How to select date from Telerik (kendo) date picker - selenium-webdriver

I am having problem selecting a specific day in the pickDay() method. When I specify 4, it keeps selecting 1. When println date[DAY_OF_MONTH] it prints out 4.
I'm calling it with this keyword :-
class RadDatePicker {
Date date;
String obj;
RadDatePicker() {
RadDatePicker(String object, String input_date) {
this.obj = object;
date = new Date().parse("MM/dd/yyyy", input_date)
def openCalendar() {...}
def displayMonth() {...}
def displayYear() {...}
def displayDate() {
return new Date().parse("MMM/yyyy", displayMonth() + "/" + displayYear())
def pickYear(){...}
def pickMonth(){...}
def pickDay() {
println date[DAY_OF_MONTH]'Object Repository/Telerik/RadDateLightWeightPage/a_dayPicker', [('day') : date[DAY_OF_MONTH]]))
def pickDate() {
def pickDate(String obj, String date) {
def pick = new RadDatePicker(obj, date)
Here is the calendar and the HTML

I found a way around it by implementing WebDriver and looking for the specific xpath that contained the day I was looking for, here's the code
def pickDay() {
WebDriver driver = DriverFactory.getWebDriver();;
WebElement datepicker = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='ctl00_cphContent_RadDatePicker1_calendar_Top']"));
datepicker.findElement(By.xpath("//*[(text()=" + date[DAY_OF_MONTH] + ")]")).click();


How to parse array values from Json in Jmeter

For the below response I need to fetch the rideId and pass it to the next request in Jmeter.Also ,the API that generates below response should be executed until the eventType is HANDSHAKE.
I am using the code :
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;
def jsonSlurper=new JsonSlurper();
def apiDetailsArr=jsonSlurper.parse(prev.getResponseData())
def apiDetails=apiDetailsArr.size()>0?apiDetailsArr.get(0):null
def shouldRun = "1"
def object=jsonSlurper.parseText(apiDetails.parameters)"xyz",object+"")
def id=object.rideId;"id",id+"")
vars.put("id", id+"")
shouldRun="1"`enter code here`
`Condition for while controller : `${__javaScript( "${shouldRun}" != "0",)}``
All your function calls cause syntax errors, you can see it yourself in (surprise!) the jmeter.log file
I fail to see where you're assigning shouldRun JMeter Variable which is used in the While Controller
Suggested code change:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper();
def apiDetailsArr = jsonSlurper.parse(prev.getResponseData())
def apiDetails = apiDetailsArr.size() > 0 ? apiDetailsArr.get(0) : null
def shouldRun = "1"
if (apiDetails != null) {"details", apiDetails.eventType + "")
if (apiDetails.eventType = "HANDSHAKE") {
shouldRun = "0"
def object = jsonSlurper.parseText(apiDetails.parameters)"xyz" + object)
def id = object.rideId;"id" + id)
vars.put("id", id as String)
} else {
shouldRun = "1"
vars.put("shouldRun", shouldRun)
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?

Codename One - Validator of PickerComponent

In the following code, the Validator of the PickerComponent "date" is never executed on the Simulator with "", instead is executed with "". Why?
In the log there isn't the string "Validator of date executed" after picking a date on Android (in the simulator), instead that string is continuosly logged on iPhone (in the simulator). Is my code incorrect?
I tried to follow this example:
public void show(Form backForm) {
TextModeLayout textModeLayout = new TextModeLayout(4, 1);
Container inputPersonData = new Container(textModeLayout);
TextComponent name = new TextComponent().label("Nome");
TextComponent surname = new TextComponent().label("Cognome");
PickerComponent gender = PickerComponent.createStrings("Maschio", "Femmina", "altro");
PickerComponent date = PickerComponent.createDate(new Date());
Validator val = new Validator();
val.addConstraint(name, new LengthConstraint(2));
val.addConstraint(surname, new LengthConstraint(2));
val.addConstraint(date, new Constraint() {
public boolean isValid(Object value) {
Log.p("Validator of date executed");
boolean res = false;
if (value instanceof Date) {
Calendar birthday = Calendar.getInstance();
birthday.setTime((Date) value);
Calendar nowLess13years = Calendar.getInstance();
nowLess13years.setTime(new Date());
nowLess13years.add(Calendar.YEAR, -13);
if (birthday.before(nowLess13years) || birthday.equals(nowLess13years)) {
res = true;
return res;
public String getDefaultFailMessage() {
return "You must be at least 13 years old";
Log.p("Registry Form shown correctly");
That seems to be a bug in the validator code and picker component. It works for me only after I edit one of the fields regardless of the skin. I've fixed this to bind correctly everywhere.

nominal value not declared in header

I'm generating a arff file with groovy from a xslx,
but when i try to open this file in weka i got this error:
File "..." not recognised as an 'Arff data files' file.
nominal value not declared in header, read Token[Ativo], line 16
i can't understand why i'm getting this error
can someone helpme to fix this error, and explain why it's happening?
Generated file
#relation kd-itempedido
#attribute tipopedido {Assistencia,Recompra,Venda,Troca}
#attribute aprovado {0.0,1.0}
#attribute fasepedido {Aprovado,Cancelado,EmAprovacao,Liberado,Novo}
#attribute statusinternopedido {NegociarPagamento,PedidosDeTeste,AguardandoOcorrencia,Nada,AguardandoBoletoDeposito,PedidoDuplicado,SuspeitaDeFraude}
#attribute canal {Marketplace,Desktop}
#attribute origem {LojasAmericanas,Optimise,MercadoLivre,Cityads,Zanox,Zoom,Rakuten,Lomadee,Facebook,Viptarget,Submarino,Criteo,Muccashop,Chaordic,Walmart,Googlead,Nada,Extra,Lojaskd,Shopback,Afilio,Shoptime,Nextperformance,CarrinhoAbandonado,Bing}
#attribute mercado {S,N}
#attribute cluster {EntregaImediata,Fiprec,Icconv,Esgotado}
#attribute statusitem {Ativo}
#attribute statusproduto {Inativo,Ativo,AtivoSemEstoque,ForaDeLinha}
#attribute polo {Polo1,Polo3,Polo2}
Groovy (VM -Dfile.encoding=ascii utf-8 utf8)
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook
import java.text.Normalizer
import static*
import java.nio.file.Paths
def path = "/home/eric/Documents/development/ufpr/Solid Eric/ItemPedido1000.xlsx"
def relation = "kd-itempedido"
def columns = ["tipopedido", "aprovado", "fasepedido", "statusinternopedido", "canal", "origem", "mercado", "cluster", "statusitem","statusproduto", "polo"]
def arff = "ItemPedido.arff"
new XslxToArffParser(path, relation, columns, arff);
class Data{
def rows = new ArrayList<List>();
String toString() {
def s = ""
for (r in rows){
for(d in r){
if(r.indexOf(d) < (r.size()-1))
return s
class Atributo {
def descricao;
def possibilidades = new HashSet<Object>();
def index;
String toString() {
def builder = new StringBuilder()
builder.append("#attribute ").append(descricao)
builder.append(" {")
for(def i = 0; i<possibilidades.size(); i++){
if((i+1) != possibilidades.size())
return builder.toString();
class XslxToArffParser {
def attributes =[:];
def data = new Data();
def sheet = null;
XslxToArffParser(path, relation, columns, arffPath){
saveArff(relation, arffPath)
def String parse(String s){
s = Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD)
s = s.replaceAll("[\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}]", "")
s = s.split(/[^\w]/).collect { it.toLowerCase().capitalize() }.join("")
s = s.replaceAll(" ", "")
s = s.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "")
s = s.isEmpty() ? "Nada" : s
return s
def load(path) {
Paths.get(path).withInputStream { input ->
def workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(input)
sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0)
def getAttributes(columns){
for (cell in sheet.getRow(0).cellIterator()) {
def index = cell.columnIndex
def description = parse(cell.stringCellValue).toLowerCase()
attributes << [(index):new Atributo(descricao: description, index: index)]
def collectData(){
def headerFlag = true
for (row in sheet.rowIterator()) {
if (headerFlag) {
headerFlag = false
def r = []
for (cell in row.cellIterator()) {
def index = cell.columnIndex;
def value = cell.cellType == CELL_TYPE_STRING ? parse(cell.stringCellValue) : cell.numericCellValue
def attr = attributes[index]
if(attr != null){
r << value
def saveArff(relation, path){
Paths.get(path).withWriter { writer ->
writer.write "#relation " + relation
writer.write "\n"
for(a in attributes.values())
writer.write a.toString()
writer.write "#data"
writer.write "\n"
writer.write data.toString()
Solved. "row.cellIterator()" does not iterate over null/blank cells
It has been a while since I used Weka, but looking at the file you showed and the error message, I suspect the problem is in the last two rows of the data file. They don't have a value for the attribute "cluster".
After the S or N (for attribute "mercado"), they have "Ativo". That "Ativo" value is not defined as one of the possible values of the nominal attribute cluster. The file did read "Ativo" though (which is why the error message says ''read Token[Ativo]'', but it expected to read a value for the cluster attribute, it did not yet expect a value for the statusitem attribute.

The given key was not present in the dictionary solrnet

Please note: I know for the question SolrNet - The given key was not present in the dictionary and I have initialized solr object just like Mauricio suggests.
I am using solr 4.6.0 and solrnet build #173, .net framework 4.0 and VS2012 for development. For some unknown reason I am receiving error 'The given key was not present in the dictionary'. I have a document with that id in solr, I've checked via browser. It's a document like any other document. Why is error popping up? My code (I've made a comment on the place where the error happens):
//establishes connection with solr
private void ConnectToSolr()
if (_solr != null) return;
_solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrOperations<Register>>();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
//Returns snippets from solr as BindingSource
public BindingSource GetSnippets(string searchTerm, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null)
string dateQuery = startDate == null
? ""
: endDate == null
? "savedate:\"" + convertDateToSolrFormat(startDate) + "\"" //only start date
: "savedate:[" + convertDateToSolrFormat(startDate) + " TO " +
convertDateToSolrFormat(endDate) + "]";//range between start and end date
string textQuery = string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm) ? "text:*" : "text:*" + searchTerm + "*";
List<Register> list = new List<Register>();
SolrQueryResults<Register> results;
string currentId = "";
results = _solr.Query(textQuery,
new QueryOptions
Highlight = new HighlightingParameters
Fields = new[] { "*" },
ExtraParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"fq", dateQuery},
{"sort", "savedate desc"}
for (int i = 0; i < results.Highlights.Count; i++)
currentId = results[i].Id;
var h = results.Highlights[currentId];
if (h.Snippets.Count > 0)
list.Add(new Register//here the error "the given key was not present in the dictionary pops up
Id = currentId,
ContentLiteral = h.Snippets["content"].ToArray()[0].Trim(new[]{' ', '\n'}),
SaveDateLiteral = results[i].SaveDate.ToShortDateString()
BindingList<Register> bindingList = new BindingList<Register>(list);
BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource();
bindingSource.DataSource = bindingList;
return bindingSource;
catch(Exception e)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0}\nId:{1}", e.Message, currentId), "Solr error");
return null;
I've found out what's causing the problem: saving empty documents into solr. If I make an empty query (with text:*) through solrnet (usually I do this if I want to see all saved documents) and empty document is one of saved docs, then 'The given key is not present in dictionary pops up'. If all of the documents have text in them, this error doesn't pop up.
If you document contains fields with types other than string and you index null value to a double or integer field you will get the same error.
solr query return the null field as:
<null name="fieldname"/>
should be
<double name="fieldname">0.0</double>
<double name="fieldname"/>

Grails greek encoding for 1 field

The problem is that when i to save the data(in greek) on the server the title field data look's like this ??????????? but it must be Καλώς ορίσατε.
def saveArticle = {
def member = springSecurityService.currentUser
params.member = member
def post = new Post(params)
redirect(action: "page",id:
return post.errors
redirect(action: "addArticle")
Post domain class
class Post {
String title
String body
Members member
Date created_at = new Date()
static constraints = {}
the strange is that the field body returns correctly greek language and not like title.
the answer is jdbc:mysql://localhost/dev?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8
the ?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8 in the connection string..
