Movilizer - Trigger sync on movelet end - mobile

A partner is asking me if the following code is OK, since it is not triggering the forced synchronization upon pressing OK. I am not able to identify the issue. He tested on iOS and Swing.
<question type="0" title="MUVE" key="Q(Sync)">
<answer action="FULLSYNC" position="1" nextQuestionKey="END" key="Q(Sync)_ans" labelFontSize="VERYLARGE" labelFontStyle="BOLD" columnSizeType="ROWS" labelAlignment="CENTER">
<text> ¿Seguro que quiere guardar todos los canvios del dia?</text>
setCustomizingProperty($customizing:'screen.footer.ok.text', 'Guardar');
setCustomizingProperty($customizing:'screen.footer.back.text', 'Atras');

Code looks perfect. The two important details to achieve the asked functionality are:
both looks fine in the definition you provided.


WiX installer can't open config file

I have a WPF application and I've created an MSI to install it with the WixToolset 3.11 and Visual Studio Extension 2019. I'm trying to add either XmlFile or XmlConfig item to change values in the config file. I'm getting the following error:
Failed to open XML file C:\Program Files(x86)\CO Apps\Main App\OurApp.exe.config. system error: -2147024786
The file path is the full filepath because I gave it the full path trying to resolve the issue. Here's the important parts of the wxs file
<Wix xmlns=""
<Product Id="9E76F000-5525-4BDF-8262-AE46B035D9CE"
Name="Our App"
Manufacturer="CO Apps"
<Package Id="*" InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" Description="Our production application." />
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
<Directory Id="VTAPPSDIR" Name="CO Apps">
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="Our App">
<Component Id="MainExecutable" Guid="748368D7-7581-4809-A8FE-DFB1093D6A02">
<File Id="MainFile" Name="$(var.OurApp.TargetFileName)" DiskId="1" Source="$(var.OurApp.TargetDir)OurApp.exe" KeyPath="yes"></File>
<File Id="OurApp.exe.config" ReadOnly="no" Source="$(var.OurApp.TargetDir)OurApp.exe.config"></File>
... More File items for DLLs
<wixutil:XmlFile Id="SetAppMode" Action="setValue" File="C:\Program Files (x86)\CO Apps\Our App\OurApp.exe.confg" ElementPath="configuration/userSettings/OurApp.Properties.Settings/setting/AppMode/value" Value="Main" />
So I'm trying to set the "AppMode" value to "Main" when this installs. What I'm trying to set isn't the point it's that it can't seem to find or open the file. I've tried putting the XmlFile in its own component. I've tried several variations of File paths including [INSTALLDIR] and [INSTALLLOCATION] and the filename by itself. Without that line everything works great. With that line in, I get the error and it rolls back the install. I also tried XmlConfig instead of XmlFile:
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="ClearConfigAppMode" Action="delete" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" ElementPath="userSettings/OurApp.Properties.Settings" Name="AppMode" />
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetAppMode" Action="create" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" ElementPath="userSettings/OurApp.Properties.Settings" On="install" Node="element">
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetConfigAppModeName" ElementId="SetAppMode" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" Name="name" Value="AppMode" />
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetConfigAppModeSerializeAs" ElementId="SetAppMode" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" Name="serializeAs" Value="String" />
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetAppModeValue" Action="create" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" ElementPath="userSettings/OurApp.Properties.Settings" On="install" Node="element" Sequence="2">
<wixutil:XmlConfig Id="SetAppModeVAlueMain" ElementId="SetAppModeValue" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]OurApp.exe.config" Name="Value" Value="Main" />
Since XmlConfig doesn't have setValue on an existing element I used the delete action to remove the item for use in development and insert a new one. Same error. It happens logged on as myself or as Administrator. Does anyone have a working example of WiX with WPF creating a MSI? I'm not looking for something as complex as WixBA. I just need to modify the app.exe.config file on install.
Example: Though I rarely use this feature, I have this working example here (my test project for XML): Snippets of the sample here and here.
Disclaimer: I am not sure if follows best practice for XML updates, since I prefer to do XML updates from application launch code instead - if possible (single source, easier debugability and in general more familiar territory for most developers).
app.config/web.config appsettings: Maybe check out this answer regarding appsettings or this answer (looks better) - just for your review, not necessarily a suggestion. Keeping deployed files read-only helps a lot to overwrite them reliably during updates and the file you generate can be kept untouched by the installer (the file is de-coupled from installer - it never touches them). Or as I wrote: HKCU can also be used to write "the few settings you actually have to change". Not so nice conceptually?
Clouded Settings: Personally I think settings should never be file-based but clouded in our day and age (kept in a remote database). See section 6 and 7 here. How realistic this is for your application I don't know. New challenges and problems - no doubt (network issues, firewalls, launch problems, etc...), but benefits: versioned settings, recovery and management (enforce new settings). Not sure about all the practicalities - never been involved that much, but would love to get rid of settings files - especially for corporate apps. However, sometimes nice concepts don't meet reality well - maybe it is too involved?

af:inputFile is not calling valueChangeListener method

Summarize the problem
I'm trying to upload an image to a blob in the database and have been following various blogs online to do so.
Provide background including what you've already tried
I've tried enclosing the input file on a form but I get the warning:-
"Only one af:form is supported per page. This warning later escalates to a server exception error and I can't enter said page.
Show some code
<af:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
<f:facet name="footer"/>
<af:form id="f1" usesUpload="true">
<af:inputFile label="Label 1" id="if1" value="#NewUploadImageBean.file}"
I only have this one form in the entire page.
Describe expected and actual results including any error messages
Would like to the valueChangeListner to call my method. Currently I get the
ADF_FACES-60097 error which then translates to : java.lang.IllegalStateException: ADF_FACES-30124:Multiple forms detected on viewId: /test_pages/employement.jsf. Rich client currently has some limitations in dealing with multiple forms.
How to fix ADF_FACES-30124:Multiple forms detected on viewId ?
To do so remove all the af:forms inside your jsf view expecially the one containing your inputFile and add only one af:form useupload="true" at the highest view tag level :
<af:document >
<af:form usesUpload="true" id="f1">

How to group types.SHUTTER like types.LIGHT

I'm developing Smart Home actions for controling roller shutter devices through google home/assistant.
I have shutters in all rooms of my house, and can have several shutters in the same room. Individual control of each of my shutters works well.
But I'd like to request "close all the shutters of the kitchen", or "close all the shutters of all rooms" but Google does not recognize the intent.
Is there a way to group my devices (like the types.LIGHT) ? Or something else I can do ?
Ok understood. Seems to be a problem with the french language :
"Hey Google, close the small shutter" --> OK
"Ok Google, close the big shutter" --> OK
"Ok Google, open the shutters" --> OK
"Ok Google, ferme le petit volet" --> OK
"Ok Google, ferme le grand volet" --> OK
"Ok Google, ouvre les volets" --> KO "Je n'arrive pas à déterminer l'appareil les volets que vous voulez controler" (translate = unable to determine which device you want to control)
What can I do ?

Cakephp 3 Localization issue

I'm using the localization feature to translate my app in French, but I'm running into some constraints I was not expecting.
In the default.po file, when I set:
msgid "MainLoginAccountLocked"
msgstr "Votre compte a été verrouillé."
It works fine. I can see the message translated.
But when I set:
msgid "Main Login Account Locked"
msgstr "Votre compte a été verrouillé."
It's not working. I get the "Main Login Account Locked" key instead of the translation.
Is there limitations in the msgid values? Or restricted values?
I've found nothing in the doc that could help me.
There are no limitations of having spaces in the msgid, I use it all the time.
#Nds's advice is pertinent: clear your cache.
In the past I also ran with problem on the compiles version of the .po file that needed to be regenerated.
Carefully verify the spaces at the end and beginning of the string.
Maybe also you should verify the encodings involved. If you are using UTF-8 everywhere (as I hope), it shouldn't be the issue.

Solr highlightning distinction

When I look for the word "Unternehmen" with the following query
I get this Result if the Word Unternehmen is found twice within a close distance within the same field:
Um als <em>Unternehmen die Zukunft erfolgreich zu gestalten, brauchen Unternehmen</em> Innovationen
When "Unternehmen" is found within the same field not within close distance solr gives me:
olle in <em>Unternehmen</em>, hat eine lange Tradition in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Dieses Special Issue widmet sich in vielfältiger Weise dem Thema der geeigneten Corporate Governance in mittelständischen oder öffentlichen deutschen <em> Unternehmen </em>. ​
How do I prevent solr from merging highlighting when the matches are too close? I always want to get the second variation of highlighting.
I already tried playing around with hl.fragsize= 0, 10,1000, hl.snippets=2 with no visible effect.
I tried your example in Solr 5 here using the standard /select Request Handler, and highlighting worked as expected (your second variation) on the first sentence.
Try the following:
What field type do you have for the field where you are querying and highlighting text in? Even if it is German, try "text_en" as the field type and re-index the document for testing.
Try querying and highlighting not on the general catch-all field, but specifically on the field (lets assume it is "mytext") you have your text, such as:
