using local state for input value with redux store - reactjs

i started learning redux and i've got the following question. so I have a redux store with initial state and i also have a component which is responsible (dispatching an action) with user inputted data. so if the inputs are controlled should i set their value property in redux store (initalState) and dispatch an action every time value changes or should i use local state of component -
class Calc ...
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.state = {
inputVal: ''
<input type="text" name="inputVal" value={this.state.inputVal} onChange={this.handleChange} />

in my opinion, before you store something in redux store, you should ask yourself some questions:
if my state "inputVal" will be shared between the other components?
if the change of my "inputVal" have some impacts on the other components
If you get the absolute answer "YES", you might need to store this state "inputVal" in redux state.
If NO, you do NOT need to store this state in redux. Instead of it, just handle the state within your component "Cal"

When a component is connected to Redux store it gets notified about the changes done to the store.
Therefore if
- two or more components would benefit from being notified about the state changes and
- these components are not in parent-child type of relationship when it's very easy for typically the parent to be aware about the changes related to self and the child and then let the child know what it should do by changing its props
then use Redux store.
Additionally there might be entirely different situation when just one single (or maybe several) component(s) need to be notified about navigation changes e.g user using Back/Foward browser buttons. In such case use Redux as well, in conjuction with Router that automatically dispathes an action to Redux store with relevant payload.


React - using state value only one time

I am a beginner on React, and I am confused on how to achieve this
I have a simple function which returns a component
renderCustomButtonText(style) {
return (
placeholder="Custom Button Text"
The input value is received from the state. When loading the page for the first time it gets this value from the database so that is okay, but when updating the state again, it gets changed again.
So, basically, I want to store {} somewhere so that I can get the initial value of it. And NOT getting the updated store value, only the initial value which was loaded the first time.
I don't want to use Redux for such a simple use case. Any ideas?
You can't use state with functional components you need class-based component, with functional components you are limited to render props.
When you need to interact with state, or component lifecycle hooks you need to use class-based components.
React updates its component whenever you use this.setState.
If you don't want to re-render your component, I would recommend setting the information to the this-instance instead of this.state.
e.g. = contact;
However, since you're using the value prop of input, you need to update it each time the user inputs. What you could do is setting the state in the componentWillMount method with setState.
this.setState({ contact: '...' });
Then also update the state when the user inputs by adding a onInput event to the input component.
onInput={e => this.setState({ contact: })}

state in react with redux

I have 3 questions about state in react with redux
the first one is that, as I know, state is an object. But from where can I know the fields in the state object?
the second one is that, from the todomvc official example, there is one state:
state = {
editing: false
handleDoubleClick = () => {
this.setState({ editing: true })
in my understanding, setState would update the global state. so does that mean this state is global not local? and the state only has one field editing?
state = {
editing: false
my last question is that, currently I am using angular to develop my website, which has 3 pages, e.g.,, and for each page, I would use angular to fetch data from backend. so if I want to rewrite it in react with redux, the state should be something like below?
type: xxx,
invoiceData: xxx,
customerData: xxx,
supplierData: xxx,
//some other cool stuff
Usually, if you want to change or access the state, you have previously defined its fields. That's what you do with state = {editing: false}.
I think that you are mixing react's state with Redux. The state of Redux is global to the app, but in this example you are not using Redux. This state is React's component state, so it's only accessible locally in the component. setState is a React function that asynchronously mutates the state of the component. After setState is called, the component is re-rendered.
I think that this question is unclear because, as I said, you might be confused with React and Redux. Try to understand React by itself first and then take a look at Redux.

How does a redux connected component know when to re-render?

I'm probably missing something very obvious and would like to clear myself.
Here's my understanding.
In a naive react component, we have states & props. Updating state with setState re-renders the entire component. props are mostly read only and updating them doesn't make sense.
In a react component that subscribes to a redux store, via something like store.subscribe(render), it obviously re-renders for every time store is updated.
react-redux has a helper connect() that injects part of the state tree (that is of interest to the component) and actionCreators as props to the component, usually via something like
const TodoListComponent = connect(
But with the understanding that a setState is essential for the TodoListComponent to react to redux state tree change(re-render), I can't find any state or setState related code in the TodoList component file. It reads something like this:
const TodoList = ({ todos, onTodoClick }) => (
{ =>
onClick={() => onTodoClick(}
Can someone point me in the right direction as to what I am missing?
P.S I'm following the todo list example bundled with the redux package.
The connect function generates a wrapper component that subscribes to the store. When an action is dispatched, the wrapper component's callback is notified. It then runs your mapState function, and shallow-compares the result object from this time vs the result object from last time (so if you were to rewrite a redux store field with its same value, it would not trigger a re-render). If the results are different, then it passes the results to your "real" component" as props.
Dan Abramov wrote a great simplified version of connect at (connect.js) that illustrates the basic idea, although it doesn't show any of the optimization work. I also have links to a number of articles on Redux performance that discuss some related ideas.
React-Redux v6.0.0 made some major internal changes to how connected components receive their data from the store.
As part of that, I wrote a post that explains how the connect API and its internals work, and how they've changed over time:
Idiomatic Redux: The History and Implementation of React-Redux
My answer is a little out of left field. It sheds light on a problem that led me to this post. In my case it seemed the app was Not re-rendering, even though it received new props.
React devs had an answer to this often asked question something to the tune that if the (store) was mutated, 99% of the time that's the reason react won't re-render.
Yet nothing about the other 1%. Mutation was not the case here.
componentWillReceiveProps is how the state can be kept synced with the new props.
Edge Case: Once state updates, then the app does re-render !
It turn out that if your app is using only state to display its elements, props can update, but state won't, so no re-render.
I had state that was dependent on props received from redux store. The data I needed wasn't in the store yet, so I fetched it from componentDidMount, as is proper. I got the props back, when my reducer updated store, because my component is connected via mapStateToProps. But the page didn't render, and state was still full of empty strings.
An example of this is say a user loaded an "edit post" page from a saved url. You have access to the postId from the url, but the info isn't in store yet, so you fetch it. The items on your page are controlled components - so all the data you're displaying is in state.
Using redux, the data was fetched, store was updated, and the component is connected, but the app didn't reflect the changes. On closer look, props were received, but app didn't update. state didn't update.
Well, props will update and propagate, but state won't.
You need to specifically tell state to update.
You can't do this in render(), and componentDidMount already finished it's cycles.
componentWillReceiveProps is where you update state properties that depend on a changed prop value.
Example Usage:
if ( !=={
I must give a shout out to this article that enlightened me on the solution that dozens of other posts, blogs, and repos failed to mention. Anyone else who has had trouble finding an answer to this evidently obscure problem, Here it is:
ReactJs component lifecycle methods — A deep dive
componentWillReceiveProps is where you'll update state to keep in sync with props updates.
Once state updates, then fields depending on state do re-render !
This answer is a summary of Brian Vaughn's article entitled You Probably Don't Need Derived State (June 07, 2018).
Deriving state from props is an anti-pattern in all its forms. Including using the older componentWillReceiveProps and the newer getDerivedStateFromProps.
Instead of deriving state from props, consider the following solutions.
Two best practice recommendations
Recommendation 1. Fully controlled component
function EmailInput(props) {
return <input onChange={props.onChange} value={} />;
Recommendation 2. Fully uncontrolled component with a key
// parent class
class EmailInput extends Component {
state = { email: this.props.defaultEmail };
handleChange = event => {
this.setState({ email: });
render() {
return <input onChange={this.handleChange} value={} />;
// child instance
Two alternatives if, for whatever reason, the recommendations don't work for your situation.
Alternative 1: Reset uncontrolled component with an ID prop
class EmailInput extends Component {
state = {
email: this.props.defaultEmail,
prevPropsUserID: this.props.userID
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
// Any time the current user changes,
// Reset any parts of state that are tied to that user.
// In this simple example, that's just the email.
if (props.userID !== state.prevPropsUserID) {
return {
prevPropsUserID: props.userID,
email: props.defaultEmail
return null;
// ...
Alternative 2: Reset uncontrolled component with an instance method
class EmailInput extends Component {
state = {
email: this.props.defaultEmail
resetEmailForNewUser(newEmail) {
this.setState({ email: newEmail });
// ...
As I know only thing redux does, on change of store's state is calling componentWillRecieveProps if your component was dependent on mutated state and then you should force your component to update
it is like this
1-store State change-2-call(componentWillRecieveProps(()=>{3-component state change}))

Make sure a new instance of certain component is used

I have a feeling this is a "wrong" question to ask, but here goes anyway:
I'm making some sort of quiz app (using redux for state management). (showing the important bits here)
<Slider {...sliderSettings} slideIndex={currentQuestionIndex}>
<Start onStart={() => onNextQuestion()} topicId={topicId} />
{, ndx) => {
return (
<Question {...question} done={onDone} key={`question-${}`} />
<Result score={score} onRestart={() => onRestart()}/>
<div className="question">
<h2 className="question__text">{ question }</h2>
<MultipleChoice options={answers} onChange={done} />
initialState = {
selectedValue: null
class MultipleChoice extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = initialState;
handleChange(value, correct) {
selectedValue: value
render() {
{ options } = this.props,
getStateClass = (option, ndx) => {
let sc = '';
if (this.state.selectedValue !== null) {
if (this.state.selectedValue === ndx) {
sc = option.correct ? 'is-correct' : 'is-incorrect';
} else if (option.correct) {
sc = 'is-correct';
return sc;
return (
<ul className="multiple-choice">
{, ndx) => {
return (
<li key={`option-${ndx}`} className={cx('multiple-choice__option', getStateClass(option, ndx))}>
<button className="multiple-choice__button" onClick={() => this.handleChange(ndx, option.correct)}>{option.answer}</button>
}) }
export default MultipleChoice;
The problem lies within the rendering of MultipleChoice. It uses internal state to show which answer is wrong and right.
in quiz.js, onRestart dispatches a redux action which updates the store to fetch some new questions and reset the currentQuestionIndex to 0. This all works.
But somehow, sometimes the MultipleChoice element is "reused" and is still showing the state it had in the previous round of questions. In other words, most of the time a new MultipleChoice gets mounted, but sometimes it isn't. This is react reconciliation, if I understand correctly?
But how do I solve this problem? In my view, MultipleChoice needs its internal state. So should I reset this state somehow? Or make sure a new MultipleChoice gets mounted everytime? Or am I asking the wrong questions here?
I looked at your repository, and the issue, as correctly noted in another answer is that your <Question> (and thus inner <MultipleChoice>) components never unmount, so they keep their state.
Normally this doesn’t come up often in React because people usually want the state to be preserved while the component is in the tree. When the state is no longer needed, people usually stop including components in the render() method, and React unmounts them. Next time they are rendered, their state gets reset.
The state does not get reset in your example because you always keep the <Question>s visible, even between the quiz runs. You can see that <Question>s are already mounted before we begin the quiz, and stay mounted after it ends:
So how can we force React to reset their state? There are three options:
You may cause them to unmount. Next time they get mounted, they’ll have a new state. This is usually the simplest solution, because you don’t actually display the questions on the initial “start quiz” page. For example, you can do this by adding currentQuestionIndex > 0 && guard before rendering in the render() method of <Questions>.
You may pass new keys to them that don’t match previous keys. You are currently using question-${} as the key right now but that will produce the same key for the same question even if you retry the quiz. To solve this, you could introduce a new state variable (either in Redux or in top-level component state), for example, quizAttemptIndex, and increment it on any new attempt. Then you could change the key to be question-${quizAttemptIndex}-${}. This way attempting a quiz another time would reset the internal state of the question (as well as cause it to remount).
Finally, if you’d rather not destroy the DOM completely by passing a different key, you could pass quizAttemptIndex (explained in the previous section) as a prop to <MultipleChoice>. Then, inside it, you could this.setState({ selectedValue: null }) inside componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) if nextProps.quizAttemptIndex !== this.props.quizAttemptIndex.
You can choose either solution depending on how important it is for you to keep the questions mounted all the time.
As far as I understood, you want your MultipleChoice component to refresh its state when you want it to do so. But as you are using react state in your component, as long as your component doesn't unmount, your react state in your MultipleChoice keeps its latest state.
This behaviour is expected from react state, because mostly you want to use it for internal behaviour. Maybe you want to toggle some ui data in your component, when some button or something triggers your component to do so. Or you want to control your input forms etc.
But what you expect should be accomplished in redux state. Your component should be reusable which doesn't care where it mounted. You pass your mounted-place-related data to your MultipleChoice with props, which is taken from redux. So now you have a reusable component. Don't spend much time about mounting etc. You might check react-redux repositories on github to get familiar with how to shape your project's data flow. When to use redux state to make desicions or handle state in your component by react state.

React reusable stateful component

Let's say I created a component which can be turned on/off based on state.
var onOff = React.createElement(<OnOff />, mountElement);
onOff.setState({ on: false });
Later I'm creating a new component called Parent, which will use OnOff inside it.
render() { return <div><OnOff /></div> }
Now how can I change the OnOff state? There is no way I can call setState on it. And I should not according to React doc. So I have to add initial state to OnOff's props:
constructor(props) {
this.state = { on: props.initialOn };
then in Parent's render method, set the initialOn prop with its state:
render() { return <div><OnOff initialOn={false} /></div> }
But it's still not working, because whenever I change Parent's state, the OnOff component inside it is not re-created with new initial state. Instead, it is only re-rendered with old state. I have a CodePen to prove it:
You can update the state of the OnOff component by declaring the update also inside a componentWillReceiveProps function, something like:
function(nextProps) {
on : nextProps.initialOn
This allows you to update state, when new props arrive. And it is valid react.
You should however consider if you need state in OnOff at all: if the only initial setting and all updates ONLY come from its parent component, then a stateless component would be better.
One of the important things to understand when "Thinking in React" is to figure out which component does State belong to.
Read this in React docs
What Components Should Have State?
Most of your components should simply take some data from props and render it. However, sometimes you
need to respond to user input, a server request or the passage of
time. For this you use state.
Try to keep as many of your components as possible stateless. By doing
this you'll isolate the state to its most logical place and minimize
redundancy, making it easier to reason about your application.
A common pattern is to create several stateless components that just
render data, and have a stateful component above them in the hierarchy
that passes its state to its children via props. The stateful
component encapsulates all of the interaction logic, while the
stateless components take care of rendering data in a declarative way.
Thus, your OnOff should not have state but use properties passed down from the parent instead. I have illustrated this at
render() {
writeLog("OnOff render called!")
writeLog("Child: " + this.props.initialOn)
return <span>{this.props.initialOn ? "On" : "Off"}</span>;
I would also recommend reading "Thinking in React" to get further clarity.
