Array result from INDIRECT - arrays

So, I have a Google Sheet connected to a Google Form that I use for debugging a series of games. Each game has a Unit number and an Activity number.
I added to the sheet a column that, basing on the Unit and on the Activity, retrieves the name of the developer, contained in another sheet.
(I have to add 1 to each value because the other table has headers)
The formula does work on a single cell, but it's not applied to the new lines inserted by the Google Form.
I've seen that ARRAYFORMULA() returns an array that automatically populates the cells below.
Is there a command I can use to apply a formula to an array of values and have an array of results returned?

if you want to get just a range do:
=INDIRECT("Developers!"&ADDRESS(B1+1, C1+1, 4)&":"&ADDRESS(ROWS(A:A), C1+1, 4))
or populated range:
=INDIRECT("Developers!"&ADDRESS(B1+1, C1+1, 4)&":"&ADDRESS(COUNTA(B:B), C1+1, 4))


How do I change my multi criteria Index Match formula in such a way that it sorts results closest to today?

How can do I write an array formula in such a way that both following factors apply:
Results give me the names of sales that have either TRUE OR FALSE next to it in a different column/sheet.
Results are sorted chronologically based on the date that is connected to each sale. Each sale has a different date next to it. This can be found in the same sheet as where the "TRUE OR FALSE" result is displayed. Column with the dates is called "AY:AY". I use an indirect formula to target the correct sheet within the spreadsheet.
I currently only have the first criteria implemented, don't know how to do the 2nd one.
Since the raw data is not ordered I need this to happen when I use the Index Match Array formula. So far I have this formula in my Google Sheets spreadsheet.
=ArrayFormula(iferror(index(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!c:c");small(if(TRUE=indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!ca:ca");row(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!ca:ca"))-row(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!$ca$1"))+1);row(1:1)));""))
I know I could use the Index Array formula below with multiple criteria, but don't know how to implement the date component.
INDEX(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!c:c");SMALL(IF(COUNTIF(_______)*COUNTIF("true"; indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!CA:CA"); ROW(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A:CA"))-MIN(ROW(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A:CA"))+1); ROW(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A1));COLUMN(indirect("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!A1))
Thanks in advance.
A query like this could help?
=QUERY(INDIRECT("'"&$B$5&" 2023'!C:CA"),"SELECT C,AY WHERE CA = TRUE order by AY")

ArrayFormula to automatically calculate one column

I want an array formula to use with Google Forms data to automatically calculate running metrics on my data.
In this case, in column Q, AE and AS I want it to auto-calculate whenever new responses come in.
I'm trying to use this formula below but isn't working for all column, just for the first line.
I want a sum of all words that contain "Verdadeiro" in a row.
What I'm doing wrong?
My Google Sheet:
try in row 1:
={"Total AG";""; ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A3:A="";;

Link two cells in google sheets with autofill

First of all I would like to thank you for your time.
I have a google data studio report that extracts data from a google sheet. The data studio sheet gets values from a google form (in the form of another tab in the sheet). Altough the cells are linked, right now I have to drag the cells in the data studio sheet to pull the values from the forms sheet. If there are no values it can´t pull anything and I would like to have real time values in the google data studio as soon as a form is filled.
Right now all I have is a simple (='Form '!C55) to pull. What I would like to do is if there is a new value in the following cell in the forms sheets then the following cell in the data studio sheets pulls it so it can go to the report in dat studio.
Cheers to all!
Try this formula, in column A, after your last row of good data. So perhaps in Dados!A91. Note you will need to first delete everything in all of the cells below and to the right of A91, since this formula is filling everything:
=QUERY('Formulário '!A9:O;"select A,G,D,J,M,H,E,K,N,I,F,L,O where B <> '' ";0)
This queries your Formulário sheet, and pulls all of the data starting in row 9 (since that is what you were showing with your formula before), and selects all of the correct columns in order.
Please test it out with a test form submission, to see that it works as expected, and that it is copying the correct columns, in the right order. Let me know of any questions or issues.
I'm not positive how sheet updates work when there is no active user logged into the sheet, but I suppose when Data Studio goes to pull from Dados, it will first ensure that it has the latest data from all formulas.
To have the Max and Min values,which you say should be the same all the way down the column, add a formula like the following in the header row (row 1) of your Formulario sheet:
={"Cloro Max.";ArrayFormula(IF(LEN(A2:A);1,5;""))}
That gives a value of 1,5 for a column labelled Cloro Max. Be sure to delete anything from row 2 down, in that same column, or the array formula gives a #REF error, since it can't put data when there is already data entered in those lower cells.
You can change the text to create a Max or Min column for each value you want, in columns Q to V. Change the 1,5 to whatever number you want, such as 0,5 for Cloro Min.
It will always add the value(s) to each new row as it gets added from a submitted form response.

Returning multiple ID numbers in Excel using an Array

I am working with a set of data in Excel that includes ID numbers and Account numbers. Each ID number contains multiple account numbers. I want to return each Account number associated with each ID number vertically.
I have done research and came up with an array formula that works for the first ID number but does not work for the rest. I have created a sample of my data to share.
{=INDEX($E$2:$E$5, SMALL(IF(($H2=$A$2:$C$5), MATCH(ROW($A$2:$C$5), ROW($A$2:$C$5)), ""), ROWS($A$1:A1)))}
I am getting a #NUM! error in the rest of the cells. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
sample data - formula result - desired result
Using your provided data setup like so:
In cell H2 and copied down is this (regular) formula (assumes ID #s are actually numbers as shown in your provided sample data):
Then in cell I2 and copied down is this (array) formula:

Get corresponding value from other sheet in excel (only returning first column)

I currently have the following formula, where the intention is to search one sheet for names, then pull the job title from another sheet with the same layout. However, it keeps only returning job titles from C column, and I to some extent know why, but I have no idea how to get the index, and in turn cell address call, to return matches with the correct column value.
Essentially the ActualVolunteerSchedule sheet has names, the TaskingSchedule has jobs in the time slots.
In EmailPrep sheet I am combining the time marker from column A with the job title from inside the table based on finding a matching name from row 1 in the email prep sheet.
So given a range say B:H on sheet1 - find all cells containing NAME, then grab cell contents from sheet2 with the same address. NAME found at sheet1!$C$3 then return value of sheet2!$C$3
Actual File
Google Sheet
