Hello I am trying to simply sort the results of my query alphabetically. The data that is returned looks like this:
"FacetFilters": [
"Id": 0,
"Name": "small",
"ResultCount": 47,
"IsSelected": false,
"Hide": false
"Id": 0,
"Name": "n/a",
"ResultCount": 1,
"IsSelected": false,
"Hide": false
"Id": 0,
"Name": "medium",
"ResultCount": 79,
"IsSelected": false,
"Hide": false
"Id": 0,
"Name": "large",
"ResultCount": 4,
"IsSelected": false,
"Hide": false
I was able to this issue post-query by reversing the list using: FacetFilters.Reverse();, but I would prefer to just get the results in the correct order through the query. Could someone please tell me what the best way is to go about this? Thank you. For the record I am using solrnet package for .Net.
You can't sort facets in descending order with the old Facet API (which is what SolrNet uses). Until SolrNet supports the JSON Facet API natively you'll have to add it yourself.
See How to implement JSON facet API in SolrNet for how to do the first part, then see Order Facet Fields by Descending Value for how to sort a facet in descending order by using the JSON facet API instead.
"sort":"index desc"
From the contacts, I'd like to select the values in fields: "Id" (47) and everything from the nested array [doNotContact]. I could use some help defining the JSONPath-filter I should be using to select the values: 47 and each value inside the nested array.
"total": "1",
"contacts": {
"47": {
"id": 47,
"isPublished": true,
"dateAdded": "2015-07-21T12:27:12-05:00",
"createdBy": 1,
"createdByUser": "Joe Smith",
"doNotContact": [{
"id": 2,
"reason": 2,
"comments": "",
"channel": "email",
"channelId": null
I have tried paths like: $.contacts.*.['id','doNotContact'] however, this does not seem to work. I am using the website: https://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/ normally this would help me solve the problem.
Not all implementations support the comma-delimited selectors, e.g. ['id','doNotContact']. See the JSON Path comparison project site (specifically this test) for information as to which implementations support the syntax.
Secondly, please see this answer about omitting the dot before a bracket syntax
I want to use pivoted facet query with solr to get counts of documents by specific 'type' in each 'region'. I run the following query:
I expect to see number documents of specific 'type' in each 'region'. But I get 'region' counts only:
"_pivot_mappings_": {
"ns:region,ns:type": "text#s__lt#{http://xxx.eu/model/1.0}region,text#s__lt#{http://xxx.eu/model/1.0}type"
"facet.pivot": "ns:region,ns:type",
"facet_counts": {
"facet_intervals": {},
"facet_pivot": {
"ns:region,ns:type": [
"field": "ns:region",
"count": 479,
"value": "{en}hk"
"field": "ns:region",
"count": 120,
"value": "{en}gk"
"field": "ns:region",
"count": 5,
"value": "{en}oc"
"field": "ns:region",
"count": 2,
"value": "{en}dep"
"facet_queries": {},
"facet_fields": {},
"facet_heatmaps": {},
"facet_ranges": {}
Pivot facets are documented to produce the results I expect, but I was unable to get nested counts, like it was shown here.
Are there any limitations in document model or index itself that prevent getting results I expect? Or is the query wrong? Is there anything I can check?
try "group",but must be single value
Problem is that the fields that I wanted to use for faceting are simply not "facetable". It is not that they are not visible solr document, thats ok because fields are not stored in the index.
What I learned so far, in order to be facetable, filed should not be tokenised and it needs to have docValues="true" in solr document schema. With these changes, faceting started to work as expected. Since the solr schema is built automatically by alfresco, there is a "facetable" marker for alfresco properties(fields). Once turned on, fileds that were previously indexed and tokenized, now become Indexed, DocValues, Omit Norms, Omit Term Frequencies & Positions. Problem solved.
I'm Working with Solr 8.0.0 & i am facing the problem when using the exclude Tag
My solr query looks like below:
fq={!tag=Price}Price:[1200 TO 1245]&
json.facet={CatFacet:{type:terms,field:cat,domain:{excludeTags:CATFACET},limit:-1,sort:{count:desc}},TagsFacet:{ type:terms,field:tag,domain:{excludeTags:TAGFACET},limit:-1,sort:{count:desc}}}
Output Of Query looks like below:
{ "responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 0,
"params": {
"q": "*:*",
"json.facet": "{CatFacet:{type:terms,field:cat,domain:{excludeTags:CATFACET},limit:-1,sort:{count:desc}},TagsFacet:{ type:terms,field:tag,domain:{excludeTags:TAGFACET},limit:-1,sort:{count:desc}}}",
"start": "0",
"fq": [
"{!tag=Price}Price:[1200 TO 1245]"
"rows": "6",
"wt": "json"
}, "response": {
"numFound": 0,
"start": 0,
"docs": [] },
"facets": {
"count": 0,
"CatFacet": {
"buckets": []
"TagsFacet": {
"buckets": [
"val": "new",
"count": 1
"val": "new1",
"count": 1
} } }
When you check the Output of Query,CatFacet is not showing any facet result because numFound is 0 but TagsFacet is showing the two facet result like new & new1. I don't know what going wrong , tagFacet must not show the two facet result if numFound is 0.
Can you please suggest,what's going wrong ? Any help will be appreciable.
You're explicitly asking for the fq for tag to be excluded for the tag facet ({excludeTags:TAGFACET}) - meaning that if you didn't have that fq there, there would be results - and you're asking for a count without that field.
If you want the facet to only count those documents being returned, drop the excludeTags value for all those facets that should only be returned for documents that are included in the result set.
i have an issue with solr. i have to update a single field value in multiple solr docs, like we update on DB "update customer set country='India' where city='Delhi'"
"docs": [
"classId": "23003",
"status": 1,
"notificationId": 27057,
"isRead": 0
"classId": "23003",
"status": 1,
"notificationId": 42001,
"isRead": 0
"classId": "23003",
"status": 1,
"notificationId": 27060,
"isRead": 0
"classId": "62277",
"status": 1,
"notificationId": 72327,
"isRead": 0
i have to update status = 0, where classId=23003.
Please help me how can i do this.
No, updating multiple documents in a single request is not supported in Solr.
You'll have to retrieve the list of documents (i.e query for city:Delhi), then issue an atomic update for each one:
{"notificationId":"retrievedId1", "status":{"set": 0}},
{"notificationId":"retrievedId2", "status":{"set": 0}},
Include the _version_ parameter from each document to avoid overwriting changes made by other threads in the meantime (optimistic concurrency) if necessary.
Here i quoted my code for multiple search filtering. I could not find the mistakes in that. please give a right code to make it work well.
Employee document:
"_id": "527c8d9327c6f27f17df0d2e17000530",
"_rev": "24-276a8dc913559901897fd601d2f9654f",
"proj_role": "TeamMember",
"work_total_experience": "3",
"personal": {
"languages_known": [
"skills": [
"skill_set": "Webservices Framework",
"skill_exp": 1,
"skill_certified": "yes",
"skill_rating": 3,
"skill_set": "Microsoft",
"skill_exp": 1,
"skill_certified": "yes",
"skill_rating": 3,
"framework_competency": "Nasscom",
"type": "employee-docs"
Design Document:
"_id": "_design/sample",
"_rev": "86-1250f792e6e84f6f33447a00cf64d61d",
"views": {},
"language": "javascript",
"indexes": {
"search": {
"index": "function(doc){\n index(\"default\", doc._id);if(doc.type=='employee-docs'){\nif (doc.proj_role){index(\"project_role\", doc.proj_role);}if(doc.work_total_experience){\nindex(\"work_experience\", doc.work_total_experience);}\nif(doc.personal.languages_known){for(c in doc.personal.languages_known){ \n index(\"languages_known\",doc.personal.languages_known[c]);}} if(doc.skills){for (var i=0;i<doc.skills.length;i++){\nindex('skill_set',doc.skills[i].skill_set);}}}}"
Run using below URL : https://ideyeah4.cloudant.com/opteamize_new/_design/sample/_search/search?q=project_role:TeamMember%20AND%20work_experience:%223%22%20AND%20languages_known:Telugu%20AND%20skill_set:Microsoft&include_docs=true
A simple way to debug this is to query the top 100 results in your index:
This will at least tell you whether there are any documents in your index at all.
Your current query (without URL encoding) looks like:
project_role:TeamMember AND work_experience:"3" AND languages_known:Telugu AND skill_set:Microsoft
I'd suggest that some of these search values require quotes - always true when you are searching string values. Next, you could try:
see if you get any results and refine from there.
Debugging this might also be easier if you store the values as well as index them (so you can see exactly what is indexed). To do this, add an object to each index call { "store": true }. For example,
index("languages_known", doc.personal.languages_known[c], { "store": true });
Now, when you query the index it will return a list of fields which were stored with each match.