How to change text under image - lightbox2

I don't know how to change text "Image x of y" under image in album. How can I change it?


Antd ImgCrop when minZoom below 1 always get cropped like zoom 1

I am using antd imgCrop for cropping image. I want to make the image not cropped when zoom below 1.
The example is below:
When i zoom out like that i want the image have a white space like the screenshot with red border.
original image
but the result my image get cropped
is there a way so my image not getting cropped when zoom below 1? so the output is image with whitespace.
Thank you before
I have found the solution by Adding Cropperprops and set restric position to false
cropperProps={{ restrictPosition: false }}

Add image along datalabel text chart react-chartjs-2

I have a doughtnut chart and i want to add inside datalabel image + text and a boxshadow to it. Is it possible? I have readed the documentation but i didn't find anything like this
Data label to be edited (add shadow + image)

render text or image depending on the content of a string

assuming I have a string that contains (text image text text image text). The order in which the string contains an image or text link varies. I want to render the text and the image in the order that the string contains each one and that every time I switch between one of the two the view drops a line. in the case of this string it would return something like this:
The image in the string is a link which will be the source and the text is the text of the tag.
I'm using react-string-replace but in this way I only can use a image tag inside a text tag. The view will be a scroll view. Anyone can help me?

CheckBox Indicator Image bug

Look at the picture, CheckBox in a RowLayout, set the indicator width a Image,
but with diffrent height setting in CheckBox, it show diffrent
height: 20 (the image top show one more pixel)
Layout.fillHeight:true (Image show correct)
But if checkBox not in RowLayout, use height:20 will show correct image
Anyone know why? thank you

How to put text on salesforce one app header?

I have added a tab on to my salesforce one app.
On the tab I have some visual force pages .
I want to customize the header given by salesforce one to add text on to it.
KIndly help.
There is no way to put a header of salesforce one app.
But the header color can be customized and further branding could be done.
1.From Setup, click Mobile Administration | Salesforce1 | Branding, then click Edit.
2.To customize brand color for key user interface elements, including the header, click Select a color or enter a valid hexadecimal color code.
3.To customize the background color of the loading page, click Select a color or enter a valid hexadecimal color code.
4.To customize the loading page logo, click Choose File to upload an image. Images can be .jpg, .gif, or .png files up to 200 KB in size. The maximum image size is 460 pixels by 560 pixels.
5.To customize the Salesforce1 Publisher icon image, click Choose File to upload an image. Images can be .jpg, .gif, or .png files up to 50 KB in size. The maximum image size is 88 pixels by 88 pixels.
6.Click Save.
Reference Link
