Share MS Project 2016 Calendar with Colleagues - calendar

I created a new base calendar for use with projects I have created in work. As I had to create an extensive list of holidays in the 'Change Working Time' function, I need to share this with colleagues to prevent a lot of unnecessary manual work and to ensure everyone has the same list.
Is this possible? I cant find an export option anywhere for the calendars.
I have searched various links on Google and they just tell me how to create tasks or export to Excel, how to add new dates or calendars but nothing about sharing.
Is there a file pathway that i can find the file it's saved in and copy it to send to colleagues if I am not able to export it from Project itself?

Microsoft Project has a tool called the Organizer which allows for copying objects such as views and calendars between projects. The Organizer is found on the File tab and looks like this:
In the lower left corner, select the file that contains the new custom calendar and in the lower right corner select the file that you want to copy it to. Then click the Calendar tab at the top of the window, select the name of the calendar on the left and click the Copy button to copy to the new file.


Using Google Apps Script or a Google Sheets formula, How can I get the shared ID of an image that is stored in a Google Drive folder?

I am using Google AppsSheet as a front end to a small business Application I built for a friend using Google Sheets as the user interface, dashboard and database. The Sheet has a dashboard and mockup invoicing system that can display a signature image at the bottom of the invoice that was captured using AppSheet. The filename of the signature is stored in a column as well as all of the other invoice data. On the invoice page, I have a dropdown list of customers and after selecting the customer I click a button that runs a script to populate the invoice with all of the customer data. For the Signature, I am using the Google Sheets formula " =IMAGE("" & CELL W/IMAGE ID) " to display the captured image on the Google drive. This part works fine BUT only if I use the ID of the image, not the Filename of the image. If have to manually add the image ID, this defeats the automation aspect and I can not expect my buddy to figure that out for every image...
Finally the Question:
Since I have the file name of the image, I would like to get the ID of the image to save in a new column for the recall of the signature Image at the bottom of the invoice page. Then he can export the invoice as a PDF and send to the customer.
Is this possible or is there another way to accomplish displaying an image in Google Sheets using the Filename of an image stored in a Google Drive folder?
I'm a noob and have accomplished a lot using stackOverflow as my main coding reference. I applaud all who contribute to helping us noobs out. Thanks in advance!
I have searched all over google and tried using .getId(), getFilesByName() then trying to get the ID.... As I mentioned before... I am a noob and still wrapping my head around how Objects and Methods work together and trying to visualize the relationships between all of the moving parts. Any good resources for explaining all of this would be helpful as well... Thanks.

App Engine - How to create project in region us-central

I need to create a new project on Google App Engine in the region "us-central" since my SQL database is located in this region and I can not connect projects from other regions to the SQL database.
If I create a new project, it is located by default in EU. There is no option to choose the region during project creation. See the attached screenshot. Is there a way to create a project in "us-central"?
From Setting the server location:
When you create your project, you can specify the location from
which it will be served. In the new project dialog, click on the link
to Show Advanced Options, and select a location from the pulldown
But it seems the documented project region selection procedure is changing, as the Show Advanced Options link is, as you observed, nowhere to be seen anymore.
Empirically I have discovered the following method. But being undocumented it may change at any time, so YMMV.
Just click on the CREATE link in the screen you're showing.
You'll see a screen asking you to choose the app language (the popup is a bit flakey, I had to reload the page to actually be able to make the selection):
After you select the language you'll see the location selection screen:
It seems the app created sequence is now persisted, you'll also be automatically directed to the correct screen if, at any time, you attempt to go to the GAE app settings for the newly created app.

Migrate views in drupal 7 easily - D7

I want to migrate all views from my local site to another site.
I know there is a module "Migrate" which allows you to do data migration but I don't know how to use it.
Can you give me some tips?
Thanks in advancej
Not sure what you mean with migrating views to another site. In Drupal, the migration concept is usually associated with actually migrating data - a view is actually just a way to query and display this data.
Typically moving a view to a different site, assuming data structures are the same in both can be accomplished by either exporting the view (one of the options while browsing the views on admin/structure/views) or, if it's not just a one of, by featurizing it which is a process that takes a few more steps.
It's only applicable for drupal site to drupal site
First download features module and enabled in both sites.
Go to admin-structure > features > create feature.
In that you can see General information(left side) and Components(right side). The General information provide some name in the name fields and you can see views in Components. You just select what are all views are needed for that site.Click the Download feature button.
It will downloaded!!!
After that copy the downloaded file to new drupal site which has drupalroot > sites > modules.
Go to your "new drupal site" as (Admin-Structure > feature). You can see the folder name as list in that. Enable the folder name list and click "Save settings". After the save setting finished as good then deselect the folder list, click "save settings" and delete the downloaded folder in module folder.
The folder name list should not state as conflict. If it presents, then click the recreate button.

creating a custom database in adobe business catalyst?

I want to create a custom database within Adobe Business Catalyst. I have an Excel Spreadsheet with 1000's of rows of data that I want to upload.
Does anyone know how I can do this or where I can find instructions on how to do this as I cant seem to find anything anywhere???
What you need to use is the Web Apps module. You haven't told us what you want to do with this data but I assume that you simply want to render it on the page. Web apps will allow you to crate a custom field for every column in your spreadsheet and import that spreadsheet into it. It has a list view which creates an automatic link to a detail view. See the following link for more info -

Add a new file location to the SalesForce File Selector Drop-down

I have written an apex class that will create a PDF quote and attach it to an opportunity. I'm trying to figure out how I can access those attachments when I go to send an email from within SalesForce and then click on Attach File.
I want to figure out how to see another location in the drop-down show in the image above that has the PDFs attached to the opportunity.
So I took a slightly different approach. When I create the PDF as a note I also put a copy in a sub-folder in the Documents directory.
Now I can access that document from the Email Tab. I'm looking to add a trigger to clear out old quotes to keep the folder from getting too large.
