Current active phone call is terminated on receiving Voip Push Notification on iOS 13 - call

Cellular call running and incoming VoIP push failing cellular call on iOS 13, even if incoming call showing on below method.
- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:(PKPushPayload *)payload forType:(NSString *)type
Showing Incoming call-kit screen when VoIP push received.
- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:(PKPushPayload *)payload forType:(NSString *)type {
[self displayIncomingCall:callbackUUIDToken handle:_payLoad.handle hasVideo:([_payLoad.pushType caseInsensitiveCompare:PUSH_TYPE_VIDEO_CALL] == NSOrderedSame)
withCompletion:^(NSError *error) {
Disconnecting cellular call, while Face-time and Whatsapp call works as expected.


VideoFram frame to byte array

I'm using the Ant Media SDK to develop a webRTC capable app. The thing is that I need to send some frames every 300 ms to a recognition service. I have found that there's a listener that pass the frames:
surfaceTextureHelper.startListening((VideoFrame frame) -> {
//some code
The thing is, how can I get a byte[] from that frame, in Camera1API you had setPreviewCallback and received directly a byte[] with the frame. How can I make the same conversion??
Thanks in advance

MCSession delegate methods are not firing when i send the media

I am doing one application using Multipeer connectivity.In that when i send the media files from one iOS to another iOS device using sendResourceURL method, destination device receiving correctly.But when i try to send from iOS 11 device to below versions, MCsession one of the delegate method is not firing
- (void) session:(MCSession *)session
didFinishReceivingResourceWithName:(NSString *)resourceName
fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID
atURL:(NSURL *)localURL
withError:(nullable NSError *)error
At some point this method is not firing, but media file saved to temporary location.I found this using the delegate method
- (void) session:(MCSession *)session
didStartReceivingResourceWithName:(NSString *)resourceName
fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID
withProgress:(NSProgress *)progress
So can you please help me how to resolve this.

Register Device Notification not receiving events for multiple partitions

I am using register device notification for receiving USB Insertion/removal events so that I can populate the list present on my application. Here is my sample code for Register device Notification shown below:
ZeroMemory( &NotificationFilter, sizeof(NotificationFilter) );
NotificationFilter.dbcc_size = sizeof(DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE);
NotificationFilter.dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE;
for(int i=0; i<sizeof(GUID_DEVINTERFACE_LIST)/sizeof(GUID); i++)
NotificationFilter.dbcc_classguid = GUID_DEVINTERFACE_LIST[i];
hDevNotify[i] = RegisterDeviceNotification(this->GetSafeHwnd(), &NotificationFilter, DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE);
WCHAR wszNotifyMsg[70];
wsprintf(wszNotifyMsg, L"%ls%d\n%ls%d", _T("Error in Registering Device Notification GUID Index:"),
i, _T("GetLastError:"), GetLastError());
The code works fine when I use a simple usb drive, i get a notification and get all the logical disks present and display it. But when I connect a usb drive for multiple partitions, I receive notification when only one of the partition is mounted and i display it on the screen and after 1 sec other partition is mounted on the computer, but i receive no event.
Can u tell me what Iam doing wrong?
Sorry for my english.

C HTTP Server & OpenSSL - Works fine for HTTP - Multiple/rapid/concurrent connections being dropped using HTTPS

I'm writing an HTTP server in C using sockets. It can listen on multiple ports and works on a 1-thread-per-port basis to run listening loops and each loop spawns another thread to deliver a response
The code works perfectly when delivering standard HTTP responses. I have it set up to respond with an HTML page with JavaScript code that just refreshes the browser repeatedly in order to stress test the server. I've tested this with my computer running as the server and 4 other devices spamming it with requests at the same time.
No crashes, no dropped connections and no memory leaks. CPU usage never jumps beyond 5% running on a 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo in HTTP mode with 4 devices spamming requests.
I just added OpenSSL yesterday so it can deliver secure responses over HTTPS. That went fairly smoothly as it seems that all I had to do with replace some standard socket calls with their OSSL counterparts for secure mode (based on the solution to this question: Turn a simple socket into an SSL socket).
There is one SSL context and SSL struct per connection. It does work but not very reliably. Again, each response happens on its own thread but multiple/rapid/concurrent requests in secure mode are getting dropped seemingly at random, though there are still no crashes or memory leaks in my code.
When a connection is dropped the browser will either say its waiting for a response that never happens (Chrome) or just says the connection was reset (Firefox).
For reference, here is the updated connection creation and closing code.
Connection creation code (main part of the listening loop):
// Note: sslCtx and sslConnection exist
// elsewhere in memory allocated specifically
// for each connection.
struct sockaddr_in clientAddr; // memset-ed to 0 before accept
int clientAddrLength = sizeof(clientAddr);
int clientSocketHandle = accept(serverSocketHandle, (struct sockaddr *)&clientAddr, &clientAddrLength);
if (useSSL)
int use_cert, use_privateKey, accept_result;
sslCtx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method());
SSL_CTX_set_options(sslCtx, SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE);
use_cert = SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(sslCtx, sslCertificatePath , SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
use_privateKey = SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(sslCtx, sslCertificatePath , SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
sslConnection = SSL_new(sslCtx);
SSL_set_fd(sslConnection, clientSocketHandle);
accept_result = SSL_accept(sslConnection);
... // Do other things and spawn request handling thread
Connection closing code:
int recvResult = 0;
if (!useSSL)
shutdown(clientSocketHandle, SHUT_WR);
while (TRUE)
recvResult = recv(clientSocketHandle, NULL, 0, 0);
if (recvResult <= 0) break;
while (TRUE)
recvResult = SSL_read(sslConnection, NULL, 0);
if (recvResult <= 0) break;
Again, this works 100% perfect for HTTP responses. What could be going wrong for HTTPS responses?
I've updated the code with OpenSSL callbacks for mutli-threaded environments and the server is slightly more reliable using code from an answer to this question: OpenSSL and multi-threads.
I wrote a small command line program to spam the server with HTTPS requests and it is not dropping any connections with 5 multiple instances of it running at the same time. Multiple instances of Firefox also appear not to be dropping any connections.
What is interesting however is that connections are still being dropped with modern WebKit-based browsers. Chrome starts to drop connections at under 30 seconds of spamming, Safari on an iPhone 4 (iOS 5.1) rarely makes it past 3 refreshes before saying the connection was lost, but Safari on an iPad 2 (iOS 5.0) seems to cope the longest but ultimately ends up dropping connections as well.
You should call SSL_accept() in your request handling thread. This will allow your listening thread to process the TCP accept/listen queue more quickly, and reduce the chance of new connections getting a RESET from the TCP stack because of a full accept/listen queue.
SSL handshake is compute intensive. I would guess that your spammer is probably not using SSL session cache, so this causes your server to use the maximum amount of CPU. This will cause it to be CPU starved in regards to servicing the other connections, or new incoming connections.

Windows Phone 7 Push Notifications Not Showing Up On My Phone

UPDATE: The plot thickens. I changed my channel name and it is suddenly working (which means it wasn't a problem with my push service, since I'm getting the same HTTP response from the Microsoft Push Notification server).
To me, however, this is not a solution. How will I be able to test this and KNOW my users are getting their push notifications if I'm getting the same response when it's not working as I do when it is?
I've been trying to get push notifications sent to my Windows Phone 7 device, but I'm having very big problems that I can't find any answers for. I'll start with the c# code.
I set up push notifications using the following C# code.
private HttpNotificationChannel channel;
private static string PUSH_CHANNEL = "MySpecialPushChannel";
private Uri PushUri = null;
private bool IsPushRegistered = false;
public void StartPushSubscription()
channel = HttpNotificationChannel.Find(PUSH_CHANNEL);
if (channel != null)
PushUri = channel.ChannelUri;
if (!channel.IsShellTileBound)
channel = new HttpNotificationChannel(PUSH_CHANNEL);
channel.ChannelUriUpdated += new EventHandler<NotificationChannelUriEventArgs>(channel_ChannelUriUpdated);
channel.HttpNotificationReceived += new EventHandler<HttpNotificationEventArgs>(channel_HttpNotificationReceived);
channel.ErrorOccurred += new EventHandler<NotificationChannelErrorEventArgs>(channel_ErrorOccurred);
catch (Exception err)
channel = null;
IsPushRegistered = false;
// Code to try again
void channel_ChannelUriUpdated(object sender, NotificationChannelUriEventArgs e)
PushUri = e.ChannelUri;
IsPushRegistered = true;
I'm following the standard WP7 push structure:
Find the HttpNotificationChannel (or start a new one)
Register event handler to get the push notification uri back
Open the channel
Bind to the tile
Handle the channel Uri (which we send to our service to await the happy day when we send the push notification
OK... so far so good. No errors, I get my Uri, send it to my service just fine. I pin my app to the start screen and my service sends a push request to the Uri (sending just the count so that I get a little push count number in the upper right hand corner). I get back an HTTP 200 status with the following:
DeviceConnectionStatus => Connected
NotificationStatus => Received
SubscriptionStatus => Active
And then... nothing. No push status shows up on my app. I've now tried it on my device, in the emulator, on another device, and with multiple servers and the result is always the same. Everything looks like it is working except for the fact that it doesn't work.
To me, however, this is not a solution. How will I be able to test this and KNOW my users are getting their push notifications if I'm getting the same response when it's not working as I do when it is?
The answer is, you can't. It's a limitation of how WP7 handles notifications.
For structured notifications like Tile and Toast, if you get the Connected/Active/Received/200 response, then you can know that MPNS accepted your notification request. However, this does not mean that you have sent a valid XML payload.
The component that handles parsing XML is the Push Client, the process running on the phone that accepts push notifications and deals them out to appropriate applications, displays the toast, etc.
If you have sent invalid XML, there is absolutely no indication that you've done so. At most, if you try to send the notification again to that same push channel URI, you'll get a 404 in response. Apparently getting an invalid XML payload for a specific application makes that application's push channel close, requiring you to go through the whole procedure again.
I've discovered this while debugging with our server team, and through trying to get the phone to display an alternate live tile. The only advice I can offer you is to quadruple-check your XML.
You will get errors in your error event handler for your push notification channel for Toast notifications that have invalid XML, since you are able to send/receive toast notifications while the application is active.
If anyone from Microsoft is reading this, PLEASE provide more thorough documentation on possible error states in the push notification system. We also need an event handler for Tile notifications, or at least allow us to receive tile notifications while the app is in the foreground and fire the notification channel error event so that we can be aware that our XML payload is invalid.
Especially if your web service isn't built with WCF, .NET, Azure, and whatever, working with Push Notifications on WP7 is like wandering blind.
Documentation for an exception message reading "InvalidOperationException(Failed to open channel)" should not read: "This exception is raised when the notification channel failed to open. Try opening the notification channel again." (reference)
are you getting the URL from each device? you need to get a URL from the push notification sevice for each device everytime your device connects,
when it does you need to find a way of retrieving the url from each client,
once you do that and your still not receiving push notifications then I would write to microsoft to see if they can see anything to do with the push notifications
