How to register own protocol using the WebBrowser control? - silverlight

In a WP7 Silverlight application with a WebBrowser control I want to use an own protocol like "myttp://" to deliver some local content. I can't use Navigate() to an IsolatedStrorage because some content will by created on demand. For the same reason NavigateToString() is also not usable for me.
I tried to register a WebRequestCreator descend for my MYTP protocol
myCreator = new MyRequestCreator();
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("mytp://", myCreator);
but it isn't called from the browser control if I navigate to "mytp://test.html".
If I create a WebRequest via code
WebRequest request;
request = WebRequest.Create("mytp://test.html");`
everythings works fine.
Any suggestions what is wrong or how to do it?

The WebBrowser control will use the Windows Phone Internet Explorer Browser's HTTP stack to statisfy web requests. This HTTP stack is entirely separate from the Client HTTP stack being used by the application. Hence the browser does not see your protocol at all.

I agree with AnthonyWJones words, though I dont know, what exactly he meant by "Browser HTTP stack".
The standard Silverlight's "access to Browser's stack" (used to handle sessions etc) in form of System.Net.Browser.WebRequestCreator.BrowserHttp httprequest factory (versus the "normal/aside" System.Net.Browser.WebRequestCreator.ClientHttp factory) is actually available to the application code in WP7. It is hidden from the SDK, but available on the device and with small effort, the application can use it, for example, to have its emitted cookies in sync with the Browser's cache. For description, please see my humble other post
However, while using that factory and having all your session/cookies/userauth handling within those connections in sync with the WebBrowser, despite being very similar to the ClientHttp factory, you find (at least in 7.0 and 7.1 versions) that it is completely ignorant of any custom prefixes. Trying to open anything with this factory results in (WP7 v. Mango 7.1):
A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.ProtocolViolationException' occurred in System.Windows.dll
at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.InternalBeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Net.Browser.AsyncHelper.BeginOnUI(BeginMethod beginMethod, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Net.Browser.BrowserHttpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at MyApp.MyPage..ctor()
relevant code snippet of the MyPage:
public class WRC : IWebRequestCreate { public WebRequest Create(Uri uri) { return null;/*BREAKPOINT1*/ } }
WebRequest.RegisterPrefix("js://", new WRC()); // register the above handler
brwHttp = (IWebRequestCreate)typeof(System.Net.Browser.WebRequestCreator).GetProperty("BrowserHttp").GetValue(null, null);
var tmp = brwHttp.Create(new Uri("js://blah.blah.blah"));
var yyy = tmp.BeginGetResponse(callback, "wtf");
var response = tmp.EndGetResponse(yyy); /*BREAKPOINT2*/
var zzz = tmp.BeginGetRequestStream(callback, "wtf"); /*<---EXCEPTION*/
var stream = tmp.EndGetRequestStream(zzz); /*BREAKPOINT3*/
Execution results:
breakpoint1 never hit
breakpoint2 allows to see that "response" is NULL
breakpoint3 never hit due to the exception pasted above
My conclusion is, that the Silverlight Browser's stack is hardcoded to use some builtin set of prefixes, and all other prefixes are ignored/throw ProtocolViolation. My guess is, that in WP7 (7.0, 7.1) they are actually hardcoded to use http since my custom "js://" was passed to a BrowserHttpWebRequest.InternalBeginGetRequestStream as it's visible on the stacktrace :)
That confirms what Anthony had written - no way of having custom protocol handlers to work gracefully with the Silverlight's Browser Stack API.
However, I cannot agree with that the WebBrowser uses this connection factory. While is it true that the hidden factory is called BrowserHttp, and is true that it shares some per-user or per-session settings with the webbrowser, everything I try tens to indicate that the WebBrowser component uses yet completly other factory for its connections, and quite probably it is some native one. As an argument for that, I can only provide that I was able to successfully replace the original BrowserHttp factory with my simple custom implementation of it (both on the emulator and the phone), and with at least 6 webbrowsers in my current app, it wasn't used at all, not even once! (neither on the emulator, nor phone)


Flink Stateful functions - How to register statefun's ValueSpec in embedded module

I am refactoring my Flink Statefuns for embedded service deployment, but I cannot find the way to register statefun's ValueSpec in EmbeddedModule
When I was using remote http service deployment on k8s, I was building StatefulFunctionSpec with statefun's all value specs inside, and was registering it by StatefulFunctions.withStatefulFunction(spec):
Build static spec in MyStatefun:
static StatefulFunctionSpec SPEC = StatefulFunctionSpec.builder(MY_TYPE)
Register it in StatefulFunctions:
StatefulFunctions functions = new StatefulFunctions();
And finally use functions.requestReplyHandler() as a handler in http server.
What's the way of doing that in EmbeddedModule?
In examples that I found so far, I only see that statefun is registered as this, but does this also register ValueSpecs?
binder.bindFunctionProvider(MyStatefun.FUNCTION_TYPE, x -> (StatefulFunction) new MyStatefun());
UPD. It seems that .bindFunctionProvider(...) cannot bind, it can only bind sdk.StatefulFunction, which implements .invoke(sdk.Context, Object o) instead of .apply(, Message msg). And sdk.Context does not have .storage() method for accessing ValueSpecs.
UPD2. Found page about PersistedValue that could be used for state management and could possibly be the answer to my question:

Runtime debugging tips for Windows Service?

I have a Windows Service that monitors a COM port connected to a vendors hardware. This is a very busy piece of hardware that is constantly polling other devices on the wire (this is a twisted-pair RS485 "network"). My software needs to emulate X number of hardware devices on this wire, so I've got a multi-threaded thing going on with a multi-tiered state machine to keep track of where the communications protocol is at any moment.
Problem is with a Windows Service (this is my first one, BTW) is that you need some debugging to let you know if stuff is working properly. When I was first developing this state machine/multi-thread code I had a windows form with a RichTextBox that displayed the ASCII chars going back-n-forth on the line. Seems like I can't really have that GUI niceness with a service. I tried opening a form in the service via another program that sent the service messages that are received via the OnCustomCommand() handler but it didn't seem to work. I had "Allow service to interact with desktop" checked and everything. I was using the Show() and Hide() methods of my debug form.
I guess I don't need to see all of the individual characters going on the line but man that sure would be nice (I think I really need to see them :-) ). So does anyone have any crazy ideas that could help me out? I don't want to bog down the system with some IPC that isn't meant for the voluminous amount of data that is sure to come through. It will only be very short-term debugging though, just confirmation that the program, the RS485-to-USB dongle, and hardware is all working.
Use OutputDebugString to write to the debugging buffer and then use DebugView to watch it. If you're running on Windows XP or earlier, then you can use PortMon to see the raw bytes going through the serial port. The advantage over a log file is that there's very little overhead, particularly when you're not watching it. You can even run DebugView from another machine and monitor your service remotely.
I dunno if it will work for you, but I always build my services with a extra Main that build them as console app to get debug output.
Some example:
class Worker : ServiceBase
/// <summary>
/// The Main Thread where the Service is Run.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
ServiceBase.Run(new Worker());
public static void Main(String[] args)
Worker worker = new Worker();
// Other Service code
You could write the output to a log file and then use another application to watch that file. This question about "tail" outlines several options for watching log files with windows.
What I usually do when working on a Windows Service is to create it so that it can be run either as a service, or as a plain old command-line application. You can easily check whether you are running as a service by checking Environment.UserInteractive. If this property is true, then you are running from the command line. If the property is false, then you are running as a service. Add this code to Program.cs, and use it where you would normally call ServiceBase.Run(servicesToRun)
/// <summary>Runs the provided service classes.</summary>
/// <param name="servicesToRun">The service classes to run.</param>
/// <param name="args">The command-line arguments to pass to the service classes.</param>
private static void RunServices(IEnumerable<ServiceBase> servicesToRun, IEnumerable args)
var serviceBaseType = typeof(ServiceBase);
var onStartMethod = serviceBaseType.GetMethod("OnStart", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
foreach (var service in servicesToRun)
onStartMethod.Invoke(service, new object[] { args });
Console.WriteLine(service.ServiceName + " started.");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
var onStopMethod = serviceBaseType.GetMethod("OnStop", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
foreach (var service in servicesToRun)
onStopMethod.Invoke(service, null);
Console.WriteLine(service.ServiceName + " stopped.");
Now you can debug your service, set breakpoints, anything you want. When you run your application, you'll get a console window, appropriate for displaying console messages, and it will stay open until you hit a key.
I'm answering my own question here. I tried a couple of suggestions here but here's what I ended up doing...
I created a Windows Form application with a single Button and RichTextBox. This application constructed a NamedPipeServerStream on it's end. The Button's job was to send either "debug on" (command 128) or "debug off" (129) to the Windows Service. The initial value was "debug off". When the button was clicked, a command of 128 was sent to the Windows Service to turn debugging on. In the Windows Service this triggered an internal variable to be true, plus it connected to the Form application with a NamedPipeClientStream and started sending characters with a BinaryWriter as they were received or sent on the COM port. On the Form side, a BackgroundWorker was created to WaitForConnection() on the pipe. When it got a connection, a BinaryReader.ReadString() was used to read the data off of the pipe and shoot it to the RichTextBox.
I'm almost there. I'm breaking my pipe when I click the debug button again and a subsequent click doesn't correctly redo the pipe. All in all I'm happy with it. I can post any code if anyone is interested. Thanks for the responses!

RIA domainservice/context call fails from Silverlight sometimes

I have a very strange problem: I'm developing a Silverlight business application with RIA services.
I have some DomainServices on the server-side, and with one of them I'm having the problem, that sometimes calling one of the methods fails (on the SL client, I get "NotFound" exception, and the request doesn't event arrive to the server (I put a breakpoint into the constructor of the domainservice)!
What makes things strange even more:
If the call fails from the SL client, then I start Fiddler2, then the second (or any consecutive) call is working properly! If I close fiddler, it becomes unstable again.
If I rename the method which I would like to call (via refactor), call renamed method on the context at SL client side too, then everytime I make the call it is successful!
Here is my suspicios method:
public void RegisterTrainingProgramCompletion(bool isCompleted, int result, string sportsManNote)
If I rename this method to "RegisterTpCompletion", then it works (unbelievable)!
The DomainService is marked with some attributes:
public class NextTrainingProgramDomainService : DomainService
I managed to somehow log the server-side, and got the following exception from the WCF stack:
There is a problem with the XML that was received from the network. See inner exception for more details. at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpInput.DecodeBufferedMessage(ArraySegment`1 buffer, Stream inputStream)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpInput.ReadBufferedMessage(Stream inputStream)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpInput.ParseIncomingMessage(Exception& requestException)
at System.ServiceModel.Channels.HttpChannelListener.HttpContextReceived(HttpRequestContext context, Action callback)
at System.ServiceModel.Activation.HostedHttpTransportManager.HttpContextReceived(HostedHttpRequestAsyncResult result)
at System.ServiceModel.Activation.HostedHttpRequestAsyncResult.HandleRequest()
at System.ServiceModel.Activation.HostedHttpRequestAsyncResult.BeginRequest()
at System.ServiceModel.Activation.HostedHttpRequestAsyncResult.OnBeginRequest(Object state)
at System.ServiceModel.AspNetPartialTrustHelpers.PartialTrustInvoke(ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.ServiceModel.Activation.HostedHttpRequestAsyncResult.OnBeginRequestWithFlow(Object state)
at System.Runtime.IOThreadScheduler.ScheduledOverlapped.IOCallback(UInt32 errorCode, UInt32 numBytes, NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped)
at System.Runtime.Fx.IOCompletionThunk.UnhandledExceptionFrame(UInt32 error, UInt32 bytesRead, NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped)
at System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32 errorCode, UInt32 numBytes, NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP)
So for some unknown reason the clint (SL-app) does not flush properly the request? I'm starting to worry :(((
My callers (SL client) are authenticated with custom forms authentication.
I know you could say, leave it then as it is, but this drives me crazy, I want to know what's the problem, so I do not run into it again.
I suspect it is URL issue, mostly URL can only be few kbs long. Now I don't know the size but in RIA services, it uses URL to send your filter as querystring.
And names of your method are also big, it is reaching max limit of URL. When it is working even with big name your filter part may be empty but if you add more filters you will face errors.

Windows Phone 7 App Quits when I attempt to deserialize JSON

I'm developing my first windows phone 7 app, and I've hit a snag. basically it's just reading a json string of events and binding that to a list (using the list app starting point)
public void Load()
// form the URI
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder("");
WebClient proxy = new WebClient();
proxy.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(OnReadCompleted);
void OnReadCompleted(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null)
var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(EventList));
var events = (EventList)serializer.ReadObject(e.Result);
foreach (var ev in events)
public ObservableCollection<EventDetails> Items { get; private set; }
EventDetails is my class that wraps the json string. this class has to be correct because it is an exact copy of the class used by that website internally from which the json is generated...
I get the json string correctly from the webclient call (I read the memorystream and the json is indeed there) but as soon as I attempt to deserialize the string, the application exits and the debugger stops.
I get no error message or any indication that anything happen, it just stops. This happens if I type the deserialize method into the watch window as well...
I have already tried using in fact I thought maybe it was a problem with so I converted it to use the native deserializer in the .net framework but the error is the same either way.
why would the application just quit? shouldn't it give me SOME kind of error message?
what could I be doing wrong?
many thanks!
Firstly, the fact that you have some string there that looks like JSON does not mean that you have a valid JSON. Try converting a simple one.
If your JSON is valid, it might be that your JSON implementation does not know how to convert a list to EventList. Give it a try with ArrayList instead and let me know.
The application closes because an unhandled exception happens. If check the App.xaml.cs file you will find the code that closes your app. What you need to do is try catch your deserialization process and handle it locally. So most likely you have some JSON the DataContractJsonSerializer does not like. I have been having issue with it deserializing WCF JSON and have had to go other routes.
You may want to check to ensure your JSON is valid, just because your website likes it does not mean it is actually valid, the code on your site may be helping to correct the issue. Drop a copy of your JSON object (the string) in to see if it is valid or not. Crokford (the guy who created JSON) wrote this site to validate JSON, so I would rely on it more than your site ;) This little site has really helped me out of some issues over the past year.
I ran into this same kind of problem when trying to migrate some existing WM code to run on WP7. I believe that the WP7 app crashes whenever it loads an assembly (or class?) that references something that's not available in WP7. In my case, I think it was Assembly.Load or something in the System.IO namespace, related to file access via paths.
While your case might be something completely different, the symptoms were exactly the same.
The only thing I can recommend is to go through the JSON library and see if it's referencing base classes that are not allowed in WP7. Note that it doesn't even have to hit the line of code that's causing the issue - it'll crash as soon as it tries to hit the class that contains the bad reference.
If you can step into the JSON library, you can get a better idea of which class is causing the problem, because as soon as the code references it, the whole app will crash and the debugger will stop.

Silverlight HttpWebRequest.Create hangs inside async block

I am trying to prototype a Rpc Call to a JBOSS webserver from Silverlight (4). I have written the code and it is working in a console application - so I know that Jboss is responding to the web request. Porting it to silverlight 4, is causing issues:
let uri = new Uri(queryUrl)
// this is the line that hangs
let request : HttpWebRequest = downcast WebRequest.Create(uri)
request.Method <- httpMethod;
request.ContentType <- contentType
It may be a sandbox issue, as my silverlight is being served off of my file system and the Uri is a reference to the localhost - though I am not even getting an exception. Thoughts?
I created a new project and ported my code over and now it is working; something must be unstable w/ regard to the F# Silverlight integration still. Still would appreciate thoughts on debugging the "hanging" web create in the old model...
let uri = Uri("http://localhost./portal/main?isSecure=IbongAdarnaNiFranciscoBalagtas")
// this WebRequest.Create works fine
let req : HttpWebRequest = downcast WebRequest.Create(uri)
let Login = async {
let uri = new Uri("http://localhost/portal/main?isSecure=IbongAdarnaNiFranciscoBalagtas")
// code hangs on this WebRequest.Create
let request : HttpWebRequest = downcast WebRequest.Create(uri)
return request
Login |> Async.RunSynchronously
I must be missing something; the Async block works fine in the console app - is it not allowed in the Silverlight App?
(Thanks for sending this to fsbugs, to force us to take a hard look.)
The problem is Async.RunSynchronously. When called on the UI thread, this blocks the UI thread. And it turns out that WebRequest.Create() on Silverlight dispatches to the UI thread. So it is a deadlock.
In general, try to avoid Async.RunSynchronously on Silverlight (or on any UI thread). You can use Async.StartImmediate in this example. Alternatively, I think you can call RunSynchronously from any background thread without issues. (I have not tried enough end-to-end Silverlight scenarios myself to offer more advice as yet. You might check out
Game programming in F# (with Silverlight and WPF)
F# and Silverlight
F# async on the client side
for a few short examples.)
(In retrospect, the F# design team thinks that we maybe should not have included Async.RunSynchronously in FSharp.Core for Silverlight; the method potentially violates the spirit of the platform (no blocking calls). It's possible we'll deprecate that method in future Silverlight releases. On the other hand, it still does have valid uses for CPU-intensive parallelism on Silverlight, e.g. running a bunch on (non-IO) code in parallel on background threads.)
Seems like a similar issue here - though no reference to silverlight (in fact it is a "windows service class"):
I had similar problem. I was making a Silverlight MVVM ViewModel to bind data from web.
Don Syme commented himself:
I’m not a data-binding expert, but I
believe you can’t “hide” the asyncness
of a view model like this for WPF and
Silverlight. I think you would need to
expose Task, Async or an
observable collection. AFAIK the only
way to get Silverlight and WPF to bind
asynchronously to a property is if it
is an observable collection.
Anyway, I installed F# Power Pack to get AsyncReadToEnd.
It didn't solve the case... I added domains to trusted sites but it didn't help... Then I added a MySolution.Web and clientaccesspolicy.xml. I don't know if those had any effect.
Now, with Async.StartImmediate I got web service call working:
let mutable callresult = ""
//let event = new Event<string>()
//let eventvalue = event.Publish
let internal fetch (url : Uri) trigger =
let req = WebRequest.CreateHttp url
//req.CookieContainer <- new CookieContainer()
let asynccall =
let! res = req.AsyncGetResponse()
use stream = res.GetResponseStream()
use reader = new StreamReader(stream)
let! txt = reader.AsyncReadToEnd()
callresult <- txt //I had some processing here...
trigger "" |> ignore
| :? System.Exception as ex ->
failwith(ex.ToString()) //just for debug
asynccall |> Async.StartImmediate
Now I will need my ViewModel to listen the mutable callresult.
In your case you need also a crossdomain.xml to the server.
The trigger is needed to use the UI-thread:
let trigger _ =
let update _ = x.myViewModelProperty <- callresult
System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(update)) |> ignore
fetch serviceUrl trigger
I think you are hitting the maximum http connections restriction: see Aynchronous web server calls in Silverlight and maximum HTTP connections and
