Get the built child of an existant StreamBuilder() - mobile

I'm new to Flutter and I'm trying to figure out for a few days how to get the built widget child of a StreamBuilder to make a few changes to the appearance of the widget.
I have a few widgets like this, already built and saved to a List:
child: StreamBuilder(
stream: (bloc as HomeBloc).outCategoriesCardsColors,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return CardSmallSquare(
title: key,
size: CardSmallSquare.defaultCardSize,
iconUrl: categories[key],
borderColor:[index + 1] ??,
} else {
return CardSmallSquare.buildLoadingCard(context);
onTap: () {},
Later on I try to access my list with these widgets and access my CardSmallSquare() that is returned by the StreamBuilder, so I could change a few appearance properties at runtime. The idea was doing something like this (this snippet doesn't work):
int index = _widgets.indexWhere((widget) {
CardSmallSquare card = (((widget as GestureDetector).child as StreamBuilder).child as CardSmallSquare);
if (card.title == "Title") {
return true;
return false;
the StreamBuilder.child doesn't exist. I've tried a bunch of things (methods, tricks etc) so far, but none has worked.
Could you help me, please?

You could reach a child of StreamBuilder, but this is fighting with framework instead of using it.
You could easily make this logic by mutating widget's State and reacting to this change inside your StreamBuilder's child.
Additionally you can do this inside your Bloc to keep everything clean.
This talk from Google IO can help a lot


Flutter - Getting data from an other view - when print getting Instance of 'Future<List<String>?>' instead of the data

I have two views interacting together. On the first view, the user can do a tap on a button, this will display the second view where he can complete a form. When done, I want to transfert the data of the form into an array. This is working.
But, I want to send the array data to the first screen, and use the data of the array in my first view.
Here is how I do that. When I print the variable dataFromFirstAction, I am getting Instance of 'Future<List?>. What I want is to get the array so I can get access to each fields and use them into my first view. Many thanks.
First view
void _openAddEntryDialog(String futureProjectName) async {
final firstActionData = Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<List<String>>(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AddingFirstActionToProjectV2(getprojectName:futureProjectName );
fullscreenDialog: true
setState(() {
dataFromFirstAction = firstActionData;
print (firstActionData.);
Second view
onPressed: (){
Navigator.pop(context, firstActionToRecord);
} else{
print("not validated");
}, child: const Text('Press'),
You need to await the result, like
final firstActionData = await Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute<List<String>>(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AddingFirstActionToProjectV2(getprojectName:futureProjectName );
fullscreenDialog: true

How to organise my nested object for better state management?

This is more of an organisation than technical question. I think I may be adding complexity, where a more experienced dev would simplify. I lack that experience, and need help.
It's a menu editor, where I load a menu object from my database into state:
state = {
user_token: ####,
loadingMenu: true,
menu: {} // menu will be fetched into here
The object looks like this:
menuID: _605c7e1f54bb42972e420619,
brandingImg: "",
specials: "2 for 1 drinks",
langs: ["en", "es"],
items: [
id: 0,
type: "menuitem",
isVisible: true,
en: {
name: "sandwich 1",
desc: "Chicken sandwish"
es: {
name: "torta 1"
price: 10
// ...
The UI allows user to click on and update the items individually. So when they change the text I find myself having to do weird destructuring, like this:
function reducer(state, action) {
if (action.type === UPDATE_NAME) {
const newMenuItems = => {
if ( === {
return { ...oldItem, ["en"]: { ...oldItem["en"], name: action.payload.newName } }
// ["en"] for now, but will be dynamic later
return oldItem
return { ...state, menu: {, items: newMenuItems } }
This seems like a a bad idea, because I'm replacing the entirety of state with my new object. I'm wondering if there is a better way to organize it?
I know there are immutability managers, and I tried to use immer.js, but ran into an obstacle. I need to map through all my menu items to find the one user wants to edit (matching the ID to the event target's ID). I don't know how else to target it directly, and don't know how to do this:[????][lang].name = "Sandwich One"
So again, I'm thinking that my organisation is wrong, as immutability managers should probably make this easy. Any ideas, what I can refactor?
First of all, your current reducer looks fine. That "weird destructuring" is very typical. You will always replace the entirety of state with a new object, but you are dealing with shallow copies so it's not an entirely new object at every level. The menu items which you haven't modified are still references to the same objects.
I need to map through all my menu items to find the one user wants to edit (matching the ID to the event target's ID). I don't know how else to target it directly.
You would use .findIndex() to get the index of the item that you want to update.
const {lang, name, id} = action.payload;
const index = item => === id);
if ( index ) { // because there could be no match[index][lang].name = name;
This is more of an organisation than technical question. I think I may be adding complexity, where a more experienced dev would simplify. I lack that experience, and need help.
My recommendation for the state structure is to store all of the items in a dictionary keyed by id. This makes it easier to update an item because you no longer need to find it in an array.
const {lang, name, id} = action.payload;
draft.items[index][lang].name = name;
The menu object would just have an array of ids instead of an array of objects for the items property. When you select a menu, your selector can replace the ids with their objects.
const selectMenu = (state) => {
const menu =;
return {, items: => state.items[id]) };

Jaydata saveChanges() counts tracked / changed entities, but doesn't send a batch request (with OData v4 Provider and Web Api)

by working with jaydata i am adding entities to a tree structure with deep nesting of entity-objects.
I attach the upper entity to the context and edit/add/remove related child entities. At the end i use saveChanges() with a promise.
The count-value passed to the promise tells that all changed entities have been counted correctly but saveChanges() didn't execute a batch request, persisting these entities.
So it feels like nothing else happens, but counting entities.
I post a small code example. I am quite sure, that the references of the entites are set correctly. (Working with jaydata, odata v4, web api and angularjs)
Is someone else having this problem with jaydata and found the reason?
Thanks for your help. =)
Greetings Paul
// Attach upper entity
// Generating new entities
var newSkill = new DataService.jaydata.Skills.elementType({
Id: undefined,
Name: 'New skill',
Levels: [],
IconId: 47,
SkillTreeUsage: []
var newSkillLevel = new DataService.jaydata.SkillLevels.elementType({
Id: undefined,
ShortTitle: 'New level',
Skill: newSkill,
SkillId: undefined,
Level: 1,
RequirementSets: []
var newRequirementSet = new DataService.jaydata.RequirementSets.elementType({
Id: undefined,
SkillLevel: newSkillLevel,
SkillLevelId: undefined,
SkillTree: undefined,
SkillTreeId: viewModel.currentSkillTree.entity.Id,
var newSkillTreeElement = new DataService.jaydata.SkillTreeElements.elementType({
Id: undefined,
SkillTree: undefined,
SkillTreeId: viewModel.currentSkillTree.entity.Id,
Skill: newSkill,
SkillId: undefined,
Position: { X: x, Y: y }
// Completing object-references
// Saving
.then(function (cnt) {
console.log('Saved entities:', cnt);
// The cnt-result in console is 4
// But no request was executed, nothing was saved
}, function (exception) {
console.log(exception); // Also no exception was thrown
So to not be that unkind.
The solution to solve the problem above to me, since i tried nearly every combination with entities (adding, attaching, .save(), .saveChanges(), object-references etc, figuring out it doesn't make sense anyway, it just acted the same way and seems to be so buggy), ended up within a workaround acting with classic nested async calls.
The solution was to save entities seperately within nested promises and to turn off the batch behavior of jaydata, to avoid double requests.
You can find the option within $data.defaults
$data.defaults.OData.disableBatch = true;
As result i am dealing now with good old nasty pyramids of doom, which at least gave the possibility back to save entities in the right order, with full control, the way the api needs it.
// Saving new SkillLevelRequirement connection
if (isConnectionGiven === false) {
// The first level of source skill where the target-skill-requirement will be added
var sourceSkillLevel = Enumerable
.FirstOrDefault(null, function (x) {
return x.Level === 1;
// The last level of the target-skill to solve
var targetSkillLevel = Enumerable
.FirstOrDefault(null, function (x) {
return x.Level === targetSkill.Levels.length;
// First set of first level from source skill (will be used to add skilllevel-requirement)
var firstRequirementSet = sourceSkillLevel.RequirementSets[0];
// New RequirementAsignment
var newRequirementAssignment = new DataService.jaydata.RequirementAssignments.elementType({
RequirementSetId: firstRequirementSet.Id,
Order: 1
// New Requirement
var newRequirement = new DataService.jaydata.Requirements.elementType({
Title: requirementTypes.SKILL_CONNECTION,
RequirementOfIntId: undefined,
RequirementOfBoolId: undefined,
RequirementOfSkillLevelId: 0
// New RequirementOfSkillLevel
var newRequirementOfSkillLevel = new DataService.jaydata.RequirementsOfSkillLevel.elementType({
SkillLevelId: targetSkillLevel.Id,
// Loading symbol
.then(function () {
newRequirement.RequirementOfSkillLevelId = newRequirementOfSkillLevel.Id;
.then(function () {
newRequirementAssignment.RequirementId = newRequirement.Id;
.then(function () {
// Loading symbol will be closed after tree reloaded
}, function (exception) {
}, function (exception) {
}, function (exception) {
#jaydata developers: Thanks for 42 new grey hairs. I'm still at the point where i think i am using your tool wrong and jaydata could do so much better. Better up your documentation, sieriously. No desserts for you today.

BackboneJS - same el for many views

I am using same el for more than 1 view like below. I'm not facing any problem till now. Is this good approach or should i do any changes?
<div id="app">
<div id="app-header"></div>
<div id="app-container"></div>
<div id="app-footer">
App View:
el: "#app",
v1: new View1(),
v2: new View2(),
render: function () {
if (cond1) {
} else if (cond2) {
View 1:
el: "#app-container",
render: function (){
View 2:
el: "#app-container",
render: function (){
By reading your question, I do not really see what advantages you could possibly have using this approach rather than having the different div elements being the root el for your views 1, 2, 3 and using
in the render method.
Your approach could work for a small application, but I think it will become really hard to maintain as the application grows.
I still do not really get your point, you could only initialize everything only once in both cases.
Here is a working Fiddle.
By the way I am changing the content by listening to the click event but this is to simplify the example. It should be done by the router.
I do use a mixin to handle such situation, I call it stated view. For a view with all other options I will send a parameter called 'state', render will in-turn call renderState first time and there after every time I set a 'state' renderState will update the view state. Here is my mixin code looks like.
var setupStateEvents = function (context) {
var stateConfigs = context.getOption('states');
if (!stateConfigs) {
var state;
var statedView;
var cleanUpState = function () {
if (statedView) {
var renderState = function (StateView) {
statedView = util.createView({
View: StateView,
model: context.model,
parentEl: context.$('.state-view'),
context.setState = function (toState) {
if (typeof toState === 'string') {
if (state === toState) {
state = toState;
var StateView = stateConfigs[toState];
if (StateView) {
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid State');
} else {
throw new Error('state should be a string');
context.getState = function () {
return state;
stateConfigs = null;
full code can be seen here
hope this helps
Backbone Rule:
When you create an instance of a view, it'll bind all events to el if
it was assigned, else view creates and assigns an empty div as el for that view and bind
all events to that view.
In my case, if i assign #app-container to view 1 and view 2 as el and when i initialize both views like below in App View, all events bind to the same container (i.e #app-container)
this.v1 = new App.View1();
this.v2 = new App.View2();
Will it lead to any memory leaks / Zombies?
No way. No way. Because ultimately you are having only one instance for each view. So this won't cause any memory leaks.
Where does it become problematic?
When your app grows, it is very common to use same id for a tag in both views. For example, you may have button with an id btn-save in both view's template. So when you bind btn-save in both views and when you click button in any one the view, it will trigger both views save method.
See this jsFiddle. This'll explain this case.
Can i use same el for both view?
It is up to you. If you avoid binding events based on same id or class name in both views, you won't have any problem. But you can avoid using same id but it's so complex to avoid same class names in both views.
So for me, it looks #Daniel Perez answer is more promising. So i'm going to use his approach.

Drupal.attachBehaviours with jQuery infinitescroll and jQuery masonry

I am a little desperate here. I have been reading everything I was able to find on Drupal.behaviours but obviously its still not enough. I try running a masonry grid with the infinitescroll plugin to attach the new images to the masonry. This works fine so far. The next thing I wanted to implement to my website is a hover effect (which shows information on the images) and later fancybox to show the images in a huger size.
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.views_fluidgrid = {
attach: function (context) {
$('.views-fluidgrid-wrapper:not(.views-fluidgrid-processed)', context).addClass('views-fluidgrid-processed').each(function () {
// hide items while loading
var $this = $(this).css({opacity: 0}),
id = $(this).attr('id'),
settings = Drupal.settings.viewsFluidGrid[id];
$this.imagesLoaded(function() {
// show items after .imagesLoaded()
$this.animate({opacity: 1});
//the masonry settings
//implement the function of jquery.infinitescroll.min.js
//the infinitescroll settings
//show new items and attach behaviours in callback
function(newElems) {
var newItems = $(newElems).css({opacity: 0});
$(newItems).imagesLoaded(function() {
$(newItems).animate({opacity: 1});
$this.masonry('appended', newItems);
Now I read that I need to Reattach the Drupal.behaviours if I want the hover event to also take place on the newly added content.
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.imgOverlay = {
attach: function (context) {
var timeout;
$('.img_gallery').hover(function() {
$this = $(this);
timeout = setTimeout(change_opacity, 500);
}, reset_opacity);
function change_opacity() {
//set opacity to show the desired elements
function reset_opacity() {
//reset opacity to 0 on desired elements
Where do I now write the Drupal.attachBehaviours() to make it work actually? Or is there some other error I just dont see atm? I hope I wrote the question so that its understandable and maybe it also helps somebody else, since I experienced that there is no real "official" running Version of this combination in drupal 7.
Ok, the solution is actually pretty simple. When writing it correctly than it also runs. its of course not Drupal.attachBehaviours() but Drupal.attachBehaviors() . So this combination now works and I am finally relieved :).
