React - upload a video with youtube data API - reactjs

I'm trying to upload a video on youtube in my react app using Youtube Data API, but the documentation is a mess.
Is there an example with the javascript SDK somewhere or I have to implement all the API calls one by one (not so simple if you want resumable uploads...)?


React Native Video HTTP Video Streaming

I am using React Native with an Express backend which is handling the video streaming.
I am using this GitHub project as the backend - - which basically sends back a chunk of bytes (video data) to the client in a response.
I ran into a problem trying to implement this into my application using react-native-video and expo-av (tried both).
My problem is, when I try to play a video like this it does not work.
// it's without file extension (backend provides the content type)
uri: `https://www.apiurl.tld/video/video_id`
Is there any possible solution to play a video in React Native like this?

uploading a doc file to alfresco using rest api and react js

I'm trying to send a document file to alfresco via a simple react js interface with a single upload button like the image. But I don't know how should I approach it. I managed to upload a file using postman but I'm a beginner in this field. What should I do?

Streaming Audio Record in React Native

To build an interactive app I want to integrate record audio streaming with my react native app. I hunted through
react-native-sound-recorder and
But I didn't find an acquiescent API for this purpose. Is there any package or manual method to accomplish?
Try react-native-live-audio-stream link is here

Dynamic Youtube Embed from Firebase Realtime Database in React

Hello Stack Overflow Community!
I really need some help with my most recent project. I am attempting to embed a Youtube Video from a Firebase Realtime Database. Inside the Database is the Embed Url, but when I try and put the data inside the src, it makes a blank iframe.
<iframe src="{item.embed}" />
What would I do to this link embeddable?
You can use react-youtube module for this purpose which uses youtube iFrame API for videos.
Find all the documentation in below link.

adding service worker to reactjs app

I'm about the create a small single page reactjs app that fetches data from 3rd API (let's say youtube videos, so those will be displayed). So I don't need any backend at all, but I'd like to make it offline first with service workers, so if there is no connection it will still display some cached data by default. For this I will use service workers, but don't really know if I have to add any other library or I can just use it right away.
Could somebody tell me what the best way is to implement this small offline-first react app?
If you're looking for a self-contained starting point, looks promising.
If you're looking for a functional web app to draw some inspiration from, there's, which fetches information from the iFixit API, and is conceptually similar to a web app that would fetch information from the YouTube API.
(Just note that YouTube embedded video playback won't work offline, even with service workers.)
