Altering numbering of lightbox images - lightbox2

I am using lightbox to act as a gallery, where the gallery is split over several pages. For example, page 1 contains images 1 to 50, page 2 contains images 51 to 100.
I would like to manipulate the image number shown below the image (shown below the caption when lightbox is open) so that when the first image on page 2 is clicked, it reads "Image 51 of 100", even though there are in fact only 50 images on that page.
I've identified the "imageCountLabel" function within lighbox's JS, but haven't been able to dynamically alter "currentImageNum" or "totalImages" to achieve the desired outcome. Can anyone offer any guidance?

just change the data-lightbox="example-set" to data-lightbox="example-set1" on page2.


Get Image to break between pages with react-pdf

I am looking for a method that allows Images to be broken and "wrap" between pages using the react-pdf library.
In other words, if the image doesn't fit on the remainder of the page, I'm looking for a way for the top portion of the image to stay on the first page, and the remainder of the image to be split and shown on the next page.
Facing the same problem... It seems that it's not currently supported as there's no wrap prop
Unbreakable components are indivisible, therefore if there isn't
enough space for them they just get rendered in the following page. In
this group by default we only find Image.

How to dynamically change the height of the page header in SSRS?

We have a requirement that displaying different information on the page header of odd/even pages. So obviously both should be different height as per the text placement in the page header. We want to know that how to dynamically change the height of the page header.
As of now its taking constant height in page header through out all of the pages.
Yes I have done the so many investigation that we couldnt control the height of the Report header/footer by dynamically as of sql server 2012 version. Height of the report header and footer is constant for all the pages.
The height property of the header does not support expressions, but there is a workaround that may work for you.
You can show or hide text boxes based on an expression.
Use =iif(Globals!PageNumber Mod 2,True,False) for the textboxes you want on the even pages. Use =iif(Globals!PageNumber Mod 2,False,True) for texboxes you want to see on the odd pages.

Make list image bigger in Dynamics Nav 2013

I would like to make image bigger on an item list in Dynamics Nav 2013. What I could do so far is fetch the image and display it on the list.
To achieve this I call SearchImage function on OnAfterGetRecord :
SearchImage function :
// C/AL Code
IF xRec."No."<>"No." THEN BEGIN
i := 1;
TmpImg_gInit.SETCURRENTKEY("Table ID","Document Type","No.","Line No.","Version No.","Picture No.");
TmpImg_gInit.SETRANGE("Table ID",27);
TmpImg_gInit.SETRANGE("Document Type",0);
i:= i+1;
UNTIL TmpImg_gInit.NEXT = 0;
// CUDiv.SendKey('{F5}');
Then in my list I can add a new field that point to TmpImg_gInit.Picture and this will display the item's image.
The thing is the displayed image is tiny (whereas the source image is big). The image is automatically resized to fit in the list height.
I would like to know how I could display this image bigger. Is there a way to do that easily (without add-ins) ? If not can you give me directions on how to do that ?
You can use a FactBox which will display a larger image on the right hand side of the screen.
However, it will only show the picture of the item that you've selected. For things like product images, this is optimal. E.g. loading lots of hi-res product images can put strain on the users PC.
The image size when inline on a page cannot be changed and are better suited to things like Status icons, e.g. traffic lights.
Custom Control Add-ins
NAV does support modification of the page UI through Control Add-ins. You'll need to create a test project/control that is an image and see whether it will let you expand the height above the set row height.
You can get more information on sizing of Control Add-ins on MSDN.

How to put text on salesforce one app header?

I have added a tab on to my salesforce one app.
On the tab I have some visual force pages .
I want to customize the header given by salesforce one to add text on to it.
KIndly help.
There is no way to put a header of salesforce one app.
But the header color can be customized and further branding could be done.
1.From Setup, click Mobile Administration | Salesforce1 | Branding, then click Edit.
2.To customize brand color for key user interface elements, including the header, click Select a color or enter a valid hexadecimal color code.
3.To customize the background color of the loading page, click Select a color or enter a valid hexadecimal color code.
4.To customize the loading page logo, click Choose File to upload an image. Images can be .jpg, .gif, or .png files up to 200 KB in size. The maximum image size is 460 pixels by 560 pixels.
5.To customize the Salesforce1 Publisher icon image, click Choose File to upload an image. Images can be .jpg, .gif, or .png files up to 50 KB in size. The maximum image size is 88 pixels by 88 pixels.
6.Click Save.
Reference Link

Drupal Slideshow small image at bottom

I have made a image gallery with a strip of thumbnails and 1 fullsize image.
(when a thumb is clicked, the images is loaded full size):
The problem is the little thumbnail underneath the full size view...
I dont know where this is coming from...
I had forgotten to check Exclude from display for the FIELD holding the thumbnail images:
