How to group types.SHUTTER like types.LIGHT - google-smart-home

I'm developing Smart Home actions for controling roller shutter devices through google home/assistant.
I have shutters in all rooms of my house, and can have several shutters in the same room. Individual control of each of my shutters works well.
But I'd like to request "close all the shutters of the kitchen", or "close all the shutters of all rooms" but Google does not recognize the intent.
Is there a way to group my devices (like the types.LIGHT) ? Or something else I can do ?

Ok understood. Seems to be a problem with the french language :
"Hey Google, close the small shutter" --> OK
"Ok Google, close the big shutter" --> OK
"Ok Google, open the shutters" --> OK
"Ok Google, ferme le petit volet" --> OK
"Ok Google, ferme le grand volet" --> OK
"Ok Google, ouvre les volets" --> KO "Je n'arrive pas à déterminer l'appareil les volets que vous voulez controler" (translate = unable to determine which device you want to control)
What can I do ?


MS Access 2007 : the code vba not running

i need a help please
in example , i write code vba for button close
Private Sub Commande15_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Login"
End Sub
the code is correct but does not running ! any code i write it not running
heeeeeeelp plzzz
Please make sure that On Click property of Commande15 button contains [Event Procedure] value
Option Access --> Centre de gestion de la confidentialité --> paramètres du Centre de gestion de la confidentialité --> paramètres des marcos --> (coché le dernier choix) activer toutes les macros ...
et OK
voilà la réponse

Cakephp 3 Localization issue

I'm using the localization feature to translate my app in French, but I'm running into some constraints I was not expecting.
In the default.po file, when I set:
msgid "MainLoginAccountLocked"
msgstr "Votre compte a été verrouillé."
It works fine. I can see the message translated.
But when I set:
msgid "Main Login Account Locked"
msgstr "Votre compte a été verrouillé."
It's not working. I get the "Main Login Account Locked" key instead of the translation.
Is there limitations in the msgid values? Or restricted values?
I've found nothing in the doc that could help me.
There are no limitations of having spaces in the msgid, I use it all the time.
#Nds's advice is pertinent: clear your cache.
In the past I also ran with problem on the compiles version of the .po file that needed to be regenerated.
Carefully verify the spaces at the end and beginning of the string.
Maybe also you should verify the encodings involved. If you are using UTF-8 everywhere (as I hope), it shouldn't be the issue.

Why is nancy complaining about a missing reference for System?

I added a X509Certificate2 property to my model, and now my razor view won't compile. The exact error message is...
[CS0012] Line: 84 Column: 18 - Le type
'System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2' est
défini dans un assembly qui n'est pas référencé. Vous devez
ajouter une référence à l'assembly 'System, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. (show)
Sorry for my french, but you get the idea.
X509Certificate2 is defined in System.dll, and I have a reference for System in the project.
Ok silly me again. References needed by razor need to be explicitly listed in web.config. It's not asking for a project reference. This is all explained here, in the "Configuring Razor" section.

Deploying issue with SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services

I'm trying to deploy a report with SQL Server 2014, through Visual Studio 2013. The report is building well, it is deploying well, I can see it on my web page but when I click on it, I have the following error
Impossible de terminer l'action en cours. Les informations d'identification de la source de données de l'utilisateur ne répondent pas à la configuration requise pour exécuter ce rapport ou dataset partagé. Elles ne sont pas stockées dans la base de données du serveur de rapports ou la source de données de l'utilisateur est configurée pour ne pas exiger d'informations d'identification, mais le compte d'exécution sans assistance n'est pas spécifié. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting)
It means the user data identification does not match or answer, the required config to run this report.
I've configured my datasource with an odbc and I've put the following string within the datasource:
Dsn=SQLPOITTOWN;uid=sa;persist security info=False
For my credentials, I've put "Use this username and password" with the username sa. I let the password field empty as there is no password.
What am I doing wrong?
To spare you all the comments , the solution is to create a user in the db with a password (see below).
Dsn=SQLPOITTOWN;uid=POITTOWNReport;Pwd=Xb521Aabc;persist security info=False
The report is appearing correctly.
Thanks #TT. for his valuable help

Movilizer - Trigger sync on movelet end

A partner is asking me if the following code is OK, since it is not triggering the forced synchronization upon pressing OK. I am not able to identify the issue. He tested on iOS and Swing.
<question type="0" title="MUVE" key="Q(Sync)">
<answer action="FULLSYNC" position="1" nextQuestionKey="END" key="Q(Sync)_ans" labelFontSize="VERYLARGE" labelFontStyle="BOLD" columnSizeType="ROWS" labelAlignment="CENTER">
<text> ¿Seguro que quiere guardar todos los canvios del dia?</text>
setCustomizingProperty($customizing:'screen.footer.ok.text', 'Guardar');
setCustomizingProperty($customizing:'screen.footer.back.text', 'Atras');
Code looks perfect. The two important details to achieve the asked functionality are:
both looks fine in the definition you provided.
