Odd behaviour from custom react hook - reactjs

In this fiddle, I extracted a part of a project (I tried to simplify it as much as I could without breaking anything), used to manage search filters.
We have many different types of filters defined as an object like this:
filter = {
name: "",
initVal: 1, //default value for the filter,
controlChip: ... // filter's chip component
the chip component are used to list all filters activated and to edit already activated filters (in this case remove the filter from the list of activated filters).
The filters are contained in an object handled by an unique container containing a custom hook.
The problem is, let's say I set the 1st filter, then set the second and I decide to finally remove the first filter, both filters are removed. Everything is working fine apart from this.
What might be causing this ? It seems to me that in the custom hook useMap that I use, when I try to remove the filter, it doesn't take account of the actual current state but uses the state it was when I added the first filter (an empty object), so it tries to remove something from nothing and set the state to the result, an empty object.
How can I fix this ? Thank you

What's happening is when you set your first filter (let's say #1) you're setting map that contains just filter 1. When you set filter #2 map contains filters #1 & #2. BUT... and here's the thing... your remove callback for filter #1 has map only containing #1, not #2. That's because your callback was set before you set filter #2. This would normally be solved because you're using hooks like useCallback, but the way you're implementing them (createContainer(useFilters)), you're creating separate hooks for each filter object.
I would simplify this into only one component and once it is working start extracting pieces one by one if you really need to.
I know this is a complete rewrite from what you had, but this works:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
const App = () => {
const [map, setMap] = React.useState({});
// const get = React.useCallback(key => map[key], [map])
const set = (key, entry) => {
setMap({ ...map, [key]: entry });
const remove = key => {
const {[key]: omit, ...rest} = map;
// const reset = () => setMap({});
const filters = [
{ name: 'filter1', value: 1 },
{ name: 'filter2', value: 2 },
return (
{Object.keys(map).map(key => (
<button onClick={() => remove(key)}>
REMOVE {key}
<hr />
{filters.map(({ name, value }) => (
<button onClick={() => set(name, { value })}>
SET {name}
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);


Most idiomatic way to only run React hook if its dependency changed from the last value

I have a react app consisting of ParentComponent and HelpSearchWindow. On the page for ParentComponent, there is a button that lets you open up a window containing HelpSearchWindow. HelpSearchWindow has an input field and a search button. When an input is typed and search button is clicked, a search is run and results are displayed to the table on the window. The window can be closed. I have set up a react.useEffect() hook with the dependency [documentationIndexState.searchTerm] so that the search functionality is only run if the searchTerm changes.
However, the window was not behaving as I expected it to. Since useEffect() was being called every time the window was opened after it was closed, it would run the search again no matter if the searchTerm in the dependency array was the same. Because of this, I added another state prop (prevSearchTerm) from ParentComponent to store the last searched term. This way if the window is opened and closed multiple times without a new searchTerm being set, there is no repeat search run.
My question is, is there a more idiomatic/react-ish way to do this? Any other code formatting pointers are welcome as well
import {
} from 'documentationIndex.store';
interface Props {
searchInput: string;
setSearchInput: (searchInput: string) => void;
prevSearchTerm: string;
setPrevSearchTerm: (searchInput: string) => void;
export const HelpSearchWindow: React.FC<Props> = props => {
const documentationIndexState = useSelector((store: StoreState) => store.documentationIndex);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
// Only run search if searchTerm changes
React.useEffect(() => {
async function asyncWrapper() {
if (!documentationIndexState.indexExists) {
// do some await stuff (need asyncWrapper because of this)
if (props.prevSearchTerm !== documentationIndexState.searchTerm) {
// searching for a term different than the previous searchTerm so run search
// store most recently used searchTerm as the prevSearchTerm
}, [documentationIndexState.searchTerm]);
return (
onChange={e => props.setSearchInput(e.target.value)}
onClick={e => {
//--------- Parent Component----------------------------------------
const ParentComponent = React.memo<{}>(({}) => {
const [searchInput, setSearchInput] = React.useState(''); // value inside input box
const [prevSearchTerm, setPrevSearchTerm] = React.useState(''); // tracks last searched thing
From the given context, the use of useEffevt hook is redundant. You should simply use a click handler function and attach with the button.
The click handler will store the search term locally in the component and also check if the new input value is different. If it is itll update state and make the api call.

Deleting Note From Array

Current I am working on a note app using React.Js and I had the functionality for saving notes but then I decided to add the functionality to remove the note when it is clicked. I wrote some code however, now it won't work. I can't add notes display them. Usually when you click on the button is was suppose to add the note which it was doing before I tried adding the deleting the note functionality. There is also no error in anywhere. I have been trying to solve this the past few days. Here is my code:
The problem is that the id is undefined in your NoteItem component. You are only passing the title to the component. You should pass the note object and then you can have access to the id and title. Suggested changes below:
const NotesList = (props) => {
return props.data.map((note) => {
return (
and change NoteItem component to access note as an object. (You could also pass title/id individually as props as well.
const NoteItem = props => {
const deleteHandler = () => {
return (
<h3 onClick={deleteHandler}>{props.note.title}: {props.note.id}</h3>

React native: useState not updating correctly

I'm new to react native and currently struggling with an infinite scroll listview. It's a calendar list that need to change depending on the selected company (given as prop). The thing is: the prop (and also the myCompany state are changed, but in the _loadMoreAsync method both prop.company as well as myCompany do hold their initial value.
import * as React from 'react';
import { FlatList } from 'react-native';
import * as Api from '../api/api';
import InfiniteScrollView from 'react-native-infinite-scroll-view';
function CalenderFlatList(props: { company: any }) {
const [myCompany, setMyCompany] = React.useState(null);
const [data, setData] = React.useState([]);
const [canLoadMore, setCanLoadMore] = React.useState(true);
const [startDate, setStartDate] = React.useState(undefined);
let loading = false;
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [props.company]);
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log('set myCompany to ' + (myCompany ? myCompany.name : 'undefined'));
}, [myCompany]);
async function _loadMoreAsync() {
if ( loading )
loading = true;
if ( myCompany == null ) {
console.log('no company selected!');
} else {
console.log('use company: ' + myCompany.name);
Api.fetchCalendar(myCompany, startDate).then((result: any) => {
// code is a little more complex here to keep the already fetched entries in the list...
// to above code also calculates the last day +1 for the next call
loading = false;
const renderItem = ({ item }) => {
// code to render the item
return (
renderScrollComponent={props => <InfiniteScrollView {...props} />}
keyExtractor={(item: any) => '' + item.uid }
onLoadMoreAsync={() => _loadMoreAsync() }
What I don't understand here is why myCompany is not updating at all in _loadMoreAsync while startDate updates correctly and loads exactly the next entries for the calendar.
After the prop company changes, I'd expect the following output:
set myCompany to companyName
use company companyName
But instead i get:
set myCompany to companyName
no company selected!
I tried to reduce the code a bit to strip it down to the most important parts. Any suggestions on this?
Google for useEffect stale closure.
When the function is called from useEffect, it is called from a stale context - this is apparently a javascript feature :) So basically the behavior you are experiencing is expected and you need to find a way to work around it.
One way to go may be to add a (optional) parameter to _loadMoreAsync that you pass from useEffect. If this parameter is undefined (which it will be when called from other places), then use the value from state.
renderScrollComponent={props => <InfiniteScrollView {...props} />}
keyExtractor={(item: any) => '' + item.uid }
onLoadMoreAsync={() => _loadMoreAsync() }
If your FlatList depends on a state variable, you need to pass that variable in to the extraData prop to trigger a re-rendering of your list. More info here
After sleeping two nights over the problem I solved it by myself. The cause was an influence of another piece of code that used React.useCallback(). And since "useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed" (https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usecallback) the code worked with the old (or initial) state of the variables.
After creating the whole page new from scratch I found this is the reason for that behavior.

React - UseEffect not re-rendering with new data?

This is my React Hook:
function Student(props){
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const [tags, setTags] = useState([]);
let input = document.getElementById(tagBar);
input.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
const handleClick = () => {
function addTag(){
let input = document.getElementById(tagBar);
let tagList = tags;
const tagDisplay = tags.map(t => {
return <p>{t}</p>;
<div className="tags">
<input type='text' id={tagBar} className="tagBar" placeholder="Add a Tag"/>
<button type="submit" id={tagButton} className="hiddenButton" onClick={addTag}></button>
What I am looking to do is be able to add a tag to these student elements (i have multiple but each are independent of each other) and for the added tag to show up in the tag section of my display. I also need this action to be triggerable by hitting enter on the input field.
For reasons I am not sure of, I have to put the enter binding inside useEffect (probably because the input element has not yet been rendered).
Right now when I hit enter with text in the input field, it properly updates the tags/tagList variable, seen through the console.logs however, even though I set tags to be the re-rendering condition in useEffect (and the fact that it is also 1 of my states), my page is not updating with the added tags
You are correct, the element doesn't exist on first render, which is why useEffect can be handy. As to why its not re-rendering, you are passing in tags as a dependency to check for re-render. The problem is, tags is an array, which means it compares the memory reference not the contents.
var myRay = [];
var anotherRay = myRay;
var isSame = myRay === anotherRay; // TRUE
myRay.push('new value');
var isStillSame = myRay === anotherRay; // TRUE
// setTags(sameTagListWithNewElementPushed)
// React says, no change detected, same memory reference, skip
Since your add tag method is pushing new elements into the same array reference, useEffect thinks its the same array and is not re-triggers. On top of that, React will only re-render when its props change, state changes, or a forced re-render is requested. In your case, you aren't changing state. Try this:
function addTag(){
let input = document.getElementById(tagBar);
let tagList = tags;
// Create a new array reference with the same contents
// plus the new input value added at the end
setTags([...tagList, input.value]);
If you don't want to use useEffect I believe you can also use useRef to get access to a node when its created. Or you can put the callback directly on the node itself with onKeyDown or onKeyPress
I can find few mistake in your code. First, you attaching event listeners by yourself which is not preferred in react. From the other side if you really need to add listener to DOM inside useEffect you should also clean after you, without that, another's listeners will be added when component re-rendered.
useEffect( () => {
const handleOnKeyDown = ( e ) => { /* code */ }
const element = document.getElementById("example")
element.addEventListener( "keydown", handleOnKeyDown )
return () => element.removeEventListener( "keydown", handleOnKeyDown ) // cleaning after effect
}, [tags])
Better way of handling events with React is by use Synthetic events and components props.
const handleOnKeyDown = event => {
/* code */
return (
<input onKeyDown={ handleOnKeyDown } />
Second thing is that each React component should have unique key. Without it, React may have trouble rendering the child list correctly and rendering all of them, which can have a bad performance impact with large lists or list items with many children. Be default this key isn't set when you use map so you should take care about this by yourself.
tags.map( (tag, index) => {
return <p key={index}>{tag}</p>;
Third, when you trying to add tag you again querying DOM without using react syntax. Also you updating your current state basing on previous version which can causing problems because setState is asynchronous function and sometimes can not update state immediately.
const addTag = newTag => {
setState( prevState => [ ...prevState, ...newTage ] ) // when you want to update state with previous version you should pass callback which always get correct version of state as parameter
I hope this review can help you with understanding React.
function Student(props) {
const [tags, setTags] = useState([]);
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");
const handleOnKeyDown = (e) => {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
function addTag() {
setTags((prev) => [...prev, inputValue]);
return (
<div className="tags">
{tags.map((tag, index) => (
<p key={index}>{tag}</p>
onChange={(e) => setInputValue(e.target.value)}
placeholder="Add a Tag"
<button type="submit" onClick={addTag}>

Recursive component rendering based on a tree menu object

I have created a component which adds an additional selection box dropdown whenever a key inside an object is another object.
For example, consider the following object:
a1: {
x1: 1,
x2: 2,
x3: 3,
x4: {
z1: "z1",
z2: "z2"
x5: [
x5a: {
z5a1: 1,
z5a2: 2
x5b: {
z5b1: 1,
z5b2: 2
a2: {
x1: 1,
x2: 2,
x3: 3
a3: "some values"
What I want to achieve is (when I select a value from the dropdown menu):
if subTree[value] is an object ({}) or an array ([]), display its keys or indices in
a new selection box drop down, directly bellow the current
else stop
Initial display
Selecting a value in the dropdown
After I select a value, the next selection will show empty, and so on and so forth...
The problem
When I update a value in a selection box, my code doesn't update/clear the selections bellow it properly.
The source code of my project is available at: https://codesandbox.io/s/frosty-grass-9jdue
When changing a value that is not the last in the path, you need to clear all subsequent selections because they were based on a different path. I'm not quite sure how we do that in your setup because I haven't quite wrapped my head around it.
What makes sense to me is to store the pieces of the path as an array. That way we can use slice to remove the tail. I am going to use lodash's get method as a helper to access the value at a path. I am expecting the prop data to be the object itself rather than Object.entries like you were doing before.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { MenuItem, TextField } from "#material-ui/core";
import _get from "lodash/get";
const InfiniteSelection = ({ data, onCaseCadeSelection }) => {
// an array of segments like ['a1', 'x4', 'z1']
const [path, setPath] = useState([]);
// joins to a string like `a1.x4.z1`
const cascade = path.join(".");
// call callback whenever the cascade changes
useEffect(() => {
if (onCaseCadeSelection) {
}, [cascade]);
// need to know the index in the paths array where the change occurred
const handleChange = (index) => (event) => {
// set this value and delete everything after it
setPath([...path.slice(0, index), event.target.value]);
// options for the NEXT value from a given path
const optionsForPath = (path) => {
// lodash get handles this except when path is empty array []
const value = path.length > 0 ? _get(data, path) : data;
// get the options from this path, or null if it is terminal
return typeof value === "object" ? Object.keys(value) : null;
// either the current path is to a terminal value, or there should be one more level of selects
const currentOptions = optionsForPath(path);
// helper function can be used as a callback to path.map
// will also be called one extra time for the next values if not on a terminal value
const renderSelect = (value, index) => {
return (
className="text form_text"
list={optionsForPath(path.slice(0, index)) ?? []}
value={value ?? ""}
// render selects for each element in the path and maybe a next select
return (
<div className="vertically_spaced">
{currentOptions === null || renderSelect("", path.length)}
Code Sandbox Link
From #LindaPaiste's answer:
When changing a value that is not the last in the path, you need to clear all subsequent selections because they were based on a different path.
That's the key to solving your problem! You have to somehow blow away and forget everything bellow the selection box whose value you are currently changing.
React was designed around the "blow away and forget" principle. Note also that The Data Flows Down. With that in mind, your task should be fairly easy to complete and while Linda's solution seems to work, it is perhaps not as simple as it could be.
What if we could have a special component that (1) accepts a sub-tree of your data, (2) renders its 1st level children as a selection box dropdown and then (3) repeats the process recursively? Something like this:
<RecursiveComponent subTree={DATA_SAMPLE} {/*maybe some other props*/}/>
When we think of recursion, we have to think of terminal conditions. In our case, this happens when the sub-tree is a primitive type (i.e. not an object ({}) or an array ([])).
Every RecursiveComponent has to:
render the selection menu dropdown, containing all the 1st level children of the sub-tree
render the nested RecursiveComponent, based on props.subTree[selection]
handle user interaction
Something like this:
import { MenuItem, Select } from "#material-ui/core";
import { useState } from "react";
function RecursiveComponent(props) {
const [selection, setSelection] = useState(props.currentSelection);
const handleChange = (event) => {
return (
<Select variant="outlined" value={selection} onChange={handleChange}>
{Object.keys(props.subTree).map((key) => (
<MenuItem value={key}>{key}</MenuItem>
<div /> {/* forces a line break between selection boxes */}
{props.subTree[selection] !== Object(props.subTree[selection]) ? (
) : (
export default RecursiveComponent;
This is how you can use RecursiveComponent in your project by editing index.js:
import { StrictMode } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { DATA_SAMPLE } from "./DataSample";
import RecursiveComponent from "./RecursiveComponent";
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
<RecursiveComponent subTree={DATA_SAMPLE} currentSelection="" />
