Gatsby site 'page not found' when deploy on Netlify or Surge - reactjs

I could run on localhost, however the site could not show up on Netlify and Surge as I tried to push it on Git. Feel free to check my code:
I'm not sure if it's partly due to the dependencies in package.json or if I need to install Yarn? If so, some guidance will be helpful.
Added build settings on Netlify
Removed yarn.lock
With Surge, I've followed the instructions, I've deployed it successfully but still the page shows 'page not found'.

Your Netlify setting should be as follows, if you are not going to use yarn.
Publish location: public
Build command: npm run build
publish = "public"
command = "npm run build"

I know it's an old post but this could help more than one.
I've just deploy a Gatsby site to Netlify and I got the Page Not Found error.
I fixed it configuring the build settings as following:
Once I did it I got a Node error cause Netlify works by default with an old version. So I needed to force to use a newer one setting the Environment variable to the same I'm using locally:
Hope it helps to someone else!


getting error when run npm start command with gatsby

When I run command npm start it's giving me error
gatsby develop
Start development server. Watches files, rebuilds, and hot reloads if
something changes
And when I run command gatsby build it's giving me this error:
gatsby can only be run for a gatsby site. Either the current
working directory does not contain a valid package.json or 'gatsby' is
not specified as a dependency
I tried to delete node_modules and install again but still giving me the same error. How can I fix this?
It seems that you are not running the commands in the proper folder.
npm start, gatsby develop or gatsby build must be triggered in the root of your Gatsby project, where the package.json is located.
Share more details about where and how are you trying to run npm start and even your project structure in order to know what's going on.

npm run deploy failure when deploying React app to Github

I am still very new to React and am trying to push my React app onto Github, but I keep running into an error when I deploy it on my console.
Set Up:
I am using Atom on a Windows 10 computer. I created my React app by using the commands, npx create-react-app jordon. I then followed the steps in this youtube tutorial. This is what my package.json looks like after following the tutorial:
I then went through the steps to initialize a github repository. However, after running npm run deploy, I come across an error:
I have tried to rerun the steps in the tutorial time after time, but either receive the same error, or an error that is resolved by uninstalling gh-pages from the folder but leads to the same error. At this point, I have not found any resources that would help me, since most people seem to have successfully ran the npm run deploy command. Any help would be much appreciated!

Push Rejected when deploying to Heroku

I am trying to push my react-app to Heroku but I keep getting this error.My console
I have tried deleting and adding my package.json but it is still not working. Here is my package.jsonPackage.json
Thanks in advance!
Could you try to run npm run build locally and see if the build is running successfully?
Seems as though the react-scripts build is failing on heroku.

Need help deploying react application with netlify

Not familiar with how to use netlify. Im trying to deploy this app
my build command is:
npm run watch
but every time I try to deploy my site I keep getting this error.
"failed during stage 'building site'"
Any suggestions?
Mimic what Netlify is doing in the build using their build bot.
Clone your project into a clean directory from GitHub
npm install
npm run watch
If you do not get an error, you may have a global command or setting that does not get set on Netlify. Without more information, this is the only answer possible.
Here is the error I found when I did the above:
Problem #2
Watch is a command for local development, so you should not be using npm run watch as a build command on Netlify. You will need to run the command to build your site into a directory for deploy and use that directory for your "Deploy directory".

Github pages still shows README after deploying React app

I have a create-react-app project ( which I'd like to deploy to Github pages using gh-pages. Following this tutorial,, I've added the following to my package.json:
However, if I run npm run deploy, it is published,
but the Github page,, still shows default content based on the Do I perhaps need to change the deploy directory?
In the Options page of the repository, I had to select the gh-pages branch instead of the master branch:
(I also re-installed gh-pages as a normal dependency, not a development one (i.e. npm install gh-pages --save instead of npm install gh-pages --save-dev), though I'm not sure whether this was important).
Now the page is visible on Github pages:
I think this has to do with github not knowing which branch it should use (master vs main or idk). Changing my deploy script as follows solved the issue for me:
"deploy": "gh-pages -b main -d build"
This tells github pages that it should use branch main.
I had the same error even after selecting gh-pages branch, but then I again changed it to master branch and it worked!!!
In my experience, it was simply a latency issue. I was able to see the correct page, after few minutes.
I had the same problem - when I deployed my React app to GitHub pages, it showed the README.
Then I pushed the build directory I had created locally to my remote repository. When I did that, my React app worked with GitHub pages.
if you with gh-pages, you have to select it as defualt branch for this repo. It worked for me.
