How Do I Call Azure API Management From React? - reactjs

My front end is using ReactJS and when I was testing locally I was using axios to make the calls. e.g.
axios.defaults.baseURL = process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL;
axios.get('/me').then((resp) => {
}).catch(() => {
console.log('Failed to retrieve identity');
I have now moved my API behind Azure API Management which is set up to require a subscription to use.
Part of the APIM policy checks the Active Directory group to validate the user is in the right group.
Therefore, I need to add 2 parts to my javascript
authenticate against Active Directory
send the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key in the header
react-adal looks like it might handle the login.
However, I can't work out how to modify my existing code to use it and send the header.
Its also not clear whether it is a security risk to hard code the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key in the javascript or if it should be retrieved on the fly.
If it should be retrieved on the fly, where should I store it and how should I retrieve it securely?

After you handle the login with react-adal, you can also modify how you send the subscription key to APIM.
APIM lets you define how you want to send the subscription key - custom HTTP header or the query string:
Both fields are text fields with pre-defined values which you can freely change (well keep in mind these are either HTTP header name or query string variable names).
To the question weather you should keep that secret. Well, you subscription key is your secret. And it is not short lived like the access token. So you should keep that as secret as possible and do not just put it in your JS code.
However I am not really convinced that a SPA application should use APIM subscription key to invoke the API. APIM subscription keys are just a symmetric keys used to authentication/authorization. As such (being symmetric keys) using these in a SPA application be would like using your username and password for the database in your SPA app. It doesn't really matter in what stage you put that key in the browser. The moment you put APIM subscription key in the browser, you cannot longer trust that key. Users can modify it, completely remove it, or use another valid subscription key if they find one.
For SPA application I would just use the Azure AD Authentication and shape the authorizations based on the bearer token. I suppose you already perform JWT validation checks in your policy? You can extract any and all claims form the token and you can make authorization decisions based on claim values.

If the React app is hosted in Azure App Service, then you should be able to register the React app with managed identity and use Azure KeyVault to keep the secret.


How to correctly store secret keys on React App?

I was happy lasts days using **.env **file with the npm dotenv package and saving there some secret keys i use on my React App...
On my first test opload I noticed that my webbApp runs ok EVEN without specifying the .env secret keys on the sever...
So then, was obious to feels like the secret keys are anywhere on the public files (and yes)
I was looking what im doing wrong, and found many documentation (official) that says literally:
WARNING: Do not store any secrets (such as private API keys) in your React app!
Environment variables are embedded into the build, anyone can view them by inspecting your app's files.
official doc here if anyone is looking for more info
After 3 or 4 heartAttacks I write this to ask for help on this concept problem.
Anyone knows some documentation where i can read and understant HOW to correctly save sercret keys on this kind of apps (react apps) ?
why the hell is not like all time backend .env files ?
Some info I found, says something about to serve the secret key ontime from another server.
And... sounds stupid for me, i mean: Ok, i can do that but.. its just stupid cause then:
or server will serve the sercret keys "free" vía GET or something like this without no-login-needed.
or webbApp would need a secret_login_key to login and get the secret key <- in this case, where to store that secret_login_key ? its a infinite bucle ? XD
it is posible.. (of course it is) so TRULY store secret keys on React App ? but where and how ?xD
what's the way you store the secret keys on ur react App and u are proud of it?
of course the login typing from keyboard user/pass its the "easyway" to have or not have access tho private information but.. what if i need this to be automatic from my webApp ?
For automatic access to your webapp from the frontend (React), you need a bearer token that is stored in localstorage (bad idea) or as a cookie of the user's browser. Popular example of bearer token is JWT token.
This is how you generate a bearer token on the user's browser: by using Universal Login (login with Google/Fb/Github/Twitter etc) to a provider like Auth0.
React has to communicate with Auth0, Auth0 will authorise the user and return a bearer token that is stored in localstorage (bad idea)/cookie of the browser.
This is what you are trying to do:Call a protected API from React
This is the walk through example of how to do it: Basic Authentication Quick React Setup
Here are some example use cases with different application architecture scenarios:Application Architecture Scenarios
React's documentation is correct, secrets should not be used directly in the React project. But the problem is how to ensure only authorised users get access to protected paths. One way is to use username and password login but you said its the "easyway" and you need it to be automatic. So another way is to ensure authorisation by bearer token stored in localstorage(bad idea)/cookie of the user's browser - this creates a new problem: how to generate a bearer token to allow access. The solution is to use universal login by Auth0 (or Oauth, or OpenID, or Google Authenticator, or some other token generator that the user can possess (like a mobile app (Google Authenticator) or a hardware token)).
Sensitive data should not be on the frontend, you can use env for information like API_URL but not for tokens and passwords
Here is the possible ways to get sensitive data in the frontend
Http call to the backend where secrets are hashed
Http call to an external secret management tool like HashiCorp Vault
Use of httpOnly cookie that they couldn't be read from the frontend
If you are scripting user and password, you should try a tool like jscrambler to secure your build js files
When API calls are made from the frontend (i.e. your react app) anyone using your app can see the request that was made (with tokens, keys, etc.). You should always secret vars to an .env file and keep this file only on your local machine.The best way to handle this, in my opinion, is to use a framework like next or remix that allow you to create functions/api routes that run on the server. This way your frontend makes a request (no sensitive info there) to your server that has access to your keys/tokens. The real call to an external API will be made from the server (so users won't have access to any sensitive data). Not sure if this is something you're interested in but I feel like it's the best way to deal with API calls.
I suggest creating a ".env" to store all your secret keys.
In your ".env" file you can make this one
And in your component, you'll call it
Eg :
const apiKey = process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY

Azure AD Enterprise Application - Identify Caller Application

I have a REST API which uses Azure ADD App registration to allow other apps to call it.
In the Azure Portal, I have registered it as an Enterprise Application and also registered the consumer applications and assigned them Roles appropriately.
The authentication and RBAC works fine.
But the use case that I am working on requires me to identify and log the incoming request calling application's name (The one seen in the portal as 'Display Name', when we view the list of users and groups for an enterprise Application).
As advised in the internet, I am using some Identity related API to read the claims from the request header.
var provider = claimsUser.FindFirst("").Value;
var sid = claimsUser.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value;
var sid = claimsUser.FindFirst("stable_sid").Value;
But this gives me a GUID value which I couldn't map to any of the consumers of the Enterprise Application.
The clients are all registered in the Azure portal.
In the Portal, I can see the apps in the "Users and Groups" section for the Enterprise application, with their appropriate roles.
In terms of usage, before making the call, the clients generate a bearer token based on the certificate that they get from Azure. The make the call with the bearer token attached to the request header. This bearer token is validated against the Azure AD, in the filters set before every controller..
What I want is to get are the details about this client who has made the call.. As per some repliers, and, to which I agree, the Guid that I get as part of the previous call mentioned above is for the actual user and not the app itself which is making the call.
Can anyone throw some light into it.. some code snippet will be of real help..
I'm not sure what authentication flow you are using, but SID is generally for a user that's logged in, not an application. if your client applications are using client id and secret, the token it returns that you send to the api should include the app registration guid. . So the appid and iss should give you the guid of the app registration. using this, you can make a call to graph api, to identify the display name of the app registration.
If your app is a user login app, and you don't want to make a call to graph, the other option you could do as a workaround would be to create app roles and assign users to them but name the app roles with some convention that includes the app's display name. then the name could come through under roles claim..
those are some options.. but other than calling graph or kinda working around to inject the name into a different claim of the token I'm not sure of any other method to get the "app registration's display name"

IdentityServer4 Authorization header authentication

I'm new to .Net, so I'm struggling a bit to understand how to approach the machine 2 machine authentication and authorization. Here's what I'm trying to do.
We have a Library that will call an API for a resource but the call must be authorized, so there's also an IS4. Each part is a separate project in a solution and runs in Docker.
We'd like enforce the Library to provide an API Key with every request to API in Authorization header. Then we'd like the API to check for
API Key is valid
API Key belongs to a user with correct set of claims and/or scopes
If that's all OK then accept the incoming request or send 401 Unauthorized otherwise.
We're trying to do this with IS4, because in the future we'd like to use features like Single Sing-On, delegation, etc.
This m2m is the first step and even though it looks simple, we're having a hard time making it work.
By default m2m communication requires ClientCredentials Grant Type in IS4. But using it requires 2 steps: make a request for access token and then use this access token to access API resource.
Getting access token requires providing the ClientId, ClientSecret and Scope but we want to use a single API Key instead.
Is it possible to wrap those 2 things together somehow?

Secure REST Unauthenticated Account Creation

I'm designing a REST API and I've hit somewhat of an odd point. 99% of this API will be secured, but there are a few functions that need to be publicly accessible. These pertain to account creation, and initial password setting. Once they have credentials, they can access the rest of the API.
The endpoint that allows a user to create a new account via a signup form is unauthenticated. Securing this endpoint isn't really possible because I'm using AngularJS on top of nodejs, and dog-fooding my API via AJAX calls. This means I can't hide credentials anywhere to access the AccountCreation endpoint. Currently, I have the webform make an AJAX call to another endpoint and create a token that says to form is valid. Upon submission that token is validated, then removed from the database. However, this token endpoint is obviously visible in code, so not much security there. Email verification is used to 'activate' the account, then the user is given a one-time link to set their initial password, which also resides on an unauthenticated endpoint(but requires the token sent in the email).
I guess my worry is someone spamming the 'CreateAccount' endpoint, and making a bunch of accounts. In reality I guess they could simply do this via the webform as well. Is this a valid security concern? How do most places handle unauthenticated account creation webforms?
Edit: the final application will be run over https

Secure REST API without user authentification (no credentials)

I've been struggling for 2 days now on how to secure a REST API without user authentification.
What does it mean ?
In my AngularJS application I identify an user by sending a GET request to an existing service (companydomain/userinfo) which I must use. I'm not sure how this work since I am not the author of this piece of code but the point is that I get the information about the user in the response as JSON (active directory name, phone in the company...).
This is all I have to identify an user.
What I did
Now, I found a lot of resources talking about OAuth, unique token, etc. but nothing seems to match with my issue. I implemented a token system but it's plain useless since I can't be sure of the authenticity of the requester.
User open the application. Application ask the service about the information related to the user. companydomain/userinfo
Application request a token to the server (nodejs & express), based on the information returned. /api/token/get/{user_info}
Server generates an unique token and store it in memory with expiration date and owner. The server also check in the table "authorized users" if the user exists (based on the active directory name), if not a new entry is added to it.
Application send the token along each request to the API. /api/entry/delete/{entry_id}
I think you see what is wrong here, an attacker could easily make a corrupted request to the API to get a legit token. So my question is :
How can I manage to secure my API since users don't use credentials to authentify ?
I hope my question is clear enough and at this point I am not even sure I can get around this issue without adding a credentials system.
You might want to look at Passport. It is a platform that allows you to easily add authentication to your application. There are many authentication strategies available. I am using Passport in a Node.js application implementing my own hmac strategy.
To authenticate, the client request includes an API ID to identify who the caller is and also includes an signature of a specified part of the message that includes things like the HTTP method, the API ID, a date value and some other header values, like maybe content-type. What data to include in the string to sign is up to you in your implementation, but the client and server must create and sign the same strings for the authentication to work. The signature is created by doing an hmac hash of the string using a shared secret.
On the server side, you use the API ID to retrieve the shared secret (possibly from a database or the filesystem) and perform the same hash on the request. If the hmac values match then you've authenticated the request. To prevent playback attacks, the date is included in the signed part of the request and must be within a certain window of the server's current time. For example, you might reject the request if the timestamp is more than 30 seconds old.
To enable a new user of your API, you generate a new API ID and shared secret. You give both of those to your API user and you store them for look up in your database or filesystem. The user must sign the requests with the shared secret and include the ID in the request.
The Hawk strategy provides much of this functionality, but we decided to roll our own hmac strategy.
Because you say that the user info endpoint returns active directory name, I assume you're on the Windows platform.
If so, why not use Windows integrated authentication (Kerberos) to authenticate your users without asking them for credentials? This will only work within your active directory domain, but is completely transparent to your service.
You can still call the user info endpoint and verify that the info it returns is for the same user that is calling your REST service.
If you need to call services that do not support Windows integrated auth, you could generate a security token (sign it to guarantee integrity) and make the other services trust this token.
