Navigate through big image - codenameone

I have a big image with coordinate points.
I need to navigate through these points by pressing onscreen buttons.
Only a part of image is seen on the screen at once (shows your location).
By pressing arrow button the view moves to the next part of the same image.
This example looks good.
Please, suggest any way to implement this functionality in Codename One App
Thank You.

You can use the Map component but you can place any image as a label icon within a scrollable container and just let the user use the touch/keys to scroll.


material ui, layout component for desktop to mobile responsive transition

I am writing a Single Web App with material ui, that needs to be responsive, but I do not know which is the control where I must allocate the mains component, if it is a grid or a box.
The next image show the main components arrangement in md,lg,xl
The next image show the main components arrangement in sm,xs when width < 960
In the web I found many complex and very difficult to understand layouts, but not find a basic example. Some like "material ui responsive for dummies".
The mobile version, will have a breakpage between the Appbar and Sidenav, both will occupy the full height, and the Map in the second page will fill the screen.
I did it for you with MU Grids and media queries, if you have questions, ask. I am always ready to help. This is codesandbox link. Let me know if it help you.
Show my codesandbox answering your problem :
It display your layout for md lg xl correctly. For xs and sm screens, sidenav & map take full height with a break page between sidenav and appBar
Thanks to both, it solved the main part o what i need.
Also need to implement a change of page.
I forget to mention that the map will be React-Leaflet,
so need to implement a flap button over the map for the mobile version.
The button is for scroll to up, because any finger movement in the map area only will affect the map content.
Do not will have effect in the scroll.
Another thing to implement is the break page concept:
The behaviour of the break page is like when you see a pdf in presentation mode and press
the keyboard button Repag - Avpag, it change all the content and never see the half top and the half down.

Touch-to-zoom animation in Codename One

I have an image inside a Codename One Label. I would like to open it to fullscreen after a tap and with an animation zoom, like in this video:
How can I get something similar using Codename One? Thank you for any hint.
You can do two things:
Place the image in a layered layout on the entire form and just animateLayout() the UI. This will produce this effect without moving to a new form. Assuming the image is a ScaleImageLabel.
You can move to a separate Form with a transition that mutates the content of the current form in that way specifically MorphTransition which was designed just for this effect. Make sure to use setName for the component in the source and destination forms so the transition will know which component to morph into which. You can morph multiple components:
MorphTransition m = MorphTransition.create(1200).morph(componentName);

Codename One: How to increase height of dialog

I have developed app using Codename one.I want to set specific height of dialog because my text overidden while displaying message in dialog body .what should I do for that?
Thanks in Advance?
I have added image in which first image is original image and second one is cut image which is displaying on screen while using infinite progress bar. my code is "Dialog ipDialog = new InfiniteProgress().showInifiniteBlocking(); ipDialog.Dispose()" I want whole image on screen like original image.
can you help me to solved this ?
You can use the Dialog show method that accepts int values to determine the distance from the edges. But normally this is a matter of the text sizing and dialog construction.
Also make sure you are showing the Dialog from the EDT thread.

How to get Codename One Form feature vertical scroll?

My Codename One app features a Form with 3 SpanLabels containing text and one Container in LayeredLayout with an image and an overlay.
this.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, spanLab1);
this.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, imageCont);
this.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, BoxLayout.encloseY(spanLab2, spanLabl3));
This yields to the following:
This is not satisfactory as the image (that appears in the center and should be CN1 icon) is not scaled but cut because it is not possible to scroll down.
I tried to force the Form to be scrollable (this.setScrollableY(true)) without success.
Did I make a mistake somewhere, for example should all my content be placed in the BorderLayout.CENTER since according to the documentation the NORTH position is dedicated for the title and the SOUTH one for an optional menu bar (I tried this without success)?
Or should I show a Dialog instead (that offers Y-Scroll out of the box) ? What is actually the proper way to show all my (long) content with no picture cut or text overlaping ?
EDIT December 22nd 2016
As #Tizbn wrote the Form's ContentPane has to be in Vertical BoxLayout. So the call to the parent constructor has to be written :
super(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
Thank you very much for any help!
Vertical Scroll is disable in BorderLayout . For that BoxLayout with Y-axis can be used and make setScrollableY(true) in the Boxlayout. Hope it will help .

Dynamic appbar icon WP8

I'm going to implement showing text inside the circle of appbar icon. For example, user presses some button on the screen and the number in circle appbar icon increases like a counter.
I see the only way to implement it: generate dynamically the icon with the number and update the icon in appbar. Does anybody have such experience? Looks like it's possible, but I don't know how to do that.
Would dynamic icon generation require much time on runtime? Which tools (libraries) could help me in generating appbar icon dynamically?
You can render bitmap from control witch contains text. You can use
. Then you save local img and set it path as source
