CakePHP 3 - unable to generate a query with WHERE...OR conditions - cakephp

CakePHP 3.7
I'm trying to generate a query which uses a WHERE...OR pattern. The equivalent in MySQL - which executes and gives the results I want is:
SELECT * FROM groups Groups WHERE (regulation_id = 1 AND label like '%labelling%') OR (id IN(89,1,8,232,228,276,268,294));
I've read the Advanced Conditions ( part of the documentation but can't generate that query.
Assume the Table class is Groups I have this:
$Groups = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Groups');
$groups_data = $Groups->find('all')->where(['regulation_id' => 1);
$groups_data = $groups_data->where(['label LIKE' => '%labelling%']);
This produces the first segment of the WHERE statement, i.e.
SELECT * FROM groups Groups WHERE (regulation_id = 1 AND label like '%labelling%')
However I can't see how to attach the OR condition, especially since orWhere() is deprecated.
So I've tried this - which is even given as an example in the docs:
$in_array = [89,1,8,232,228,276,268,294]; // ID's for IN condition
$groups_data = $groups_data->where(['OR' => ['id IN' => $in_array]]);
But this just appends an AND to the inside of my existing SQL:
SELECT * FROM groups Groups WHERE (regulation_id = 1 AND label like '%labelling%' AND id IN(89,1,8,232,228,276,268,294);
Which does not yield the correct results as the syntax isn't what's required to run this query.
How do you "move out" of the WHERE and append an OR condition like in the vanilla query?
I made several attempts using QueryExpression as per the docs, but all of these produced PHP Fatal Errors saying something to do with the Table class - I doubt this was on the right lines anyway.

"moving out" is a little tricky, you have to understand that internally the conditions are pushed into a \Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression object which by default uses AND to concatenate the statements, so whatever you push on to that, will be added using AND.
When you create OR statements, being it implicitly with the shown nested array syntax, or explicitly by using the expression builder, this creates a separate, self-contained expression, where its parts are being concatenated using OR, it will compile itself (and since there's only one condition, you don't see any OR's), and the result will be used in the parent expression, which in your case is the main/base expression object for the queries where clause.
Either pass the whole thing at once (being it via array syntax or expressions), eg:
'OR' => [
'AND' => [
'regulation_id' => 1,
'label LIKE' => '%labelling%'
'id IN' => $in_array
and of course you could build that array dynamically if required, or, if you for some reason need to use separate calls to where(), you could for example overwrite the conditions (third parameter of where()), and include the current ones where you need them:
'OR' => [
'id IN' => $in_array

I know this issue is old but maybe someone is looking. Here is my solution:
protected $_hardValues= array(
'company_id' => $company_from_session;
function beforeFind($event=null, $query = null, $options = null, $primary = true){
$conds = [];
$columns = $this->getSchema()->columns();
foreach( $this->_hardValues as $field => $value){
if( !is_null($value) && in_array($field, $columns) ){
$conds[$this->_alias . '.' . $field] = $value;
if( empty( $conds)) return true;
$where = $query->clause('where'); //QueryExpression object;
if( empty( $where)){

As of CakePHP 4.x, the documented way of doing this is:
$query = $articles->find()
'author_id' => 3,
'OR' => [['view_count' => 2], ['view_count' => 3]],
See documentation


Identifying elements in one array of hashes that are not in another array of hashes (perl)

I'm a novice perl programmer trying to identify which elements are in one array of hashes but not in another. I'm trying to search through the "new" array, identifying the id, title, and created elements that don't exist from the "old" array.
I believe I have it working with a set of basic for() loops, but I'd like to do it more efficiently. This only came after having tried to use grep() and failed.
These arrays are built from a database as such:
use DBI;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Array::Utils qw(:all);
sub db_connect_new();
sub db_disconnect_new($);
sub db_connect_old();
sub db_disconnect_old($);
my $dbh_old = db_connect_old();
my $dbh_new = db_connect_new();
# get complete list of articles on each host first (Joomla! system)
my $sql_old = "select id,title,created from mos_content;";
my $sql_new = "select id,title,created from xugc_content;";
my $sth_old = $dbh_old->prepare($sql_old);
my $sth_new = $dbh_new->prepare($sql_new);
my $ref_old;
my $ref_new;
while ($ref_old = $sth_old->fetchrow_hashref()) {
push #rv_old, $ref_old;
while ($ref_new = $sth_new->fetchrow_hashref()) {
push #rv_new, $ref_new;
my #seen = ();
my #notseen = ();
foreach my $i (#rv_old) {
my $id = $i->{id};
my $title = $i->{title};
my $created = $i->{created};
my $seen = 0;
foreach my $j (#rv_new) {
if ($i->{id} == $j->{id}) {
push #seen, $i;
$seen = 1;
if ($seen == 0) {
print "$i->{id},$i->{title},$i->{state},$i->{catid},$i->{created}\n";
push #notseen, $i;
The arrays look like this when using Dumper(#rv_old) to print them:
$VAR1 = {
'title' => 'Legal Notice',
'created' => '2004-10-07 00:17:45',
'id' => 14
$VAR2 = {
'created' => '2004-11-15 16:04:06',
'id' => 86096,
'title' => 'IRC'
$VAR3 = {
'id' => 16,
'created' => '2004-10-07 16:15:29',
'title' => 'About'
I tried to use grep() using array references, but I don't think I understand arrays, hashes, and references well enough to do it properly. My failed grep() attempts are below. I'd appreciate any ideas of how to do this properly.
I believe the problem with this is that I don't know how to reference the id field in the second array of hashes. Most of the examples using grep() that I've seen are to just look through an entire array, like you would with regular grep(1). I need to iterate through one array, checking each of the values from the id field with the id field from another array.
my $rv_old_ref = \#rv_old;
my $rv_new_ref = \#rv_new;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#rv_old) {
my $match = grep { $rv_new_ref->$_ == $rv_old_ref->$_ } #rv_new;
push #notseen, $match if !$match;
I also tried variations on the grep() above:
1) if (($p) = grep ($hash_ref->{id}, #rv_old)) {
2) if ($hash_ref->{id} ~~ #rv_old) {
There are a number of libraries that compare arrays. However, your comparison involves complex data structures (the arrays have hashrefs as elements) and this at least complicates use of all modules that I am aware of.
So here is a way to do it by hand. I use the shown array and its copy with one value changed.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use List::Util qw(none); # in List::MoreUtils with older Perls
use Data::Dump qw(dd pp);
sub hr_eq {
my ($e1, $e2) = #_;
return 0 if scalar keys %$e1 != scalar keys %$e2;
foreach my $k1 (keys %$e1) {
return 0 if !exists($e2->{$k1}) or $e1->{$k1} ne $e2->{$k1};
return 1
my #a1 = (
{ 'title' => 'Legal Notice', 'created' => '2004-10-07 00:17:45', 'id' => 14 },
{ 'created' => '2004-11-15 16:04:06', 'id' => 86096, 'title' => 'IRC' },
{ 'id' => 16, 'created' => '2004-10-07 16:15:29', 'title' => 'About' }
my #a2 = (
{ 'title' => 'Legal Notice', 'created' => '2004-10-07 00:17:45', 'id' => 14 },
{ 'created' => '2004-11-15 16:xxx:06', 'id' => 86096, 'title' => 'IRC' },
{ 'id' => 16, 'created' => '2004-10-07 16:15:29', 'title' => 'About' }
my #only_in_two = grep {
my $e2 = $_;
none { hr_eq($e2, $_) } #a1;
} #a2;
dd \#only_in_two;
This correctly identifies the element in #a2 that doesn't exist in #a1 (with xxx in timestamp).
This finds what elements of one array are not in another, not the full difference between arrays. It is what the question specifically asks for.
The comparison relies on details of your data structure (hashref); there's no escaping that, unless you want to reach for more comprehensive libraries (like Test::More).
This uses string comparison, ne, even for numbers and timestamps. See whether it makes sense for your real data to use more appropriate comparisons for particular elements.
Searching through a whole list for each element of a list is an O(N*M) algorithm. Solutions of such (quadratic) complexity are usable as long as data isn't too big; however, once data gets big enough so that size increases have clear effects they break down rapidly (slow down to the point of being useless). Time it to get a feel for this in your case.
An O(N+M) approach exists here, utilizing hashes, shown in ikegami answer. This is much better algorithmically, once the data is large enough for it to show. However, as your array carries complex data structure (hashrefs) a bit of work is needed to come up with a working program, specially as we don't know data. But if your data is sizable then you surely want to implement this.
Some comments on filtering.
The question correctly observes that for each element of an array, as it's processed in grep, the whole other array need be checked.
This is done in the body of grep using none from List::Util. It returns true if the code in its block evaluates false for all elements of the list; thus, if "none" of the elements satisfy that code. This is the heart of the requirement: an element must not be found in the other array.
Care is needed with the default $_ variable, since it is used by both grep and none.
In grep's block $_ aliases the currently processed element of the list, as grep goes through them one by one; we save it into a named variable ($e2). Then none comes along and in its block "takes possession" of $_, assigning elements of #a1 to it as it processes them. The current element of #a2 is also available since we have copied it into $e2.
The test performed in none is pulled into a a subroutine, which I call hr_eq to emphasize that it is specifically for equality comparison of (elements in) hashrefs.
It is in this sub where the details can be tweaked. Firstly, instead of bluntly using ne for values for each key, you can add custom comparisons for particular keys (numbers must use ==, etc). Then, if your data structures change this is where you'd adjust specifics.
You could use grep.
for my $new_row (#new_rows) {
say "$new_row->{id} not in old"
if !grep { $_->{id} == $new_row->{id} } #old_rows;
for my $old_row (#old_rows) {
say "$old_row->{id} not in new"
if !grep { $_->{id} == $old_row->{id} } #new_rows;
But that's an O(N*M) solution, while there exists an O(N+M) solution that would be far faster.
my %old_keys; ++$old_keys{ $_->{id} } for #old_rows;
my %new_keys; ++$new_keys{ $_->{id} } for #new_rows;
for my $new_row (#new_rows) {
say "$new_row->{id} not in old"
if !$old_keys{$new_row->{id}};
for my $old_row (#old_rows) {
say "$old_row->{id} not in new"
if !$new_keys{$old_row->{id}};
If both of your database connections are to the same database, this can be done far more efficiently within the database itself.
Create a temporary table with three fields, id, old_count (DEFAULT 0) and new_count (DEFAULT 0).
INSERT OR UPDATE from the old table into the temporary table, incrementing old_count in the process.
INSERT OR UPDATE from the new table into the temporary table, incrementing new_count in the process.
SELECT the rows of the temporary table which have 0 for old_count or 0 for new_count.
select id,title,created from mos_content
LEFT JOIN xugc_content USING(id)
Gives you the rows that are in mos_content but not in xugc_content.
That's even shorter than the Perl code.

How to specify a condition to retrieve data by radius (lat, lon)?

In cakephp 2, I was able to use a virtualField for this, but seems impossible in 3. I have been struggling with this for two days without luck from the internet or the cakephp manual. I get no errors, but I do get a blank return.
My code in my controller looks like this:
if (isset($this->request->data['location']) && (isset($this->request->data['radius']))){
$radius = $this->request->data['radius'];
$location = $this->request->data['location'];
$address = $location; // Google HQ
$HttpSocket = new Client();
$geocode = $HttpSocket->get(''.$address.'&sensor=false');
$geocode = $geocode->json;
if ($geocode['status'] == "OK"){
$lat = $geocode['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
$lon = $geocode['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];
$R = 6371; // earth's mean radius, km
// first-cut bounding box (in degrees)
$maxLat = $lat + rad2deg($radius/$R);
$minLat = $lat - rad2deg($radius/$R);
// compensate for degrees longitude getting smaller with increasing latitude
$maxLon = $lon + rad2deg($radius/$R/cos(deg2rad($lat)));
$minLon = $lon - rad2deg($radius/$R/cos(deg2rad($lat)));
$conditions[] = ['' => "'BETWEEN '".$minLat."' AND '".$maxLat."'"];
$conditions[] = ['Venues.lon' => "'BETWEEN :'".$minLon."' AND :'".$maxLon."'"];
$this->paginate =[
'limit' => 10,
'order' => ['' => 'asc'],
'conditions' => $conditions,
'contain' => [
'Performers' => ['Genres'],
'Users' => ['Profiles'],
'Venues' => ['fields' => [
'zip_code'], 'States'=>['Countries']],
'Likes' => ['Users' => ['Profiles']]]];
$quads = $this->paginate();
Impossible is (nearly) nothing. The old virtual fields concept is gone, right, the new ORM is flexible enough so that this isn't necessary anymore.
Your problem is that you are defining the conditions the wrong way, what you are doing there by specifying key => value sets, is creating ordinary operator conditions, where the value is going to be escaped/casted according to the column type. In case you really don't receive any errors, I'd assume that the lat/lan columns are of a numeric type, so your BETWEEN ... strings do end up as numbers, and the conditions will look something like = 0 AND Venus.lon = 0
Also note that you are creating a nested array, ie
['keyA' => 'value'],
['keyB' => 'value']
and while this works, you may run into further problems in case you're not aware of it, so you'd better stick with
'keyA' => 'value',
'keyB' => 'value'
unless there's actually a technical reason to use nested conditions.
tl;dr use expressions
That being said, you can use expressions to build the proper conditions, like
$conditions[] = $this->Quads->Venues
->query()->newExpr()->between('', $minLat, $maxLat);
$conditions[] = $this->Quads->Venues
->query()->newExpr()->between('Venues.lon', $minLon, $maxLon);
This will safely create proper conditions like BETWEEN a AND b AND Venus.lon BETWEEN x AND Y
Note that it is advised to create the expressions via the table that holds the columns (VenuesTable in this case), as you'd otherwise have to manually specify the column type (see the fourth argument of QueryExpression::between()) in order for the correct casting/escaping to be applied!
See also
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Advanced Conditions
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Using SQL Functions
API > \Cake\Database\QueryExpression::between()

CakePHP 3.0 -> Between find condition

Is it possible to do a "BETWEEN ? AND ?" where condition LIKE in cakephp 2.5?
In cakephp 2.5 I write something like
'conditions' => ['start_date BETWEEN ? AND ?' => ['2014-01-01', '2014-12-32']]
how can I migrate that?
additionally I would write something like
'conditions' => [ '? BETWEEN start_date AND end_date'] => '2014-03-31']
Between expression are supported out of the box, however they only support the first case without additional fiddling:
$Query = $Table
->where(function($exp) {
return $exp->between('start_date', '2014-01-01', '2014-12-32', 'date');
If you'd wanted to handle the second case via the between method, then you'd have to pass all values as expressions, which can easily go wrong, as they will not be subject to escaping/parameter binding in that case, you'd have to do that on your own (which is anything but recommended! See the security notes in the manual for PDO::quote()), something along the lines of:
use Cake\Database\Expression\IdentifierExpression;
use Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression;
use Cake\ORM\Query;
// ...
$Query = $Table
->where(function(QueryExpression $exp, Query $query) {
return $exp->between(
new IdentifierExpression('start_date'),
new IdentifierExpression('end_date')
That might feel a little inconvenient for such a basic SQL expression that is supported by all SQL dialects that CakePHP ships with, so you may have a reason here to use a raw SQL snippet with value bindig instead.
It should be noted however that expressions are often the better choice when it comes to for example cross dialect support, as they can be (more or less) easily transformed at compile time, see the implementations of SqlDialectTrait::_expressionTranslators(). Also expressions usually support automatic identifier quoting.
Value binding
Via manual value binding you can pretty much create anything you like. It should however be noted that whenever possible, you should use expressions instead, as they are easier to port, which happens out of the box for quite a few expressions already.
$Query = $Table
'start_date BETWEEN :start AND :end'
->bind(':start', '2014-01-01', 'date')
->bind(':end', '2014-12-31', 'date');
That way the second case can also be solved very easily, like:
$Query = $Table
':date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date'
->bind(':date', '2014-03-31', 'date');
A mixture of both (safest and most compatible approach)
It's also possible to mix both, ie use an expression that makes use of custom bindings, something along the lines of this:
use Cake\Database\Expression\IdentifierExpression;
use Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression;
use Cake\ORM\Query;
// ...
$Query = $Table
->where(function(QueryExpression $exp, Query $query) {
return $exp->between(
new IdentifierExpression('start_date'),
new IdentifierExpression('end_date')
->bind(':date', '2014-03-31', 'date');
That way you could handle the second case using possibly portable expressions, and don't have to worry about quoting/escaping input data and identifiers manually.
Regular comparison using array syntax
All that being said, in the end BETWEEN is just the same as using two separate simple conditions like this:
$Query = $Table
'start_date >=' => '2014-01-01',
'start_date <=' => '2014-12-32',
$Query = $Table
'start_date >=' => '2014-03-31',
'end_date <=' => '2014-03-31',
But don't be mad, if you read all the way down to here, at least you learned something about the ins and outs of the query builder.
See also
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Query Builder > Advanced Conditions
API > \Cake\Database\Query::bind()
Currently there seems to be only two options. The core now supports this out of the box, the following is just kept for reference.
Value binding (via the database query builder)
For now the ORM query builder (Cake\ORM\Query), the one that is being retrived when invoking for example find() on a table object, doesn't support value binding
So, for being able to use bindings you'd have to use the underlying database query builder (Cake\Database\Query), which can for example be retrived via Connection::newQuery().
Here's an example:
$conn = ConnectionManager::get('default');
$Query = $conn->newQuery();
'start_date BETWEEN :start AND :end'
->bind(':start', new \DateTime('2014-01-01'), 'date')
->bind(':end', new \DateTime('2014-12-31'), 'date');
This would result in a query similar to this
start_date BETWEEN '2014-01-01' AND '2014-12-31'
A custom expression class
Another option would be a custom expression class that generates appropriate SQL snippets. Here's an example.
Column names should be wrapped into identifier expression objects in order to them be auto quoted (in case auto quoting is enabled), the key > value array syntax is for binding values, where the array key is the actual value, and the array value is the datatype.
Please note that it's not safe to directly pass user input for column names, as they are not being escaped! Use a whitelist or similar to make sure the column name is safe to use!
Field between values
use App\Database\Expression\BetweenComparison;
use Cake\Database\Expression\IdentifierExpression;
// ...
$between = new BetweenComparison(
new IdentifierExpression('created'),
['2014-01-01' => 'date'],
['2014-12-31' => 'date']
$TableName = TableRegistry::get('TableName');
$Query = $TableName
This would generate a query similar to the one above.
Value between fields
use App\Database\Expression\BetweenComparison;
use Cake\Database\Expression\IdentifierExpression;
// ...
$between = new BetweenComparison(
['2014-03-31' => 'date'],
new IdentifierExpression('start_date'),
new IdentifierExpression('end_date')
$TableName = TableRegistry::get('TableName');
$Query = $TableName
This on the other hand would result in a query similar to this
'2014-03-31' BETWEEN start_date AND end_date
The expression class
namespace App\Database\Expression;
use Cake\Database\ExpressionInterface;
use Cake\Database\ValueBinder;
class BetweenComparison implements ExpressionInterface {
protected $_field;
protected $_valueA;
protected $_valueB;
public function __construct($field, $valueA, $valueB) {
$this->_field = $field;
$this->_valueA = $valueA;
$this->_valueB = $valueB;
public function sql(ValueBinder $generator) {
$field = $this->_compilePart($this->_field, $generator);
$valueA = $this->_compilePart($this->_valueA, $generator);
$valueB = $this->_compilePart($this->_valueB, $generator);
return sprintf('%s BETWEEN %s AND %s', $field, $valueA, $valueB);
public function traverse(callable $callable) {
$this->_traversePart($this->_field, $callable);
$this->_traversePart($this->_valueA, $callable);
$this->_traversePart($this->_valueB, $callable);
protected function _bindValue($value, $generator, $type) {
$placeholder = $generator->placeholder('c');
$generator->bind($placeholder, $value, $type);
return $placeholder;
protected function _compilePart($value, $generator) {
if ($value instanceof ExpressionInterface) {
return $value->sql($generator);
} else if(is_array($value)) {
return $this->_bindValue(key($value), $generator, current($value));
return $value;
protected function _traversePart($value, callable $callable) {
if ($value instanceof ExpressionInterface) {
You can use one of following 2 methods.
Method 1 :
$start_date = '2014-01-01 00:00:00';
$end_date = '2014-12-31 23:59:59';
$query = $this->Table->find('all')
->where(function ($exp, $q) use($start_date,$end_date) {
return $exp->between('start_date', $start_date, $end_date);
$result = $query->toArray();
Method 2:
$start_date = '2014-01-01 00:00:00';
$end_date = '2014-12-31 23:59:59';
$query = $this->Table->find('all')
'start_date BETWEEN :start AND :end'
->bind(':start', new \DateTime($start_date), 'datetime')
->bind(':end', new \DateTime($end_date), 'datetime');
$result = $query->toArray();
I'm using it like this
$this->Table->find()->where(['data_inicio BETWEEN '.'\''.$data_inicio.'\''.' AND .'\''.$data_final.'\''.' ']);
Hello guys please use this query to get data on the basis of range of value
$query = $this->Leads->find('all',
array('conditions'=>array('postcode BETWEEN '.$postcodeFrom.' and'.$postcodeTo.''), 'recursive'=>-1));

Cakephp value from array

I've read many similar topics here but not one helps me with problem.
i'm trying to get sections_id value from query in controller.
$query_id = "SELECT sections_id FROM sections WHERE name='".$table_name."'";
debug($id = $this->Info->query($query_id)); die();
there is debug result
(int) 0 => array(
'sections' => array(
'sections_id' => '14'
and i tried in controller get value of id typing $id['sections']['sections_id'], or
$id['sections_id'] and many other types, nothing works. Do you have any idea ?
use $id[0]['sections']['sections_id'] to access it
For one result use
If query returns more than one result the use below code:
foreach($id as $data){
echo $data['sections']['sections_id']
Look for array index's carefully! Iinjoy

How to insert "Checkboxes" values to SQL

well i'm confused on how to insert "Checkboxes" values to SQL
here's my code
$form['last'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => "Just title",
'#options' => array(
'opt1' => "Option 1",
'opt2' => "Option 2",
as you can see my form consist of two checkbox, so how to get the value and insert to sql language. anyone can give an example or hint
here the method that i'm used to get the value (i know its very wrong)
function fasil_form_submit($form,&$form_state){
global $user;
$entry = array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'test1' => $form_state['values']['1first'],
$jenis = 'aa_test';
$return = insert_form($entry,$jenis);
ps : sorry for my bad english
I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do but I think you're trying to insert a value in the database for each of the checkboxes ticked? If so this is the quickest way:
function fasil_form_submit($form,&$form_state){
// Filter out un-checked items
$checked = array_filter($form_state['values']['last']);
global $user;
foreach ($checked as $value) {
$entry = array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'test1' => $value
$jenis = 'aa_test';
insert_form($entry, $jenis);
As already mentioned in another answer the simplest way to see what you need to get from the form is to output $form_state['values'] in your submission function to see what was passed from the form.
However, rather than use the unsightly print_r and potentially messing up the form submission by calling exit prematurely (in Drupal 7 drupal_exit() should always be used instead of exit anyway), I strongly recommend you download and install the Devel module and use it's dpm() function to print the variable to the screen.
Any variable passed to dpm() is outputted to the standard Drupal messages area, and becomes an easy to navigate on-screen hierarchy of that variable like this:
You can use it absolutely anywhere in code within Drupal, e.g.
function fasil_form_submit($form,&$form_state){
// Output the form submission array to the messages area:
The Devel module is very good, and absolutely essential for any serious Drupal development.
Hope that helps.
Here's a quick way I like to look at my form output
function fasil_form_submit($form,&$form_state){
header('content-type: Text/plain');
global $user;
$entry = array(
'uid' => $user->uid,
'test1' => $form_state['values']['1first'],
$jenis = 'aa_test';
$return = insert_form($entry,$jenis);
Now those 3 lines should make it clear how Drupal is submitting the data.
I believe you will need to loop through $form_state['values']['last'] and test that the key is not set to 0.
function fasil_form_submit($form,&$form_state){
global $user;
foreach ($form_state['values']['last'] as $key => $value) {
if (value != 0) {
// $form_state['values']['last'][$key] was checked
else {
// $form_state['values']['last'][$key] not checked
