UPDATE: The plot thickens. I changed my channel name and it is suddenly working (which means it wasn't a problem with my push service, since I'm getting the same HTTP response from the Microsoft Push Notification server).
To me, however, this is not a solution. How will I be able to test this and KNOW my users are getting their push notifications if I'm getting the same response when it's not working as I do when it is?
I've been trying to get push notifications sent to my Windows Phone 7 device, but I'm having very big problems that I can't find any answers for. I'll start with the c# code.
I set up push notifications using the following C# code.
private HttpNotificationChannel channel;
private static string PUSH_CHANNEL = "MySpecialPushChannel";
private Uri PushUri = null;
private bool IsPushRegistered = false;
public void StartPushSubscription()
channel = HttpNotificationChannel.Find(PUSH_CHANNEL);
if (channel != null)
PushUri = channel.ChannelUri;
if (!channel.IsShellTileBound)
channel = new HttpNotificationChannel(PUSH_CHANNEL);
channel.ChannelUriUpdated += new EventHandler<NotificationChannelUriEventArgs>(channel_ChannelUriUpdated);
channel.HttpNotificationReceived += new EventHandler<HttpNotificationEventArgs>(channel_HttpNotificationReceived);
channel.ErrorOccurred += new EventHandler<NotificationChannelErrorEventArgs>(channel_ErrorOccurred);
catch (Exception err)
channel = null;
IsPushRegistered = false;
// Code to try again
void channel_ChannelUriUpdated(object sender, NotificationChannelUriEventArgs e)
PushUri = e.ChannelUri;
IsPushRegistered = true;
I'm following the standard WP7 push structure:
Find the HttpNotificationChannel (or start a new one)
Register event handler to get the push notification uri back
Open the channel
Bind to the tile
Handle the channel Uri (which we send to our service to await the happy day when we send the push notification
OK... so far so good. No errors, I get my Uri, send it to my service just fine. I pin my app to the start screen and my service sends a push request to the Uri (sending just the count so that I get a little push count number in the upper right hand corner). I get back an HTTP 200 status with the following:
DeviceConnectionStatus => Connected
NotificationStatus => Received
SubscriptionStatus => Active
And then... nothing. No push status shows up on my app. I've now tried it on my device, in the emulator, on another device, and with multiple servers and the result is always the same. Everything looks like it is working except for the fact that it doesn't work.
To me, however, this is not a solution. How will I be able to test this and KNOW my users are getting their push notifications if I'm getting the same response when it's not working as I do when it is?
The answer is, you can't. It's a limitation of how WP7 handles notifications.
For structured notifications like Tile and Toast, if you get the Connected/Active/Received/200 response, then you can know that MPNS accepted your notification request. However, this does not mean that you have sent a valid XML payload.
The component that handles parsing XML is the Push Client, the process running on the phone that accepts push notifications and deals them out to appropriate applications, displays the toast, etc.
If you have sent invalid XML, there is absolutely no indication that you've done so. At most, if you try to send the notification again to that same push channel URI, you'll get a 404 in response. Apparently getting an invalid XML payload for a specific application makes that application's push channel close, requiring you to go through the whole procedure again.
I've discovered this while debugging with our server team, and through trying to get the phone to display an alternate live tile. The only advice I can offer you is to quadruple-check your XML.
You will get errors in your error event handler for your push notification channel for Toast notifications that have invalid XML, since you are able to send/receive toast notifications while the application is active.
If anyone from Microsoft is reading this, PLEASE provide more thorough documentation on possible error states in the push notification system. We also need an event handler for Tile notifications, or at least allow us to receive tile notifications while the app is in the foreground and fire the notification channel error event so that we can be aware that our XML payload is invalid.
Especially if your web service isn't built with WCF, .NET, Azure, and whatever, working with Push Notifications on WP7 is like wandering blind.
Documentation for an exception message reading "InvalidOperationException(Failed to open channel)" should not read: "This exception is raised when the notification channel failed to open. Try opening the notification channel again." (reference)
are you getting the URL from each device? you need to get a URL from the push notification sevice for each device everytime your device connects,
when it does you need to find a way of retrieving the url from each client,
once you do that and your still not receiving push notifications then I would write to microsoft to see if they can see anything to do with the push notifications
Have hard time to get push notifications from server when using MSSQL scalling.
Message flow is one way from server to subscribers (are distributed by groups)
Push messages are not received on UI with the following host configuration:
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.UseSqlServer(new SqlScaleoutConfiguration(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SignalR"].ConnectionString));
Messages are created in SignalRDb and records are present in tables. However they do not reach UI. With SQL scaling disabled all messages propagates to UI successfully.
Here is my Notification code:
public void OnNext(ResultModel value)
OnNext method always executes witho or without Scalling also group and value are correct. No exceptions thrown on UI or beckend. Below is UI part:
var hubProxy = $.connection.visitsHub;
hubProxy.client.notify = function (updatedResult) {
Any help is appreciated.
I'm developing a class library that contains generic methods for these scenarios:
Live support chat (1 on 1 private text chat, with many admins and guests)
Rooms with many users where you can send broadcast and private messages
These two features above are already implemented and now it's necessary for my application to save messages.
My question is, what is the best way to store chat conversations in a SQL database:
Everytime I click send, I insert the message in the database?
Create a List for each user and everytime I click send, the message is saved on the list of the user who sent the message. Then if a user disconnects, I'm going to iterate the list of messages and for each message insert all of them in the db.
Are there other solutions?
What I'm doing now is the following. I have this method which is located on my Hub class:
public void saveMessagetoDB(string userName, string message)
var ctx = new TestEntities1();
var msg = new tbl_Conversation {Msg = message};
I call this method saveMessagetoDB on my client side HTML file like this:
$('#btnSendMessage').click(function () {
var msg = $("#txtMessage").val();
if (msg.length > 0) {
var userName = $('#hUserName').val();
// <<<<<-- ***** Return to Server [ SaveMessagetoDB ] *****
objHub.server.saveMessagetoDB(userName, msg);
SignalR is great for a chat application and you wouldn't even need to store anything in SQL unless you want to create a transcript of the chat at a later time (which may not even be necessary).
I suggest getting the chat working with SignalR first (don't do anything with sql). Then once that is working you can put SQL logging as necessary in your signalR hub.
It most likely makes the most sense to write to sql on each message.
If you decide to store the chats in a database, then you will need to insert/update the messages as they happen.
If you are using the PersistentConnection then you can hook into the OnReceivedAsync event and insert / update data from that event:
protected override Task OnConnectedAsync(IRequest request, string connectionId)
_clients.Add(connectionId, string.Empty);
ChatData chatData = new ChatData("Server", "A new user has joined the room.");
return Connection.Broadcast(chatData);
Or in the SignalR class that inherits from Hub, you can persist to the Db right before you have notified any clients.
I'm using Channel API (Java) with Google App Engine for my web application. I have implemented a Token-reusing-mechanism for not exceeding the Channel API Quotas that fast.
This means, that my implementation reuses an existing channel for a user that refreshes the page as long as the expiration time of the token received by the ChannelService.createChannel() call, is not over.
When refreshing my page I get the following exception (with x starting at 0 and increasing for every refresh). However, my page continues to work as intended. Is there a way to avoid the exception being thrown? Or can I just ignore the exception?
com.google.appengine.api.channel.dev.LocalChannelFailureException: Client connection with ID connection-x not found.
at com.google.appengine.api.channel.dev.Channel.getClientMessageQueue(Channel.java:79)
at com.google.appengine.api.channel.dev.ChannelManager.getNextClientMessage(ChannelManager.java:300)
at com.google.appengine.api.channel.dev.LocalChannelServlet.doGet(LocalChannelServlet.java:120)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:617)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:511)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.java:1166)
Im reusing tokens with the following classes:
When calling ChannelService.createChannel() I save the expiration date and the generated token in an Entity called "Channel"
public class Channel {
private String id;
private String token;
private Date expiration;
Then I have a ChannelService class that returns a valid Channel with its get() method. The channelDAO is a class that just uses a Map for storing Channels. So there is no database persistence, which would keep a token alive over a server restart.
public Channel get(String clientId) {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
Channel channel = channelDAO.get(clientId);
if (channel == null || calendar.getTime().after(channel.getExpiration())) {
com.google.appengine.api.channel.ChannelService channelService = ChannelServiceFactory
calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, CHANNEL_UPTIME);
String token = channelService.createChannel(player.toString(), CHANNEL_UPTIME);
channel = new Channel(clientId, token, calendar.getTime());
return channel;
I fixed the problem by further investigations on the source of the exception. The Channel API works with polling requests that are executed every 500ms. I used Firefox's console to track these. Here is an example poll:
[20:40:15.978] GET http://localhost:8080/_ah/channel/dev?command=poll&channel=920a60f9b27ece1a1ba43d251fdacf2e-channel-eqt3xi-1385927324758-{clientId}&client=connection-2 [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 0ms]
In my question I stated, that the exception occurs on page reload, so the problem with this was: When the page is reloaded, something (I don't know what exactly, but i assume it has something to do with sockets getting closed and reopened on page refresh) happens which causes the client (last parameter of the GET request) to no longer be available. However, a new client is available: the client "connection-{i+1}". So when you enter the page initially, the client is "connection-0". After page refresh it is "connection-1". But as the old page used a delayed execution for the poll, a false request (still connection-0) is sent to the server, that, as a result, throws the Exception.
I fixed the problem by manually cancelling the delayed execution, when leaving the page with jQuery.
var channel = new goog.appengine.Channel('${channel.token}');
var socket = channel.open(handler);
$(window).on('beforeunload', function() {
Your token re-use scheme should be carefully checked for bugs as that exception shouldn't occur each page reload.
There is a known issue after local server restarts but as stated it should only be only if the development server restarted.
I had the same issue using GWT and gwt-gae-channel. The solution would be something like:
Socket socket = channel.open(new SocketListener() {...});
Window.addWindowClosingHandler(new ClosingHandler() {
public void onWindowClosing(ClosingEvent event) {
I have an Odata Service and a WPF client application.
Some of the Odata Service Entities have images attached to them (ie.Client).
The streaming works as long as I do not apply authentication. I can view and change the images. Once I enforce authentication everything works as expected, given the credentials check out. All but the images that is. Here are the relevant code steps / snipes.
Window Constructor code
bool iv = System.Web.Security.Membership.ValidateUser("userName", "pass");
ManageService = new InventoryContext(new Uri(...));
ManageService.SendingRequest += new EventHandler<SendingRequestEventArgs (ManageService_SendingRequest);
ManageService_SendingRequest code
//attach the authentication cookie to the request header
((HttpWebRequest)e.Request).CookieContainer = ((ClientFormsIdentity)Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity).AuthenticationCookies;
The call to fetch the data is async using background worker
Query Methode()
BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(FetchClient);
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(FetchClientsCompleted);
var query = from o in ManageService.Clients where o.ClientUUID.Equals((Guid)e.Argument)
e.Result = query;
var res = e.Result as DataServiceCollection<Client>;
DataContext = res[0]; //this is all working, with and without authentication
//the next line, binding the stream to the image throws 'unauthenticated'
//it works well if authentication is disabled
imgClient.Source = new BitmapImage(ManageService.GetReadStreamUri(DataContext));
if I debug, the SendingRequest methode, usually called with any query request is NOT triggered calling GetReadStreamUri(...).
This is where I am stuck, what to do to authenticate to the service to get the stream?
Also, I took the URI generated by ManageService.GetReadStreamUri(DataContext), past it into the browser and it works, the image is displayed in the browser, if logged in.
Anyone any ideas?
The SendingRequest handler will only fire for request sent by the DataServiceContext class (your ManageService). But in the case of the picture, you only get the URL from the DataServiceContext and then let the BitmapImage actually issue the HTTP request to that URL. So the event won't fire for that request. I don't know if BitmapImage has a way for you to hook into the HTTP request pipeline (I don't think it does).
You could issue that request yourself and then use the response stream as the input for the bitmap image, in which case you get full control over the request and thus can implement authentication as appropriate.
In a WP7 Silverlight application with a WebBrowser control I want to use an own protocol like "myttp://" to deliver some local content. I can't use Navigate() to an IsolatedStrorage because some content will by created on demand. For the same reason NavigateToString() is also not usable for me.
I tried to register a WebRequestCreator descend for my MYTP protocol
myCreator = new MyRequestCreator();
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("mytp://", myCreator);
but it isn't called from the browser control if I navigate to "mytp://test.html".
If I create a WebRequest via code
WebRequest request;
request = WebRequest.Create("mytp://test.html");`
everythings works fine.
Any suggestions what is wrong or how to do it?
The WebBrowser control will use the Windows Phone Internet Explorer Browser's HTTP stack to statisfy web requests. This HTTP stack is entirely separate from the Client HTTP stack being used by the application. Hence the browser does not see your protocol at all.
I agree with AnthonyWJones words, though I dont know, what exactly he meant by "Browser HTTP stack".
The standard Silverlight's "access to Browser's stack" (used to handle sessions etc) in form of System.Net.Browser.WebRequestCreator.BrowserHttp httprequest factory (versus the "normal/aside" System.Net.Browser.WebRequestCreator.ClientHttp factory) is actually available to the application code in WP7. It is hidden from the SDK, but available on the device and with small effort, the application can use it, for example, to have its emitted cookies in sync with the Browser's cache. For description, please see my humble other post
However, while using that factory and having all your session/cookies/userauth handling within those connections in sync with the WebBrowser, despite being very similar to the ClientHttp factory, you find (at least in 7.0 and 7.1 versions) that it is completely ignorant of any custom prefixes. Trying to open anything with this factory results in (WP7 v. Mango 7.1):
A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.ProtocolViolationException' occurred in System.Windows.dll
at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.InternalBeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Net.Browser.AsyncHelper.BeginOnUI(BeginMethod beginMethod, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at MyApp.MyPage..ctor()
relevant code snippet of the MyPage:
public class WRC : IWebRequestCreate { public WebRequest Create(Uri uri) { return null;/*BREAKPOINT1*/ } }
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("js://", new WRC()); // register the above handler
brwHttp = (IWebRequestCreate)typeof(System.Net.Browser.WebRequestCreator).GetProperty("BrowserHttp").GetValue(null, null);
var tmp = brwHttp.Create(new Uri("js://blah.blah.blah"));
var yyy = tmp.BeginGetResponse(callback, "wtf");
var response = tmp.EndGetResponse(yyy); /*BREAKPOINT2*/
var zzz = tmp.BeginGetRequestStream(callback, "wtf"); /*<---EXCEPTION*/
var stream = tmp.EndGetRequestStream(zzz); /*BREAKPOINT3*/
Execution results:
breakpoint1 never hit
breakpoint2 allows to see that "response" is NULL
breakpoint3 never hit due to the exception pasted above
My conclusion is, that the Silverlight Browser's stack is hardcoded to use some builtin set of prefixes, and all other prefixes are ignored/throw ProtocolViolation. My guess is, that in WP7 (7.0, 7.1) they are actually hardcoded to use http since my custom "js://" was passed to a BrowserHttpWebRequest.InternalBeginGetRequestStream as it's visible on the stacktrace :)
That confirms what Anthony had written - no way of having custom protocol handlers to work gracefully with the Silverlight's Browser Stack API.
However, I cannot agree with that the WebBrowser uses this connection factory. While is it true that the hidden factory is called BrowserHttp, and is true that it shares some per-user or per-session settings with the webbrowser, everything I try tens to indicate that the WebBrowser component uses yet completly other factory for its connections, and quite probably it is some native one. As an argument for that, I can only provide that I was able to successfully replace the original BrowserHttp factory with my simple custom implementation of it (both on the emulator and the phone), and with at least 6 webbrowsers in my current app, it wasn't used at all, not even once! (neither on the emulator, nor phone)