build</id>
<arguments>run build</arguments>
<copy todir="target/Studio/resources/react">
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}/react/demo/build"/>
path to my react app - {frontend-src-dir}
JSP snippet with react app react app-
<jsp:include page="HeaderPage.jsp">
<jsp:param name="title" value="" />
<%#include file="/resources/react/index.html"%>
<jsp:include page="FooterPage.jsp">
<jsp:param name="title" value="" />
Project structure
Project structure image
Trying to set up the environment table in the Allure report, tried to create and the environment.xml, but its not generating the environment field. I see in the environment.json file, its empty.
Any idea?
<phase>validate </phase>
Why don't create the from the code during the test?
I built a React-Application using create-react-app.
The production build is done on Jenkins via:
npm install --prod
npm run build
Then I have the "ready to deploy" artifact.
But how can I get this artifact on my Nexus-Server?
Can i use the version from package.json?
Do I have to make a zip or something like that on my own before uploading?
This would be pretty nice to have a history and it would be easier/faster to build dockers from the artifact on nexus than building again.
How you guys solved that?
Thanks for answers.
I know this question is old, but it might help others.
I recently had to do something similar. My approach was:
Convert the project to a Maven one
Configure my private repository in pom.xml
Configure maven clean plugin to empty the build directory
Configure maven jar plugin to skip the jar creation
Integrate frontend-maven-plugin - my project needed yarn, but it can also run with npm
<!-- install node & yarn -->
<id>install node and yarn</id>
<!-- yarn install -->
<id>yarn install</id>
<!-- yarn run build -->
<id>yarn run build</id>
<arguments>run build</arguments>
Integrate maven assembly plugin in order to pack everything under build directory into a zip file
<!-- pack everything under /build into a zip -->
where assembly.xml looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Finally run mvn clean deploy in order to get the zip file uploaded to nexus.
Also, I found this solutions for synchronizing the package.json version with the pom.xml version, but I did not use it.
I've managed to convert my "war" application to a hollow jar.
My biggest issue is that even after following the documentation, still cannot enable debug mode (my desired port is 8784)
I am pretty sure that I am missing something but ... what?
The swarm.sebug.port property is only relevant when starting the application via the Swarm Maven plugin, or when using the Swarm Arquillian adapter. When starting the application using java -jar myapp-swarm.jar, you need to use the standard Java way of enabling remote debugging, i.e. something like java -Xdebug -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8784,server=y,suspend=n -jar myapp-swarm.jar.
You may want to look into:
The first link is the relevant one. I am including the second one just for further information if you are using IntelliJ for IDE.
Briefly, here is my pom configuration:
After starting the application with the mvn swarm plugin, I am connecting with a remote debugger.
Good luck!
Edit (2019.05.31):
My current setup for debugging in the pom.xml is the following:
i have the following structure to run one database from maven:
now i want to run another database in the same server with the name charm2. i tried this:
and it does not work. does anyone know how to solve this?
Perhaps you could try giving an <id> to each <execution>. Something like
If this does not work, you could update your question with the full stacktrace specifying the exact line that maven fails to validate the pom.