i have an issue with solr. i have to update a single field value in multiple solr docs, like we update on DB "update customer set country='India' where city='Delhi'"
"docs": [
"classId": "23003",
"status": 1,
"notificationId": 27057,
"isRead": 0
"classId": "23003",
"status": 1,
"notificationId": 42001,
"isRead": 0
"classId": "23003",
"status": 1,
"notificationId": 27060,
"isRead": 0
"classId": "62277",
"status": 1,
"notificationId": 72327,
"isRead": 0
i have to update status = 0, where classId=23003.
Please help me how can i do this.
No, updating multiple documents in a single request is not supported in Solr.
You'll have to retrieve the list of documents (i.e query for city:Delhi), then issue an atomic update for each one:
{"notificationId":"retrievedId1", "status":{"set": 0}},
{"notificationId":"retrievedId2", "status":{"set": 0}},
Include the _version_ parameter from each document to avoid overwriting changes made by other threads in the meantime (optimistic concurrency) if necessary.
I've recently started using normalizr with zustand in a new React app. It's been a very good experience so far, having solved most of the painful problems I've had in the past.
I've just bumped into an issue I can't think of a clean way of solving for the past few days.
Imagine I have a normalizr-normalized state looking like:
"entities": {
"triggers": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"value": "TRY"
"2": {
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"value": "GBP"
"3": {
"id": 3,
"enabled": true,
"value": true
"campaigns": {
"19": {
"id": 19,
"name": "Some campaign name",
"triggers": [
"result": 19
And we have a page that allows a user to add one or more triggers to the campaign and then save them. The problem is that at the time of adding these triggers, they do not have an id until the user clicks the Save button (ids are generated by the database). When the Save button is clicked, the state is being denormalized (via normalizr's denormalize function) and sent as payload to the backend looking like the following:
"id": 19,
"name": "Some campaign name",
"triggers": [
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"value": "TRY"
"id": 2,
"enabled": true,
"value": "GBP"
"id": 3,
"enabled": true,
"value": true
The problem is that if the user adds an entity to the triggers, it does not have an id as ids are generated by the database and I cannot find a proper way to add it to the state (due to the id-based nature of normalized states).
The only workaround I can think of is generating some temporary IDs (e.g. uuid) when a trigger is added on the front-end but is not yet saved and then going over each entity upon denormalization, doing something like if (isUuid(trigger.id)) delete trigger.id, which seems too tedious and workaroundish.
Appreciate your help.
P.S. There is something similar explained here. The problem is that in our case the generateId('comment') logic is happening on the backend.
A simple solution is to split.
The create trigger API call and the add trigger to campaign API call.
Do the first, then save the trigger into the normalized store with the id generated by the backend.
Then add it to the campaign.
I know I can use the pipeline aggregator within update to update the field of one value with the value from another field. However, my issue is when updated a field value based on the value of a nested field. The result of the update always issues the new field with brackets. I don't want brackets/array, I just want it to be a value. See code below
"players": [
"_id": ObjectId("5fba17c1c4566e57fafdcd7e"),
"username": "moshe",
"health": 0,
"maxHealth": 200,
"Chapters": [
{"Cat A": 25,
"Cat B": 100,
"Cat C": 125}]
Here's the query I apply below
{username: "moshe"},
[{"$set": {"health": "$Chapters.Cat A"}}]
The result yields
[{"Chapters": [
{"Cat A": 25,
"Cat B": 100,
"Cat C": 125}],
"_id": ObjectId("5fba17c1c4566e57fafdcd7e"),
"health": [25],
"maxHealth": 200,
"username": "moshe"
What I want is for the update to health to appear without array brackets as so.... "health":25
Again this is an example based on a much much larger DB I'm working with.
You can use $arrayElemAt or $first(v4.4) operators to select the first element from an array,
{ username: "moshe" },
"$set": {
"health": {
"$arrayElemAt": ["$Chapters.Cat A", 0]
Hello I am trying to simply sort the results of my query alphabetically. The data that is returned looks like this:
"FacetFilters": [
"Id": 0,
"Name": "small",
"ResultCount": 47,
"IsSelected": false,
"Hide": false
"Id": 0,
"Name": "n/a",
"ResultCount": 1,
"IsSelected": false,
"Hide": false
"Id": 0,
"Name": "medium",
"ResultCount": 79,
"IsSelected": false,
"Hide": false
"Id": 0,
"Name": "large",
"ResultCount": 4,
"IsSelected": false,
"Hide": false
I was able to this issue post-query by reversing the list using: FacetFilters.Reverse();, but I would prefer to just get the results in the correct order through the query. Could someone please tell me what the best way is to go about this? Thank you. For the record I am using solrnet package for .Net.
You can't sort facets in descending order with the old Facet API (which is what SolrNet uses). Until SolrNet supports the JSON Facet API natively you'll have to add it yourself.
See How to implement JSON facet API in SolrNet for how to do the first part, then see Order Facet Fields by Descending Value for how to sort a facet in descending order by using the JSON facet API instead.
"sort":"index desc"
I'm Working with Solr 8.0.0 & i am facing the problem when using the exclude Tag
My solr query looks like below:
fq={!tag=Price}Price:[1200 TO 1245]&
json.facet={CatFacet:{type:terms,field:cat,domain:{excludeTags:CATFACET},limit:-1,sort:{count:desc}},TagsFacet:{ type:terms,field:tag,domain:{excludeTags:TAGFACET},limit:-1,sort:{count:desc}}}
Output Of Query looks like below:
{ "responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 0,
"params": {
"q": "*:*",
"json.facet": "{CatFacet:{type:terms,field:cat,domain:{excludeTags:CATFACET},limit:-1,sort:{count:desc}},TagsFacet:{ type:terms,field:tag,domain:{excludeTags:TAGFACET},limit:-1,sort:{count:desc}}}",
"start": "0",
"fq": [
"{!tag=Price}Price:[1200 TO 1245]"
"rows": "6",
"wt": "json"
}, "response": {
"numFound": 0,
"start": 0,
"docs": [] },
"facets": {
"count": 0,
"CatFacet": {
"buckets": []
"TagsFacet": {
"buckets": [
"val": "new",
"count": 1
"val": "new1",
"count": 1
} } }
When you check the Output of Query,CatFacet is not showing any facet result because numFound is 0 but TagsFacet is showing the two facet result like new & new1. I don't know what going wrong , tagFacet must not show the two facet result if numFound is 0.
Can you please suggest,what's going wrong ? Any help will be appreciable.
You're explicitly asking for the fq for tag to be excluded for the tag facet ({excludeTags:TAGFACET}) - meaning that if you didn't have that fq there, there would be results - and you're asking for a count without that field.
If you want the facet to only count those documents being returned, drop the excludeTags value for all those facets that should only be returned for documents that are included in the result set.
I am using the Azure index for an index search. My objective behind the Index search is to retrieve the Unique records depend upon some unique parameter say System_ID and I started using facets feature for this, but when using it I am unable to retrieve more than 10 unique facets despite providing a count value to 20 in the query.
Below is the summary:
I am able to retrieve only 10 unique records even though more than 10 unique records are there in Index.
When i modify the count property of facet to 20 Still I am getting only 10 records
Can you please help with me to modify it in such a way that I will get more than 10 records.
Any help will be appreciable.
Default query:
$filter=(systemID ne null) and (ownerSalesforceRecordID eq 'a0h5B000000gJKfQAM')&facet=machineTagSystemID,sort:value&queryType=full
Default Results:
{"machineTagSystemID": [
"count": 9,
"value": "ABCS test machines-111-test - change|*1XA78RUGV23PVPN"
"count": 6,
"value": "Ajit Machine testing1jjcdxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|*1L693D439H5ZNG9"
"count": 19,
"value": "Anvesh test111dsaa|*13SSNP5AJ3L96C5"
"count": 3,
"value": "Dead End cross 2|*1NK7KNNLFVTM4QC"
"count": 3,
"value": "hehehe|*1NDC32TDNXT5RAH"
"count": 14,
"value": "high2 Machine12345678ppjk fvrf|*1T2F3VQEJ58ZLQL"
"count": 31,
"value": "prashant dev machine 213|*12L343TZTFGH3M6"
"count": 1,
"value": "ryansjcilaptop465986543|*1E2PG9V3BMEYDM7"
"count": 12,
"value": "snehali DEV June|*1QXEDL8E2V8MGBY"
"count": 27,
"value": "tarun Machine-dev|*1YRPHS3J7NGUVA8"
Facet with count:
$filter=(systemID ne null) and (ownerSalesforceRecordID eq 'a0h5B000000gJKfQAM')&facet=machineTagSystemID,sort:value,count:20&queryType=full
But same results:
{"machineTagSystemID": [
"count": 9,
"value": "ABCS test machines-111-test - change|*1XA78RUGV23PVPN"
"count": 6,
"value": "Ajit Machine testing1jjcdxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|*1L693D439H5ZNG9"
"count": 19,
"value": "Anvesh test111dsaa|*13SSNP5AJ3L96C5"
"count": 3,
"value": "Dead End cross 2|*1NK7KNNLFVTM4QC"
"count": 3,
"value": "hehehe|*1NDC32TDNXT5RAH"
"count": 14,
"value": "high2 Machine12345678ppjk fvrf|*1T2F3VQEJ58ZLQL"
"count": 30,
"value": "prashant dev machine 213|*12L343TZTFGH3M6"
"count": 1,
"value": "ryansjcilaptop465986543|*1E2PG9V3BMEYDM7"
"count": 12,
"value": "snehali DEV June|*1QXEDL8E2V8MGBY"
"count": 27,
"value": "tarun Machine-dev|*1YRPHS3J7NGUVA8"
This is based on the documentation link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/search-faceted-navigation
Facets honor the filter specified in a query. It's possible this is why you are only seeing 10 unique facet value for this field. Generally speaking, your query looks fine. If there were more than 10 unique values in this field for the query specified, I would expect them to show up.
How many total results are returned by this query? I see 125 total values in the facets you provided and I'm wondering if the count aligns with your results.
This is old but I hit the same issue - there is a default limit of 10 values returned in a facet, you can extend this to return more facet values by adding a count to a given facet. E.g.:
This can also be done in the c# API by just adding the count to the facet name:
var options = new SearchOptions();