Visualforce page popup window - salesforce

I have a visualforce page (chat app) in my salesforce classic org. I want to use this as chat popup for every page in salesforce. How can I achieve this?

You can find the one and only solution to open a custom popup on this page :
You can do this only from a Visualforce page, as you need to override a function call with Javascript code.


Page Doesn't exist error for lightning page in salesforce

I have created a lightning web component and added this on the detail page of the account as quick action. As I need to open new page with that lwc component on click on that quick action so I created a lightning page through lightning app builder and added created lwc component there.
In the lwc component I am simply fetching data from one custom object and showing that. When I login with one of the salesforce profile then it's showing error Page doesn't exist.
I have debugged and found that the lightning page's tab's visibility is hidden and it's not showing through quick action. If I change visibility to default off then it's started working.
Can anyone please suggest me what I am doing wrong here. Any help will be appriciated.

Add a Dashboard to a Visualforce Page

I am trying to create a public Visualforce page that contains a dashboard.
I have tried the iframe method but it upsets the companies CSP. Surveys__c is the object.
Running this code gives me a completely blank page. It is not pulling anything from the dashboard.
<apex:page sidebar="true" standardController="Surveys__c">
<dashboard dashboardId="01ZU0000000kWl3MAE"
I would like to have a publicly accessible visual force page that displays the interactive data
To show your dashboard into visualforce page You can use Component.
You will first need to add report and add chart in report to how it on a Visualforce page.Helpful link -
You can even customize dynamic dashboard by writing apex class and make use of different Charts of Visual force
Link -"

How to override a standard link in Salesforce

i have to override a standard link in Home Page layout .My screenshot of Home page layout is
i want to open my visualforce page when user click on link on left bottom Approve/Reject link.How to override its functionality please this possible or not ??
Why do you want to override the existing link? You can add fields to the Approval page layout which gets displayed when the approver will click on Approve/Reject button, but you cannot override it.
You will need to create your own approval process if you absolutely need to show visualforce page on the link.

how to create a custom splash page in salesforce?

Need to show a popup message in home page only for the first time a user logs into salesforce....
its more like a splash page.
it can be a jquery popup as well..
can i do it using a visualforce page ??? if yes, please give ur suggestions
can we do it using the sidebar component in salesforce ???
I thought of showing it using a sidebar component by keeping a custom field in user object...everytime he logs in i will check the custom field and the show the popup...since this popup will be shown only for the first time is there anyother better solution instead of querying the user object evertime..
You can use method of Javascript and for the sidebar provide your scroll option.
If you want to get fancy to have customized look you can just use jquery modal with some style on document ready.
We can use cookie to store if this is the first time or salesforce user object can tell you this is the first time

Can we make visualforce page as Home page in salesforce?

i want to make my visualforce page as home page in my sandbox.
So is it possible to make visualforce page as home page in salesforce.
I can think of two things that might work for you.
You can embed a Visualforce Page in your home page layout
Similarly, you could create an HTML area home page component with a little javascript that redirects from the home page to the visualforce page:
<script language="JavaScript">
I don't think so.
What you can do is, build a visualforce page, create a tab for that, add that tab to your application and make that as the default tab.
As was mentioned above - one thing you can try is the following:
Create the visualforce page
Create a custom tab for that visualforce page called "Home" (or whatever you want to call it)
Remove the default "Home" tab from the list of tabs a user sees (can be done via customizing the tabs & profile editing)
Add your new Home tab to the user and make it their default tab
I believe that should accomplish what you're wanting to do.
No We can't make visualforce page as home page in classic in Lightning it is possible to make it as a home page.
you want to by click on the tab to display the visualforce page is possible using visalforce tab.
