Convert class to functional component using hooks equivalent to shouldComponentUpdate and componentDidUpdate - reactjs

I am new to hooks and I came across this example here: which is a class component and I am trying to convert it to a functional with hooks. I can perfectly use it as it is but the reason is because I want to learn as well.
I tried to implement it with useEffect but I didnt had the desire effect as I still show only one time the notification and if I tried to create again a todo for example it didnt show up.
function Notifier(props) {
const { notifications, removeSnackbar } = props;
const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar();
const [displayed, setDisplayed] = useState([]);
function storeDisplayed(key) {
setDisplayed([...displayed, key]);
notifications.forEach((notification) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// If notification already displayed, abort
if (displayed.indexOf(notification.key) >= 0) return;
// Display notification using notistack
enqueueSnackbar(notification.message, notification.options);
// Add notification's key to the local state
// Dispatch action to remove the notification from the redux store
}, 1);
return null;
I want to display a notification whenever I create or edit something.

Add dependancies array as second parameter to the useeffect
useEffect(() => {
}, []); // Only re-subscribe if changes

The solution to my implementation is the missing - undefined key, so what I did was to add the key in the redux store and pass it to the component props.
function Notifier(props) {
const { notifications, removeSnackbar } = props;
const { enqueueSnackbar } = useSnackbar();
const [displayed, setDisplayed] = useState([]);
function storeDisplayed(key) {
setDisplayed([...displayed, key]);
notifications.forEach((notification) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// If notification already displayed, abort
if (displayed.indexOf(notification.options.key) >= 0) return;
// Display notification using notistack
enqueueSnackbar(notification.message, notification.options);
// Add notification's key to the local state
// Dispatch action to remove the notification from the redux store
}, 1);
return null;


React - set state doesn't change in callback function

I'm not able to read current state inside refreshWarehouseCallback function. Why?
My component:
export function Schedules({ tsmService, push, pubsub }: Props) {
const [myState, setMyState] = useState<any>(initialState);
useEffect(() => {
.then((warehouses) =>
getCurrentWarehouseData(warehouses) // inside of this function I can without problems set myState
.catch(() => catchError());
const pushToken = push.subscribe('public/ttt/#');
const pubSubToken = pubsub.subscribe(
refreshWarehouseCallback // HERE IS PROBLEM, when I try to read current state from this function I get old data, state changed in other functions cannot be read in thi function
return () => {
}, []);
function refreshWarehouseCallback(eventName: string, content: any) {
const {warehouseId} = myState; // undefined!!!
case pushEvents.ramp.updated: {
return (
I have to use useRef to store current state additionally to be able to rerender the whole component.
My question is - is there any other solution without useRef? Where is the problem? Calback function doesn't work with useState hook?
Your pub/sub pattern does not inherit React's states. Whenever subscribe is triggered, and your callback function is initialized, that callback will not get any new values from myState.
To be able to use React's states, you can wrap refreshWarehouseCallback into another function like below
//`my state` is passed into the first function (the function wrapper)
//the inner function is your original function
const refreshWarehouseCallback =
(myState) => (eventName: string, content: any) => {
const { warehouseId } = myState;
//your other logic
And then you can add another useEffect to update subscribe after state changes (in this case, myState updates)
//a new state to store the updated pub/sub after every clean-up
const [pubSubToken, setPubSubToken] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
//clean up when your state updates
if (pubSubToken) {
const updatedPubSubToken = pubsub.subscribe(
refreshWarehouseCallback(myState) //execute the function wrapper to pass `myState` down to your original callback function
//update new pub/sub token
return () => {
//add `myState` as a dependency
}, [myState]);
//you can combine this with your previous useEffect
useEffect(() => {
const pushToken = push.subscribe("public/ttt/#");
return () => {
}, []);

Electron/React cannot access component state changes in ipcRenderer listener

I am using Electron with React and I am facing a little problem.
I am creating a functional component and in the useEffect hook I subscribe to ipcRenderer to listen for when ipcMain replies.
When ipcRenderer event triggers I am unable to access the latest state updates. All state variables values inside ipcRenderer.on function contain data when the component was initially created.
In the code below customers is an array state variable. If I console.log its value every time the ipcRenderer.on is fired it is always empty. I am absolutely sure this variable is not empty inside the component's context because it contains information that is rendered in a grid. When ipcRenderer.on is triggered my grid is reset or cleared. All I am trying to do is refresh a row in the grid when ipcRenderer.on is triggered.
useEffect(() => {
// Actions triggered in response to main process replies
ipcRenderer.on(IPCConstants.UPDATE_SALE_CUSTOMER, (event: any, arg: IUpdateResponse) => {
if(!arg.success) {
setCustomers( => {
if(cst.CUS_CustomerId === arg.customer.CUS_CustomerId){
cst.RowId = `${generateRandomValue()}`;
cst.isActive = arg.customer.isActive;
return cst;
return () => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// Actions triggered in response to main process replies
ipcRenderer.on(IPCConstants.UPDATE_SALE_CUSTOMER, (event: any, arg: IUpdateResponse) => {
if(!arg.success) {
setCustomers( => {
if(cst.CUS_CustomerId === arg.customer.CUS_CustomerId){
cst.RowId = `${generateRandomValue()}`;
cst.isActive = arg.customer.isActive;
return cst;
return () => {
}, [customers, otherState (if needed)]); // <= whichever state is not up to date
You need to include the proper dependencies.
the useEffect will keep up to date with these state values
alternatively if you don't need the functionality of useState (unlikely) you can use useRef and the useEffect will always have the up to date ref without passing it as a dependency.

React useEffect to have different behavior on first load and subsequent updates

I am using React with typescript and I want to convert my class component to a functional component, but my class component has two different componentDidMount and comonentDidUpdate behaviors:
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate() {
if (this.props.resetForm) {
I just want my form to reset every time it loads except the first time, because I have a menu drop-down that allows clearing the form but I want the data to not reset on mount.
I tried using this: componentDidMount equivalent on a React function/Hooks component?
const turnResetOff = props.turnResetOff;// a function
const resetForm = props.resetForm;
const setPersonId = props.setPersonId;// a function
useEffect(() => {
}, [turnResetOff]);
useEffect(() => {
const resetChangeForm = () => {/*definition*/};
if (resetForm) {
}, [resetForm, turnResetOff, setPersonId]);
However, this causes an infinite re-render. Even if I useCallback for turnResetOff:
turnResetOff={useCallback(() => {
if (shouldReset) {
}, [shouldReset])}
I also tried using useRef to count the number of times this has been rendered, with the same result (infinite rerender - this is a simplified version even).
const [shouldReset, setShouldReset] = useState<boolean>(false);
const mountedTrackerRef = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (mountedTrackerRef.current === false) {
console.log("mounted now!");
mountedTrackerRef.current = true;
// props.turnResetOff();
} else {
console.log("mounted already... updating");
// if (props.resetForm) {
if (shouldReset) {
// resetChangeForm();
// props.turnResetOff();
}, [mountedTrackerRef, shouldReset]);
When you call useEffect() you can return a clean-up function. That cleanup function gets called when the component is unmounted. So, perhaps what you want to do is this: when you are called with turnResetOff then call it, and return a function that calls turnResetOff. The return function will be called when the component unmounts, so next time the component mounts it won't reset.
Something to along these lines:
() => {
return () => {setShouldReset(false)}
,[turnResetOff, setShouldReset])
Using the logic you have in the class component, the fellowing should give you identical behavior in a functional component
const turnResetOff = props.turnResetOff;// a function
const resetForm = props.resetForm;
const setPersonId = props.setPersonId;// a function
// useEffect with an empty dependency array is identical to ComponentDidMount event
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
// Just need resetForm as dependency since only resetForm was checked in the componentDidUpdate
useEffect(() => {
const resetChangeForm = () => {/*definition*/};
if (resetForm) {
}, [resetForm]);

Update single element of the array in redux state

I have a redux state that contains an array of objects, for each of these object I call an api to get more data
objects.forEach((obj, index) => {
let newObj = { ...obj };
.then(result => { = result;
let newObjects = [...this.props.objectsList] ;
let index = newObjects.findIndex(el => ===;
if (index != -1) {
newObjects[index] = newObj;
this.props.updateMyState({ objectsList: newObjects });
When I get two very close responses the state is not updated correctly, I lose the data of the first response.
What is the right way to update a single element of the array? Thanks!
So since i don't know what service is and there isn't that much here to go off, here is what I would do from my understanding of what it looks like your doing:
So first let's set up a reducer to handle the part of redux state that you want to modify:
// going to give the reducer a default state
// array just because I don't know
// the full use case
// you have an id in your example so this is the best I can do :(
const defaultState = [{ id: 123456 }, { id: 123457 }];
const someReducer = (state=defaultState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
// this is the main thing we're gonna use
return [
// return a default state == the state argument
return [
export default someReducer;
Next you should set up some actions for the reducer, this is optional and you can do it all inline in your component but I'd personally do it this way:
// pass data to the reducer using an action
const updateReduxArray = data => {
return {
data: data
// export like this because there might
// be more actions to add later
export {
Then use the reducer and action with React to update / render or whatever else you want
import { useState } from 'react';
import { updateReduxArray } from 'path_to_actions_file';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { axios } from 'axios';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
const SomeComponent = () => {
// set up redux dispatch
const dispatch = useDispatch();
// get your redux state
const reduxArray = useSelector(state => state.reduxArray) // your gonna have to name this however your's is named
// somewhere to store your objects (state)
const [arrayOfObjects, updateArrayOfObjects] = useState([]);
// function to get data from your API
const getData = async () => {
// I'm using axios for HTTP requests as its pretty
// easy to use
// if you use map you can just return the value of all API calls at once
const updatedData = await Promise.all( (object, index) => {
// make the api call
const response = axios.get(`https://some_api_endpoint/${}`)
.then(r =>
// return the original object with the addition of the new data
return {
// once all API calls are done update the state
// you could just update redux here but this is
// a clean way of doing it incase you wanna update
// the redux state more than once
// costs more memory to do this though
// basicity the same as component did mount
// if you're using classes
useEffect(() => {
// get some data from the api
}, [ ])
// every time arrayOfObjects is updated
// also update redux
useEffect(() => {
// dispatch your action to the reducer
}, [arrayOfObjects])
// render something to the page??
return (
{ reduxArray.length > 0
? => <p>I am { }</p>)
: <p>nothing to see here</p>
export default SomeComponent;
You could also do this so that you only update one object in redux at a time but even then you'd still be better off just passing the whole array to redux so I'd do the math on the component side rather than the reducer .
Note that in the component I used react state and useEffect. You might not need to do this, you could just handle it all in one place when the component mounts but we're using React so I just showcased it incase you want to use it somewhere else :)
Also lastly I'm using react-redux here so if you don't have that set up (you should do) please go away and do that first, adding your Provider to the root component. There are plenty of guides on this.

React native screens not re-rendering when custom hook state got changed

I am using a custom hook in app purchases.
const useInAppPurchase = () => {
const context = useContext(AuthGlobal)
const [isFullAppPurchased, setIsFullAppPurchased] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
console.log(`InAppPurchase useEffect is called`)
return async () => {
try {
await disconnectAsync()
} catch (error) {}
}, [])
When I used this hook at AccountScreen (where I do the purchase) Account screen is getting re-rendered once the payment is done.
i.e. isFullAppPurchased is changing from false -> true
const AccountScreen = (props) => {
const width = useWindowDimensions().width
const {
} = useInAppPurchase()
return (
// value is true after the purchase
But I am using the same hook in CategoryList screen and after the payment is done when I navigate to the CategoryList screen, The values (isFullAppPurchased) is not updated (still false).
But when I do the re-rendering manually then I get isFullAppPurchased as true.
const CategoryList = (props) => {
const navigation = useNavigation()
const { isFullAppPurchased } = useInAppPurchase()
return (
// still value is false
What is the reason for this behaviour ? How should I re-render CategoryList screen once the payment is done ?
Thank you.
I see hook make API request only on mount, if whole parent component didn't unmount and rendered a new, value of hook stays same.
E.g. dependencies array is empty - [] so hook doesn't request data again.
Probably better idea is to pass isFullAppPurchased via context or redux from top level.
And put state and function to update that state in same place.
