I cannot find anything on setting up One signal in Expo - reactjs

I am very new to react native development. I am using Expo for development. I need One signal for push notification in IOS and Android but I cannot find proper information on it. Can someone please help me on this.

That is because Expo doesn’t support OneSignal
From the first page of the OneSignal documentation for react-native
If you are building an Expo project, please note that we have recently
updated the SDK so that it will no longer crash when you add OneSignal
as a dependency inside Expo's development environment. However, please
note that until you detach from Expo and link OneSignal's native SDK's
(along with React Native's own dependencies), any calls to OneSignal
functions will be unused.
If you want to use OneSignal you will have to eject your Expo app.
You can eject by running expo eject in the terminal.


Is it possible to get rid of expo completely

I'm using react native expo 47 and I wanted to eject from expo to have native modules for ios and android to use my native code or 3rd libraries. But on 47 sdk expo there is no eject. Instead it I could make prebuild which generated for me native folders for ios and android. But when i want to use any library which use native code i have exception that its not defied sdk in gradle etc. How to get rid of expo completely and use react native cli? There is way to migrate from expo to cli without any expo requirements?
I remember that in older expo sdk it was eject prcess which allow you to do whatever you want in project. I want to achieve the same solution.
I want to migrate from expo to react native cli with no expo dependencies and rules, to work with native codes.

React-Devtools discontinued or just moved? (React Native debugging)

I started with React Native today and I downloaded react-devtools from npm repo to debug Components hiearchy of React Native Expo app. It works fine, but it crashing sometimes.
Thats why I tried to search for some new version or something and I found, that GitHub repo of this project no longer exists (https://github.com/facebook/react-devtools) and was moved to (https://github.com/facebook/react). I dont understand where I can now found this tool in main React repo? Or project is discontinued? Are there some equivalents? Am I using some Legacy version?
Even debugged in browser (http://localhost:19001/debugger-ui/) telling me to download this app from non-existing repo.
Are there some equivalents?
I have been using reactotron for the need of devtools. This tool has way more options than devtools and the guide to install can be found here

How to get gif working in android using react native

Before marking it as a duplicate please I want to make it clear that I haven't ejected my expo app.
I want gif file to work within the Android app but without ejecting that. It is working great in iOS though.
I saw many answers on StackOverflow and on GitHub too using fresco library but that requires the expo app to be ejected but I don't want to eject my app.
Is there any other hack to opt gif file in my android without making changes in the Android gradle file.

Remove expo from react native

I've had so many troubles with the tool, I seriously have been debugging expo morethan the app itself.
How might I remove expo completely from CRNA? I would like to use CRNA and it's debugging tools without expo
You can do it by ejecting your app running npm run eject
Then, if you have any reference to expo just remove all of them.
your app modules before being ejected looks like this below:
When you run npm run eject it will ask some questions like:
be sure to select React Native: I'd like a regular react Native project
And your folders will now look like this (no expo):
Just be careful because ejecting is a permanent process, you should make a backup of your files.
Once you eject from Expo, though, and if you're using a Windows computer, you'll only be able to develop for Android, I believe. You'll still need a Mac to work in React Native without Expo. I'm a beginner but just wanted to highlight this difficulty faced by Windows users when ejecting from Expo.

Can i still use expo after i detach my react native app?

I want to use expokit and also other native library, how can i do this?
Do i need to start my app using create-react-native-app and then detach it or can i start from react-native init app?
If you create an app with create-react-native-app and then detach you can still use most of Expo's feature such as maps for instance.
But if you create a react native project with react-native init you won't be able to use any of expo's feature.
I started my first project with create-react-native-app but then quickly realized most libraries weren't supported by expo yet and required you to detached. After I detached tho I got into a lot of bugs when trying to link new libraries so I finally decided to make a new app from scratch with react-native init and import all my components.
I know this is a late answer by for anyone else trying to get a better understanding of this topic, I decided to write an answer and share my experience with you.
