React-Devtools discontinued or just moved? (React Native debugging) - reactjs

I started with React Native today and I downloaded react-devtools from npm repo to debug Components hiearchy of React Native Expo app. It works fine, but it crashing sometimes.
Thats why I tried to search for some new version or something and I found, that GitHub repo of this project no longer exists ( and was moved to ( I dont understand where I can now found this tool in main React repo? Or project is discontinued? Are there some equivalents? Am I using some Legacy version?
Even debugged in browser (http://localhost:19001/debugger-ui/) telling me to download this app from non-existing repo.

Are there some equivalents?
I have been using reactotron for the need of devtools. This tool has way more options than devtools and the guide to install can be found here


This page doesn’t appear to be using React. If this seems wrong, follow the troubleshooting instructions on Microsoft Edge

I created the build of a MERN Stack application using the npm run build command, then I ran this built application on my default browser (Microsoft Edge) using the npm start command. I then installed the react devtools extension for Edge from Chrome. But when I enable react devtools on my react app, it does not activate and I get the message This page doesn’t appear to be using React.
If this seems wrong, follow the troubleshooting instructions. I don't understand why I get this error because my application is entirely designed in react on the frontend side. I don't know if it's because I got the wrong server start command .
You can try the following solution.
In Edge, right click on React devtools, go to Manage extensions, and select "Allow access to file URLs".
Also, it has been reported that a re-installation of react devtools and a restart of browser may help. By the way, react devtools is available in Microsoft Edge Add-ons, so you can just install it in Edge (since you said you installed it from Chrome).
Updating Chrome to last version worked for me.
Chrome version: 109.0.5414.119 (Official Build) (64-bit)
System version: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

Unable to use PushToTalkButton of Speechly in react app

I am working with Speechly API in my react application. In that, I imported PushToTalkButton and PushToTalkButtonContainer from #speechly/react-ui and I have also configured from Speechly Playground it's working fine in Playground. Then I click on the button(PushToTalkButton) in react application it is not capturing my voice and not using the microphone. I tried to find out the problem with ErrorPanel but nothing is showing.
Could you try upgrading to version 1.2.4 by issuing npm install #speechly/react-ui#latest
Earlier versions were inadvertently coupled with a certain version of react-client package and might cause a problem you described.

I have already installed react and create-react-app globally. But when i try to start a new react app it starts installing react again

I am using Ubuntu 18.04. I have isntalled react-dom as well. Why do I have to reinstall all these again?
Because React is a dependency of your project, not in your environment.
When your site is a live, you can't tell the clients: If you're looking for the React part, don't worry, it's on my machine.. It has to bundled with the rest of your code.
Also, if you have 2 projects with different React's version how it should be managed?
Unlike create-react-app which is used only to generate the project. Once the project been created, it's not connected to the tool (create-react-app) in any way.
Think of it like a car. No one cares if the car made in one country or another (create-react-app / manually / forked from OpenSource) as long as it has engine (React).

I cannot find anything on setting up One signal in Expo

I am very new to react native development. I am using Expo for development. I need One signal for push notification in IOS and Android but I cannot find proper information on it. Can someone please help me on this.
That is because Expo doesn’t support OneSignal
From the first page of the OneSignal documentation for react-native
If you are building an Expo project, please note that we have recently
updated the SDK so that it will no longer crash when you add OneSignal
as a dependency inside Expo's development environment. However, please
note that until you detach from Expo and link OneSignal's native SDK's
(along with React Native's own dependencies), any calls to OneSignal
functions will be unused.
If you want to use OneSignal you will have to eject your Expo app.
You can eject by running expo eject in the terminal.

Running any React-Native project for iOS results in 'Unable to resolve module' error

I'm trying out the much hyped React-Native as an alternative to native development. I have installed nvm, react, react-native, and the cli by following this guide.
I have tried downloading and running several projects from github but no project has ever run (navigate to project directory, npm install then react-native run-ios) successfully. I usually get this error: 'Unable to resolve module'.
The error mentions it may be related to It also provides some solutions, non of which have ever worked. Reinstalling the node modules never works, neither does resetting the cache. I have also tried reinstalling react, rn, and the cli. The last 'solution' is to recreate the project from scratch, which I haven't tried thus far.
The emperor has no clothes.
P.S Even the example iOS project in the react-native github repo throws errors (albeit different ones: No script URL provided.)
