How to put text on salesforce one app header? - salesforce

I have added a tab on to my salesforce one app.
On the tab I have some visual force pages .
I want to customize the header given by salesforce one to add text on to it.
KIndly help.

There is no way to put a header of salesforce one app.
But the header color can be customized and further branding could be done.
1.From Setup, click Mobile Administration | Salesforce1 | Branding, then click Edit.
2.To customize brand color for key user interface elements, including the header, click Select a color or enter a valid hexadecimal color code.
3.To customize the background color of the loading page, click Select a color or enter a valid hexadecimal color code.
4.To customize the loading page logo, click Choose File to upload an image. Images can be .jpg, .gif, or .png files up to 200 KB in size. The maximum image size is 460 pixels by 560 pixels.
5.To customize the Salesforce1 Publisher icon image, click Choose File to upload an image. Images can be .jpg, .gif, or .png files up to 50 KB in size. The maximum image size is 88 pixels by 88 pixels.
6.Click Save.
Reference Link


How to extend the Wagtail image format modal?

We have a use case where a content editor wants to
right-align an image so text wraps around it and
set the image width so it will scale well in an article.
While the rich text editor allows us to select an image with a right-aligned format, there isn't an option for specifying the image width.
How can I customize the Wagtail "Choose a format" modal to add a new field for image width and use that in the rendered output? I hope to avoid creating additional image formats with possible permutations of image alignment/width since these are two separate properties.
Prior art
See the WordPress Gutenberg image settings UI below for prior art.
from wagtail.images.formats import Format, register_image_format
class SubclassedImageFormat(Format):
def image_to_html(self, image, alt_text, extra_attributes=None):
original_html = super().image_to_html(image, alt_text, extra_attributes)
return original_html.replace('class="', 'class="foo')
SubclassedImageFormat('subclassed_format', 'Subclassed Format', classnames, filter_spec)

Altering numbering of lightbox images

I am using lightbox to act as a gallery, where the gallery is split over several pages. For example, page 1 contains images 1 to 50, page 2 contains images 51 to 100.
I would like to manipulate the image number shown below the image (shown below the caption when lightbox is open) so that when the first image on page 2 is clicked, it reads "Image 51 of 100", even though there are in fact only 50 images on that page.
I've identified the "imageCountLabel" function within lighbox's JS, but haven't been able to dynamically alter "currentImageNum" or "totalImages" to achieve the desired outcome. Can anyone offer any guidance?
just change the data-lightbox="example-set" to data-lightbox="example-set1" on page2.

Images for command buttons in footer facet

I currently have two command buttons in the footer / header facets - I am trying to have images in those buttons.
Using property inspector I am able to add images for these buttons - but they show up very tiny - no matter whatever the size of image.
Is there a way I can adjust the size of this image display in the property inspector or any where else please?
Did you consider styling the Command Buttons or Use Image Link instead

how to hide K2 intro image in content page?

I am using Joomla 3.x and K2 extension. I'd like to hide the attached image of the item in intro text, and show another image instead in the content page (full page). (The image that shown in the main page replaced by another image in the article/content page). How can I do that?
In K2, you can associate an image with an item by uploading it to the Image tag for that item. You can also add images within the content of the item as well. To accomplish what you are trying to do it would probably be easiest to do this -
Configure the category view to display the image from the image tab
Configure the detail view to NOT display the image from the image tab
Use a template override for the category item view that strips out any images in the intro text
This way you will have the image tab image display in the category and the content image shown on the detail page.
Under the category, go to "Item view options" (on the right), and select "hide" for "image".
Make sure if your category inherits from another one, you make this change in the top category

Drupal Slideshow small image at bottom

I have made a image gallery with a strip of thumbnails and 1 fullsize image.
(when a thumb is clicked, the images is loaded full size):
The problem is the little thumbnail underneath the full size view...
I dont know where this is coming from...
I had forgotten to check Exclude from display for the FIELD holding the thumbnail images:
