Touch-to-zoom animation in Codename One - codenameone

I have an image inside a Codename One Label. I would like to open it to fullscreen after a tap and with an animation zoom, like in this video:
How can I get something similar using Codename One? Thank you for any hint.

You can do two things:
Place the image in a layered layout on the entire form and just animateLayout() the UI. This will produce this effect without moving to a new form. Assuming the image is a ScaleImageLabel.
You can move to a separate Form with a transition that mutates the content of the current form in that way specifically MorphTransition which was designed just for this effect. Make sure to use setName for the component in the source and destination forms so the transition will know which component to morph into which. You can morph multiple components:
MorphTransition m = MorphTransition.create(1200).morph(componentName);


Is there a way in React/JSX/NextJS to have a video auto open in fullscreen upon clicking a gif?

Use case: I have a client who'd like on their homepage to have a gif version of a video that, when clicked, opens up a full screen video player. How can I manage this? I've been building the site in the NextJS framework.
I'm looking to do something like this but instead of autoplaying an mp4, auto loop a gif of the video and, upon clicking the gif, play mp4 in fullscreen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - I've never really messed with videos in React.
There is no one way to do this but the beauty of React are components. You are definitely going in the right direction. I would actually do two separate components, one for background and one with the video player. That is cleaner and good practice to separate concerns in code.
Simply swap components conditionally, as in this simplified example;
if(onclick) {
render (
<Player />
) else {
<Index />
You can very well use state to set the conditions. The only problem in React is that components technically do not share state but on the other hand, the "background component" only needs to know if its in the foreground and if it receives an onClick event. The video component only needs to know about its own onClick to for it to disappear again. So two separate event handlers is no issue in this very specific case.
i would create a react state and set it to false
then onClick of the gif i will update the state to true
then have a conditional statement to show the video in fullscreen when the state turns to true
and set the state back to false when video is removed from full screen

Disable scrolling of a PeerComponent (GoogleMap)

Is it possible to disable the X and Y scrolling of a GoogleMap inside a Codename One?
I'm referring to a map created using the cn1lib described here:
If the map is scrollable, then I cannot insert more than one map in a Form, otherwise the contentPane scrolling and map scrolling conflict. If the maps can be not scrollable, then I can insert more maps in the same Form without scrolling issues.
I know that I can use static maps (that are images), but I need that pinch-to-zoom and pin locators action listeners work.
Thank you
To expand on Steves comment. There's no support for this in the peer component wrapping. We assume most peers are scrollable within as mixing scrolling and native peers with produce a bad experience. E.g. panning the map instead of scrolling or potential artifacts when the map and title area draw on top of each other when your page is scrolled down.
I would suggest you take a different route for this use case. Use a static image and when a user taps the map open a map in the bottom part of the screen as a dialog or as a separate form to provide the full map UX.

React Native - How to make permanent the vertical scrollbar of the ScrollView component?

I'm building a React Native app which has a screen containing a list of several items the user can see. I wrapped up the elements by using a ScrollView component and it works fine as shown below:
However, I'd like to have the vertical scrollbar always visible just to let the user know he can see more items than the ones shown in the first place. I've read the ScrollView documentation but it seems that there is not an option to make it happen.
Does anyone know if there is a way to achieve that or perhaps a workaround to make it intuitive to the user that there is a scroll on the list?
Try this ,Its working for me
The closest thing to showing the scroll indicator constantly that is available in React Native is flashing the indicator. You can obtain a reference to the scrollview and call the flashScrollIndicators() method. There is no known way to disable hiding the indicator without writing native code. If you want to go down that path, you could try something like this for iOS.

Navigate through big image

I have a big image with coordinate points.
I need to navigate through these points by pressing onscreen buttons.
Only a part of image is seen on the screen at once (shows your location).
By pressing arrow button the view moves to the next part of the same image.
This example looks good.
Please, suggest any way to implement this functionality in Codename One App
Thank You.
You can use the Map component but you can place any image as a label icon within a scrollable container and just let the user use the touch/keys to scroll.

Slider in codenameone

Can any one please tell me how i can add slider and moving form in codename one (with sample lines of code) and also want to know are these features supported by all types of devices?
I think you mean how to animate forms changes
Next, you should handle some "finger slide" event.
To add a slider you can use the following code
Slider jSlider = new Slider();
jSlider.setProgress(50); // Set the starting value
jSlider.setEditable(true); // To it works as a slider instead of a progress bar
Now you have created a slider which you can add to your component like you would in Swing. You can type 'jSlider.' in eclipse to find out which other methods you can use, or you can go to the API:
I think min/maxValue are selfexplenatory though :)
If you want to open a new form, simply create a new class extending form or do it in code like
Form form = new Form();
form.animate(); // To make it "slide in";
Also noteworthy, the slider doesn't work with the lumia skin per default, though you can make it work. I actually asked this question on here as well:
Slider doesn't draw (CodeName One) with Windows phone skin
