C program : function not being called from main - c

I am programming the Renesas RX63N microcontroller, in C using Renesas High-performance Embedded Workshop. The problem that I face is that a function, connectWiFi(), is not being executed from main. Following is the function's prototype:
typedef char String[5000];
void connectWiFi(String id, int auth, String psk);
The function body is this:
void connectWiFi(String id, int auth, String psk)
printf("log 0.1\n");
char cwTemp2[10];
String one,two,three;
And I am calling the function from main as follows
void main(void)
initPhant("data.sparkfun.com", "Public_Key", "Private_Key");
xB_begin(XBEE_BAUD);//uart initialization
// Set up WiFi network
printf("Testing network\n");
// connectWiFi will attempt to connect to the given SSID,
//using encryption mode "encrypt", and the passphrase string given.
connectWiFi("abcd", 2, "qwerty");
// Once connected, print out our IP address
As you see, I am using the printf() calls to log the progress of the execution. But the debugger console prints only these:
Testing network
The next printf() statement is not being printed. Thus I believe that the execution never reaches the function.
Another weird thing here is that the code actually stops running after printing "log0"- when I look at the program counter in the dissambler(a part of the debugger) at this point, the instruction it is stuck at, is labelled "???".
Thanks in advance for your help, I've been cracking my head for several hours on this problem.

The problem is the following:
void connectWiFi(String id, int auth, String psk)
printf("log 0.1\n");
char cwTemp2[10];
You didn't specify what ... contains but you had previously defined
typedef char String[5000];
So, because the line before the connectWiFi call is executed but the first line of the connectWiFi function is not executed, it looks like ... contains String declarations which cause the stack to overflow.
This is especially likely on microcontroller systems that have a limited stack space.
The solution is to not allocate such large strings from the stack. Allocating such large strings from the heap should be avoided too as microcontrollers have limited memory. Better to allocate exactly how many bytes you need.


Why is Ghidra appending a memory address to a string that is displayed instead of a variable?

This is my first time using Ghidra and debugging. My project deals with reverse engineering a Dos executable from 2007, to understand how it generates a code.
I looked for the strings I can read when launching the program through wine (debugging under linux) and found one place :
/* Reverses the string */
local_4 = 0;
with DISPLAY_MESSAGE being :
int __cdecl DISPLAY_MESSAGE(byte *param_1)
int iVar1;
int errorCode;
iVar1 = FUN_004019c0((undefined4 *)&DAT_004072e8);
errorCode = FUN_00401ac0((char **)&DAT_004072e8,param_1,(undefined4 *)&stack0x00000008);
FUN_00401a60(iVar1,(int *)&DAT_004072e8);
return errorCode;
I named the function "DISPLAY_MESSAGE" because I saw the string on the screen ;-). I would like to name it printf but its signature does not match the one of printf since it takes byte * instead of char *, ... as input parameters and returns an int instead of void for the actual printf.
The string "Code = %s" (stripping the CRs and new lines) is actually located at address "0040704c", and I am very surprised not to see the variable holding the generated code value instead (that could help me rename the variables).
If I change the signature to the one of printf it yields :
which looks better, because local_8 could be the code, but I don't know if it is correct to change the signature like this (since then the local variable that I renamed errorCode is never used whereas it was returned before signature change).
void __cdecl DISPLAY_MESSAGE(char *param_1,...)
int iVar1;
int errorCode;
iVar1 = FUN_004019c0((undefined4 *)&DAT_004072e8);
FUN_00401ac0((char **)&DAT_004072e8,(byte *)param_1,(undefined4 *)&stack0x00000008);
FUN_00401a60(iVar1,(int *)&DAT_004072e8);
So my questions are :
Why is Ghidra appending _0040704c to the string (should it help me, and how should I make use of this piece of info) ?
If my signature change is correct, what prevents Ghidra from finding the correct signature from its analysis ?
Should I think there is a problem with the function signature whenever I see undefinedX as it appears in DISPLAY_MESSAGE ?
Any help greatly appreciated!

C: Segmentation fault and maybe GDB is lying to me

Here is a C function that segfaults:
void compileShaders(OGL_STATE_T *state) {
// First testing to see if I can access object properly. Correctly outputs:
// nsHandle: 6
state->nsHandle = 6;
printf("nsHandle: %d\n", state->nsHandle);
// Next testing if glCreateProgram() returns proper value. Correctly outputs:
// glCreateProgram: 1
printf("glCreateProgram: %d\n", glCreateProgram());
// Then the program segfaults on the following line according to gdb
state->nsHandle = glCreateProgram();
For the record state->nsHandle is of type GLuint and glCreateProgram() returns a GLuint so that shouldn't be my problem.
gdb says that my program segfaults on line 303 which is actually the comment line before that line. I don't know if that actually matters.
Is gdb lying to me? How do I debug this?
Turned off optimizations (-O3) and now it's working. If somebody could explain why that would be great though.
For the purpose of the comments, here's a watered down version of the important components:
typedef struct {
GLuint nsHandle;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
OGL_STATE_T _state, *state=&_state;
Here's a test I did:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
OGL_STATE_T _state, *state=&_state;
// Assign value and try to print it in other function
state->nsHandle = 5;
void compileShaders(OGL_STATE_T *state) {
// Test to see if the first call to state is getting optimized out
// Correctly outputs:
// nsHandle (At entry): 5
printf("nsHandle (At entry): %d\n", state->nsHandle);
Not sure if that helps anything or if the compiler would actually optimize the value from the main function.
Printed out pointer address in main and compileShaders and everything matches. So I'm gonna assume it's segfaulting somewhere else and gdb is lying to me about which line is actually causing it.
This is going to be guesswork based on what you have, but with optimization on this line:
state->nsHandle = 6;
printf("nsHandle: %d\n", state->nsHandle);
is probably optimized to just
printf("nsHandle: 6\n");
So the first access to state is where the segfault is. With optimization on GDB can report odd line numbers for where the issue is because the running code may no longer map cleanly to source code lines as you can see from the example above.
As mentioned in the comments, state is almost certainly not initialized. Some other difference in the optimized code is causing it to point to an invalid memory area whereas the non-optimized code it's pointing somewhere valid.
This might happen if you're doing something with pointers directly that prevents the optimizer from 'seeing' that a given variable is used.
A sanity check would be useful to check that state != 0 but it'll not help if it's non-zero but invalid.
You'd need to post the calling code for anyone to tell you more. However, you asked how to debug it -- I would print (or use GDB to view) the value of state when that function is entered, I imagine it will be vastly different in optimized and non-optimized versions. Then track back to the function call to work out why that's the case.
You posted the calling code -- that should be fine. Are you getting warnings when compiling (turn all the warnings on with -Wall). In any case my advice about printing the value of state in different scenarios still stands.
(removed comment about adding & since you edited the question again)
When you optimize your program, there is no more 1:1 mapping between source lines and emmitted code.
Typically, the compiler will reorder the code to be more efficient for your CPU, or will inline function call, etc...
This code is wrong:
It should be:
Well, you edited your post, so ignore the above fix.
Check for the NULL condition before de-referencing the pointer or reading it. If the values you pass are NULL or if the values stored are NULL then you will hit segfault without performing any checks.
FYI: GDB Can't Lie !
I ended up starting a new thread with more relevant information and somebody found the answer. New thread is here:
GCC: Segmentation fault and debugging program that only crashes when optimized

Linux kernel: why does this call to kstrtol crash?

I am learning kernel programming and have a simple call to kstrtol I am using to convert a string to a number. However, everytime I compile this module and use insmod to place it in the kernel, I get "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at f862b026" and then a register and stack dump.
I'm following the definition from here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/htmldocs/kernel-api/API-kstrtol.html. It seems like a really simple call. What am I doing wrong here?
#include <linux/kernel.h>
static int __init convert(void)
long myLong;
char *myNumber = "342";
myNumber[2] = '\0'; //Overwriting the '2', just so I know for sure I have a terminating '\0'
if (kstrtol(myNumber, 10, &myLong) == 0)
printk("We have a number!\n");
return 0;
static void __exit convert_exit(void)
printk("Module unloaded\n");
You cannot modify string literals. Copy it into an array firstly.
edit: use this instead
char mystr[] = "abdc";
the underlying reason for this is, that a char pointer to a string literal points to a data segment, usually readonly. If you alter this memory you might get a crash.
When you create an array of chars instead, the string literal gets copied into the array on the stack, where you safely can modify it.

Arduino EthernetServer read() only works when Serial is initialized and read characters are printed

I have an Arduino project where I read data from a webserver.
I have an EthernetClient that reads the data character by character in a callback function.
My working code looks like (only the relevant parts):
void setup() {
void loop() {
char* processedData = processData(callback); // this is in a external lib
boolean callback(char* buffer, int& i) {
if (Client.available()) {
char c = client.read();
buffer[i++] = c;
This works without any problems (reading and processing the data), but when I remove Serial.begin(9600); and Serial.print(c); it stops working and I don't know why? The only thing changed is that the char c is not printed. What could be the problem?
A common reason why callback functions change their behavior when seemingly unrelated code is altered, is optimizer-related bugs.
Many embedded compilers fail to understand that a callback function (or an interrupt service routine) will ever be called in the program. They see no explicit call to that function and then assumes it is never called.
When the compiler has made such an assumption, it will optimize variables that are changed by the callback function, because it fails to see that the variable is changed by the program, between the point of initialization and the point of access.
// Bad practice example:
int x;
void main (void)
if(x == 0) /* this whole if statement will get optimized away,
the compiler assumes that x has never been changed. */
void callback (void)
x = 0;
When this bug strikes, it is nearly impossible to find, it can cause any kind of weird symptoms.
The solution is to always declare all file scope ("global") variables shared between main() and an interrupt/callback/thread as volatile. This makes it impossible for the compiler to make incorrect optimizer assumptions.
(Please note that the volatile keyword cannot be used to achieve synchronization nor does it guarantee any memory barriers. This answer is not in the slightest related to such issues!)
A guess: Because without the serial driver started, there is no data to process, and therefore your callback is not hit.
What were you hoping the serial callback to be doing in the absence of data?
Providing more information about Client and processData may help.

In a C program, is it possible to reset all global variables to default vaues?

I have a legacy C Linux application that I need to reuse . This application uses a lot of global variables. I want to reuse this application's main method and invoke that in a loop. I have found that when I call the main method( renamed to callableMain) in a loop , the application behavior is not consistent as the values of global variables set in previous iteration impact the program flow in the new iteration.
What I would like to do is to reset all the global variables to the default value before the execution of the the new iteration.
for example , the original program is like this
#include <stdio.h>
int global = 3; /* This is the global variable. */
void doSomething(){
global++; /* Reference to global variable in a function. */
// i want to rename this main method to callableMain() and
// invoke it in a loop
int main(void){
if(global==3) {
printf(" All Is Well \n");
doSomething() ;
printf(" Noooo\n");
doNothing() ;
return 0;
I want to change this program as follows:
I changed the above file to rename the main() to callableMain()
And my new main methods is as follows:
int main(){
for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
// this is where I need to reset the value of global vaiables
// otherwise the execution flow changes
Is this possible to reset all the global variables to the values before main() was invoked ?
The short answer is that there is no magical api call that would reset global variables. The global variables would have to be cached and reused.
I would invoke it as a subprocess, modifying its input and output as needed. Let the operating system do the dirty work for you.
The idea is to isolate the legacy program from your new program by relegating it to its own process. Then you have a clean separation between the two. Also, the legacy program is reset to a clean state every time you run it.
First, modify the program so that it reads the input data from a file, and writes its output in a machine-readable format to another file, with the files being given on the command line.
You can then create named pipes (using the mkfifo call) and invoke the legacy program using system, passing it the named pipes on the command line. Then you feed it its input and read back its output.
I am not an expert on these matters; there is probably a better way of doing the IPC. Others here have mentioned fork. However, the basic idea of separating out the legacy code and invoking it as a subprocess is probably the best approach here.
fork() early?
You could fork(2) at some early point when you think the globals are in a good state, and then have the child wait on a pipe or something for some work to do. This would require writing any changed state or at least the results back to the parent process but would decouple your worker from your primary control process.
In fact, it might make sense to fork() at least twice, once to set up a worker controller and save the initialized (but not too initialized :-) global state, and then have this worker controller fork() again for each loop you need run.
A simpler variation might be to just modify the code so that the process can start in a "worker mode", and then use fork() or system() to start the application at the top, but with an argument that puts it in to the slave mode.
There is a way to do this on certain platforms / compilers, you'd basically be performing the same initialization your compiler performs before calling main().
I have done this for a TI DSP, in that case I had the section with globals mapped to a specific section of memory and there were linker directives available that declared variables pointing to the start and end of this section (so you can memset() the whole area to zero before starting initialization). Then, the compiler provided a list of records, each of which comprised of an address, data length and the actual data to be copied into the address location. So you'd just loop through the records and do memcpy() into the target address to initialize all globals.
Very compiler specific, so hopefully the compiler you're using allows you to do something similar.
In short, no. What I would do in this instance is create definitions, constants if you will, and then use those to reset the global variables with.
#define var1 10
int vara = 10
etc... basic C right?
You can then go ahead and wrap the reinitialization in a handy function =)
I think you must change the way you see the problem.
Declare all the variables used by callableMain() inside callableMain()'s body, so they are not global anymore and are destroyed after the function is executed and created once again with the default values when you call callableMain() on the next iteration.
Ok, here's what you could do if you have the source code for callableMain(): in the beginning of the function, add a check to verify if its the first time the function its being called. Inside this check you will copy the values of all global variables used to another set of static variables (name them as you like). Then, on the function's body replace all occurences of the global variables by the static variables you created.
This way you will preserve the initial values of all the global variables and use them on every iteration of callableMain(). Does it makes sense to you?
void callableMain()
static bool first_iter = true;
if (first_iter)
first_iter = false;
static int my_global_var1 = global_var1;
static float my_global_var2 = global_var2;
// perform operations on my_global_var1 and my_global_var2,
// which store the default values of the original global variables.
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
int saved_var1 = global_var1;
char saved_var2 = global_var2;
double saved_var3 = global_var3;
global_var1 = saved_var1;
global_var2 = saved_var2;
global_var3 = saved_var2;
Or maybe you can find out where global variables start memcpy them. But I would always cringe when starting a loop ...
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
static unsigned char global_copy[SIZEOFGLOBALDATA];
If you don't want to refactor the code and encapsulate these global variables, I think the best you can do is define a reset function and then call it within the loop.
Assuming we are dealing with ELF on Linux, then the following function to reset the variables works
// these extern variables come from glibc
// https://github.com/ysbaddaden/gc/blob/master/include/config.h
extern char __data_start[];
extern char __bss_start[];
extern char _end[];
#define DATA_START ((char *)&__data_start)
#define DATA_END ((char *)&__bss_start)
#define BSS_START ((char *)&__bss_start)
#define BSS_END ((char *)&_end)
/// first call saves globals, subsequent calls restore
void reset_static_data();
// variable for quick check
static int pepa = 42;
// writes to memory between global variables are reported as buffer overflows by asan
void reset_static_data()
// global variable, ok to leak it
static char * x;
size_t s = BSS_END - DATA_START;
// memcpy is always sanitized, so access memory as chars in a loop
if (x == NULL) { // store current static variables
x = (char *) malloc(s);
for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) {
*(x+i) = *(DATA_START + i);
} else { // restore previously saved static variables
for (size_t i = 0; i < s; i++) {
*(DATA_START + i) = *(x+i);
// quick check, see that pepa does not grow in stderr output
fprintf(stderr, "pepa: %d\n", pepa++);
The general approach is based on answer in How to get the data and bss address space in run time (In Unix C program), see the linked ysbaddaden/gc GitHub repo for macOS version of the macros.
To test the above code, just call it a few times and note that the incremented global variable pepa still keeps the value of 42.
Saving current state of the globals is convenient in that it does not require rerunning __attribute__((constructor)) functions which would be necessary if I set everything in .bss to zero (which is easy) and everything in .data to the initial values (which is not so easy). For example, if you load libpython3.so in your program, it does do run-time initialization which is lost by zeroing .bss. Calling into Python then crashes.
Writing into areas of memory immediately before or after a static variable will trigger buffer-overflow warning from Address Sanitizer. To prevent this, use the ATTRIBUTE_NO_SANITIZE_ADDRESS macro the way the code above does. The macro is defined in sanitizer/asan_interface.h.
Code coverage
Code coverage counters are implemented as global variables. Therefore, resetting globals will cause coverage information to be forgotten. To solve this, always dump the coverage-to-date before restoring the globals. There does not seem to be a macro to detect whether code coverage is enabled or not in the compiler, so use your build system (CMake, ...) to define suitable macro yourself, such as QD_COVERAGE below.
// The __gcov_dump function writes the coverage counters to gcda files
// and the __gcov_reset function resets them to zero.
// The interface is defined at https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/blob/7501eec65c60701f72621d04eeb5342bad2fe4fb/libgcc/libgcov-interface.c
extern "C" void __gcov_reset();
extern "C" void __gcov_dump();
void flush_coverage() {
#if defined(QD_COVERAGE)
