Access React context value from redux-saga function - reactjs

I have some variables which are controlled by React Context through React.createContext() with Provider and Consumer component. I'm also using redux-saga, so my question is are there anyway to access this context value in redux-saga function. I'm looking for something like "yield select" statement that works with redux-store.
Anyone who know it please explain to me. Thank you in advances.
P/S: Currently, I pass context value to action object payload when dispatch an action. So in redux-saga, we can use it in action parameter. I don't know whether it's the best practice.

EDIT: There is now a package that allows you to grab context easily, react-outside-call
You can keep an outside reference of your provider component, and grab the state from that.
Something like this...
Provider component
class AppProvider extends Component {
state = {
number: 10,
render() {
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={this.state}>
Apps main entry file, or where ever you reference that provider instance.
let appProviderRef
export const getProviderState = () => appProviderRef.state
<AppProvider ref={ref => appProviderRef = ref}>
<App />
, document.getElementById('root'))
You can now grab the state from within your redux sagas (or anywhere you want) synchronously calling getProviderState


How to pass props from parent to grandchild component in react

I have tried pass value from parent to grandchild component, and it works. While I am thinking if there is another simpler or other way of passing props in shorter path.
What I did is quite cumbersome in codesandbox
There may be a common problem in react world called prop drilling by passing data to children only using props.
I would recommend only 2-level passing, if you need pass data deeper then you probably doing something wrong.
Use one of popular state management library (if your project is big) or React context (which is awesome)
Create a folder called /contexts and put contexts there. The structure of files can be like shown below:
First you need to create a context itself
type ClientContextState = {
data: User;
set: (data: User) => void;
logout: () => void;
// empty object as a default value
export const UserContext = createContext<UserContextState>({} as UserContextState);
Then create a Provider wrapper component
export const UserProvider = ({ children }: Props) => {
const [data, setData] = useState<User>({});
const sharedState = {
set: setData
logout: () => setData(null)
return <UserContext.Provider value={sharedState}>{children}</UserContext.Provider>
You may also want to have an alias of useContext hook:
export const useUser = () => {
return useContext(UserContext);
After all this whenever you wrap your components or app to <UserProvider>...</UserProvider> you can use our hook to access data and methods form sharedState from any place you want:
export LogoutButton = () => {
const {data, logout} = useUser();
return <Button onClick={() => logout()}>Logout from {}</Button>
Whenever you want to pass props or data from Grandparent to child component, always use react-redux. This is useful to maintain the state and access the data from anywhere/any component.
Another way is to use useContext hooks which you can use to pass the props
Following are the steps to use useContext hooks
Creating the context
The built-in factory function createContext(default) creates a context instance:
import { createContext } from 'react';
const Context = createContext('Default Value');
The factory function accepts one optional argument: the default value.
Providing the context
Context.Provider component available on the context instance is used to provide the context to its child components, no matter how deep they are.
To set the value of context use the value prop available on the
<Context.Provider value={value} />:
function Main() {
const value = 'My Context Value';
return (
<Context.Provider value={value}>
<MyComponent />
Again, what’s important here is that all the components that’d like later to consume the context have to be wrapped inside the provider component.
If you want to change the context value, simply update the value prop.
Consuming the context: Consuming the context can be performed in 2 ways.
The first way, the one I recommend, is to use the useContext(Context) React hook:
import { useContext } from 'react';
function MyComponent() {
const value = useContext(Context);
return <span>{value}</span>;
Generally it's helpful to consider whether moving state down the hierarchy would be the simplest route. That means lifting the component instantiation to a place closer to the state being used. In your example, that could mean Component_data is used inside Component and passed to its children there, removing one step in the nested data flow. Even better, would be that Child.a accesses Component_data.A directly.
In a real app with cases where accessing the data directly is less feasible, a solution I lean towards is using Context to set data in the parent that retrieves it, and then I can access it however deeply nested the component might be that needs it.
i.e. in App I would create the Context provider, and in ChildA I access it via useContext hook.
Further reading (this post is about an alternative to using useMemo but has an illustrative example of why moving state down is a good thing)

React Context API - persist data on page refresh

Let's say we have a context provider set up, along with some initial data property values.
Somewhere along the line, let's say a consumer then modifies those properties.
On page reload, those changes are lost. What is the best way to persist the data so we can retain those data modifications? Any method other than simply local storage?
Yeah, if you want the data to persist across reloads, your options are going to be storing that info server-side (via an api call) or in browser storage (local storage, session storage, cookies). The option you'll want to use depends on what level of persistence you're looking to achieve. Regardless of storage choice, it would likely look something along the lines of
const MyContext = React.createContext(defaultValue);
class Parent extends React.Component {
setValue = (value) => {
this.setState({ value });
state = {
setValue: this.setValue,
value: localStorage.getItem("parentValueKey")
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.value !== prevState.value) {
// Whatever storage mechanism you end up deciding to use.
localStorage.setItem("parentValueKey", this.state.value)
render() {
return (
<MyContext.Provider value={this.state}>
Context doesn't persist in the way you want. Here's a sample of what I've done, using stateless functional with React hooks.
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
export function sample(){
// useState React hook
const [data, setData] = useState({})
const [moreData, setMoreData] = useState([])
// useState React hook
useEffect(() => {
setData({test: "sample", user: "some person"})
setMoreData(["test", "string"])
}, [])
return data, moreData
export const AppContext = React.createContext()
export const AppProvider = props => (
<AppContext.Provider value={{ ...sample() }}>
Understand from the start that this isa workaround, not a permanent solution. Persisting data is the job of a database, not the client. However, if you need persisted data for development, this is one way. Notice first that I'm using React hooks. This is a fully supported feature as of 16.8. The useEffect() replaces the lifecycle methods found in class declarations like that of TLadd above. He's using componentDidUpdate to persist. The most up-to-date way of doing this is useEffect. When the app is refreshed this method will be called and set some hard-coded data in context.
To use the provider:
import React from 'react'
import Component from './path/to/component'
import { AppProvider } from './path/to/context'
const App = () => {
return (
<Component />
When you refresh, data and moreData will still have whatever default values you assign to them.
I am assuming that you are already familiar with setting context and setting up the context provider.
One of the things you can do is to store the value in the browser's Cookie or any storage available to you, and then, in your Context Provider, retrieve the value, if you can find it, you set it, if not, set the default. If the provider file is a class based component, you would like to retrieve this value in the constructor(), otherwise if it is functional, you can use useLayoutEffect() to set it.

How to keep React new Context API state when routing between Components?

1) Do you know how to keep the state of a Context Provider present when it is mounted/unmounted through routing?
2) Or do you know a well maintained Flux implementation that supports multiple separated stores?
In detail:
Besides React components own state I've been using mostly redux so far. Besides not loving the idea of having every state managed globally, even though it might only be relevant for a subtree, it also becomes an issue for my new project.
We want to dynamically load components and add them via routing to the app. To be able to have components ready for plug and play, we want them to take care of their own state (store it, request it from the server, provide a strategy to modify it).
I read about how to dynamically add reducers to the global store with redux, but I actually find the approach of Reacts Context API much nicer where I can encapsulate some state in a Provider and can consume it wherever I need it.
The only issue I have is, that a Provider and a Consumer are React components, so if they are part of a component, that is mounted and unmounted through routing, the state that might have been created or fetched once, is gone.
It seems to me that there is no way to solve that, besides temporarily storing the state in the localstorage or on the server. If there is, please let me know!!!
If there shouldn't be a better solution:
I also thought about a more original Flux implementation that would allow multiple stores, which could be encapsulated with the relavant component subtree. But I haven't really found any well maintained Flux implementation besides Redux. Mobx being the exception, but I really prefer the reducer solution of Redux over the observable solution of Mobx. So again, if you know a multi store Flux implementation that is well maintained, please let me know!!!
I would be really happy about some feedback and hope you can point me into a direction that is more satisfiying than dynamic reducer Redux or temporarily persisted Context state.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Sorry that it's quite a late answer
Are you using React Router?
The state should be persisted and it shouldn't clear if you are navigating correctly. There should be no page reload as this will cause the state to clear.
Here is an example:
import { Router as RootRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import Router from './routes/Router';
const App = () => {
return (
<MyContext value={useReducer(myReducer, initialState)}>
<RootRouter history={browserHistory}>
<Router />
import About from '../components/About';
const Router = () => {
return (
<Route exact path='/about' component={About}></Route>
On your main home component, you have to use a Link or Navlink to "switch" between components. Therefore, you'll have something like...
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
<Link to="/about">About</Link>
This will navigate you to the about page in which you can still access the context stage where nothing is cleared.
So I figured out a way to work around the problem with Context (first question): I store the state of the Provider component in a variable. That way, when that component is mounted again, it uses the "persisted" state as the initial value for it's state.
let persistedState = {};
const Context = React.createContext();
export class Provider extends React.PureComponent {
state = { ...persistedState };
updateState = (nextState) => this.setState(nextState, () => {
persistedState = {...this.state};
render() {
return (
<Context.Provider value={this.state}>

converting react classes to functions with redux

I'm still new to react/redux, after getting something like this to function
class User extends React.Component {
componentWillMount() {
render() {
return (
<Profile />
export default connect(null, {fetchUser})(User);
class Profile extends React.Component {
render() {
const { user } = this.props
return (
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {})(Profile)
export const fetchUser = (.....) => dispatch => {
return {
user: action.payload.user
As I understand it, the User component calls an action (fetchUser) from connect on componentWillMount(). That action calls an api, gets the data and the reducer adds that to the store within the state. The Profile component can then use connect to map the data from fetchUser in the store and display that data.
After reading some tutorials including
It looks like things can be simplified a bit without using classes.
If I were to change the User and Profile components to a more functional way, how would I do it?
const User = () => {
return (
<Profile />
how do I dispatch the fetchUser action and how do I simulate it to be called with the flow of componentWillMount()?
or am I just over complicating things?
There is also a way to support lifecycle methods in functional components.
import React from 'react';
import lifecycle from 'react-pure-lifecycle';
// create your lifecycle methods
const componentDidMount = (props) => {
console.log('I mounted! Here are my props: ', props);
// make them properties on a standard object
const methods = {
const FunctionalComponent = ({children}) => {
return (
// decorate the component
export default lifecycle(methods)(FunctionalComponent);
I think you should keep using statefull components with redux...
Redux connect — is a PureComponent.
Yes — a very important thing, a HoC for a molecule is a pure one. And works even inside other pure components. And gets store from a current context.
Same is working, for example, for styled-component — you can wrap it with PureComponent, but it will still react to Theme changes.
Solution is simple — bypass logic, use old school events bus, subcribe, wait and emit events.
componentWillMount() {
// subscribe to the event emitter. This
// is necessary due to pure components blocking
// context updates, this circumvents
// that by updating when an event is emitted.
const subscribe = this.context[CHANNEL];
this.unsubscribe = subscribe(nextTheme => { <----- MAGIC
trySubscribe() {
if (shouldSubscribe && !this.unsubscribe) {
this.unsubscribe =; <----- MAGIC
componentDidMount() {
Thus, even if parent Pure Component will block any update enables you to catch a change, store update, context variable change, or everything else.
So — something inside pure components is very soiled and absolutely impure. It is driven by side effects!
But this bypass straight logic flow, and works just differently from the rest of application.
So — just be careful. And don’t forget about magic.
And this is a reason, why any redux store update will cause redraw in each connected component, and why you should use reselect just next to connect HoC —
to stop unnecessary change propagation.
But you should read this from another point of view:
redux-connect is a source of a change propagation.
redux connect is the end of a change propagation. It is still PureComponent.
And this leads to quite handy thing — you can control change propagation with redux-connect only. Just create a boundaries for a change. Lets talk about this in another article.
Pure components keep your application fast. Sometimes — more predictable, but often — less predictable, as long they change the way application works.
Stateless components are not pure, and may run slower than PureComponents by any kind.
But… if you very wish to create a fast application with good user experience — you have to use Pure Component.
No choice. But, now — you know hidden truth, and knew some magic…
React recommends that ajax request be made in componentDidMount(), rather than in componentWillMount(). For more info on this, read this post.
Since you want to make ajax requests in componentDidMount(), you need a class. There are two ways of writing component definitions: functional component and the class component. Functional components are more concise, but you don't get component lifecycle methods like componentDidMount(). Think of it as just a render function that takes props as inputs and outputs DOMs (in JSX). To override those lifecycle methods, you need to define them as a class.
If you want to use Redux, and want to make ajax requests in a Redux action, you should import the action creator function (fetchUser(..) in your case) that makes the ajax request, and dispatch(fetchUser(..)) in componentDidMount(). connect(..)ed components get dispatch(..) function passed to it by Redux store.
If you want to see how it's done in other redux apps, see the official example apps in the redux.js repo, paying attention to actions and containers:
In Your case you can continue with statefull components no wrong in that
,If you need to go with functional way
There is a work arround
Calling the api in componentDidMount will make sense than
componentWillMount , Because you can show the user something is
I think,User component is designed nicely.It will act as a container for Profile to provide the Data.
Instead of making Profile component class oriented,it should be Stateless.
Lets User component pass the required data for Profile component.
You don't need to connect Profile component using redux-connect.Just render it as a Child component of User.
const Profile = (props) => {
const {user, likeProfile} = props;
//likeProfile()//call like this using dom event or programmatically.
return (
You need to make some changes in User component.
Get the state for Profile component via mapStateToProps.
class User extends React.Component {
componentWillMount() {
render() {
const {user, likeProfile} = this.props;
return (
<Profile user= {user} likeProfile={likeProfile} /> //passed the user data to Profile component vua User
Map the user state for Profile in User connect.
const mapStateToProps = (state)=>{
user : state.somereducerkey.user //this will be accessible in Profile via props { user}
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {fetchUser, likeProfile})(User);

How to use GraphQL Mutations inside a Redux Reducer

I have here a react stateless function that I would love to call my mutations from my reducer. Note, calling the mutation inside a React.Component Class works by means of adding a function inside the component, I dont want that, I want to use my reducer to do that.
With minimum code example, I'll show my setup
// index.js render function
[...] // imported variables
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<Provider store={store}>
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
<App />
// Mutation
const Foo = gql`
mutation Foo($id: String) {
AddBar(id: $id) {
// Component
[...] // other imports for below variables
const Comp = (props) => (
<button onClick={() => props.addFoo(props)}>Click</button>
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => bindActionCreators({
}, dispatch)
export default connect(
// Reducer (very slimmed with just the action)
export const addFoo = (props) => {
// props contained the mutate function
variables: {id: "1" }
// dispatch goes here but not needed.
Ok, I have slimmed down this example as much as possible. My issue is that my variables are not passing to my mutation function. If I hard-code id with one and click the button, graphql changes my data (yes) but the only issue is variables are not passing. In the inspector I do see the variables with correct values but...not passing to the mutate function.
A few thoughts...
First, reducers should never mutate data or make asynchronous calls. They are meant to be pure functions without side effects.
Taking GraphQL out of the picture for a moment and assuming that you have just a REST call, you'd usually mutate inside of an Action Creator or something similar. Action Creators in Redux are inherently synchronous, so you'd employ either Redux Thunks or Redux Sagas (or something similar) to help with that.
Ok, let's put GraphQL back in. As you pointed out, if you include your mutation in your component, it is difficult to wire that in to your Redux implementation. The two are kind of mutually exclusive. In your Redux implementation, however you'd normally make async fetch calls, you can use the Apollo Client without React to mutate...
const apolloClient = createApolloClient();
apolloClient.mutate({mutation: Foo}).then(handleResult)
Now, what does createApolloClient() do? You don't want to create a new one every time. That client maintains a cache and can handle all of the value-add which comes from re-using the client. That goes for the React code. You'd like for any queries to be executed from the React bindings to use the same client which you use in your Redux action creators. That createApolloClient() function needs to create a client singleton and return it so that you'd use it in your ApolloProvider as well:
<ApolloProvider client={createApolloClient()}>
I hope this helps!
