Why is Ghidra appending a memory address to a string that is displayed instead of a variable? - c

This is my first time using Ghidra and debugging. My project deals with reverse engineering a Dos executable from 2007, to understand how it generates a code.
I looked for the strings I can read when launching the program through wine (debugging under linux) and found one place :
/* Reverses the string */
local_4 = 0;
with DISPLAY_MESSAGE being :
int __cdecl DISPLAY_MESSAGE(byte *param_1)
int iVar1;
int errorCode;
iVar1 = FUN_004019c0((undefined4 *)&DAT_004072e8);
errorCode = FUN_00401ac0((char **)&DAT_004072e8,param_1,(undefined4 *)&stack0x00000008);
FUN_00401a60(iVar1,(int *)&DAT_004072e8);
return errorCode;
I named the function "DISPLAY_MESSAGE" because I saw the string on the screen ;-). I would like to name it printf but its signature does not match the one of printf since it takes byte * instead of char *, ... as input parameters and returns an int instead of void for the actual printf.
The string "Code = %s" (stripping the CRs and new lines) is actually located at address "0040704c", and I am very surprised not to see the variable holding the generated code value instead (that could help me rename the variables).
If I change the signature to the one of printf it yields :
which looks better, because local_8 could be the code, but I don't know if it is correct to change the signature like this (since then the local variable that I renamed errorCode is never used whereas it was returned before signature change).
void __cdecl DISPLAY_MESSAGE(char *param_1,...)
int iVar1;
int errorCode;
iVar1 = FUN_004019c0((undefined4 *)&DAT_004072e8);
FUN_00401ac0((char **)&DAT_004072e8,(byte *)param_1,(undefined4 *)&stack0x00000008);
FUN_00401a60(iVar1,(int *)&DAT_004072e8);
So my questions are :
Why is Ghidra appending _0040704c to the string (should it help me, and how should I make use of this piece of info) ?
If my signature change is correct, what prevents Ghidra from finding the correct signature from its analysis ?
Should I think there is a problem with the function signature whenever I see undefinedX as it appears in DISPLAY_MESSAGE ?
Any help greatly appreciated!


Calling a DLL function with an allocated character buffer that the function fills in Inno Setup

I am using (Unicode) Inno Setup 6.0.5 on Windows 10 64-bit.
The exported symbol, I want to use has the signature:
typedef int(__stdcall *GetDirVST2x86) (LPWSTR lpString1);
The Inno Setup [Code] section has its declaration as:
function GetDirVST2x86(var lpString1: String): Integer;
external 'GetDirVST2x86#files:R2RINNO.DLL stdcall setuponly';
where, lpString1 will contain a pointer to the wide-string after the function returns and R2RINNO.DLL is a 32-bit DLL.
Now my problem is, if I compile and run this setup, a read access violation occurs right when I try to retrieve the value. I get the correct result when I execute this same function from a C program. Removing the var from the prototype declaration in Inno script fetches an empty (or possibly) empty or blank string, so that doesn't help either.
I don't have the source for the DLL I wish to use, and I figured out the signature from IDA. The scripting engine Inno Setup seems hopelessly inadequate as it doesn't support pointers at all.
One interesting thing I observed was if I changed the type of lpString1 to Cardinal or Integer and used IntToStr to fetch the string I got the value of the directory in which the setup was getting created.
Here's a working C code:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define _UNICODE
#define UNICODE
typedef int(WINAPI *GetDirVST2x86) (LPWSTR );
int main() {
HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary("R2RINNO.DLL");
if (NULL != hModule) {
GetDirVST2x86 pGetDirVST2x86 = (GetDirVST2x86) GetProcAddress (hModule, "GetDirVST2x86");
if (NULL != pGetDirVST2x86) {
LPWSTR lpszVST2x86;
Here's the output:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\VstPlugins
Here's the IDA screenshot of the function I want to use:
Pascal Script equivalent of the C declaration should be:
function GetDirVST2x86(lpString1: string): Integer;
external 'GetDirVST2x86#files:R2RINNO.DLL stdcall setuponly';
(i.e. no var, as it is an input character pointer argument).
Assuming the function contract is that you (as a caller) allocate a buffer and provide it to the function to be filled in, you should call the function like this:
Buf: string;
{ Allocate buffer for the result large enough according to the API specification }
SetLength(Buf, 1000);
SetLength(Result, Pos(#0, Result) - 1);
See also How to return a string from a DLL to Inno Setup?

visual studio 2013 truncates returned pointer value in x64

I try to compile wingraphviz for x64 (it's an old, unmaintained project), and ran into a very strange problem :
There's a call to getDefaultFont() that looks like this :
const char* def = getDefaultFont();
Deffontname = late_nnstring(g->proto->n,N_fontname,def);
(original code did the call inside function call, but I extracted it for understanding)
the getDefaultFont function is very simple, and returns a string litteral based on current charset :
const char * getDefaultFont() {
switch(DOT_CODEPAGE) {
return CP_949_DEFAULTFONT;
with DEFAULT_FONTNAME & others defined in a header file :
#define DEFAULT_FONTNAME "Times New Roman"
I changed the return to { const char* r = DEFAULT_FONTNAME; return r; } to see the value while debugging: r is correct at return instruction.
But when the debugger returns to caller function, def points to invalid memory.
I ran the debugger in assembly mode, and see that :
const char* def = getDefaultFont();
000007FEDA1244FE call getDefaultFont (07FEDA1291A0h)
000007FEDA124503 cdqe
000007FEDA124505 mov qword ptr [def],rax
after the call instruction, RAX contains the correct value, a pointer to .data : RAX = 000007FEDA0C9A20
but the next instruction, cqde "Convert dword (eax) to qword (rax)." destroy the 4 higher bytes, and now RAX = FFFFFFFFDA0C9A20. Then the third stores the truncated value on stack.
After that, late_nnstring() tries to de-reference the corrupted pointer and crashes...
Do you know why VS inserts this cqde instruction ?
All theses functions are in .c files under the same project.
I've implemented a workaround, using strdup() to return low-memory addresses, but it's not safe (maybe heap can use memory after 4G?) (and there my be some other cases I did not find while testing that will crash when using the library)
I published the files here : https://gitlab.com/data-public/wingraphviz
especially :
caller at https://gitlab.com/data-public/wingraphviz/blob/97085eeb6e9356c7784965c5a43757d8db3fec41/dependencies/graphviz-1.8.10/dotneato/common/emit.c#L842
getDefaultFont at https://gitlab.com/data-public/wingraphviz/blob/97085eeb6e9356c7784965c5a43757d8db3fec41/dependencies/graphviz-1.8.10/dotneato/common/utils.c#L111
constant defines at https://gitlab.com/data-public/wingraphviz/blob/97085eeb6e9356c7784965c5a43757d8db3fec41/dependencies/graphviz-1.8.10/dotneato/common/const.h#L49
Your links require some account I don’t have.
You likely failed to include the header declaring that function, or messed up with headers order. Here’s more info why C compiler inserts cdqe.
P.S. Great example why you should read, and fix, compiler warnings.
Update: If you have circular dependency problem and can’t just include utils.h, a quick workaround is declare const char * getDefaultFont(); in emit.c before you call that function.

VS2010, scanf, strange behaviour

I'm converting some source from VC6 to VS2010. The code is written in C++/CLI and it is an MFC application. It includes a line:
BYTE mybyte;
sscanf(source, "%x", &mybyte);
Which is fine for VC6 (for more than 15 years) but causing problems in VS2010 so I created some test code.
void test_WORD_scanf()
char *source = "0xaa";
char *format = "%x";
int result = 0;
WORD pre = -1;
WORD target = -1;
WORD post = -1;
printf("Test (pre scan): stack: pre=%04x, target=%04x, post=%04x, sourse='%s', format='%s'\n", pre, target, post, source, format);
result = sscanf(source, format, &target);
printf("Test (post scan): stack: pre=%04x, target=%04x, post=%04x, sourse='%s', format='%s'\n", pre, target, post, source, format);
printf("result=%x", result);
// modification suggested by Werner Henze.
printf("&pre=%x sizeof(pre)=%x, &target=%x, sizeof(target)=%x, &post=%x, sizeof(post)=%d\n", &pre, sizeof(pre), &target, sizeof(target), &post, sizeof(post));
catch (...)
printf("Exception: Bad luck!\n");
Building this (in DEBUG mode) is no problem. Running it gives strange results that I cannot explain. First, I get the output from the two printf statemens as expected. Then a get a run time waring, which is the unexpected bit for me.
Test (pre scan): stack: pre=ffff, target=ffff, post=ffff, source='0xaa', format='%x'
Test (post scan): stack: pre=ffff, target=00aa, post=ffff, source='0xaa', format='%x'
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'target' was corrupted.
Using the debugger I found out that the run time check failure is triggered on returning from the function. Does anybody know where the run time check failure comes from? I used Google but can't find any suggestion for this.
In the actual code it is not a WORD that is used in sscanf but a BYTE (and I have a BYTE version of the test function). This caused actual stack corruptions with the "%x" format (overwriting variable pre with 0) while using "%hx" (what I expect to be the correct format) is still causing some problems in overwriting the lower byte of variable prev.
Any suggestion is welcome.
Note: I edited the example code to include the return result from sscanf()
Kind regards,
Andre Steenveld.
sscanf with %x writes an int. If you provide the address of a BYTE or a WORD then you get a buffer overflow/stack overwrite. %hx will write a short int.
The solution is to have an int variable, let sscanf write to that and then set your WORD or BYTE variable to the read value.
int x;
sscanf("%x", "0xaa", x);
BYTE b = (BYTE)x;
BTW, for your test and the message
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'target' was corrupted.
you should also print out the addresses of the variables and you'll probably see that the compiler added some padding/security check space between the variables pre/target/post.

C program : function not being called from main

I am programming the Renesas RX63N microcontroller, in C using Renesas High-performance Embedded Workshop. The problem that I face is that a function, connectWiFi(), is not being executed from main. Following is the function's prototype:
typedef char String[5000];
void connectWiFi(String id, int auth, String psk);
The function body is this:
void connectWiFi(String id, int auth, String psk)
printf("log 0.1\n");
char cwTemp2[10];
String one,two,three;
And I am calling the function from main as follows
void main(void)
initPhant("data.sparkfun.com", "Public_Key", "Private_Key");
xB_begin(XBEE_BAUD);//uart initialization
// Set up WiFi network
printf("Testing network\n");
// connectWiFi will attempt to connect to the given SSID,
//using encryption mode "encrypt", and the passphrase string given.
connectWiFi("abcd", 2, "qwerty");
// Once connected, print out our IP address
As you see, I am using the printf() calls to log the progress of the execution. But the debugger console prints only these:
Testing network
The next printf() statement is not being printed. Thus I believe that the execution never reaches the function.
Another weird thing here is that the code actually stops running after printing "log0"- when I look at the program counter in the dissambler(a part of the debugger) at this point, the instruction it is stuck at, is labelled "???".
Thanks in advance for your help, I've been cracking my head for several hours on this problem.
The problem is the following:
void connectWiFi(String id, int auth, String psk)
printf("log 0.1\n");
char cwTemp2[10];
You didn't specify what ... contains but you had previously defined
typedef char String[5000];
So, because the line before the connectWiFi call is executed but the first line of the connectWiFi function is not executed, it looks like ... contains String declarations which cause the stack to overflow.
This is especially likely on microcontroller systems that have a limited stack space.
The solution is to not allocate such large strings from the stack. Allocating such large strings from the heap should be avoided too as microcontrollers have limited memory. Better to allocate exactly how many bytes you need.

Why's _itoa causing my program to crash?

The following code just keeps on crashing when it reaches the part with _itoa, I've tried to implement that function instead and then it got even weirder, it just kept on crashing when I ran it without the debugger but worked fine while working with the debugger.
# include "HNum.h"
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <assert.h>
# define START_value 30
typedef enum {
} HNumRetVal;
typedef struct _HNum{
size_t Size_Memory;
char* String;
HNum *HNum_alloc(){
HNum* first = (HNum*)malloc(sizeof(HNum));
return NULL;
first->String =(char*)malloc(sizeof(START_value));
return NULL;
first->Size_Memory = START_value; // slash zero && and starting from zero index;
return first;
HNumRetVal HNum_setFromInt(HNum *hnum, int nn){
void main(){
HNum * nadav ;
int h = 13428637;
nadav = HNum_alloc();
printf("nadav string : %s \n ",nadav->String);
//printf("w string %s\n",w->String);
//printf("nadav string %s\n",nadav->String);
I've been trying to figure this out for hours and couldn't come up with anything...
The IDE I'm using is Visual Studio 2012 express, the crash shows the following:
"PROJECT C.exe has stopped working
windows can check online for a solution to the program."
first->String =(char*)malloc(sizeof(START_value));
should be
first->String = malloc(START_value);
The current version allocates space for sizeof(int)-1 characters (-1 to leave space for the nul terminator). This is too small to hold your target value so _itoa writes beyond memory allocated for first->String. This results in undefined behaviour; it is quite possible for different runs to fail in different places or debug/release builds to behave differently.
You also need to remove the line
which leaks the memory allocated for String in HNum_alloc, replacing it with a pointer to a string literal. This new pointer should be considered to be read-only; you cannot write it it inside _itoa
Since I'm not allowed to comment:
simonc's answer is correct. If you find the following answer useful, you should mark his answer as the right one:P
I tried that code myself and the only thing missing is lets say:
strcpy(nadav->String, "1237823423423434"); INSTEAD OF nadav->String="1237823423423434";
first->String = malloc(START_value); INSTEAD OF first->String =(char*)malloc(sizeof(START_value));
Also, maybe you'd have to use _itoa instead of itoa, that's one of the things I had to change in my case anyhow.
If that doesn't work, you should probably consider using a different version of VS.
