Streaming Audio Record in React Native - reactjs

To build an interactive app I want to integrate record audio streaming with my react native app. I hunted through
react-native-sound-recorder and
But I didn't find an acquiescent API for this purpose. Is there any package or manual method to accomplish?

Try react-native-live-audio-stream link is here


how to implement Ionic-react offline mode

I want to make a ionic app offline but i don't know how to implement
Adding offline support to an existing app can be straightforward when you start with the basics. By utilizing the Ionic Native SQLite module
You can check this article for more details here.

What react or node js package is best for building chat functionality?

I'm building an app where users can chat with each other, so I want to know what packages are good for such needs.
Please only include free sources even if they have limited user count.
I'm using React and Express.
I would suggest you use It provides real-time bi-directional communication and has official client libraries for most platforms. Official Site
I'd like to recommend you my two libraries:
React UI chat components:
Headless chat hook (state management):
Both are proven in production applications.
To communicate with the server, I recommend
Also, this answer can be helpful: Building a Live Chat Widget from Scratch using React

How to create a chat application using Janus web socket in react native?

i want to use janus in react native for chat functionality. did not find any documentation. how to integrate websocket janus in react native.
i am using following react-native-janus but this is only for video room
i want to create text room in janus.
how to initialize janus?
Janus exposes its API, so feel free to use it.
You may use Janus Javascript API for your purposes:
Read about using janus.js library here:
Then look at the TextRoom docs:

Live Streaming with react js and antmedia

I need to create a two way communication app with ant media and reactjs web. Can anyone give some examples or tutorials for this?

Firebase Analytics for React Native

Has anyone successfully run Firebase Analytics in React Native?
There is a react-native-firebase-analytics but it's installation documentation and support is poor. Also it does not install the plugin correctly. If you have been working on FB Analytics in React Native project, please share your tips.
Are you using firebase sdk for web with react native? Analytics, offline capabilities etc, won't work with the apps if you use firebase sdk for web, check react-native-firebase which acts as a native bridge and enables all the functionalities of firebase for mobile. It has great documentation!
refer : Firebase + React Native: Offline authentication
I was able to get offline capabilities with in the app using redux-persist independent of the firebase sdk.
Agreed with what you have said. I made that work by linking manually and run command
adb shell setprop "package_name"
in react-native cli for enabling debug mode on firebase website.
And don't forget to put file google-services.json in your android/app folder.
