The code below is converting a number of seconds to the DD:HH:MM format. Instead of using printf, I would like to use snprintf. How should I print those d,h,m in the snprintf?
#include <stdio.h>
#define LONGEST 60
int main() {
int sec, h, m, s, d, temp;
char *temp_str;
int test= 2835656;
d = test / 86400; //divide the number of seconds by the number of seconds in a day
if (d < 100) {
temp = test % 86400;
temp /= 60; //
h = temp / 60; //to get "minute"
m = temp % 60; //to get "second"
} else {
d = 99;
h = 23;
m = 59;
printf("DD:HH:MM:%d:%d:%d\n", d, h, m); //output is DD:HH:MM:32:19:40
return 0;
I tried snprintf(temp_str, LONGEST, "%02s:%02s:%02s", d, h, m); but it didn't work
Why the different format string for the snprintf attempt? Just do it like you did in the printf call:
snprintf(temp_str, LONGEST, "DD:HH:MM:%d:%d:%d", d, h, m);
The %02s specifier doesn't work for integers. You also haven't declared temp_str, so you need to do that beforehand:
char temp_str[LONGEST];
After calling snprintf, the string "DD:HH:MM:32:19:40" is stored in temp_str and you can verify that with puts(temp_str);, for instance.
You must define temp_str as an array of char with at least LONGEST elements, andd you can use the same format string as for printf.
Note however that your format string should be "%02d:%02d:%02d" to produce 2 digits for each field even for values below 10.
Here is a modified version:
#include <stdio.h>
#define LONGEST 60
int main() {
int sec, h, m, s, d, temp;
char temp_str[LONGEST];
int test = 2835656;
d = test / 86400; //divide the number of seconds by the number of seconds in a day
if (d < 100) {
temp = test % 86400;
temp /= 60; // discard the seconds
h = temp / 60; // to get "hour"
m = temp % 60; // to get "minute"
} else {
d = 99;
h = 23;
m = 59;
snprintf(temp_str, LONGEST, "DD:HH:MM:%02d:%02d:%02d\n", d, h, m); //output is DD:HH:MM:32:19:40
fputs(temp_str, stdout);
return 0;
In this program, I'm trying to calculate the square root with the newton equation 1/2(x+a/x) just using integers. So if I repeat this equation at least 10 times, it should divide the number by 1000 and give an approximate value of the square root of a/1000. This is the code:
int main (){
int32_t a, x; //integers a and x
float root;
scanf ("%d", &a); // get value of a from the user
if (a < 1000 ){ // if chosen number is less than 1000 the programm ends.
x = ((float) a / 1000); //starting value of x is a / 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < 50;i++)
root = ((float) x * (float) x + a/1000) / ((float)2*x); // convert int to float //through casting
x = (float)root; // refresh the value of x to be the root of the last value.
printf ("%f\n", (float)root);
}while (1);
return 0;
so if I calculate the square root of 2000, it should give back the square root of 2(1.414..), but it just gives an approximate value: 1.50000
How can I correct this using integers and casting them with float?
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char * *argv, char * *envp) {
int32_t a, x; //integers a and x
float root;
do {
scanf ("%d", &a); // get value of a from the user
if (a < 1000) { // if chosen number is less than 1000 the program ends.
x = (int32_t)((float) a / 1000.0f); //starting value of x is a / 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
// Fixed formula based on (x+a/x)/2
root = ((float)x + (((float)a) / (float)x)) / 2.0f;
//Below, wrong old formula
//root = ((float) x * (float) x + a / 1000) / ((float) 2 * x); // convert int to float //through casting
x = (int32_t) root; // refresh the value of x to be the root of the last value.
printf ("%f\n", root);
} while (1);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
The iterates of x = (x + a / x) / 2 for a = 2000000 and x0 = 1000 (all integer variables) are 1500, 1416 and 1414. Then 200000000 gives 14142 and so on.
As I see it the numerical sequence consists of 2 separate sequences. This is the code that I have so far. I am not sure if you must use a while or a for loop. I am fairly new at coding so if someone please could help me.
if the entered value is 10 it must give the first 10 terms of the sequence, and if I enter 5 it must give me the first 5 terms of the sequence.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
int a, n = 1, t, y = 1; // First Numerical Sequence
int b, m = 2, s, x = 2; // Second Numerical Sequence
int d, r, z; // Extra
printf("Enter A Tn : ");
scanf(" %d", &z);
while (n <= z) {
a = 15;
r = pow(2, n - y);
d = (9 * (r - 1)) / (2 - 1);
t = a + d;
printf("%d\n", t);
n += 2;
while (m <= z) {
b = 12;
r = pow(2, m - x);
d = (9 * (r - 1)) / (2 - 1);
s = b + d;
printf("%d\n", s);
m += 2;
return 0;
This will get the job done.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int val,ic; //iteration count, will print ic*2 number
scanf("%d %d",&val,&ic);
for(int i = 0;i<ic;i++){
printf("%d ",val);
printf("%d ",val);
How to compile & run:
C:\Users\stike\Desktop>rem assume you saved it in a.c
C:\Users\stike\Desktop>gcc -o a a.c
15 12 24 21 42 39 78 75 150 147
If you want to print the same sequence starting from 15 and o till a certain number which the user inputs, you can follow the following code.
Hope you understood the sequence pattern when a number is given it is printed and reduce the number by 3, then it is printed and then twice the number and printed, and again reduce by 3, likewise, it flows on.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int endNum;
int beginNum = 15;
printf("Enter the end: ");//(lineA) here we initialize the variables with beginNum as 15
scanf("%d", &endNum); //(Line B) let the user to input endNum of the sequence,in the example it is 147
while ((beginNum-3) <= endNum) { // checks the condition
printf("%d ", beginNum);
if(beginNum==endNum) return 0; //check whether you print the end number.
beginNum -= 3; // reduce by 3
printf("%d ", beginNum);
beginNum *= 2; // multiply by 2
return 0;
if you don't need to user input a endNum just initialize the value 147 to variable endNum.
And delete the lines A and B.
Here's another approach using static variables
#include <stdio.h>
int next(void) {
static int last, n = 0;
if (n++ == 0) return last = 15; // 1st element of sequence
if (n % 2) return last = last * 2; // odd elements
return last = last - 3; // even elements
int main(void) {
for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
printf("%d ", next());
return 0;
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
// TODO: Prompt for start size
int s;
s = get_int("Start size : ");
while (s < 9);
// TODO: Prompt for end size
int e;
e = get_int("End size : ");
while (e < s);
// TODO: Calculate number of years until we reach threshold
int n = s;
int y = 0;
while (n < e)
n = n + n / 3 - n / 4 ;
// TODO: Print number of years
printf("Years: %i\n", y);
I am able to run the above code perfectly and get the desired results. However when i try to replace the n's calculation part by simplifying the math the code stops working i.e it does not calculate what its intended to calculate and keeps the program in the input taking mode i.e it lets you type in the terminal without giving output. I replaced the n's calculation part with
n = (13 * n) / 12
Because of integer arithmetics, the expressions n = n + n / 3 - n / 4; and n = n * 13 / 12; are not equivalent: integer division rounds toward zero so for example the first expression increments n from 3 to 4 but not the second expression.
You should use floating point arithmetics for this problem:
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
// TODO: Prompt for start size
int s;
do {
s = get_int("Start size: ");
} while (s < 9);
// TODO: Prompt for end size
int e;
do {
e = get_int("End size: ");
} while (e < s);
// Calculate number of years until we reach threshold
double n = s;
int y = 0;
while (n < e) {
n = n * 13.0 / 12.0;
// TODO: Print number of years
printf("Years: %i\n", y);
return 0;
I need to write a program that takes 2 digits(X and n) and then prints X with last n digits of X reversed.
For example
Input: 12345 3
Output: 12543
Input: 523 2
Output: 532
I already wrote a control mechanism for checking n is greater or equal than the number of digits of X
For example if inputs are 6343 and 7, program prints that inputs should be changed and takes input again.
My main problem is I couldn't find an algorithm for reversing last n digits. I can reverse any int with this code
int X, r = 0;
printf("Enter a number to reverse\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
while (X != 0)
r = r * 10;
r = r + n%10;
X = X/10;
printf("Reverse of the number = %d", r);
But I couldn't figure how two reverse just last digits. Can you give me any idea for that?
I couldn't figure how to reverse just last digits
Separate the number using pow(10,n) - see later code.
unsigned reverse_last_digits(unsigned x, unsigned n) {
unsigned pow10 = powu(10, n);
unsigned lower = x%pow10;
unsigned upper = x - lower;
return upper + reverseu(lower, n);
Create a loop that extracts the least-significant-digit (%10) and builds up another integer by applying that digit. (y = y*10 + new_digit)
unsigned reverseu(unsigned x, unsigned n) {
unsigned y = 0;
while (n-- > 0) {
y = y*10 + x%10;
x /= 10;
return y;
For integer type problems, consider integer helper functions and avoid floating point functions like pow() as they may provide only an approximate results. Easy enough to code an integer pow().
unsigned powu(unsigned x, unsigned expo) {
unsigned y = 1;
while (expo > 0) {
if (expo & 1) {
y = x * y;
expo >>= 1;
x *= x;
return y;
int main() {
printf("%u\n", reverse_last_digits(12345, 3));
printf("%u\n", reverse_last_digits(523, 2));
printf("%u\n", reverse_last_digits(42001, 3));
printf("%u\n", reverse_last_digits(1, 2));
Code uses unsigned rather than int to avoid undefined behavior (UB) on int overflow.
It is an easy one.
1. let say the number you want to reverse is curr_number;
2. Now, the places you want to reverse is x;
(remember to verify that x must be less than the number of digit of curr_number);
3. now, just take a temp integer and store curr_number / pow(10,x) ('/' = divide and pow(10,x) is 10 to the power x)
4. now, take a second number temp2, which will store curr_number-(temp * pow(10,x) )
5. reverse this temp2 (using your function)
6. now, answer = (temp * pow(10,x) ) + (temp2) //(note temp2 is reversed)
example with steps:
curr_number = 1234567
places you want to reverse is 3
temp = 1234567 / (10^3) i.e (1234567/1000) = 1234 (because it is int type)
temp2 = 1234567 - (1234*10^3) i.e 1234567 - 1234000 = 567
reverse(567) = 765
answer = (1234 * 10^3) + 765 = 1234765
Create two variables
lastn which stores the last n digits (345)
r which stores the reversed last n digits (543)
Subtract lastn from the original number (12345 - 345 = 12000)
Add r to the above number (12000 + 543 = 12543)
int c = 0; // count number of digits
int original = x;
int lastn = 0;
while (x != 0 && c < n) {
r = r * 10;
r = r + x % 10;
lastn += (x % 10) * pow(10, c);
x = x / 10;
printf("reversed: %d\n", original - lastn + r);
In case you don't have problems using char, you can do this
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 10
int main() {
char n[SIZE]; // the Number;
int x; // number of last digits of n to reverse
int len; // number of digits of n
scanf("%s%d", n, &x);
len = strlen(n);
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
i < len - x ? printf("%c", n[i]) : printf("%c", n[2*len -1 - i - x]);
return 0;
If you want you can make the program more readable by splitting the for in two
for(int i = 0; i < len - x; i++) {
printf("%c", n[i]);
for(int i = len-1; i >= len - x; i--) {
printf("%c", n[i]);
Note: the program won't work if n > x (i.e. if you want to swap more digits than you got)
I wrote a code for a b-adic representation of a chosen number.
#include <stdio.h>
int b_adisch (int a, int b)
int x, y, mod, mod1;
x = a / b;
mod1 = a % b;
printf("%i\n", mod1);
do {
y = x / b;
mod = x % b;
x = y;
printf("%i\n", mod);
} while(x != 0);
return a ;
int main (void)
int a, b;
printf("pls input a ");
scanf("%i", &a);
printf("pls input b ");
scanf("%i", &b);
b_adisch(a, b);
return 0;
The output order will be reversed
since the printf has to be put into the while loop and the calculation starts with the last number of the representation.
Example if a = 10 and b = 2
The output is 0101
but it should be 1010
How can I change my code to make this happen?
How can i change my code to make this happen?
2 approaches:
Compute the digits from least to most significant and save in a adequate sized buffer. This is similar to OP's approach yet saves the results of each digit's computation for later printing.
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
void b_adisch(int value, int base) {
// Let us work with simple cases first.
assert(value >= 0);
assert(base >= 2 && base <= 10);
// Adequate sized buffer
char buffer[sizeof value * CHAR_BIT + 1];
// Start at end
char *end = &buffer[sizeof buffer - 1];
*end = '\0';
do {
int digit = value%base; // Find least digit
value /= base;
*end = digit + '0'; // save the digit as text
} while (value);
printf("<%s>\n", end); // print it as a string
Use recursion. A more radical change; This computes and prints the output of the more significant digits first.
void b_adischR_helper(int value, int base) {
// If the value is at least 2 digits, print the most significant digits first
if (value >= base) {
b_adischR_helper(value/base, base);
putchar(value % base + '0'); // Print 1 digit as text
void b_adischR(int value, int base) {
// Let us work with simple cases first.
assert(value >= 0);
assert(base >= 2 && base <= 10);
b_adischR_helper(value, base);
int main() {
b_adisch(10, 2);
b_adischR(10, 2);
b_adisch(INT_MAX, 10);
b_adischR(INT_MAX, 10);
b_adisch(INT_MAX, 2);
b_adischR(INT_MAX, 2);
You can store the output in an array as here it is stored in "arr" and later print the output in reverse order (from end to start).
#include <stdio.h>
int arr[10000]={0};
void b_adisch (int a, int b)
int x, y, mod, mod1,i=0,j;
x = a / b;
mod1 = a % b;
do {
y = x / b;
mod = x % b;
x = y;
} while(x != 0);
int main (void)
int a, b;
printf("pls input a ");
scanf("%i", &a);
printf("pls input b ");
scanf("%i", &b);
b_adisch(a, b);
return 0;